Those you have served will want to repay you. Those who have caused you harm through their own negligence or delusion will suffer consequences of their own doing. Strive with them with common cause to make things right.
This is a time of reward for good works.
Those you have helped want to show their gratitude.
Benefits come both from on high and from the humble you uplifted.
Accept all gifts graciously, though the reward may not be what you truly need or hoped for.
Making progress with lowered horns – i.e., acting on the offensive – is permissible, in times like those referred to here, only in dealing with the mistakes of one’s own people. Even then we must bear in mind that proceeding on the offensive may always be dangerous. In this way we avoid the mistakes that otherwise threaten, and succeed in what we set out to do. On the other hand, perseverance in such overenergetic behavior, especially toward persons with whom there is no close connection, will lead to humiliation.
There is a rhythmic force, a world music, that lives deep in the Unconscious of each of us.
It’s a primitive drumbeat, a shaking rattle, a tribal chant that invokes the primal self to rise up and join the dance.
This is the enthusiasm that is generated now.
It is time to heal the effects of malevolence. Teach the perpetrators:
Tao Te Ching – Verse 46 – When the world has the Tao Fast horses are retired to till the soil. When the world lacks the Tao Warhorses give birth on the battlefield
Today: “All you have to do in your whole life is to join with one word through which you can feel that your finite personality is joined with the infinite.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “All you have to do in your whole life is to join with one word through which you can feel that your finite personality is joined with the infinite.” Yogi Bhajan
Practice this:
Meditation: NM371 – Enjoy the Creativity of God
Meditation: The Neutral Mind
HNS Class Golden Bridge Hollywood – 2012-07-18 – Healing by Altering Perception
HNS Class Golden Bridge Hollywood – 2012-01-04 – Basic Sat Nam Rasayan
Meditation: NM038 – “To Have a Happy Body Increase Vitality, Release Pressure in Body, Balance Endocrines”
Today: “It is impossible to tell exactly how something will work out, so just apply yourself to your chosen task. Your innocence will be revealed in the outcome.” – From the I Ching
Previous Previous reading: “Under attack by foreign invaders, true leadership must be placed in charge, who will band together.”
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See Richard Wilhelm's translation for this reading from the original text
35 – Thirty-Five. Chin / Aspiration
The Sun shines down upon the Earth:
Constantly honing and refining his brilliance, the Superior Person is a Godsend to his people.
They repay his benevolence with a herd of horses, and he is granted audience three times in a single day.
This is a time of reward for good works.
Those you have helped want to show their gratitude.
Benefits come both from on high and from the humble you uplifted.
Accept all gifts graciously, though the reward may not be what you truly need or hoped for.
Some may bestow more than they can afford to give, but you must realize that they need to feel that they have repaid you.
Nine at the top means:
Though politically perilous, it is wiser to put infidels within your own city walls to the sword, rather than lead a Crusade to convert faraway lands.
Making progress with the horns is permissible
Only for the purpose of punishing one’s own city.
To be conscious of danger brings good fortune.
No blame.
Perseverance brings humiliation.

Making progress with lowered horns – i.e., acting on the offensive – is permissible, in times like those referred to here, only in dealing with the mistakes of one’s own people. Even then we must bear in mind that proceeding on the offensive may always be dangerous. In this way we avoid the mistakes that otherwise threaten, and succeed in what we set out to do. On the other hand, perseverance in such overenergetic behavior, especially toward persons with whom there is no close connection, will lead to humiliation. |
16 – Sixteen. Yü / Enthusiasm
Thunder comes resounding out of the Earth:
Similar thunder roars up from the masses when the Superior Person strikes a chord in their hearts.
Whip up enthusiasm, rally your forces, and move boldly forward.
There is a rhythmic force, a world music, that lives deep in the Unconscious of each of us.
It’s a primitive drumbeat, a shaking rattle, a tribal chant that invokes the primal self to rise up and join the dance.
This is the enthusiasm that is generated now.
Not rhetorical persuasion, not a play on the emotions, but a charismatic, irresistible Call of the Wild.
Confucius said that the person who could comprehend this could ‘rule the world as though it were spinning in his hand.’
This is a time for instinct, not intellect — the Thunder from the Beneath.
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