Today: “It is wise to return to your proper path, what works for you.  It will inspire others to join you.”- from the I Ching

It is wise to return to your proper path, what works for you.  It will inspire others to join you.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 19 – Throw away holiness and wisdom, and people will be a hundred times happier.

Meditation: LA714-19920219

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9 – Nine  Hsiao Ch’u / Gentle Restraint

Winds of change high in the Heavens:
Air currents carry the weather.
Dense clouds blow in from the West, but still no rain.
The Superior Person fine tunes the image he presents to the world.

Small successes.


No matter what you do, the fruit of your labors never seems to ripen.
Your reward remains just out of reach.
Men have gone mad from such anticipation.
Don’t lose your balance lunging for the brass ring.
While the Fates continue to restrain you, go them one better and display a self-generated restraint and grace.
Look for the humor in the situation.

Nine at the beginning [yang at bottom] means:

He turns back to his proper course.
No harm done.
In fact, good fortune comes of this return.

Return to the way.
How could there be blame in this?
Good fortune.

Enjoy the Time You Have

‘Enjoy the Time You Have’ – 王文華 (Wang Wen-Hua)

It lies in the nature of a strong man to press forward. In so doing he encounters obstructions. Therefore he returns to the way suited to his situation, where he is free to advance or to retreat. In the nature of things this will bring good fortune, for it is wise and reasonable not to try to obtain anything by force.

57 – Fifty-Seven  Sun / The Penetrating Wind

Wind follows upon wind, wandering the earth, penetrating gently but persistently:
The Superior Person expands his influence by reaffirming his decisions and carrying out his promises.

Small, persistent, focused effort brings success.
Seek advice from someone you respect.


Gentle persuasion is the key in this instance.
Though the words are soft, their speaker must be firm, calm and confident.
Gentle words are worthless if spoken with trepidation.
Wordless influence by example is also effective in this situation.
All persuasion should be almost unfelt, yet consistent and persistent.
Ask for feedback from someone you know to be an effective persuader.

Today: “Love and respect a woman voluntarily, with no compulsion.” Yogi Bhajan

“Love and respect a woman voluntarily, with no compulsion. There should be knowledge, there should be awareness of each individual. This must be the first rule or there shall never be peace, there shall be agony on the planet Earth.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0393-20010402 – Sarab Gyan Kriya

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Today: “At a crossroads, choose a noble path.  Do not follow the crowd.  You will be glad you did.”- from the I Ching

At a crossroads, choose a noble path.  Do not follow the crowd.  You will be glad you did.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 18 – When the great Tao is forgotten, goodness and piety appear.

Meditation: LA950 A00214 20000214 Develop Self-Reliance

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24 – Twenty-Four  Fu / Return

Thunder regenerates deep within Earth’s womb:
Sage rulers recognized that the end of Earth’s seasonal cycle was also the starting point of a new year and a time for dormancy.
They closed the passes at the Solstice to enforce a rest from commerce and activity.
The ruler himself did not travel.

You have passed this way before but you are not regressing.
This is progress, for the cycle now repeats itself, and this time you are aware that it truly is a cycle.
The return of old familiars is welcome.
You can be as sure of this cycle as you are that seven days bring the start of a new week.
Use this dormancy phase to plan which direction you will grow.


You are about to experience a rebirth — about to be given another chance, a new lease on life.
You have persevered, gone the distance through an entire cycle — through the Spring of hope or new passion, through a Summer of growth and building, only to be sacrificed like the archetypal Harvest King at the Autumn reaping.
You lie dormant like seed beneath Winter snows now, healing and absorbing new energies in preparation for the new young Spring coming shortly to your life.

Six in the fourth place means:

As the masses move on, you see a better path and return alone.

Walking in the midst of others,
One returns alone.

Xian warriors

Xian warriors

A man is in a society composed of inferior people, but is connected spiritually with a strong and good friend, and this makes him turn back alone. Although nothing is said of reward and punishment, this return is certainly favorable, for such a resolve to choose the good brings its own reward.
55 – Fifty-Five  Fêng / Abundance

Thunder and Lightning from the dark heart of the storm:
The Superior Person judges fairly, so that consequences are just.

The leader reaches his peak and doesn’t lament the descent before him.
Be like the noonday sun at its zenith.
This is success.


You are in a position of authority in this situation.
Archetypally, you are the New King, returned from your quest to claim your throne.
However, you are enlightened enough to realize that you are merely a part of a cycle, and that you must someday yield your throne to the new kid in town, the younger, faster gunslinger, the young turk, the next returning hero, the next New King.
Fretting about the inevitable descent is senseless.
For now you must play your role to the hilt and use this gift of power to govern your world as best you can.
You are the best person for the job.
That’s why you were chosen.
Give it your personal best.

Today: “For anyone who will live up to his word to infinity, this world will become too small.” Yogi Bhajan

“For anyone who will live up to his word to infinity, this world will become too small. It will seem as small as a Ping Pong ball. The whole universe will dance on the word of that man. This is the vibratory effect an individual has, because your end is infinity. Your beginning is infinity. You are only in trouble when you have not realized you are infinity. To realize the infinity in the finite state is the extension of the mind. That is the reality of the mind.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KWTC-980710 – Life Is Lift To Infinity

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Today: “You are seen as one who can affect great change.  Under your guidance, justice will be served.”- from the I Ching

You are seen as one who can affect great change.  Under your guidance, justice will be served.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 17 – When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists. Next best is a leader who is loved. Next, one who is feared. The worst is one who is despised.

Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision

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49 – Forty-Nine  Ko / Revolution

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival:
The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.

The support you need will come only after the deed is done.
Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.
All differences vanish.


A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.
There is no negotiating with the Established Order.
Perfect timing is essential.
Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.
Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.
You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.
You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.
Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.

Nine in the fifth place means:

You transform into a tiger before their eyes.
Your very being commands an awe that makes consulting the oracle unnecessary.

The great man changes like a tiger.
Even before he questions the oracle
He is believed.

Tiger camouflage

Tiger camouflage

A tigerskin, with its highly visible black stripes on a yellow ground, shows its distinct pattern from afar. It is the same with a revolution brought about by a great man: large, clear guiding lines become visible, understandable to everyone. Therefore he need not first consult the oracle, for he wins the spontaneous support of the people.
62 – Sixty-Two Hsiao Kuo / Lying Low

Thunder high on the Mountain, active passivity:
The Superior Person is unsurpassed in his ability to remain small.
In a time for humility, he is supremely modest.
In a time of mourning, he uplifts with somber reverence.
In a time of want, he is resourcefully frugal.

When a bird flies too high, its song is lost.
Rather than push upward now, it is best to remain below.
This will bring surprising good fortune, if you keep to your course.


There is no profit to striving here.
To be content with oneself is the greatest success imaginable.
The enlightened person has nothing to prove to himself or others, and thus may always operate from a position of sincerity, with no pretense or posturing.
His humility is guileless simplicity.
His mourning is selfless compassion.
His frugality is an unshakeable faith that he is but a conduit, letting what is needed flow through him to others, with no loss to himself.

Today: “A child is born to you to help him face his karma” – Yogi Bhajan

“A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego, it is not a pet dog in the house, it is not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto infinity.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: M0512-19890312 – For Mastery of Time and Space

Today: “In a time of darkness work subtly without conflict or calling attention to yourself.  Keep to your own path.  Do not be influenced by the practices of others.”- from the I Ching

In a time of darkness work subtly without conflict or calling attention to yourself.  Keep to your own path.  Do not be influenced by the practices of others.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 16 – Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return.

Meditation: NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within

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36 – Thirty-Six  Ming I / Eclipsing the Light

Warmth and Light are swallowed by Deep Darkness:
The Superior Person shows his brilliance by keeping it veiled among the masses.

Stay true to your course, despite the visible obstacles ahead.


This time calls for a saintly effort to turn the other cheek.
You have been deliberately injured.
Going blow-for-blow will only escalate this war.
Abstain from vengeance.
Show all watching that you are above it.
Sidestep your aggressor’s headlong charge, giving him the opportunity to fall on his face.

yin above: K’un / The Receptive, Earth
yin below: Li / The Clinging, Fire


Here the sun has sunk under the earth and is therefore darkened. The name of the hexagram means literally “wounding of the bright”; hence the individual lines contain frequent references to wounding. The situation is the exact opposite of that in the foregoing hexagram (35). In the latter a wise man at the head of affairs has able helpers, and in company with them makes progress; here a man of dark nature is in a position of authority and brings harm to the wise and able man.


It furthers one to be persevering.

One must not unresistingly let himself be swept along by unfavorable circumstances, nor permit his steadfastness to be shaken. He can avoid this by maintaining his inner light, while remaining outwardly yielding and tractable. With this attitude he can overcome even the greatest adversities.
In some situations indeed a man must hide his light, in order to make his will prevail in spite of difficulties in his immediate environment. Perseverance must dwell in inmost consciousness and should not be discernible from without. Only thus is a man able to maintain his will in the face of difficulties.

Solar eclips 1999

Solar eclips 1999


The light has sunk into the earth:
Thus does the superior man live with the great mass:
He veils his light, yet still shines.

In a time of darkness it is essential to be cautious and reserved. One should not needlessly awaken overwhelming enmity by inconsiderate behavior. In such times one ought not to fall in with the practices of others; neither should one drag them censoriously into the light. In social intercourse one should not try to be all-knowing. One should let many things pass, without being duped.

Today: “There are eight staircases leading to the peaks of the mountains.” Yogi Bhajan

“There are eight staircases leading to the peaks of the mountains. The top of the mountain represents the higher self, and the staircase, the genuine path of the being. Underneath is written: Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wha Guru!” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0390-20010320 – Provoke Your Higher Self

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Today: “Answer the call to leadership.  Do not hesitate.  Do not let the bad guys win.”- from the I Ching

Answer the call to leadership.  Do not hesitate.  Do not let the bad guys win.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 15 – The ancient Masters were profound and subtle

Meditation: LA093-790319 – Pranic Energy – the Earth Element Balanced by Ether

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7 – Seven  Shih / Recruiting Allies

Deep Water beneath the Earth’s surface:
Untapped resources are available.
The Superior Person nourishes and instructs the people, building a loyal, disciplined following.
Good fortune.
No mistakes if you follow a course led by experience.


You must gain support from others.
Find a way to make others want to see your objectives met as badly as you want it.
How can they profit from the attainment of this goal?
Can you command confidence that you are just the person that can bring this plan to fruition?

Six in the fifth place means:

The seasoned veteran is elevated to command, and none too soon.
For the game is in the field, and it would be wise to catch it.

There is game in the field.
It furthers one to catch it.
Without blame.
Let the eldest lead the army.
The younger transports corpses;
Then perseverance brings misfortune.

Wild boars

Wild boars

Game is in the field – it has left its usual haunts in the forest and is devastating the fields. This points to an enemy invasion. Energetic combat and punishment are here thoroughly justified, but they must not degenerate into a wild melee in which everyone fends for himself. Despite the greatest degree of perseverance and bravery, this would lead to misfortune. The army must be directed by an experienced leader. It is a matter of waging war, not of permitting the mob to slaughter all who fall into their hands; if they do, defeat will be the result, and despite all perseverance there is danger of misfortune.
29 – Twenty-Nine  K’an / Dangerously Deep

Water follows Water, spilling over any cliff, flowing past all obstacles, no matter the depth or distance, to the Sea.
The Superior Person learns flexibility from the mistakes he has made, and grows strong from the obstacles he has overcome, pressing on to show others the Way.


You are facing a crucial trial along your Journey.
The danger of this challenge is very real.
It is a test of your mettle.
If you can maintain your integrity and stay true to your convictions, you will overcome.
That’s not as easy as it seems when you are faced with the sacrifice of other things you’ve come to depend upon or hold dear.

Today: “What you relate to, that you shall be. Actually, you are immortal. You are a consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

“What you relate to, that you shall be. Actually, you are immortal. You are a consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

Ram Dass – “As you dissolve into love, your ego fades. You’re not thinking about loving, you’re just being love, radiating like the sun.”

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Today: “You are not finished saving the wold.  Do what you can for the greater good before you seek your own salvation.”- from the I Ching

You are not finished saving the wold.  Do what you can for the greater good before you seek your own salvation.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 14 – Look, and it can’t be seen. Listen, and it can’t be heard. Reach, and it can’t be grasped.

Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement

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39 – Thirty-Nine  Chien / Obstacle

Ominous roiling in the Crater Lake atop the Volcano:
When meeting an impasse, the Superior Person turns his gaze within, and views the obstacle from a new perspective.

Offer your opponent nothing to resist.
Let a sage guide you in this.
Good fortune lies along this course.


The Obstacle lies in obstinance.
An insistence on only one way of proceeding has brought things to an impasse.
You may either continue banging your head with irresistible force against this immovable object, or you might step back and survey this situation from a fresh perspective.
Which is immobile here — the obstruction or your attitude?

Six at the top means:

Advance will meet with disastrous difficulties.
What you seek is right at hand.
Ask guidance from someone you respect.

Going leads to obstructions,
Coming leads to great good fortune.
It furthers one to see the great man.

Doubting of Thomas

‘The Doubting of Thomas’ – Caravaggio

This refers to a man who has already left the world and its tumult behind him. When the time of obstructions arrives, it might seem that the simplest thing for him to do would be to turn his back upon the world and take refuge in the beyond. But this road is barred to him. He must not seek his own salvation and abandon the world to its adversity. Duty calls him back once more into the turmoil of life. Precisely because of his experience and inner freedom, he is able to create something both great and complete that brings good fortune. And it is favorable to see the great man in alliance with whom one can achieve the work of rescue.


52 – Fifty-Two  Kên / The Mountain

Above this Mountain’s summit another more majestic rises:
The Superior Person is mindful to keep his thoughts in the here and now.

Stilling the sensations of the Ego, he roams his courtyard without moving a muscle, unencumbered by the fears and desires of his fellows.
This is no mistake.


There is a higher vantage point available to you, but it is obscured by the visible peak of personal ambition.
To climb to this higher plane, you must shake off the desires and fears of the conscious, visible world around you.
To make this journey you must quiet the Ego, empty your mind of past and future, and dwell totally in the moment at hand.
Thorough mindfulness of what is before you is the only tranquility.
Be. Here. Now.

Today: “No man is a perfect master, none. ” Yogi Bhajan

“No man is a perfect master, none. The only one perfect master that a man of God can experience is God himself.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KYB117-19860822 – Achieve an Experience of God

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Today: “To find what you seek you must look in the right places.  Abandon pursuing what is only a reflection of your own ego.  Look to long proven resources rather than the latest fad.”- from the I Ching

To find what you seek you must look in the right places.  Abandon pursuing what is only a reflection of your own ego.  Look to long proven resources rather than the latest fad.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 13 – Success is as dangerous as failure. Hope is as hollow as fear.

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32 – Thirty-Two  Hêng / Durability

Arousing Thunder and penetrating Wind.
Close companions in any storm:
The Superior Person possesses a resiliency and durability that lets him remain firmly and faithfully on course.

Such constancy deserves success.


Endurance is the key to success in this situation.
However, durability is not synonymous with stone-like rigidity.
True resilience requires a flexibility that allows adaptation to any adverse condition, while still remaining true to the core.
Can you maintain your integrity under any circumstance?
Can you influence the situation without giving opposing forces anything to resist?
Then you will endure to reach your goal.

Nine in the fourth place means:

No game in the field.

Observation place

If we are in pursuit of game and want to get a shot at a quarry, we must set about it in the right way. A man who persists in stalking game in a place where there is none may wait forever without finding any. Persistence in search is not enough. What is not sought in the right way is not found.
4 – Four  Mêng / Inexperience

A fresh Spring at the foot of the Mountain:
The Superior Person refines his character by being thorough in every activity.
The Sage does not recruit students; the students seek him.
He asks nothing but a sincere desire to learn.
If the student doubts or challenges his authority, the Sage regretfully cuts his losses.


This is a time of interchange between a mentor and pupil.
Whether you are the teacher or the student, it is a time of companionship along a mutual path.
This hexagram also emphasizes the eternal, cyclical nature of the mentor/student relationship — a mentor is merely a more seasoned pupil, further along on the journey.
A pupil holds within himself the seed of a future Master.

Today: “What is the destiny of man?” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“What is the destiny of man? To project gracefully through existence. That is your destiny: You must project grace through your existence.” Yogi Bhajan


Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny

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Today: “Making a good first impression will work for you.  It is an opening which must be followed by commitment and perseverance.”- from the I Ching

Making a good first impression will work for you.  It is an opening which must be followed by commitment and perseverance.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 11 – We work with being, but non-being is what we use.

Meditation: LA673-19910205- Third Chakra

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56 – Fifty-Six  Lu / The Wanderer

Fire on the Mountain, catastrophic to man, a passing annoyance to the Mountain:
The Superior Person waits for wisdom and clarity before exacting Justice, then lets no protest sway him.

Find satisfaction in small gains.
To move constantly forward is good fortune to a Wanderer.


You are a stranger to this situation.
It is your attraction to the exotic that has led you here, but you will move on to a new vista when this one has lost its mystique.
Because much of this environment is foreign to you, you must exercise only the best judgement.
You don’t know the custom here, and it’s too easy to cross a line you don’t know is there.
Because you are the foreigner in this setting, you have no history to acquit you.
Watch, listen, study, contemplate, then step lightly but decisively on.

Six in the fifth place means:

The traveler kills a pheasant with his first shot.
For the price of one arrow, he has bought himself praise and high office.

He shoots a pheasant.
It drops with the first arrow.
In the end this brings both praise and office.

Traveling statesmen were in the habit of introducing themselves to local princes with the gift of a pheasant. Here the wanderer wants to enter the service of a prince. To this end he shoots a pheasant, killing it at the first shot. Thus he finds friends who praise and recommend him, and in the end the prince accepts him and confers an office upon him.
Circumstances often cause a man to seek a home in foreign parts. If he knows how to meet the situation and how to introduce himself in the right way, he may find a circle of friends and a sphere of activity even in a strange country.

Male pheasant

Male pheasant – Picardie France 2012 – photo Lex van den Bos

39 – Thirty-Nine  Chien / Obstacle

Ominous roiling in the Crater Lake atop the Volcano:
When meeting an impasse, the Superior Person turns his gaze within, and views the obstacle from a new perspective.

Offer your opponent nothing to resist.
Let a sage guide you in this.
Good fortune lies along this course.


The Obstacle lies in obstinance.
An insistence on only one way of proceeding has brought things to an impasse.
You may either continue banging your head with irresistible force against this immovable object, or you might step back and survey this situation from a fresh perspective.
Which is immobile here — the obstruction or your attitude?

Today: “For anyone who will live up to his word to infinity, this world will become too small.” Yogi Bhajan

“For anyone who will live up to his word to infinity, this world will become too small. It will seem as small as a Ping Pong ball. The whole universe will dance on the word of that man. This is the vibratory effect an individual has, because your end is infinity. Your beginning is infinity. You are only in trouble when you have not realized you are infinity. To realize the infinity in the finite state is the extension of the mind. That is the reality of the mind.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KWTC-980710 – Life Is Lift To Infinity

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