“Now please speak to your breath. Talk to it. Pray with it. This is a life relationship: you and your breath.” Yogi Bhajan
Tag: Tao
Today: “There is no escape from fate when it comes calling. It just is what it is. However, you can make good choices along the path to your destiny. Listen to your intuition.” – from the I Ching
There is no escape from fate when it comes calling. It just is what it is. However, you can make good choices along the path to your destiny. Listen to your intuition.
Meditations: Meditation: LA936 980609 Four Stroke Breath to Build Intuition
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
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Today: “You live by breath. You can get everything from your breath of life.” Yogi Bhajan
“You live by breath. You can get everything from your breath of life.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA936 980609 Four Stroke Breath to Build Intuition
Meditation: KWTC 980708 Our internal Fears and their exit
- Arms straight and outwards at sixty degrees. Palms open, facing inwards. Eyes at tip of the nose.
Chant: Ang Sang Waheguru
5 min.
2. Inhale, hold the breath, then Chant: Long Ek Ong Kar
5 1/2 min.
Inhale, lock hands above the head, elbows straight. Exhale. Inhale again, lock your hands tight, straight, exhale.
From the navel point, sing Sat Nam Wahe Guru. Tighten the hands, stretch it up. Straighten out the spine. Stretch up, stretch up… Stretch, stretch. Keep stretching, singing in ecstasy.
5 min.
Sat Nam Wahe Guru
To finish: Stretch, lock the fingers like you are going to go into each other. Stretch spine, cannon fire out. Inhale
again, hold the breath, stretch at your best, bring, pull the navel in as much you can. Straighten out the strength of the diaphragm, fire out. Inhale again, stretch hard, lock the back molars, press hard and pull the navel up. Fire out, relax.
See Library of Teachings lecture
Today: “Even with initial success, beware of hidden resistance. Overconfidence can contribute to its undoing.” – from the I Ching
Even with initial success, beware of hidden resistance. Overconfidence can contribute to its undoing.
Meditations: Meditation: Kirtan Kriya
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
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Today: “The entire Universe is just one person. There are no two persons.” Yogi Bhajan
“The entire Universe is just one person. There are no two persons. There is one link of a breath of life, which comes from me to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you… It is all linked with one thing. When it is disconnected, you are gone. We are all one mala, one rosary, linked with one thread of the breath of life.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA847-19950816-Unity-Your Magnetic Field of the Total Self Will Become One
See today’s verse from the Tao Te Ching
Today: “Seeking wisdom rather than powerful allies is the key to climbing out of this hole.” – from the I Ching
Seeking wisdom rather than powerful allies is the key to climbing out of this hole.
Meditations: Meditation: LA093-790319 – Pranic Energy – the Earth Element Balanced by Ether
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
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Today: “Your grit is not based on your muscles, your grit is based on how deeply you breathe.” Yogi Bhajan
“Your grit is not based on your muscles, your grit is based on how deeply you breathe. The length of your breath and your sustenance (endurance) are proportionate. How attractive you are is not based on your makeup, your dress, your jewelry, your art of speaking, and your everything. How slowly and long you breathe, that is attractive. Because your psyche affects the psyche of another person and the life energy is measured by the length of the breath and the depth of it. Length and depth of the breath measures the effect of your psyche on another person’s psyche.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Be content to live simply with limited means. With gratitude you will receive all that you need.” – from the I Ching
Be content to live simply with limited means. With gratitude you will receive all that you need.
Meditations: Meditation: Meditate on Nothing to Find Prosperity – 19930421
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
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Today: “Whoever does one-minute breath for sixty-two minutes (every day) will have a mastery over the breath…” Yogi Bhajan
“Whoever does one-minute breath for sixty-two minutes (every day) will have a mastery over the breath and then anytime the body’s bio-rhythm gets weak the breath will become one-minute breath automatically because of the hypothalamus and you will be the most wise, stable person.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Maintain your integrity rather than trying to fix what you cannot change. Justice will ultimately have its due.” – from the I Ching
Maintain your integrity rather than trying to fix what you cannot change. Justice will ultimately have its due.
Meditations: Meditation: NM132-940504-Pratyahar
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
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Today: “Those who meditate, looking at the tip of the nose and breathing one breath a minute, have total control of their glandular system. And then they develop it as a habit.” Yogi Bhajan
“Those who meditate, looking at the tip of the nose and breathing one breath a minute, have total control of their glandular system. And then they develop it as a habit. And once that habit is there, then you have the power to control your praanic energy and your system can work out perfect.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Give no validation to the doubt and mistrust that arises around you. Know your own heart. Understand your relations from that context.” – from the I Ching
Give no validation to the doubt and mistrust that arises around you. Know your own heart. Understand your relations from that context.
Meditations: Meditation: Know the Psyche of the Other
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Share this magical story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today
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Today:”Twenty seconds inhale, twenty seconds hold, twenty seconds exhale. It is called praana path.” Yogi Bhajan
“Twenty seconds inhale, twenty seconds hold, twenty seconds exhale. It is called praana path. Moment you achieve that status, your intuition will open up. You’ll know everything. And when you know everything, you don’t have to worry about anything. When you don’t worry, you are clear.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Holding the light in dark times leads to scorn and ridicule. So, keep your head down. Do not flaunt what you know. Work behind the scenes.” – from the I Ching
Holding the light in dark times leads to scorn and ridicule. So, keep your head down. Do not flaunt what you know. Work behind the scenes.
Meditations: Meditation: NM0390-20010320 – Provoke Your Higher Self
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
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Today:”Mind is like a pendulum. It can only be controlled when your breath will be one-minute.” Yogi Bhajan
“Mind is like a pendulum. It can only be controlled when your breath will be one-minute. You will not dream, you will sleep like a baby when you want, you can get up when you want, your time clock will be fine. But you have to breathe one minute: twenty seconds inhale, twenty seconds hold, twenty seconds exhale. Mind then has nothing left but to serve you, serve you, serve you.” Yogi Bhajan