“One breath per minute optimizes the cooperation between the left and right brain hemispheres. There is an experience of great calmness and openness to spiritual experience. Intuition is developed. The whole brain works, especially the brain stem and frontal lobes.” Yogi Bhajan
Tag: Tao
Today: “Keep up. Do not give up. Know that the loyalty you share with others will sustain everyone.” – from the I Ching
Keep up. Do not give up. Know that the loyalty you share with others will sustain everyone.
Meditation: LA0967-Division and Oneness
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Some people waste their entire life showing off that they are somebody.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Some people waste their entire life showing off that they are somebody. Some people waste their entire life rebelling. Some people are egomaniac neurotics; they will build themselves into a millionaire, and then destroy it. What a drama! What is this? Have you seen some people? With all that God has given to them, they are very ungrateful. They will plead poor, they will plead miserable.” Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan’s Seven Steps to Happiness
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Today: “Spread your good fortune far and wide.” – from the I Ching
Spread your good fortune far and wide.
Meditation: NM0406 – Know the Best of You – Share the Best with Others
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
See Previous reading
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Tao Te Ching – Verse 71 – Not-knowing is true knowledge. Presuming to know is a disease.
Today: “If you do not have the purpose of your life, all purposes of life will not fit in.” – Yogi Bhajan
“If you do not have the purpose of your life, all purposes of life will not fit in. You don’t understand that there is a problem in us. We are not born to suffer. We suffer because we don’t have motivation, we don’t have purpose. We think if we are making “x” amount of money, we are fine, if we have “x” amount of sex, we are fine, if we have “x” amount of security, we are fine. We have a judgment on everything. That’s what our measurement is, but this measurement is ridiculous.” Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan’s Seven Steps to Happiness
See related psots
Today: “You are warned: A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly. There is no negotiating with the Established Order.” – from the I Ching
You are warned:
A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.
There is no negotiating with the Established Order.
There must be available a man who has the requisite abilities and who possesses public confidence. To such a man we may well turn. This brings good fortune and is not a mistake.
Several high-priority concerns demand immediate attention.
All are crucial.
None will be denied.
Yet some demand the denial of others.
You are at Ground Point Zero.
Remove yourself from this situation without delay.
Find sanctuary.
Later you may deal with these concerns on your own terms, from a position of strength.
Meditation: NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “The human is the light: mental, spiritual, self, and the teacher is the embodiment of it.” – Yogi Bhajan
“The human is the light: mental, spiritual, self, and the teacher is the embodiment of it. It delightfully lights everything, and removes the darkness.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA877-19960604 – Self Realization
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Today: “In this most dangerous time, do not struggle. You cannot control it, you can only navigate the situation.” – from the I Ching
In this most dangerous time, do not struggle. You cannot control it, you can only navigate the situation. Use intuition to seek help when and where it is required.
Meditation: Initiate an Intuitive Existence
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Never utter a word if it’s not from your navel point, and it doesn’t confirm your regal, highest self.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Never utter a word if it’s not from your navel point, and it doesn’t confirm your regal, highest self. Once you start speaking from your anhad, the navel point, in your royalty, you shall live royally. All riches shall come to you, and everybody will feel you.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA588 890411 Silver Grain Meditation
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Today: “Reclaim your self. Do not give in to the pressures, empty gifts and other wiles of mob rule. Your independence of thought and action is vital to your well-being, success and happiness.” – from the I Ching
Reclaim your self. Do not give in to the pressures, empty gifts and other wiles of mob rule. Your independence of thought and action is vital to your well-being, success and happiness. Do not be fooled.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
See previous reading
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Today: “From the One you came, the one you are, in zero, into Infinity you have to merge” – Yogi Bhajan
“From the One you came, the one you are, in zero, into Infinity you have to merge. Or from Infinity you have to come. In that One Infinity you exist, and then you merge into that One which is your Infinity. So you are born from zero, and you are to die at One. That’s your exit. If your exit is Oneness, that Infinity, that quality, that quantity, that realm of consciousness which has absolutely all the width you need, finally you will have no dimension; Then you are not measurable, you are not understandable, you are not. You become “not”.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA007-780117-Sadhana Yojina-To Infinity Upon Death
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Today: “Resist the temptation to try to control even a good situation. It can be made better. It takes time and flow.” – from the I Ching
Resist the temptation to try to control even a good situation. It can be made better. It takes time and flow.
Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “So, you have all come here to become teachers and you must understand the faculty of teacher” – Yogi Bhajan
“So, you have all come here to become teachers and you must understand the faculty of teacher. A Teacher is sharp enough to cut the hardness of the heart, the rudeness of the mind, the falsehood of the head, and the shakiness of the feet. A Teacher challenges you with an absolute definitive graceful power of projection and leaves you no alternative but to submit, surrender, and come in obedience. You are going to become Teachers. Are you going to be that powerful, with that caliber?” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: M136-970930 – Reality and discipline
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Today: “Know that you have the capacity to take care of yourself and those in your charge.” – from the I Ching
Know that you have the capacity to take care of yourself and those in your charge. Your radiance is more useful than material power.
Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
See previous reading
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Today: “It is not that the Teacher is a super human being.” – Yogi Bhajan
“It is not that the Teacher is a super human being. The Teacher gives you a chance to become a super human being.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical
See related posts
Meditation: LA135-19791029 Resolve Inner Conflict
Yogi Bhajan October 29, 1979, Los Angeles, CA
Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.
Press the hands on the breasts, palms in, fingers pointing toward each other. The hands are relaxed with the fingers extend and joined. This a comfortable position with very little pressure and no tension in the arms and hands.
Close the eyes nine-tenths of the way.
Deeply inhale for five seconds. Completely exhale for five seconds, and hold the breath out for 15 seconds.
Begin with 11 minutes and slowly build to 31 minutes. Comments:
This is a very simple and ancient meditation to resolve conflict in us. If you do it, you’ll enjoy it. Just see what changes you go through; just supervise yourself. It is a psychotherapy. The moment the body knows the breath is out it starts adjusting at the highest rate of efficiency. Work the automatics of your body. If you are really honest with your breath you are really honest.
The theory is that when the breath is out, and the prana is not there the pranic body starts penetrating through the other bodies to create the combination. Let the computer figure out how to make you survive with your cells which need x amount of oxygen. You may have a most grave situation to handle and five minutes of this will take care of it.
There is no mantra for this meditation.