“Man is basically unlimited because the soul is unlimited. Man is basically unlimited because his mind is unlimited. Only the physical structure is limited, but the structure is priceless. Nobody can manufacture it.” Yogi Bhajan
Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“Man is basically unlimited because the soul is unlimited. Man is basically unlimited because his mind is unlimited. Only the physical structure is limited, but the structure is priceless. Nobody can manufacture it.” Yogi Bhajan
Be still. Allow the earth and all events flow through you without disturbance. Everyone doing this then comes together.
Meditation: LA907 – Kriya for Non-Reaction
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“Be creative, be loving, be giving, be great, and God will give you bounty. There will be no limit. Whatever you plant in the spring, it will grow. So, if in your own ecology you will sprout positivity, service, smiles, charm, happiness, good faith, you will grow and you will be unlimited.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: Milarepa’s Song to Lady Palderboom
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Whatever levels of personal achievement you have accomplished, and to whatever degree you have shed your dependencies on the world, the world still needs you. You have much to share that will give comfort, encouragement and support to others.
Meditation: NM0406 – Know the Best of You – Share the Best with Others
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Yogi Bhajan June 4, 2001, Espanola, NM
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Extend and stretch the arms upwards at 60 degree angles, pointing the index fingers and holding the other three fingers with the tumbs. Eyes are closed. Be steady. Stretch your elbows. Balance the body. Let the spine shake, not the hands.
Chant the “Maha Mrityunjai Mantra” by Alka Yagnik
(Om Tri-ambakham Yaajaa Mahay, Sugandheem Pushteevaadhaanan, Oorvaarookamiv Bandhanaat, Mrityor Mukhshee-aa Maamrootaat).
Continue for [1 to 31 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and stretch the arms and spine. Make every fiber of the body tight like steel.
Exhale. Repeat 2 times. Relax.
Maha Mrityunjai Mantra
Share the Best with Others
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – June 4th, 2001 – Espanola, NM, USA
As we enter the Aquarian Age, some people are hanging on, some are barely walking and others are dragging their heels. Those who are imaginative and
wonderful are in misery when their ego is not satisfied. Others, whose defects could be overcome by doing sadhana, believe they have a sadhana but do not do it. On one hand they live positively and on the other hand they live with their defects.
This pain in life is self-perpetuating and limitless. You are corrupted before reaching the age of 27. People seeking a mate or a relationship feel they have a right to sex it out. This “sexing it out” can never leave your being. It is not just prostituting the body. To pimp your feelings or your mind is worse than prostitution. How can you forget the deeply embedded memories of entanglement between a man and a woman, or subconsciously wipe them out? Where do you get the power? Somebody said to me, “I have the habit of being free!” It means having no commitment, no character, no dignity, no divinity, no grace. Free from what?
It is a joy to have children—but without virtues, without values, without training? How many parents share manners for their children to practice? How manny live in a dream world because it is more convenient and pleasant than reality? How many times do you want to break down the banks of the river and flood the entire population, and think you will have friends? How many times have you insulted people with your bad manners and crude language? How many months has it taken you in your life to find out that you have anger and must get rid of it? How long wiill it be until
you realize you are not the end of the world, you are not the final word and you are not God, but just a human being? Shine as a light, with a smile, with love and affection, and with compassion. Where there is no love, there is fear. You have never bothered to discipline yourselves, to do sadhana, and do it like Aradhana to reach Prabhupati. You can be told and told, but will you listen for your sake? There is a new posture, the “Hang In” posture. Hang in and blame your parents and neighbors. When you blame and blame, you cannot claim anything in life. Without the discipline and
the cleansing effects of sadhana, you do not rise above your body and being. Take time to sit and plan, to feel confident and comfortable. In a life of self-competency, where we leave off comparing and competing, we are respected. Be grateful for what you have. When you are great, you are fulfilled. Have patience and take care of yourself: “I have put three things in this plate: Sat, truth; Santokh, patience; and Vicharo, self-analysis. To this | have added God’s Name, which is like nectar. That is the greatest satisfaction.” — Guru Arjan, Rehiras Sahib
If you have character and commitment, if you remember that God alone has made you, that you are the identity of God, and if you remember “Ang Sang Wah-hay Guroo,” that God is within your every limb, you will be free of
frustrations, anger and game playing.
I asked someone, “You left in the middle of class. What happened?” “I felt that you were talking about me and it made me angry, so | thought I should go.” “Did leaving the class make that something in you leave?” “No. That’s why I came today, to ask you what to do.” “Let the past go. Change your behavior. Smile at everybody, say hello with love and affection, shake hands. The shortest route? Do not satisfy your ego, God will satisfy your soul.”
You like to think you have the right to break the discipline and be obnoxious, but you do not want the consequences. Just because we have a voice, does not mean that we should yell and scream at people. Show them the way, guide them, hold their hand. Keep the good for yourself} keep the better for tomorrow, and share the best with others.
“When you become light and you radiate, there is no darkness. A candle has one future, to spread the light. How does the candle spread the light? By burning itself, the candle spreads the light and consequently knows the future. If you burn yourself, you will radiate and will spread the light. The job of the human being is to radiate through the finite self the infinite light.” Yogi Bhajan
Allow all the absurd behavior to play out. You cannot argue rationally with people who are being irrational.
Meditation: Know the Psyche of the Other
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“A man has to understand his existence in relationship to the universe. Whosoever knows this knows the truth. The whole world around you will be beautiful if you understand that you are you.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA010 – 19780210 – Gobinda – Project to the Infinite
You have the tools to liberate yourself. Use them. Keep up. You will inspire others to follow.
Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical
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If you are not aware for you and aware of you, then your existence will be damaged. If you want to be great, then you will have to feel great and act great. Many people think they have to seek approval. All you have to do is approve of yourself.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0413 – Intuition and the Strength of Excellence
You must know in yourself what is good for you. Others cannot tell you. A free exchange of knowledge should be balanced by intuition.
Meditation: LA950 A00214 20000214 Develop Self-Reliance
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“What is meditation? What is God-consciousness? What is truth? What are you seeking? If you think very deeply, very consciously, the answer will come to you. You are a living existence of light; you need not seek anything.” Yogi Bhajan
Social relations should be based on personal interaction rather than tribal instincts. You elevate each other rather than reinforce base tendencies.
Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement
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“You are true now, you were true then, and you shall ever be true – that is all you have to know, and you will be free.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
In the social order, divisions are beginning to dissolve and tensions are easing. It took an existential threat to everyone to bring about significant cooperation
Meditation: Release obstacles in your path
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“You belong to only one thing, and that is Truth; and you have got to be delivered to only one thing, and that is Truth.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand