No Superstition and the Vagus Nerve – HNS Class Golden Bridge 2012-12-12

Hari Nam Singh
Sat Nam Rasayan® Class
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 -- 4:00 p.m.
Bodh Gaya Room
Golden Bridge -- Hollywood, California

Tune-in.  Ong Namo….

So what is it that’s supposed to happen today?

Student:  Lots of people are getting married today.  That was what they said on the radio.

Are they inducing labor, too?

Student: So that people don’t forget their Birthday maybe.  Lots of people are getting married today because they want their husbands to remember their wedding anniversary.

I guess that’s pretty practical.  Well, actually it makes sense.  For many years my wife and I could never remember what day our wedding anniversary was.  We had a tendency to think it was a day later for some reason.

Numerologically or astrologically you can discern certain tendencies that are produced.  It doesn’t mean that something’s going to go boom on one day or another.  We have in general tendencies to put a lot of energy into these things, thinking that one thing or another is really special.

It amounts to a lot of superstition that we hold.  Superstition is making an assumption about something because you think that something is supposed to happen.  It doesn’t mean that something isn’t going to happen.  We have the tendency not to base our perception on our experience.  Our experience is what counts, and really nothing else.  If we just assume something because everybody says this or that, that’s just really superstition.  So it’s really pretty useful for us to get beyond that tendency that we have of doing that, just be in the moment in the experience, and then see what happens with that.

We could relate with something through a numerological relation, and that has a lot of potential and perhaps even a lot of power; however, that’s just a matter of relating through our experience in that to see how we’re affected by that — not putting the cart before the horse and saying, “We expect this or that.”

That’s one thing that we’ve been working on a lot lately.  Especially in Guru Dev Singh’s Classes, the topic of superstition comes up a lot.  It’s something we can acknowledge, and don’t need to engage in so much.

So in order to mitigate that to some degree, Guru Dev Singh did give us this Meditation, which Yogi Bhajan gave us, which is useful in our time to be engaged with.  Is anybody doing this Meditation?  I thought we’d do that one.

Meditation For Faculty Of Self-Engagement:
Mudra:  Bend your elbows into the sides of the body.  Extend the forearms out in front of the body, and tilt them up at a 45-degree angle.  Have the palms flat, fingers’ pointing straight ahead.  The right palm faces the ceiling, and the left palm faces the floor.  The palms are at the level of the heart center, and the wrists are bent slightly.
Hold the position, and keep the spine straight the entire time.
Eyes:  Stare at the tip of the nose.
Breath:  Breathe long and deep in through the nose.  Breathe out long and deep through the mouth.  Mechanically breathe.
You are bringing a balance between Heaven and Earth in this posture.  Let your thoughts go.  Don’t work your brain.  It will take you through your non-reality, and go deep into Meditation.  Just breathe consciously.
Time:  22 Minutes, 45 Seconds
To End:  Inhale deeply, press your hands together in front of your chest really tightly, press hard.  Hold for 11 Seconds.  Exhale.
Inhale, really squeeze very hard, using the shoulders to add all the pressure you can.  Hold for 11 Seconds.  Exhale.
Inhale, squeeze your spine, vertebrae, muscles, hands, legs, everything, from the base to the top.  Hold for 20 Seconds.  Exhale.

Okay.  Take your partner.

Round One :  Take your partner.  Open the space.  Feel how the sounds inside you are affecting your Field.  In particular feel how the sounds are affecting your emotional sensations.  Within you feel the sensations of flow.  At the same time feel the sensations of no-flow or where there is numbness.  Feel all those sensations at the same time.  Keep researching how the sounds are affecting you.  Where you feel sensations of numbness or no-flow, feel that from within Shuniya, within Silence.  Feel how it feels from within Silence.  Give it space.  Give space to all those places inside you that feel numb with the intention to alter the perception of those points to be more like those where you perceive a flow.  Relate with your partner.  Feel how that relation is affecting the flow in you.  With your intention in the Silence, give space to those points of numbness — the intention of altering the perception to that of increased flow.  Hold the relation in the Silence.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Two :  Take your partner.  Open the space.  Feel how the sounds are affecting you.  Feel the sounds inside you, in particular how they are touching emotional sensations.  In your Field of Perception, recognize sensations of flow and sensations of no-flow.  Allow that to be the Mandala superimposed on your Field.  Relate with your partner.  Allow your partner to affect your Field, still being aware of flow and no-flow.  Give space to those points of numbness in the Silence.  Feel those points within the Silence.  Choose to relate with your partner’s Vagus Nerve.  Feel in the area of your left eye and in your face any sensation of numbness.  Allow that to be present in the Silence.  Allow the Silence to affect those sensations.  As those sensations alter, follow the resistances down the length of the Vagus Nerve.  Give space to the resistances as you encounter them, researching the length of the Vagus Nerve through the body.  Allow the sensations of flow.  Balance the sensations of numbness to being more like the sensations of flow.  Allow the sensations of numbness and flow to begin to merge.  Feel it.  Don’t push it.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Three :  Take your partner.  Open the space.  Relate with your partner, and in particular the Vagus Nerve, and first of all the area around the left eye and the resistances in that area.  Allow them.  Give them space.  Allow those resistances to mingle with the sensations of flow in your body.  As the perception of those points of numbness begins to alter, follow the resistance down the length of the Vagus Nerve, down the face and the left side of the body.  Begin to recognize how all of the sensations of flow, numbness, and everything related with the Vagus Nerve are affecting your brain.  Allow all the sensations to appear as though they’re happening in the mind.  From that vantage research those sensations along the entire length of the Vagus Nerve, and feel the sensations as a whole.  Give space to that flow that appears in the mind.  Feel how it’s affecting all your sensations.  Let the nature of that flow as a whole come into balance.  Feel it inside your brain.  Balance the sensations there, and the sensations as they are suggested to the mind.  Let all of them interact as One Field.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Four :  Open the space.  Recognize your partner in you, in particular the space of the relation with the Vagus Nerve of your partner, and the sensation of the points of flow and the points of no-flow.  Feel those points in you, from the vantage of how it’s affecting the brain.  Feel those points of numbness in the brain, and how they’re affecting the flow of the mind.  Give space to those points.  Bring the points of numbness in the flow into balance.  Give space to the points of constriction in the mind.  Let them balance with perceptions that have more flow.  Allow the Field to be One Unified Space.  Just with your intention bring it into balance.  Come to conclusion.

So we can maintain some form of reference to sensations that appear in the body; however, we can allow them to be more generalized in a way that they become more diffuse and represented in a more unified way, something that appears in the mind as well.  By maintaining that reference to the body, we can see how we’re doing.  Where we place our intention is in the Overall Field, which includes more than just those specific sensations here and there.

So does anybody have any questions?

We feel something perhaps here or here, and they seem present in the body.  If we allow those sensations and feel how they’re affecting how our brains feel, we can begin to feel how that’s affecting the brain and affecting the mind.  So it’s not just those specific physical things, rather a little bit more diffuse and generalized.  So it’s not just there.  It’s more everywhere.

You can feel where there is flow somewhere.  Feeling where there’s numbness is a contrast to that.  So it gives you some point of a polarity that you can start to balance, not that you push anything through somewhere; however, you feel the difference.  You just give space to those places that feel numb.  We do that with Shuniya.  We go to that place that’s completely Empty, and then see what happens to the flow.  Shuniya is something that’s everywhere.  It doesn’t have a location.  So we would like to start to go beyond just having everything have a location.  Maybe that’s where we can start because our body is a Mandala, which can represent something that’s happening in our Perceptive Field; however, then we can take it further than that and include all perception.  Perception can include what’s happening in the mind.  That’s more where our intentions are held.  We use our mind.  So we don’t need to try to change the perception directly in some place.  There can be a lot of resistance to that.  So what we’re doing is making it a little bit more efficient.  That’s something that you can do more quickly.

You don’t have to believe ahead of time that it’s based in something that’s held emotionally.  You can perhaps discover where in the Emotional Body or in that part of your Mandala it’s appearing in you.  It will touch someplace in your perception where it’s appearing in you.  We deal with it directly there.  We don’t have to assume ahead of time that it’s anywhere.  We don’t have to give it a location.  Just allow whatever then appears in your Field as resistance, and deal with it there.  Just relate with it there.  If it is affecting some kind of emotion, then you can deal with that.  You can relate with that in that way there, and give that space.

It’s a good thing that you’re not thinking in terms of a disease or in terms of something with a cause-and-effect or something that has a position like a sore throat.  You may want to say, “Okay.  Let’s go with the throat here, and see what we can find in our throat.”  We don’t have to do that.  You can use your intention and say, “Well, let’s relate with the throat because that seems to be a gross manifestation.”  Beyond that it’s going to take you to someplace in you where you’re feeling something. You relate with it there, wherever you’re feeling it in you.  It could be an emotional thing.  It could be a flow perhaps somewhere in the body.  You let it be whatever it is.

If we do that, then we’re minimizing our tendencies to be superstitious about it.  Superstitious would be maybe, “Well, let me try to release a blockage in the throat.”  Well, there could be a big assumption in that because often things that happen with people and conditions are much more complex than that.  So the least that we can assume about something and the least superstition we can hold about it and the least belief we can hold, then the more effective we can be.

We’re finding that we can heal things in the most unexpected ways.  Whatever presents itself is your reality.  You can rely on your perception because your perception is what you know, just as it is, unfiltered, and without having to have the commentary, “Oh, well, this is that; this is that,” and start interpreting.  Feel it where it appears in you.  If you can remain stable in Shuniya, then something will start to happen.  You’ll get a broader experience of what’s going on, and allow the complexity of everything that’s going on to start to emerge.  You may find that you’re in a place, relating in a way that’s very different from where you started.

You could ask somebody, “Well, what’s going on?  How do you feel?  Where does it hurt?”  If you ask that question, that’s fine.  The answer is:  What happened in you when you asked the question and there was some response?  That’s the answer:  What happened in you?  Where did you feel that?  Where did you feel the reaction?  Where did you feel the sensation that appeared?  It will always relate with your question; however, you don’t have to interpret the Tiny Pet’s answer because that is irrelevant.  Do you understand what I’m saying?

When you apply an intensity to something like asking the Tiny Pet, “Where does it hurt?” that puts a little intensity somewhere.  There’s going to be a reaction, and it’s going to manifest in some way; however, you are relating with that Tiny Pet; and you’ll feel in you where that’s happening.  That’s where you start.  Forget what the words are of that they say, or not.  You could include that if you want; however, that’s not the point.  That’s not the answer.

Okay.  Maybe we had better finish.

Sat Nam.  Sat Nam.  Sat Nam.  (silent prayer….)

Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny

Breath to Conquer Time, Space and Destiny

“Practice this kriya with and empty stomach. This is a special meditation through which a juman has the power to halt time and space an destiny. Do you understand to what vastness you can reach if you want? One who loves God can twist around even God. That is why we say love is God. The organization of God is timeless, but one who loves God has the power to bring this timelessness into time and space.

“This kriya neutralizes the energy and gives a wider horizon to anyone of limited nature. It is very simple, highly psychological, vey healing and most powerful. It neutralizes the energy and gives a wider horizon to an individual. Left side of the body (Ida) represents time, right side of the body (Pingala) represents space, and the central self (Shushmana) is infinity.

“It is not very complicated, but it does a very computerized , complicated job for any human mind and body. Previously, it was only taught to those who were gifted in the spiritual world. Old Christian mystics used to do it to gain Crist consciousness.

How to do Reverse Prayer Pose Mudra

Roll your shoulders inward toward your chest, stretching your shoulder blades apart. Bring your hands into traditional Prayer Pose and then roll you r wrists so that your palms face your chest. Continue rolling your wrists until the backs of your hands are touching from the wrists to the tips of the fingers (be sure that backs of your Jupiter (index) fingers are touching each other with the same amount of pressure as the backs of the other fingers are touching each other).

This puts a great deal of pressure on meridian points in the shoulders. Maintain the stretch in the shoulder area so that you do not put too much pressure on the wrists. The angle of the forearm is sixty degrees from elbow to wrist.

This mudra puts pressure on the area that controls the secretion of the pancreas. It blocks the sugar flow in the blood stream and gives powerful alertness to the mind. When our mind is alert, it can defend our spirit and we can live spiritually amid the challenges of life.



1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in, and chest lifted. Balance your weight on your sit bones. Your eyes are nine-tenths closed. Bring your hands into Reverse Prayer Pose in the center of your chest. Hold the posture for 2 1⁄2 minutes to let your aura adjust. Then inhale in four slow. Powerful strokes through the nose and exhale all the breath our with a continuous whistle. 8 1⁄2 minutes (11 minutes total time)

2. Inhale, exhale, and stretch your arms straight up, spreading the fingers wide apart. Stretch all the way up. 30 seconds.



3. Come back into Reverse Prayer Pose and calmly begin long deep breathing. Inhale, mentally chanting “Wha-hay”. Exhale mentally chanting “Guroo”.
9 1⁄2 minutes

4. Stay in position and continue long, deep breathing. Slow the breath down to 30 seconds for the inhalation and 30 seconds for the exhalation (one breath a minute, or as slowly as you comfortably can, up to on breath a minute). Mentally vibrate Wha-hay Guroo with your heartbeat (75-80 times per minute). 13 1⁄2 minutes.

5. Inhale, stretch the hands upward briefly, exhale, and relax.

“This exercise can be given in cases where there is a breakdown in a drug hallucination and the patient doesn’t want to control himself any way other than be controlling his own system, This can save a lot of suffering.”

Breath To Conquer Time Space And Destiny PDF

Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement

Yogi Bhajan – June 30, 1997

Mudra: Bend your elbows into the sides of the body. Extend the forearms out in front of the body, and tilt them up at a 45 degree angle. Have the palms flat, fingers pointing straight ahead, with the right palm facing the ceiling and the left palm facing the floor. The palms will be at the level of the heart center, and are bent slightly at the wrists. Hold the position, and keep the spine straight the entire time.

Eyes: Stare at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Breathe long and deep in through the nose; breathe out long and deep, through the mouth. Mechanically breathe.

Time: 22 minutes, 45 seconds.

End: Inhale deeply, and put your hands together in front of your chest, press hard. (Held 11 seconds.) Inhale a second time, press very hard, using the shoulders to add extra pressure – “all the pressure you can.” (Held 11 seconds.) Inhale a third time, and this time squeeze your spine, vertebrae & muscles, from the base to the top. (Held 20 seconds.) Relax.

Comments/Effects: We are going to give you trance interconnected mental meditation, and we would like to connect your hypothalamus with your neurological system and your salivary system, which is responsible for your circulatory life. It is so effective that if your inside circulatory system is very good, then social circulatory system will be very good and then your interacted circular which you act with everybody, that shall have no pressure. You will be very relaxed. You are bringing a balance between heaven and earth in this posture. You’ll feel the effect afterwards. Let your thoughts go; don’t work your brain. It’s not a time to work your brain. Try to deeply meditate. You can enter in your inner circle of the psyche. It will calm down your irritated nerves and your non-reality.

Now, before I start I’d like to tell you something. You are not born to suffer, but you do suffer. You are not born to be poor, but you are, some of you, are poor. You are not born to be unhappy. Many of you are unhappy.

You are not to be and you are. This is what we are discussing today. We’ll go step by step in a very complete, rational approach so there should be no misunderstanding why we are the way we are and why we are not the way we should be.
You have a personality. Some have great features, some are very pretty, some are very intelligent, some are very energetic, some are very sexual, sensual, some are very calm, quiet. Everybody has their different attitude, different values, different desires, different ambition and different circumstances. Your geography is different, the way you took the life in longitude, latitude, that is different. But after all, what is the answer to life? If you do not develop your faculties, you will never have facilities.
What we do? We develop ourself professionally, that’s all we do it. We never develop ourself personally. We also do not develop ourself impersonally. We have absolutely no power over us. Where there is a emotional thing we get involved. We get involved, we do not know what we are getting involved into and we have nothing but trouble.

Link to audio

When you develop your personality you must also develop your faculty (to) be impersonal. When you develop your identity you must also be in a position to read, see, find fairly to merge in other identity. When you have all the facilities of life you need, you must have all the facets of life you need.
I was talking to a professor in the university today.

I said, “Professor, now these are holidays. Why don’t you come here?”
He said, “My facility of my holidays, I’m going to totally sleep.” I just laughed. I said, “That’s why from last twenty years you are junior professor. You have never become a full professor. You sleep too much.”
He said, ”Why not? I get enough salary. It doesn’t make any difference. I am not in any trouble. What do I lose?”
Everything you think in your life is loss and gain. Everything. There is nothing loss and gain. Somebody’s loss is somebody’s gain. Somebody gain is somebody loss. Somebody take away your husband; you take away somebody’s husband. You find somebody. Somebody find you.
Why all this is happening? Because you do not have develop your faculty. As a woman you are not a woman. You are a statue of a woman. That’s all right. Your emotions are not under control, your projection is not under control. Your own confidence is not under your control. Your self-esteem is not under your control. Nothing.
What kind of woman you are? Even you see the boundary, house has a boundary and it has walls. It has… structurally everything has something there to identify it.
You have actually identity crisis. You can’t identify yourself who you are. So when you cannot identify yourself, you hustle. “I am a woman.” Then what, we should make pickle out of you? You’re a woman. Be a woman.
Because you are not a woman to the standard, you are a woman to your own thoughts of a woman. World has a standard. World will never respect you, love you or respect you or be with you until you are not a woman of standard.
You must in your mind understand that you are the upkeeper of your own grace, own character, own commitment, own standard. You have your own facility, own faculties, and own facets. If you cannot be you, then you are going to be exploited and you will be losers.
What happens? When we are young, our blood is hot, we smell men. We smell men and we want to eat them. And if somebody doesn’t get lot of men around, then they put themselves on sale: fifty percent off, twenty-five percent off, seventy-five percent off, free.
You forget one thing as a girl. It is the girl who becomes the mother. It is the girl who becomes the woman. It is the woman who becomes the mother. It is the mother who becomes the family. You are the base of reincarnation. And no purity will suit you. No impurity. Men are impure to start with. I mean somebody they say because I’m a man therefore I put men out of the trouble. No, I’m not putting men out of trouble. Men are half-brain. They don’t have a left brain.
Talk to any man. If he’s reading a newspaper, he will not break your teeth, ask me. Ask him to watching a football team, tell him, “I want to tell you something,” he’s drinking a cup of tea, he’ll throw it at your face. They don’t have that faculty. They are not you. And your fundamental identity is not that, “Oh, I love you, I know I love you.” What it matters if I love you? Doesn’t matter. I hate you; doesn’t matter. I sleep with you; doesn’t matter. I have sex with you; doesn’t matter. I am your companion, all that. Nothing matters.
Whatever you say, nothing matters. Don’t have any idea that whatever you are saying, that matters. What matters is, that you are you. That matters. When you walk tall, the world will walk with you. When you will give a call, everybody will come to you. But when you are a split personality, who’s loving who? Which part of you?
I am yet to see a one person who doesn’t want to be great. If you want to be great, the only answer is be great, act great, move great. If you can act state great, you will never be turned by the fate.
For a woman there are certain things. She’s sixteen time more intelligent than man, and she is two hundred time more sensitive than a man. If there is a something very supersensitive, that is a woman. And by cutting your hair this way or that way and wearing shorts and showing your things and all that, tight all what you can. All you are (is) inviting trouble. Graceful woman will never be daringly touched by any low grade man.
And many time I have counseled when, “Husband is this, my husband is that.” Husband have no problem. Show him you are you. Humee hum brahm hum. Third day the man will be straight.
Men cannot exploit you by right. He will exploit your emotions. Men are very clever. Take it granted. First they create feelings. “Oh honey, I miss you. You know I was sitting there, cup of tea.” He was having a cup of tea with somebody else, you know what I mean? He’s not telling that. He say, “I was having cup of tea, and I was really thinking of you, I was just, I miss you. And when I was drinking tea, it was as sweet to me, and I was thinking of you, you are so sweet.” And he may having girlfriend and having tea with her. That’s how liars these men are. Including me. (Laughter) Men are men whether they are upside down, downside up.
If you do not know the English spelling of a woman, that means contain the man: Wo-man. “She” contains the “he” and “female” contains the “male”. Your process is to contain the man, and if you contain the man you have a granted (guaranteed) happy life. If you can’t contain, consult me.
And learn from the heavens. There is a moon, it reflects the sun. And it wanes and waxes to adjust to it. You should also have a man, you should reflect him. If there is nothing to reflect, then be a full moon and reflect your total self.
No woman can live in peace if she is not respected. Because the faculty of mother cannot be worshipped until woman is respected. You have not to gain money, health, beauty, and all sexual, sensual effects; you have to gain a social system of respect.

In psychology, social life is admissible. Counseling is admissible. But it is not to tell somebody what is wrong and what is right. That is a matter of dispute. But to tell how person can regain one’s own social identity. And that’s how you should look at it.
Your education is your education. Your environments are your environments. Your relationship is your relationship. Social psychological system of your life must stand ahead of you. Ninety-nine percent woman who are battered woman and get a beating are those who are not head of them. All they believe is they get angry, they provoke, they provoke, and the guy already needs that time. One two three, ta ta ta, it doesn’t make sense. Take it granted, now repeat it.

YB: Take it granted.
SS: Take it granted.
YB: Man is a man.
SS: Man is a man.
YB: Neither he menstruates. SS: Neither he menstruates. YB: Nor he has boobs.

SS: Nor he has boobs.
YB: And he’s not going to ever deliver a child.
SS: And he’s not going to ever deliver a child.
YB: So he’s a very different half-headed species.
SS: So he’s a very different half-headed species.
YB: Therefore the half-headed species,
SS: Therefore the half-headed species,
YB: Creating a conflict,
SS: Creating a conflict,
YB: Is just getting the beating.
SS: Is just getting the beating.
YB: So if you want to be beaten, go ahead.
SS: If you want to be beaten, go ahead.
YB: True, true.
S: True.
YB: Why you want everybody to appreciate you? May I know the reason? First appreciate yourself, then people will appreciate you. What you cannot do for yourself why somebody should do for you. If glass is not full of water how can it quench the thirst?
You have to understand ideally one thing. As a woman you are a person who can create another woman who can create a man. Man has no credibility to create another human. So you understand how humungous and most powerful credit you have?
One lady once asked me, “When I speak there is a fight in the house.”
I said, “Go on silence. Why to speak?” Any fight, any insult, any rudeness is against you. Your system is sixteen time more sensitive than a male, and affects you very deeply.


PDF: Meditation For Faculty Of Self Engagement


Meditation: See Without the Eyes

The vision of maya says we can only see certain things.  It has to fit some
preconceived forms.  Chant “Maha akal sat
Hari Gobinde Nanak”.  Tongue hits center of upper palate with “Hari”,
front upper palate with “Gobinde”.  Eyes are closed.
Up to 62 min. every day until you can see through a wall.

Maha Akal Sat Hari Gobinde Nanak

Meditation: LA827-19950307 – Third Eye

Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles March 7, 1995

LA827-950307 Sitting straight, chest slightly forward, place Elbows at the ribs, Palms facing upwards and towards your face. Close the eyes 9/10, looking at the tip of your nose. Now imagine that you have eyes at the back of the skull and look through those eyes in the back. Breathe very slowly.
Long breath is long life. This is the position in which mankind first learned to pray. Feel the connection of the second and fourth chakras.  21min.

Inhale, press hands on heart, right over left, hold, squeeze, exhale powerfully. 3X.

Guru Ram Das – Guided Meditation

View the entire lecture in the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings

View lecture video

Meditation: LA046 – 780614 – Hari Shabad Meditation – Use the Wind to Produce Trance and Dissolve Negativity

Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles, June 14, 1978

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Pull the chin in and push the chest out.

Relax the arms down with the elbows bent nd the forearms raised up from the sides of the body until they slant away from each side of the body at about a 30′ degree angle. Point the palms foreward and touch the Saturn or middle fingertip of each hand to its respective thumb tip. Leave the remaining fingers pointing up.

Sit with the legs crossed or in a chair with the weight of both feet equally distributed on the floor.

Deeply inhale and completely exhale as the mantra is chanted.

The eyes are l/10th open.

Chant the following mantra three times as the breath is completely exhaled.


After the designated time is completed remain in the same body position and chant

SA-A-A-A-A-A-AT NAAM Continue for a period of time. Then begin chanting

GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU three times per breath. Chant in a monotone very forcefully, stressing the first syllable of each word.

Chant the first mantra for 31 minutes. Then chant the next mantras for as long as desired.

Sat Nam, Hari Nam, Hari Nam, Haree…

Pulling the chin in and pushing the chest out creates an equalibrium and prevents freaking out while meditating. The meditation “eliminates negativity, brings posi- tivity, arouses the spirit to blossom,” and when long SAT NAAM is done with it, it makes a combination that “has nothing parallel and equal to it.” “HAREE” is the creative energy of God. “SAT NAAM” explodes it. It is of hegher potency and multiplies the power of “HAREE” millions of times. If the third mantra is properly chanted, it will bring up the kundalini. If a person can learn and chant all 3 mantras, “how dumb and unfortunate and condemned from the heavens he may be, he will recuperate 10 times.”

LA046 780614 HARI SHABAD KRIYA Use the wind to produce trance and eliminate negativity

Meditation: Milarepa

BhutaneseMilarepaYogi Bhajan – date unknown

Right hand listening at right ear, thumb on Jupiter, palm up.  Left palm against navel.  Breath through mouth, tongue up against clenched teeth, long and deep.  It makes a hissing sound.  Eyes are closed, looking down at the chin from the inside.  This breathing balances the nervous system.       31min.
Inhale, squeeze, exhale.
Good for anxiety.  Gives perception and dimension of the wind.

Milarepa’s Song to Lady Palderboom

Then she said, “Dear teacher, I have done nothing at all to prepare for the next life. Now I’m going to do so. Please, out of your great compassion, take care of me and give me meditation instruction.”

Milarepa was delighted and replied, “If you practice the Dharma sincerely, in my tradition, you don’t need to change your name. One awakens with a full head of hair. You don’t have to cut your hair or make other changes.”

He sang this song with four examples and five points about meditation and mind practice:

Continue reading “Milarepa’s Song to Lady Palderboom”

Meditation: LA847-19950816-Unity-Your Magnetic Field of the Total Self Will Become One

Unity. Your magnetic field of the total self will be come one. Rhythm will be come one. Energy will be come one. Effort will become one. Concentration of mind will become one. and YOU BECOME ONE, in this slow, steady, firm process.

Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical

Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles February 1, 1995

LA822-011 . Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Keep your chin in and your chest out. Raise your right arm straight up with the palm facing forward. Stretch your left arm straight out to the side parallel to the floor with the palm facing down. Split the fingers of each hand so that the Sun and Mercury fingers are together and the Jupiter and Saturn fingers are together. Close your eyes and meditate. 11 Minutes maximum.

If you wish to use a mantra with this meditation, you may use “Har, Haray, Haree, Wahe Guru”. You may chant it out loud, chant it mentally, or listen to a musical tape of the rnantra. It is your choice.
To finish: Inhale deeply, hold your breath for 10 seconds, as you stretch your arms and tighten your entire body. Exhale and repeat this sequence
2 more times.
To practice this meditation for 40 days, alternate the arm position each day.

The first day you practice with the right arm up and the left arm out to the side. The next day stretch the left arm up and the right arm out to the side and so on. (You must always keep your elbows straight.) Your body will start healing itself after the first 2 minutes. The entire cellular system will interact to heal you. Your body shall start healing and every muscle shall start hurting. This posture will hurt as long as you have any toxins in your body. This is central nervous system control therapy. In exactly 11 minutes, your entire cellular system shall change.

After 40 days the meditation will start working on your subtle bodies. Whatever starts happening to you after 40 days, keep it to yourself Don’t speak of it to anyone.
This is the most powerful self-purification you can do. It can give you complete control of your being. It improves intuition and makes you powerful and healthy. You’ll be free of all garbage: physical, mental, and spiritual.


View the entire lecture in the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings


Meditation: Meditate on Nothing to Find Prosperity – 19930421

Yogi Bhajan April 21,1993


The thumb and Mercury fingers are stretched out in front and to the sides (see picture). The middle fingers are curled in, but do not touch the palms. Eyes are closed.

It is a very potent exercise. Go to an empty space – shuniya. If a person meditates on nothing he will receive everything. That is the law of prosperity. Prosperity will come to you because you are calling the nothing that is calling the all. Don’t hold any thought. It is a very simple exercise. Meditate as a saint. It is a very simple posture and technically speaking shuniya is a very simple theory.

God is in all, all in you is nothing. With the energy of your hands, with every simple mood, if the position is right you will go through internal changes, sit in shuniya. Any thought that comes, say no, likeachildgrowingup. Withaboyoragirl,thereisaperiodinwhichtheysaynotoeverything. You are not different from them. Now technically speaking put yourselves in the realm of no, into negation. You can begin to experiment with millions of things. No thoughts. If one arrives, bypass it. Zero. Meditate on the zero point. Shuniya means this. Constant thinking can be stopped by this posture. There is nothing exciting in this. You are in the non existence. No thought, no existence. Nothing. No fear, no security. Don’t share any thought. Any thing you say is simply no. . . . any thing thattouchesyou…anythought…youdon’texist.Practice”Iamnot”. Youarenotlearning.Iamnot teaching. There is a class but there is no class. Call yourselves civilized. You are in a survival state. Go beyond everything. Eliminate the intellectual. You will open the doors to

prosperity. 31 min.


Start to shake your body and you will be healthy. (start the tape Punjabi drum music), shake. . . stronger, stronger . . . move the lips, the cheeks and the tongue, move everything. This, anyway, we will call the lucky class. I will teach it when I feel like it.

Meditate On Nothing To Find Prosperity 930421


Meditation: LA907 – Kriya for Non-Reaction

Elbows to front, forearms perpendicular to floor and hands flat, pointed to side and parallel to the floor. Look at the tip of the nose
. . . 14 minutes
Hold the position, make an “O” mouth and chant with the Tantric Har CD . . . 6 minutes
Hold the position and whistle along with the Ardas Bayee CD (instrumental version)
. . . 3 minutes
Extend the arms forward, parallel to the floor, arms straight, palms up. Eyes are closed. Breathe long and deep. Don’t move. Everything else was a preview. This is the kriya. Relax the face and let it go through. Hold the spine with the lower back muscles
. . . 3 minutes
End – Inhale, squeeze the spine and back muscles and pull it up, up, up and exhale. Do three times.
Do this Kriya every day for awhile to become more non-reactive. After one week, your space will be incredible. It opens the flow of the first chakra

    Tantric Har
    Ardas Bhaee
Continue reading “Meditation: LA907 – Kriya for Non-Reaction”

Meditation: Drib Dhristi Lochina Karma

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine, hands in gyan mudra on the knees.   The shoulders and hips should be in line. Now lock the tips of the front teeth together.  Focus the eyes on the tip of the nose. The tongue touches the upper palate (this should occur automatically within about a minute). Project the mantra SAA TAA NAA MAA (aa as in “far”) out from the third-eye point. Beam it out, creating an internal harmony.

Continue for 31 min. Minimum compromise time is 15 min; if you wish to master it, practice for 1 1/2 hoursat a sitting. Three hours’ practice at a sitting are said to open up psychic abilities.


The name of this very powerful, but simple, meditation means “the action of acquiring insight into the future.” Honest practice of this kriya is said to impart many benefits in addition to the power to heal with the eyes.

According to tradition, your words will have the power to penetrate deeply; you will learn to talk inspiringly and your words will always represent the truth of a given situation; you will be able to project your personality or your bodily sensations anywhere; and you will always know the consequence of any sequence of actions that you start.

When practiced on the eve of the full moon, the kriya is said to influence the subconscious mind most completely.  While most meditations require long periods of practicefor mastery,it is possible to master this kriya in one or several sittings. Concentrate with total devotion.

