“Life is not given to us to live as a routine. It is given to us as our destiny. It is given so we experience life. Every day we must die and we must experience that death. And every day we must be reborn and must experience resurrection.” Yogi Bhajan
Tag: Tao
Today: “Keep steady on your course while you allow your destiny to merge with infinity.” – from the I Ching
Keep steady on your course while you allow your destiny to merge with infinity.
Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “I see you all in only one way. I see divine everywhere. Now I have seen it, I cannot see anything else.” Yogi Bhajan
“I see you all in only one way. I see divine everywhere. Now I have seen it, I cannot see anything else. If I am blind to the man-made rules and regulations, that is not my fault. I have lived under those rules and it was the grace and the glory of the Master who gave me sight; now I have that sight and I don’t want to lose it at any cost; I am more willing to lose this body, this vehicle, and leave it here, then to lose that sight which has taken me beyond time, beyond karmas.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “You can weather the storm with not too much difficulty if you remain at its center and not venture directly into the fray.” – from the I Ching
You can weather the storm with not too much difficulty if you remain at its center and not venture directly into the fray.
Meditation: LA779 – 19930916 – Kriya to Create a Miracle for Yourself
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Ego is nothing but a committed consciousness and when your existence is a committed consciousness and your activity is not committed, then there is a duality.” Yogi Bhajan
“Ego is nothing but a committed consciousness and when your existence is a committed consciousness and your activity is not committed, then there is a duality.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Once your eyes are open, there are no worries. You are now the new you, never the old you. Enjoy the company of enlightened beings.” – from the I Ching
Once your eyes are open, there are no worries. You are now the new you, never the old you. Enjoy the company of enlightened beings.
Meditation: Meditations for the Radiant Body
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “If you want to grow, you must face opposition.” Yogi Bhajan
“If you want to grow, you must face opposition. If you say there will not be people to negate you and not to oppose you and not to put you down, you can never progress. You must have equal opposition to the amount you have to increase.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Once your eyes are open, there are no worries. You are now the new you, never the old you. Enjoy the company of enlightened beings.” – from the I Ching
Once your eyes are open, there are no worries. You are now the new you, never the old you. Enjoy the company of enlightened beings.
Meditation: Meditations for the Radiant Body
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Some people think that a holy man is a skinny man with a stick in his hand and a bowl of rice which he eats once a month, that he lives anywhere, he is never angry.” Yogi Bhajan
“Some people think that a holy man is a skinny man with a stick in his hand and a bowl of rice which he eats once a month, that he lives anywhere, he is never angry. That’s not true. A holy man is a wholesome, compassionate person.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within
Today: “Allow things to be as they are and take their course. The complexity of the situation is beyond your capacity to understand all the consequences of your actions.” – from the I Ching
Allow things to be as they are and take their course. The complexity of the situation is beyond your capacity to understand all the consequences of your actions.
Meditation: LA004 780109 Experience the Experience
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “What causes pain in our life is that we do not know how to live as relaxed beings.” Yogi Bhajan
“What causes pain in our life is that we do not know how to live as relaxed beings. When you are not relaxed, the spirit will not prevail through you. If you are not relaxed, you are unable to communicate and you cannot understand, so you don’t live. There are two ways of living: living and existing. When you exist, you don’t live; when you live, then you exist in a graceful manner.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “You will find what you are looking for once you give up your assumptions.” – from the I Ching
You will find what you are looking for once you give up your assumptions.
Meditation: LA004 780109 Experience the Experience
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Trust only comes when you trust yourself.” Yogi Bhajan
“Trust only comes when you trust yourself. When you trust your dignity, you will always be dignified. When you trust your love, you will always be lovable. When you trust your beauty, you will always be beautiful. When you trust your greatness, you will always be great.” Yogi Bhajan
The Tao Te Ching speaks to this
Today: “When making a difficult choice, contemplate your life. Allow its lessons to emerge for the current question.” – from the I Ching
When making a difficult choice, contemplate your life. Allow its lessons to emerge for the current question.
Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “There is nothing before commitment, there is nothing beyond commitment, because commitment is complete within itself.” Yogi Bhajan
“There is nothing before commitment, there is nothing beyond commitment, because commitment is complete within itself.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
Today: “When making choices, follow the examples of your teachers and others you look up to. Do not be intimidated by antagonists’ bluster.” – from the I Ching
When making choices, follow the examples of your teachers and others you look up to. Do not be intimidated by antagonists’ bluster. The point is always to go to the truth you have realized through experience.
Meditation: LA918 970908 Internal Effectiveness
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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