If you find that you have made a terrible mistake, walk it back immediately, before evil consequences can arise.
Thunder regenerates deep within Earth’s womb:
Sage rulers recognized that the end of Earth’s seasonal cycle was also the starting point of a new year and a time for dormancy.
You have passed this way before but you are not regressing.
This is progress, for the cycle now repeats itself, and this time you are aware that it truly is a cycle.
Return from a short distance.
No need for remorse.
Great good fortune.
Slight digressions from the good cannot be avoided, but one must turn back in time, before going too far. This is especially important in the development of character; every faintly evil thought must be put aside immediately, before it goes too far and takes root in the mind. Then there is no cause for remorse, and all goes well.
In this situation, the Superior Person should not take the initiative; he should follow the initiative of another.
This is a time for dealing with reality as it is, not as you would have it be.
If you realize that in this situation you are the receptor, not the transmitter of the stimulus, you will find yourself reaching goals that seemed unattainable under your own steam.
If you persist in futile efforts to be the Shaper rather than the Shaped, you will completely miss this unique opportunity.
Tao Te Ching – Verse 59 – For governing a country well there is nothing better than moderation
Practice this:
Meditation: LA860-960131-Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
Meditation: LA015 780227 – To Bring Swift and Powerful Change
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