“Whatever name of God you want to chant, just do it. It will tune you in. It will be your own biofeedback machine.” Yogi Bhajan
Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“Whatever name of God you want to chant, just do it. It will tune you in. It will be your own biofeedback machine.” Yogi Bhajan
“Your life always changes in seven years. Within seven years your loss must turn into a gain and your gain must turn into a loss. That is how this universe has been created. This is a cosmic cycle.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA097-790327-Yoni Kriya
See related posts
“Kundalini yoga is a method to become nothing, so that everything can flow through you. That’s all it is.” Yogi Bhajan
From Library of Teachings 1996-01-31
This class is going to be very long, is there anybody who has to go and meet the baby sitter after nine?
Continue reading “Lecture: LA860 – 960131 – Increase the Flow of the Earth Within You”
“What we are trying to do is not to live at each other, not to live with each other, but to live for each other.” Yogi Bhajan
“Individual consciousness will refine you, group consciousness will expand you, and universal consciousness will redeem you to infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
“A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego, it is not a pet dog in the house, it is not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
“If a man knows his value, the whole world will value him. If a man knows his value, he speaks the truth and his words become the truth. A teacher is one who knows you and reminds you of your value.” Yogi Bhajan
“Make your temple clean. Make your heart open with love so that He can come and sit in it. Whosoever live in fear has not seen the light. We have forgotten who we are. We are one and there is One to whom we belong. The aim of life is to inspire each other to God-consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan
“You run after wealth and glory and glamour. But it will run after you, providing you are an open channel.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“What is the destiny of man? To project gracefully through existence. That is your destiny: You must project grace through your existence.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Life has a message for everyone. Life provides an opportunity for everyone. Fortunate are those who avail themselves of it, unfortunate are those who miss it.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
When you ignore the truth, you will be ignored; any person who can ignore the truth or true advice shall be truthfully ignored by the Supreme Existence, because truth is supreme.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“There is individual consciousness and from there, group consciousness and then we reach universal consciousness. The aim of the man is to reach universal consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“We come on this earth to go. We come in grace; therefore, we must go in grace. This is the highest power one has to achieve.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Your deeds should be honorable and they cannot be honorable if you do not have honorable intentions. It is the honorable intention that will bring the honorable act from you.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand