Meditation: KWTC-870710-No One Complains About the Lord

“AB JAN UPAR KO NA PUKAARE Now, no one complains about the Lord’s servant. Whoever tries to complain is destroyed by the Guru, the Transcendent Lord God. Whoever is hateful against the One who has no hate, shall lose in the Court of the Lord. From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, it is the Glorious Greatness of God, that He preserves the honor of His humble servants. One becomes fearless, and all fears are taken away, leaning on the Support of the Lord’s Lotus Feel. Chanting the Name, through the Guru’s Word, Nanak has become famous all over the world. ” 


See lecture video in Library of Teachings

Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura

“Kundalini Yoga is… a practice of experience of a person s own excellence which is dormant and which is awakened.”‘-Yogi Bhajan 7/26/96 Continue reading “Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura”

America has lost her marbles and she needs them back



If thirty percent of the mind is experiencing the chaos of insanity, then is the person crazy?  Maybe, but also maybe some therapy could salvage the whole.  That is a rationale for adopting and embracing Humanology, which is not really a thing, but is rather the body of teachings that can be absorbed through the experience of a technology that we can embrace in order to begin to know, and ultimately, reclaim the self.  Experience comes from the commitment to a personal daily routine, sadhana, or therapy.  We do the meditation, and we get better.  The technology was referred to us by my teacher, Yogi Bhajan.  It is not a thing!  Do not believe it, do it! Continue reading “America has lost her marbles and she needs them back”

Lecture: NM0399-20010512 – The Power of Shushmana

The Power of Shushmana

Yogi  Bhajan,  Ph.D.    May  12th,  2001    Espanola,  NM,  USA

The  ida,  pingala  and  shushmana  are  our  essence.  3000  years  ago  the  energy  channels  of the  ida,  pingala  and shushmana were  known  as  the  human body’s  support  system.  We  understand  the  ida and  pingala through  their relationship with  the  left  and  right  nostrils,  but the  shushmana is  not understood.  The  shushmana  is  considered to  be  the  central  nerve  inside  and  outside  the  spine.

Continue reading “Lecture: NM0399-20010512 – The Power of Shushmana”

Meditation: Stimulate The Third Eye

Yogi Bhajan – unknown date

Meditation To Stimulate The Third Eye:
Close the eyes.
The elbows are bent. The forearms are parallel with the floor. Both palms face down to the ground.
The hands are out in front of the chest. The right palm sits on top of the left hand.
Recite out loud, 3 times per breath (then inhale, recite 3 times per breath, continue):
“Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Haibhee Sach Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach”
Time: 11 minutes
To conclude: Inhale deeply, hold the breath, squeeze the spine, squeeze every muscle, exhale — 3x

Meditation: LA635-900323 – Dukanasanee Kriya – for the Adrenal Glands

Yogi Bhajan – LA635 890323 Dukanasanee kriya. Work to Adrenal Gland for extra energy in your life.
Continue reading “Meditation: LA635-900323 – Dukanasanee Kriya – for the Adrenal Glands”

Meditation: NM249 971230 theorem of the Kundalini Yoga; control your micro & macro consciousness

What is Sat Nam Rasayan? It is the meditative personality which affects thirty trillion cells in the body and still a person lives, because he controls the tattvas, anyone who learns that meditation and becomes, becomes great automatically and what a fun is that? You just feel and heal.






Continue reading “Meditation: NM249 971230 theorem of the Kundalini Yoga; control your micro & macro consciousness”

Meditation: LA057 780928 Change your frequency

Relax the arms down with the elbows bent. Raise the forearms up and in toward each other until the hands meet in front of the chest at the level of the Solar plexus. Press the entire length of the fingers of the opposite hands together from the mounds to the fingertips but leave the palms spread far apart. Cross the thumbs with the right thumb over the left thumb. The fingers point up as this is traditionally taught. A variation is to point the fingers forward. (This is the way Siri Singh Sahibji prefers to practice it.) Continue reading “Meditation: LA057 780928 Change your frequency”

Meditation: LA869 960410 – Expand the Arcline

Sit straight in Easy Pose.

For both hands, lock the little and ring finger tips under the thumb, and extend the index fingers and middle fingers straight.
The tips of the index fingers are at the sides, earlobe level. Forearms and mudra are perpendicular to the ground, pointing straight up.
Spine is straight, chest is out. Eyes are closed. Make an O of your mouth, and breath through the mouth. Listen to the sound your breath makes.
Crunch your lips to make the opening.
Hold the posture still, the hands do not move.
Keep the posture perfect and concentrate on the sound.   8 min. Continue reading “Meditation: LA869 960410 – Expand the Arcline”

Healing the perception



We find reality through our perception.  When every component of our perceptive field is integrated into a whole we see that as reality.  If we do not add any bias to any component of perception, then we can trust that it is real.

Prejudices and other biases alter perception, forming a point of view.  An integrated point of view may appear real, though it skews reality toward that viewpoint. Then, we have a window, but not the whole picture.

As healers, when we relate with the patient and merge with in an integrated perceptive field  two things happen:
1.  We know the reality of the patient as we know our own
2.  We can manifest our intention in the relation.

That is the realm of the projective meditative mind.  If we can completely lose all points of view, then anything and everything can be healed.

A similar principle can be applied simply to healing others.  Every viewpoint that the patient holds results in some condition or position in the patient.  Not all points of view are equal.  Some result in positive relations, others, negative;  some loving, others adversarial.

If we agree that physical, emotional and spiritual conditions are held in consciousness, then we can say that these conditions can change or be released with a shift in the consciousness.  Simply, a change in a person’s  perception or viewpoint can precipitate healing in that person.  There can be a very strong resonance between the perception and a condition.

Sometimes it is simpler to address the perception than the condition.  A perception can flip in a moment.

Meditation: LA082-790123 Telescopic Infinity

Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition

Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles June 8, 1998

So tonight we are going to do a simple meditation to see if we can connect subconscious and intuition, okay?  Later on you like it, pay me some reward otherwise shout and leave, that’s my intention. I want to do the thing in two days that’s why I’ve stayed. LA is too wet for me. Continue reading “Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition”

Meditation: M136-970930 – Work on Shashara, Balance Earth and Heavens

Yogi Bhajan September 30, 1997  New York City

Today, we will work on your shashra, the seventh chakra and we will change your interlock of the third and the first chakra, to make out of you, whether you like it or not, we are not asking you for cooperation, we are asking you, whatever you have to do, you have to do, what we have to do, we have to do. The result will be that you will be balanced between your earth and your heavens.

Meditation: Perugia 2017 Meditations

Courtesy of Sandro Cifra

771130 Lower Back Is Where The Breathing Control Is

KWTC 870710 AB JAN UPAR KO NA PUKAAR no one complains about the Lord

KWTC 980710 life is lift to infinity

LA007 780117 Bewitchment in experience of infinity here takes you to infinity upon death




LA635 900323 Che significa essere un’insegnante

LA869 960410 Expand the Arcline

LA935 980608 tonight we are going to do a simple meditation to see if we can connect subconscious and intuition

M136 970930 Meditation Course – Work on Shashara, Balance Earth and Heavens

Sandro Cifra’s Collection of Meditations from Yogi Bhajan

The Chaos Strategy



Many have figured this out.  Many deny it.  Chaos was weaponized a long time ago, and keeps re-emerging as a political reality for those who have forgotten history.

It isn’t about truth or lies.  That is just the tactic.  The strategy is all about chaos.
If you find the means to produce pure and ultimate chaos, then you can easily find the means to seize the power necessary to bring back “order”.
If you can blow up the world economy (e.g., toxic tax bill) then you find the means to put it back together in your own image.  There will always be somebody else you can blame for the catastrophe (2008).
If you can wage catastrophic war producing total devastation (e.g., nuclear war), then you can rebuild on your own terms.  There will always be somebody else you can blame for the cataclysm.
If you can privatize a nation’s secret security and spying infrastructure (cia) then they will work for you secretly (gestapo) and can target and prosecute fellow citizens with extrajudicial impunity.
If you can completely dismantle democratic institutions then you can define your own.
If you can get enough people (e.g., religious zealots) to believe that blowing up the world is a good thing, then there is nothing that you can’t accomplish with their help.
If you can appear to be insane to enough people (e.g., everybody) then they will underestimate you (as always) so you can fly under the radar and fully implement your chaos strategy.