Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 03/29/2014 – “Healing the Perception” – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Healing the Perception”.  Many conditions can be healed simply by a shift or a broadening of perception.  We practiced several exercises that helped the patient “see” their irritations differently and dilute the anxiety they bring.

Workshop Audio:    


M0512-19890312 – For Mastery of Time and Space

M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye  

vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 02/01/2014 – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was The Art of Knowing.


Workshop Audio:    

Meditations: LA051 780907 Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness

LA936-980609-Four  Stroke Breath to Build Intuition

Balance the Nadis

 A vegetarian lunch  followed, provided by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 11/16/2013 – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was Healing in a Non-Dualistic Space.  


Workshop Audio:    

In our conventional awareness our direct perception is contaminated with countless references to forms that are external to our experience in the moment.  We compare our experience with those references causing us to separate from the experience and dilute reality.  We tend to make the assumption that the reference is the reality.

Through meditation we produced a state of trance and centered our awareness beyond the confines of time and space.  In the healing exercises we stabilized the aspect of enlightenment  observing the relation and healing from this vantage.


LA046 – 6/14/78 – Hari Shabad Meditation – Use the Wind to Produce Trance

Shobogenzo Genjo Koan – Dogen Zenji AD 1233

Breath to Conquer Time, Space and Destiny

 A Vegetarian Lunch followed, provided by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Meditation and Healing Workshop July 20, 2013 with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was Healing with the Elements.

Meditation: Initiate an Intuitive Existence

Meditation: Sniff Meditation

Meditation: BlowYour Mind

The Elements are a system of forms that we can use in a healing relation.  They are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether.  An assumption of using elements to heal is that any system can be described completely by the composition of elements present in the system.  Our mortal incarnation can be described physically as a collection of elements held together by our prana.  When the prana can no longer hold the elements together, they disperse, and we expire.

How elements are combined can describe conditions of imbalance or disease.  Too much of one or more elements and a lack of others can produce a condition of imbalance in the body, in the mind, or perhaps in a relationship between a person and someone or something else.  Bringing the composition of elements into balance can remove the tendency of the condition.

The way we use elements to heal is simply to include them in the healing relation.  We relate with elements in the same way that we relate with the event.  We find how we are affected in our perceptive field by our intention to include one or more elements.  It is the same intuitive process that we use for all healing.  We do not need to conceptualize nor visualize an element as an object or static property, but rather look inside our perceptive field to find how we are affected in relation with it.  Those effects are the reality of the process.  Any preconceptions of an element that come from outside of the experience only serve to limit the experience and dilute the effect.  The use of elements has an immediate and strong impact on the healing relation.  We use them to effect quick results where the precision of other contemplative forms is not required.

Highlights of the experience.

Workshop Lunch Menu




Meditation and Healing Workshop March 16, 2013 with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood.  The topic of the workshop was Healing in the Dream State.  Here are some of the highlights:
Audio recording    

Meditation Use the Wind to Produce Trance

Meditation for Mastery of Time and Space

Meditation See Without the Eyes

Lunch Menu