“Every word uttered by you must come back to you within twelve years and it must grip you within the scale of seven years. This is a law of nature.” Yogi Bhajan
Tag: SNR
Today: “In times of darkness, it may appear that the bad guys are winning. Know that they are not. Everything changes.” – from the I Ching
In times of darkness, it may appear that the bad guys are winning. Know that they are not. Everything changes. In the midst of forces beyond our control it is best to remain unnoticed and go with the flow the best we can, remaining true to ourselves.
Meditation: LA918 970908 Internal Effectiveness
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “If you want to get out of your karma, there is only one way, vibrate the Nam.” Yogi Bhajan
“If you want to get out of your karma, there is only one way, vibrate the Nam. The Nam is the vibration of the praise of Infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “You may sacrifice yourself for the truth. Then you set an example.” – from the I Ching
You may sacrifice yourself for the truth. Then you set an example. Giving yourself up for some foolish cause is humiliating.
Meditation: NM0390-20010320 – Provoke Your Higher Self
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “It can never be that all will have the same thing. This is impossible.” Yogi Bhajan
“It can never be that all will have the same thing. This is impossible. You may find socialism, communism, or capitalism, but everyone cannot have everything. And why? No individual has the same aura; therefore, no individual has the same magnetic field; therefore, no attraction will be the same. So, you can’t have the same thing.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “The Eighth Chakra is located in the aura” – Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Remain approachable and amiable. You will receive any help that you need. ” – from the I Ching
Remain approachable and amiable. You will receive any help that you need. Allow even the naysayers to participate in your plans.
Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Everything in this universe has been created as a teacher.” Yogi Bhajan
“Everything in this universe has been created as a teacher. The moon is a teacher, the sun is a teacher, the stars are a teacher. But there are people who become professional reminders. That is what we call a teacher. A teacher is a professional reminder.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Your path is clear. You may accomplish anything you wish to pursue.” – from the I Ching
Your path is clear. You may accomplish anything you wish to pursue.
Meditation: LA873 Nao Niddh Kriya
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “If a man knows his value, the whole world will value him. If a man knows his value, he speaks the truth and his words become the truth.” Yogi Bhajan
“If a man knows his value, the whole world will value him. If a man knows his value, he speaks the truth and his words become the truth. A teacher is one who knows you and reminds you of your value.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Immunize yourself to the expectations and demands of external pressures regarding your personal choices. Remain subject only to your intuition and intellect. ” – from the I Ching
Immunize yourself to the expectations and demands of external pressures regarding your personal choices. Remain subject only to your intuition and intellect.
Times of deliverance demand inner resolve. Inferior people cannot be driven off by prohibitions or any external means. If one desires to be rid of them, he must first break completely with them in his own mind; they will see for themselves that he is in earnest and will withdraw.
Meditation: LA135-19791029 Resolve Inner Conflict
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “If man can awaken himself to the awareness that he is a man, then his destiny changes.” Yogi Bhajan
“If man can awaken himself to the awareness that he is a man, then his destiny changes. What you must know in your life is that you are positively a human being.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: KWTC7-19910705 – Self Hypnotic Trance – Self Bliss
Today: “In the course of significant events, public perception will take on an identity of its own making, existing for its own purposes. Do not engage nor be swept up by the tide of public sentiment and opinion.” – from the I Ching
In the course of significant events, public perception will take on an identity of its own making, existing for its own purposes. Do not engage nor be swept up by the tide of public sentiment and opinion. Express no opinion; even remain invisible until the commotion passes. Any action or expression you offer will be misunderstood and used for the purposes of that mob identity. Be yourself and let the storm pass.
“The time is dangerous, because any degree of prominence leads either to the enmity of irresistible antagonists if one challenges them or to misconceived recognition if one is complaisant.”
Meditation: NM0337-Bujung Kriya – For Wisdom and Understanding
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “Individual consciousness will refine you, group consciousness will expand you, and universal consciousness will redeem you to infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
“Individual consciousness will refine you, group consciousness will expand you, and universal consciousness will redeem you to infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Recognize and stand up to those with malevolent designs. Hold fast.” – from the I Ching
Recognize and stand up to those with malevolent designs. Hold fast. Do not be swayed by false choices.
Meditation: NM0337-Bujung Kriya – For Wisdom and Understanding
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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Today: “A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life.” Yogi Bhajan
“A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego, it is not a pet dog in the house, it is not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0337-Bujung Kriya – For Wisdom and Understanding
Today: “Suddenly, your words have weight and influence. Take great care for the consequences of your words and actions.” – from the I Ching
Suddenly, your words have weight and influence. Take great care for the consequences of your words and actions.
Meditation: NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
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