Meditation: KWTC 880701 The Moon & Sun Energy


The moon is for expansion. The sun is for completion. Birth and death relate to the sun. Maintenance,  expansion, growth, color, shape and form: all that is moon. But the moon by itself has no power; it reflects the sun. And sun by itself has no power; it needs the moon. Do you understand the rational part of it? The irrational part of it is very simple. Let us experience that.

3 minutes: I just want to tell you how your

body can create havoc it does not fit in. (The
thumbs press upward on the respectivecheekbones and the fingertips meet to form a bridge shading the face. The elbows are relaxed down near the body.) And now close your eyes and sing the song of the noble woman. (Class sings “Nobility.”)
You sang that song, you understood. Relax. And you have understood it better than you ever understood it before. This is how the body fits in.

7 minutes: Now understand another situation. (Touch the little finger to the thumb on each hand. The other fingers are extended and joined.) And take these other three fingers and put them on your forehead. (Palms facing in toward the head.) Put on the tape Bhand Jameeai. The three fingers must touch the forehead right in the center. See what it does to you. These are certain things, which you don’t do, that you have to do.

7 minutes: Now, I’m just telling you about the body energy and focal points and how the chakras work with the tattvas and how the tattvas work with the gunas. That’s the basic woman that we have to understand. Please place your hands as if you were pulling something very heavy.

(Make fists of both hands. Extend the right arm out to the side and up at a
sixty-degree angle with the elbow straight. Bend the left elbow and bring the forearm
up across the front of the body at a sixty-degree angle. Pull it back as it stretching a
bow). Play Ab Jan Upar Ko Na Pukarai. These are things you have recited over the
years and I’m just telling you how, with a body posture, the energy flow and the
direction of things can change. Get into archer pose while sitting. Now make the
archer pose tougher and tougher. I’m going to give you certain exercises, certain kriyas,
which have been kept extremely guarded and secret and have not been given to humans because they are not considered worthy. But the faculty of the word and the befitting posture of the body can create the divine impact.

16 minutes: Take Bibi Bani’s Mere Man Lochai with Aad Sach Jugad Sach interspersed.


Now lock yourself. (Grasp the top of the left shoulder with the right hand. Bring the left arm under the right arm next to the body and grasp the right shoulder with the left hand.)

You know the greatest problem with a female is that when she confronts insecurity, she gets a headache. Insecurity in woman means a headache. Otherwise there’s no headache for a woman. She’s not made to have a headache. A secure woman can never have a headache. It is a biological, physical phenomenon, which represents a tremendous amount of insecurity. When you are very insecure about something or you have a headache, just feel “Happy am I, healthy am I, holy am I” and it will go away. It works like Tylenol.

Close your eyes and let us sing and see where we go. Tighten the shoulders. Tighten the grip. Sing it really from the navel point. We are just experimenting. It is no big deal. (Class sings Meraa Man Lochai.) You have gone through this. Please relax.

Mera Mana Loche – Guru Shabbad Singh

See KWTC88 880701 The Moon & Sun Energy

Meditation: KWTC04-960627-Soul and Identity

Put your Jupiter fingers out and start doing “Humee hum brahm hum”
and move them, move them, move them, move them. Look at the tip of your nose.

And see that you see both index fingers moving. I am in a perfect posture right now. It’s so great.

Look at the tip of the nose and those two fingers moving and chant what we are going to play for you and you will have fun.

Begin music: Humee Hum Brahm Hum


The two fingers must be seen from the one tenth of the eyes on the tip of the nose.
Inhale. Hold the breath. Move the index finger very fast. Hold the breath, move fast, circulate. Round and round, round and round, round, round. Exhale. Inhale deep. Don’t cheat. Hold it tight. Move. Round and round. Fast. Fast. Your spine can dance. That’s what it meant. Exhale.

Inhale again. Go ahead. Do your best. Spine must adjust itself. Now is the hard time. Do it right. Exhale. Inhale deep again. Deep deep deep deep deep, you go. Powerful, faster. Try your best. Exhale. This is your last chance. Inhale deep, hold, move. Move, move, move. Relax.

See lecture: KWTC04 960627 – SOUL & IDENTITY

Today: Only conscious breathing, praanayam, gives you consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

“Only conscious breathing, praanayam, gives you consciousness. You can breathe automatically. Breathing you can do unconsciously. Why do we do conscious breathing? Are we insane? No. Conscious breathing leaves you with consciousness. Conscious relationship with praana is the conscious relationship with (Divine) Consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite 

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: Your mind stops automatically when you are doing a mechanical breath. Your mind cannot go anywhere. It comes right to the point and it says, ‘Yes, master’.” Yogi Bhajan

“Your mind stops automatically when you are doing a mechanical breath. Your mind cannot go anywhere. It comes right to the point and it says, ‘Yes, master’. Normally it says, ‘Hey, slave, do what I say’. But once you start rhythmic mechanical breathing, mind shall stop. And if you really do it well for a while every day, you will be shocked to find that the mind will not disobey you for any reason. “In yoga never breathe a breath of life automatically, always breathe mechanically. Thirty-one minutes of mechanical breathing can give you better health than you ever had before. It can give you strength beyond understanding. It can give you answers for every question, which you can’t even imagine. Because you live by the breath and you die by the breath. So you must enjoy the breath. And to develop intuition, you must have your breath, the basic elementary power of life, under your control.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA653-900612 – Self Hypnotic Trance

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Today: “What is attractive in you is not you. It is your absolutely radiant body.” Yogi Bhajan

“What is attractive in you is not you. It is your absolutely radiant body. That is a shining armor around you for protection and attraction both. And (its strength) depends how deeply you consume praana and how many times during the day you try to breathe absolutely mechanically.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM345- Strengthen and enhance the radiant body

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Take a conscious breath. Conscious is: take it in as long and deep as you can and take it out as much as you can. That is called conscious breath.” Yogi Bhajan

“Take a conscious breath. Conscious is: take it in as long and deep as you can and take it out as much as you can. That is called conscious breath.” (Conscious breathing is also called “mechanical” breathing.) Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM132-940504-Pratyahar

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Today: “We don’t remember that the breath has got any importance for us. We do not know that we are attached to the breath.” Yogi Bhajan

“We don’t remember that the breath has got any importance for us. We do not know that we are attached to the breath. We think it is automatic and our great grandfather must have signed a lease for it. We worry for everything in this world, but we do not worry on that which gives us life, that is our breath. Moment you don’t breathe, they throw you out. Breath is your everything and you have no time to meditate on that. You meditate on God, but not on the breath, which is the tender charge of God. I have to tell you one thing very clearly. I can only pass on the truth to you. I cannot sit in you and breathe.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  Breath of Fire

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Today: “It is your breath of life. You have to care for it.” Yogi Bhajan

“It is your breath of life. You have to care for it.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM132-940504-Pratyahar

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Today: “Breath is life and life is breath. There is no difference between the two.” Yogi Bhajan

“Breath is life and life is breath. There is no difference between the two.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0425 – Breath of Life

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Today: “The first teacher is the mother; then the next teacher is the father; then the environment; and then God.” Yogi Bhajan

“The first teacher is the mother; then the next teacher is the father; then the environment; and then God. When a person has devotion, his vibratory effect is totally exact. When the truth is totally exact or the vibratory effect is totally resolved into a complete surrender of receptivity, individuality becomes totality because everything is nothing but a consciousness, and consciousness cannot exist without vibration. Therefore, there is not consciousness without vibration.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0393-20010402 – Sarab Gyan Kriya

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “There is a seen personality. This me is the seen personality; behind this personality there is a most important personality that is an unseen personality.” Yogi Bhajan

“There is a seen personality. This me is the seen personality; behind this personality there is a most important personality that is an unseen personality. Every seen must have an unseen, every known must have its unknown. Unknown is a God. Whenever I use the word God, I always use it in the concept of a master computer. So, very scientifically, a known must have its Unknown, a seen must have its Unseen.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: M061b-19901124 – Know the structure of the mind

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Today: “These are four states of awareness: awake state, dream state, deep sleep state, and deep sleep aware state. These are the four stages of mental activity.” Yogi Bhajan

“These are four states of awareness: awake state, dream state, deep sleep state, and deep sleep aware state. These are the four stages of mental activity.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA721-920325: for the Intuitive Intellect

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “One guru will not suit everybody. All minds are different. There are three minds: the gunas—sattwa, rajas, and tamas.” Yogi Bhajan

“One guru will not suit everybody. All minds are different. There are three minds: the gunas—sattwa, rajas, and tamas. A person who by habit is a guru shall cater to all these three gunas at the level of that guna. A guru will come to the level required and still be a guru. A guru is the most flexible man. He must cater at every level because he is a channel through which wisdom flows; therefore, his channel must fit in everywhere.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Neutral Mind

Meditation: The Positive Mind

Meditation: The Negative Mind

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “when you hear the truth, you also get exposed to your own lies” Yogi Bhajan

“People are afraid, because when you hear the truth, you also get exposed to your own lies. You don’t want to hear that. All right, it is a choice. Don’t hear it now. One day time will tell you in another way. That will be very painful.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0394 – Live Above Denial

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What else Yogi Bhajan said Continue reading “Today: “when you hear the truth, you also get exposed to your own lies” Yogi Bhajan”

Today: “Here is a life schedule. For the first twenty-five years, gain knowledge…” Yogi Bhajan

“Here is a life schedule. For the first twenty-five years, gain knowledge; for the second twenty-five years, experience that knowledge in existence with humility in the grace of the self in relation to the creativity of the Universal Infinity, which means in one word, God; for the third twenty-five years, spread and share; for the last twenty-five years, get ready to go. That covers one hundred years and if death comes earlier, great. The earlier, the better.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0393-20010402 -Sarab Gyan Kriya

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Today: “The difference between you and an animal is that the animal has limited compassion and you can have unlimited compassion.” Yogi Bhajan

“The difference between you and an animal is that the animal has limited compassion and you can have unlimited compassion.” Yogi Bhajan

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