Dear Ones, Sat Nam.Please whisper these words from Yogi Bhajan out loud to yourself:
“I’m no body. I’m no mind. I’m no spirit. I was raised as a Christian in the Midwest of the USA in the 1940s, and I came to love Jesus very very sincerely. As young children, we can do a lot of things. Then the intellect takes over, and wants reasoning. Then we lose to the wayside perhaps some love and perhaps some faith. When we were little children, we saw many things. Children see Fairies and Gnomes and lots of Angels. By the age of seven, most of us left that realm; and the mind took over from scholarly efforts by society and by our parents’ preparing us for the future. In my house there was a lot of joy and a lot of love. My father was sick for twelve years with cancer; so my mother had to work, and she had these four kids. I was the basic housekeeper of our home. I would dust all the furniture. I like my living environment to look pretty and tidy. No one else had the time nor had in their natures that pretty-and-tidy inclination and tendency, which has stayed with me for many years. Our home with one bathroom for six people was so very small, almost like a dollhouse. Everything was so small. Luckily my mother was Sicilian; my father was a slight fellow; and we children were small as well. I think if we were a large-sized family, we would not have fit in that house at all. The four of us kids shared one bedroom. When we reached a certain age, our parents said, “We think there needs to be a wall since we have two boys and two girls.” In the small bedroom they put up a wall, and thereby there wasn’t enough room for two beds for my sister and myself. We had a trundle bed wherein one bed fits underneath, and is taken out at night. Life went on very well. I was cleaning the house. When I was dusting the furniture, if I forgot a leg on the chair, that chair leg called me back, “You forgot me!” Even inanimate objects became real to me. Children have full-on relationships with their stuffed animals and their stuffed dolls. They became alive. That was how it went as a child. Through Grace of God, many of us still remember all of those times; and perhaps some of those experiences are what have brought us to today.
To read the rest of the story CLICK HERE Love and peace to all hearts and homes. |
Tag: Meditation
On Gangs
Sometimes, good people, even if they are religious, can fall prey to the desire to dominate and control others, for a variety of reasons. It’s not sinful that they have those desires.
If they act on them, directly, or indirectly, it’s another matter.
Directly, a person may act to manifest some very selfish intention. In this case, that person may be visible and identified as the perpetrator of that act to anyone who witnesses the act. The perpetrator may then be held personally to account. Then, there is an obvious cost for acting in that way.
Indirectly, a person may “hire” someone or something that they can hide behind to do their bidding in order to fulfill their desire. This tactic may provide personal distance from the consequences of actions perpetrated by the surrogate. They approve of the behavior and eagerly anticipate the result of the actions. This is an age old tactic that mob bosses and other gangsters use to provide “plausible deniability” for “the boss” while the deed is carried out.
In another case, a group of people, well organized with a social identity, is formed by members who desire power and control along with personal anonymity. They may wish that their intentions remain secret. This is sometimes known as a cult.
In a most extreme case, one plan is to hire a “demon” with sufficient means to carry out their selfish intentions. Having that kind of representation, members can defend their actions by claiming “it’s not I who did that”. When the actions are identified and called out and retribution is called for, then “yes, he’s a demon, but he’s my demon” and “I will protect him”. “It’s still more comfortable to me, and safer, that he does those things than I do those things”.
A problem with this plan is that the above declarations imply that a part, perhaps a significant part, of the members’ personal identity is given up to the alternative identity of the group. The group becomes an alter ego. To be a member, a person only has to deny one’s own identity in favor of the group identity and look to the group for the fulfillment of desires and protection from external consequences. All of the remaining consequences are then internal.
Another problem with that plan is that the behavior can quickly become nefarious. Demons often cannot be controlled.
Kriya: KYB053 841107 – Balancing Life (Prana & Apana)
Yogi Bhajan – KYB053 841107 Unknown Cause of Sickness
Balancing Life (Prana & Apana)
People used to understand that there is praana and there is apaana, and the balance of these two energies makes a person a success or a failure
“God gave you the body with praana and apaana. Apaana are there to eliminate negativity. People who have strong praana and do not have equally strong apaana are very cluttered people. They do not know how to eliminate things and elimination is very important. It is the balance of praana and apaana which creates the power of the Sbiuihinana, the central being, the equilib¬rium being. The Supreme being will awaken in you only when the praana and apaana both work together. One gives the power and the other eliminates negativity; all you will be left with is the plus.”
To test the praana/apaana balance in yourself: balance on your hands and knees and then lift your left arm out straight and, at the same time lift your right leg out straight. Then change sides to test the other side.
“Whenever apaana is not working and praana is perfect, you do not act right. Doesn’t matter how intelligent you are. And locks in praariic energy are very, very valid, but locks in apaanic energy are very subtle. If you cannot balance your body (in this posture), it means that your apaanic Shakti, the eliminating force, is not in balance. It is weaker.”
1. Come onto your hands and knees and raise the left leg up and
raise the right arm up straight in front. This posture -will balance and strengthen the apaanic energy. 3 Minutes. Change sides and continue 2 1/2 Minutes.
2. Stand on your knees -with your arms straight up over your head. Stabilize yourself by drawing in the navel point so that you can feel the tops of your feet pressing into the floor. Lift your chest and bend backward, stretching away from the lower back. Begin to move your arms and neck in a circle; your shoulders will move but your knees will not move. This is SobagnL Kriya, the kriya of virtue. 2 Minutes.
3. Sit down and stretch your legs out straight. Grab the bottoms of your feet and bend forward, resting your upper body upon your thighs. Hold the position for 2 1/2 Minutes. At this point Yogi Bhajan played the gong. Remain in the position, concentrating at your third eye point for another 2 1/2 Minutes.
4. Lie on your back and deeply relax every part of your body, while you project your energy out of your third eye. 6 Minutes. Yogi Bhajan continued to play the gong during this meditation.
Meditation: LA19970407 – Experiencing the Original You
Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles, April 7, 1993
Breathe one breath a minute, and don’t let the hand get down or up, keep it as straight confronting as you can, and look at the tip of the nose so the optical nerve is locked, and worry not, people have done it for centuries and nobody went to Venus they all remained on the Earth. It will give you a gradual subtlety exactly in three minutes, it will start seeping in, in different level of existence for your experience, but it will take another three minutes to get you set into that area, control your breath, look well, standardize the procedure, don’t give an inch. If shoulder starts hurting you are lucky, but if the elbow and the side of the elbow start hurting, consult your Doctor. That means digestive system has given in too much.
Breath of life whatever, it is okay, keep going. Many, many times, don’t bend the elbows, keep it straight as you started, be with yourself, it is a pure statement of truth, insist to be that way, you have one more minute, each Kriya of this is just three minutes, don’t misunderstand, we are not going to take too much time, but we are going to have fun.
(Tape ‘Aad Sach Jugaad Sach” is played) YB: (Over the tape)
Now ready, change, not to any other extent, but breathe through the nose and fire out your breath like a cannon fire, continuously at your best strength. Inhale through nose and blast it through the mouth, as much you can blast, as much you can heal yourself, it’s simple, cannon fire breath, out. I am giving you a Kriya, anywhere in the world you may be, you require nine minutes to become you. Come on, come on, we have three only minutes, waste no time, harder, harder, harder, blow harder out, breathe through nose, you have one more minute left, do whatever you can do for yourself, stretch out elbow, don’t worry about it, thirty seconds
, now inhale and please start pumping your belly in and out holding the breath, and when you can’t hold, breathe out and inhale at the same time, and keep pumping fast, it is individual when you can let the breath go, we won’t ask you to exhale, you have to do it. Hold the breath and pump faster and then let the breath go and inhale immediately, hold as much convenientlyas you can, fast, the more you pump it, more you will become young, that’s the way to buy youth, vibrate, vibrate, vibrate, by holding the breath vibrate, when you can’t hold anymore you physically inhale and let the breath go, inhale again, you do it again, you have the last minute folks, do whatever you can, forty five seconds, thirty seconds, ten seconds, now, get ready inhale deep, hold tight and stretch out and try to put total pressure on the finger lock, out, out, out, breathe out, inhale again, hold tight, stretch whole body now, with whole thing, total thing, cannon fire breathe out, inhale deep again, hold tight, stretch out with all your strength and might from the toe nail to the top, fire out, relax.
Meditation: One Minute Breath
Meditation: Breath of Fire
by MSS Gurucharan Singh Fowlis
from the Kundalini Meditation Manual for Intermediate Students
Meditation for : Relaxation Creativity Guidance
from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
This is one of the basic breaths used in Kundalini Yoga. It must be practiced and mastered in the initial stages of yogic study. The breathis fairly rapid (2 to 3 breaths per second), continuous, and powerful with no pause between the inhale and exhale.
As you exhale, the air is pushed out by pulling the navel point and abdomen in towards the spine. In this motion, the chest area stays moderately relaxed. The focus of the energy is at the navel point. You should fee! the pull of the muscles in that area. Asyou inhale, the abdomen relaxes, the diaphragm extends down; and the breath seems to come in as pert of relaxation rather than effort.
The muscles that are used are the abdominals. Initially you may have a tendency to involve more muscle groups than are needed. As you do the breath of fire, check your body and relax tension and effort that may build up in the legs, face, shoulders, and chest. The rest of the body is relatively still. Even the upper chest is motionless and in a slightly uplifted position. At first, the navel and solar plexus may feel tired or uncoordinated. If you keep practicing, the breath will become rhythmic and very easy. Most people are not used to breathing this way. It is the antithesis of the shallow, irregular breath characteristic of the emotional states that accompany negative thoughts.
The breath of fire cleanses the blood. It is commonly used whenever there is a blood-related disease in the body such as arthritis, bursitis, circulatory problems,etc. It raises the voltage of the nervous system and produces a global alpha rhythm in the brain when practiced correctly. A person with shaky nerves or an athlete that needs extra endurance will benefit greatly from this practice. Since the navel point is stimulated directly, the breath generates constancy in the mental and physical realms. Breath of fire can help you if you cannot keep a promise, intention, or train of thought without constant distraction.
In physiological studies, we have found that there is no relation between hyperventilation and breath of fire. Once you are practiced, it is possible to do this breath for 20 minutes or more. There is no accompanying dizziness or large imbalance of oxygen in the blood. The outer circulation does increase as does the nervous energy so the breath should be mastered slowly and methodically. These increases cause an immediate detoxification reaction in the body. Old toxins and deposits from drugs, smoking, and bad nutrition are released from the lungs, mucous lining, blood vessels, and cells. These toxins leave the body through the blood and lymph systems.
If you are very toxic, the breath of fire may stimulate a very temporary self-toxification. To aid the cleansing process, increase the amount of exercise you do each day and simplify the diet to light vegetables, fruits, and nuts for a few weeks. This will help your body drop the heavy load of toxins it has carried without activating some sickness to do the cleansing you ignored.
Regular practice expands the capacity of the lungs quickly. If you are expanding the lungs and want to increase the amountof time you can comfortably suspend breathing, such as in underwater swimming or in certain meditation exercises, then practicethe breath of fire before trying to hold the breath longer. Just holding the breath for longer periods does not increase yourbasic capacity, and may sometimescause complicationswith blood pressure.
In most exercises, the breath of fire is done for three minutes orless. Occasionally it is done for seven and a half minutes. Asan exercise byitself, you can start with three minute durations, then slowly build up to 20 minutes. Start by doing breath of fire for three minutes alternating with two minutes of rest for a total of 15 minutes of breath of fire and ten minutes rest.
To focus the mind more efficiently and to channelize the energy this breath creates, mentally vibrate“SAT NAM“with each breath. Hearing this sound in the breath tells your mind what to do with all the energy you generate. Use this energy to explore your sense of the infinite self.
When you practice the breath of fire to perfect it, keep the spine straight and your mind centered. Here are a couple exercises you might try:
1. When you are exceptionally tired and need a lift, sit straight and block the left nostril with the thumb of the left hand. The fingers of the left hand point straight up. Begin breath of fire through the right nostril only, for 3 to 5 minutes. Then inhale and mentally circulate the energy throughout the body and aura. 6 minutes. Then inhale, hold briefly, exhale applying Mulabhanda, and relax.
2. Sit in easy pose. Put the palms together slightly in front of the chest. Concentrate at the brow point and begin breath cf fire. As you continue, let all thoughts of who or what you may be fall away. If you think you are sitting, let that thought be blown away by the breath. Hear the sound of the breath.
It is infinite. It gives life. As all the different labels.
Meditation: M060 901121 Awaken Kundalini
Yogi Bhajan – M060 901121 Awaken Kundalini Stockholm, Sweden
Meditations: (Practice these on your own – Once a day, 7 minutes for each, 21 min total with 5 min interval.)
1. 11 minutes Spine straight. Eyes: Tip of nose. Make a fist of right hand, extend the index finger straight up, place mudra in front of right shoulder, Keep finger straight and stiff. Breathe long and deep. Within 3 to five minutes you should feel the energy flowing through you. Rishi Daman experimented whole life, 120 years, to find this simple truth which you are practicing right now. His realization was if man can enforce the tip of his jupiter finger into steel stiffness, he can grab from the universe the Jupiter energy and if by the optical nerve he can totally shut off the mind to misbehave, it will create a basic pattern of intuition. If you’ll change the eyes for a second, you start all over again from the beginning. After about 16 minutes, very slowly begin to raise your right hand over your head, keeping your index finger only still extended, and inhale very deeply. Hold the breath and posture about 20 seconds. Exhale. Inhale deep, and stretch up, 15 seconds. Exhale. Inhale deep, stretch up 10 seconds. Relax.
END: Talk to someone for 15 minutes. Do not meditate.
2. LEFT HAND: Spread the fingers of the left hand as far apart as possible. There should be an equal distance between each finger, & they should be stretched as wide apart as possible. Place this hand palm flat against the center of the chest, thumb pointing up on the chest towards the chin, and the fingers point towards the right. RIGHT HAND: Extend the right arm, elbow straight, so it’s not out to the side, not directly in front of you, but half way in between, and up at a 60 degree angle. Right palm faces down, and the fingers are spread as far apart as possible as is the left hand. EYES: On tip of nose. BREATH: Long and deep. Next, “forget about yourself.” TIME: 7 minutes.
COMMENTS: Armpit must not be straight ahead, or straight overhead, but 60 degrees up and not more than 60 degrees. Armpit is the center of the sympathetic, parasympathetic and action system is in the armpit. Armpit is the most important part of body you neglect the most. It is not just a joint. The entire nervous system is based in the armpit. Nervous energy is by which we live, so it is very important. Now you are getting all the five energies at the same time from the five fingers. (Ego, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun & Mercury.)
Optical nerve, when it needs to be strengthened, sometimes lets you see 2, 3, 4 things. You are getting intuitive. Breathe long and deep. Within 7 minutes of this exercise you’ll exactly find the location of God. END: 3 times – Inhale deep, hold 7 seconds, stretch the arm, relax.
3. Sodarshan Kriya. TIME: 7 minutes Make both hands into fists, with the thumbs outside the closed fingers. Extend the two Jupiter fingers straight up. Place both fists in front of each shoulder. Begin rotating the two extended Jupiter fingers in concurrent circles (left finger moves clockwise and the right finger moves counterclockwise.) Move only the fingers, not the hands. BREATH: A quick breath of fire. COMMENTS: We are hitting at the chemistry of our blood formation. It’s so important. What you are doing is much more healthy than taking 2 tons of vitamins. The blood chemistry will change to be normal. It is not guaranteed, but it will avoid cancer in your body. It is a help to that precaution. With your blood chemistry normal you will not get blood disease. You can make your body disease free by doing it for 7 minutes. Breath of fire is considered one breath if you don’t discontinue. The breath must be quick so the fire is created in the lungs to change the chemistry of the blood. Changes the molecule of the blood and the chemistry to be protective.
END: Inhale deep, stretch the hands very tight, over the head, and hold 15-20 sec. With a cannon fire breath, exhale. Inhale again with hands still stretched up, hold 15 sec., and with a canon fire breath, exhale. Inhale third time with hands still stretched hard, hold 15 sec., and with a canon fire breath exhale. Relax.
BREAK – 20 min.
4. TIME: About 8 minutes. In front of the heart center, fold your hands in the following fashion. Left hand: palm facing the chest, fingers pointing to the right, and thumb pointing towards the ceiling. The right hand clasps the left in the following fashion: Palm of right hand meets the palm of the left, with the right fingers going over the top of the left palm, and the right thumb wraps around the bottom of the left thumb. Next, close the left thumb, down over the top of the right hand, as the left fingers close over the side of the right hand. EYES: Close your eyes and look at your forehead. TAPE: “Waah Yantee” by Nirinjan. Hear these sounds and copy them mentally.
That is how this Kundalini Yoga came to exist. To become intuitive. Not psychic. Psychic is a natural gift. You may have it, you may not have it. But to be intuitive, you can process, progress, and you can become that way.
Just look at your nature. You don’t have any hooves, horns, or horse skin like rhino, or any other defense mechanism. The natural defense mechanism you have got is your intuition. You must know before the place and time hits you what it shall be.
We don’t work for that. We put our whole energy into becoming professionals and becoming rich and we think by money and by our capacity and by our sources we can succeed in life. Our trend is that way.
Majority what governs us is our subconscious, and subconscious creates patterns in our neurons in our brain which we copy again and again and again and again. And our tendencies lead us to lead a life where we can repeatedly make mistakes. In one of the counseling cases, I have found out that woman marries every third year. Period. She marries every third year….
Kundalini Yoga means subjecting your ego to your creative consciousness. In other words, not to be a habitual animal, but to become trained in sensitivity. It means super sensitivity, not within yourself, but in relation to all the people you know, deal and feel about them. Naturally it is a very powerful way of living.
Am I supposed to suffer? Answer is no. What is the way? Can I protect myself? Answer is no. So what is the answer….. Develop your intuition.
Mahan tantric is that… you know longitude and latitude, that is where the cross energy is. Mahan tantric by practice, takes the diagonal route of the energy and controls it.
There are two things in life, lever (is a diagonal energy) and a lens. Through the lens you can see what you cannot see. With a lever you can move what you cannot move. And it is a diagonal energy.
Q: So the diagonal energy, it’s spiritual energy?
YB: It’s spiritual.
Q: True spiritual energy?
YB: It has to be pure.
Q: Is it?
YB: It is. It has to be pure. Because if it is impure, it shall bent. Because energies do cross, so it has to be supreme energy, the Adi Shakti, the primal force.
Question/Answer Period
YB: We have done them, now you keep on practicing them, they are not dangerous. Even eating a banana can be dangerous if you are not hungry.
YB: Once a day. Once a day, 7 minutes for each, 21 min total with 5 min interval.
YB: Sometimes the energy is rushed up and people normally get phobic. That’s the only danger one can be involved with. I mean, it is dealing with the life force. It is not something very casual. … So we would like to have a person with a supervisor.
…We want people to be excellent. White Tantra is taking you, putting in a mold, clean it out, out. It is washer/drier together. It is when… normally you exercise slowly, gradually, and it takes time. And once in a while we do that course and one, two, three, go through it, and you are fit for next time. It’s a diagonal energy which we deal with. That’s what Kundalini is also, diagonal energy. There are 2 forces in life, the diagonal force, and the lens. The lever force and the lens. The lever moves which cannot be moved, and the lens sees what cannot be seen. These are only 2 forces. We deal with them, we deal with intuition, and we deal with them in the moment. Tantra
means length and breadth. And that is how we weave the cloth. You know, threads are threads, but once you weave the cloth, then they become very strong. Then you can hold anything in it.
YB: To live a full life. Hmm? White Tantra is not the car, but is taking the car through car wash. Wax and clean and polish it, and then keep it going.
Kundalini Yoga is becoming the adept, becoming the expert. It is something, you do it everyday. White Tantric you do once in a while. It is the same thing as you drive the car everyday, you are okay, you go to office, go shopping, but one in a while you take it through the brushes. And the water, the brushes, the wax, and they clean it all out, it comes out new. That’s the difference.
Kundalini Yoga is a way of life. For every householder it is a way of life. Everybody must practice for 62 minutes a day to keep fit, to keep going, to keep alive, to keep being intuitive. These are small exercises, but they are very powerful.
Electromagnetic psyche. Ultimately in another 10-20 years people will start measuring, diagnosing, treating. It will become a way of therapy. I think once people start measuring auras, then we’ll start developing electromagnetic machines, and then the electromagnetic therapy which is now going on…. it is a 3,000 year old science. They used to put a magnetic at a certain part of the body to attract the blood and change the chemistry and heal the person. They will start doing it now. But it is not totally developed yet. That is our 21st century medical system. They will put you through a tube, pass you through certain electromagnetic fields, and you will come out next side, totally new. No problem. Six thousand karonas, something like that. Because your life force is in your arcline from earlobe to earlobe, and moment it can be corrected, your disease can disappear. It’s true, and they will develop it.
…There’s a difference between day and night. White Tantric is to help and serve, and a person who does that has to be completely servant and humble. Red tantric is for sexual energy and senses. And black tantric is for mental control and controlling other people. So one is Stockholm, other is Oslo, and third is Berlin. They are totally different. They are definitely different in quality, quantity, direction, practices, methods, facets, use.
(Talks more on the topics of: celibacy, Kundalini Yoga, being a teacher, why yogis were in the Himalayas.)
Meditation: LA049 780901 Homeh Bandana Kriya: takes away self-pride and vanity
Taught by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji
LA049 780901 HOMEH BANDANA KRIYA: takes away self-pride and vanity
Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.
Sit with the legs crossed or in a chair with the weight of both feet equally distributed on the ground.
Relax the arms down with the elbows bent. Hake fists of the hands with the thumbs extended out from the fists. Raise the forearms up and in toward each other until the thumbs touch each other. No fingers of the opposite hands touch each other at any time. Apply 25 pounds of pressure per square inch on the thumbs. Hold the hand position in front of the chest at the heart level.
Deeply inhale and completely exhale as the mantra is chanted. Upon completion of the meditation deeply inhale and completely exhale for about 1 minute.
Close the eyes all the way.
Chant the following mantra in a monotone voice 4 times as the breath is completely exhaled:
This is the starting number of repetitions of the mantra. It may be increased to 8 repetitions.
Focus on the chanted mantra.
Continue the meditation for a maximum time of 31 minutes.
This is a very sacred, very simple, but very powerful meditation. It takes away a person’s self-pride and vanity. If the number of repetitions of the mantra is increased to the maximum another person should be present with the meditator. The meditator may be rocketed to far into the ethers that he may find it hard to come back down.
Meditation: LA588 890411 Silver Grain Meditation
Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles April 11, 1989
So tonight we are going to go through meditation. Some of you won’t like to do it so you can sit or you can leave if it is too boring or it is not right but don’t test your sweat, okay. You know what I mean. If you have done a mistake to come and it looks like unbearable then it is unbearable, hallelujah. You don’t have to push yourself into it but you want to go deeper into your meditative capacity then come along. We will try to do as much as we can. All right.
38,42 16 minutes.
Then set yourself up and sit properly and let us do. Make it sixty degree. This is my simple right hand. Two fingers cross sixty degree. Two fingers. This is over, this is how it is. And sixty degree from your armpit angle. I don’t have a ‘ square to come and measure your armpit and your angles but if you have a sense of geometry just see that it is sixty degree.
And now what is left with you. Some hand got left. And this is it. Now vibrate it on your heart center. Actually vibrate. See that you don’t touch your body and you vibrate and play it between your chest and breast whatever the situation is. That you vibrate the electromagnetic field.
Close your eyes and concentrate and vibrate and keep your hand at sixty degree. If the degree difference will be more than ten number your vibration will not be real. You will feel shallow. So your free will is ten degrees. In other words between fifty and seventy is cool. God I have learned so much with you guys. It is fun. Sometimes I feel I have overlearned. But it is okay. Okay. Vibrate, vibrate and vibrate really heavy. Now your nervous system will become your enemy number one. Your body will start hurting at different areas. Not where it should. That means energy is blocked in certain chakras and whichever chakra it has an inferior flow it is all connecting organs will start letting you know. If you are a female and you have a breast you have a lucky situation because you have an arcline there therefore just move your hand in the center of it. If you are a male you don’t have that arcline, you try to vibrate fast and heavy you will have the same result. In this meditation and this exercise female has an edge over male so you are handicapped so therefore try to cover that by having a fast, heavy, tough, macho movement. That will cover it. Fast, fast, fast.
(after 2 minutes) If you are uncomfortable in breathing breathe through the breath of fire, breathe through long, deep. Ultimately you will have your special breath. Sooner or later it will come out to you. Rate of breathing will be calculated by the process of your state of endurance. You know we have got to dig silver through its grain deep in the earth. Mining is a very sweaty job, remember. You have come to mine today. You love silver but you don’t want to mine it. Huh. Move. Problem is not with you. Problem is your sixty degree. Do you understand, with all your education, going to college, doing degree and boasting to everybody you do not have the difference between sixty degree and eighty degree. You know what sixty degree is. It is not too high, not too low. It hurts. One thing about this sixty degree, it shall hurt like in hell. If your armpit is open at sixty degree and you are pressing your sun finger under your id, the thumb and you are honestly vibrating at your heart center it will hurt like in hell. I mean it. I have done this exercise so I know it. There are no two opinions about it. Now you ask me how I sustain myself. I won’t tell you. Why you just learn by your own experience. Concentrate, pray, meditate, ask God to come help. Ask the ancestors, ask the pets you have got in the house, tell your cat to help you. Doesn’t matter to me. When you have got to seek help is on the way. You know there used to be a funny commercial on the television. This little guy starts sinking. First he was crossing the ocean on a rooster, and his roosters feathers get wet and he started drowning. He picked up the telephone and he called and US_ Navy came to his help. Remember that. I don’t care who comes to your help and how you call it but keep going. It shall hurt. And that is one test of it, you are doing it right. Now here, poor and rich, healthy or unhealthy, great and small doesn’t mean. Question is who has the practice to combat hurt and who doesn’t. Fight it, fight it, fight it. You have eleven more minutes to go. Well, what do you mean I am teaching a joke. Is it a meditation deep silver grain and all that. You mean it is all made up. Ha, ha, ha. You thought you come here for a birthday cake everyday. Wow. Hallelujah. I can’t understand it. Come on. Keep going. Keep it sixty degree and just prove it to yourself that you can make it. You know the one most beautiful thing in the Catholic religion is, God is in a box. You open the window, you tell the God, he gives you a Hail Mary, matter is over. But this is the real Hail Mary. You know if you do not know the religion you can’t talk about it. You can say in your mind, father, father, I have sinned. Come on, come on if you
Rigth fingers Ego-Saturn Stretch the armpit at sixty degree Left hand Move, vibrate hand on your heart centerthink I am going to give up before the time it is not possible. I am just on time schedule. And don’t cheat. Self cheating is not a good idea. You have sinned, you do it now, therefore heavens shall not punish you. You understand. Am I laying the guilt all right. Does it sound correct? Let the devil not get you. I have not watched those channels for a long time but I think I am very much in good spirit today. Learn, get the devil, devil has many ways to cheat. But Jesus will come through anyway if you really trust it. Therefore keep it wide open at sixty degrees and vibrate and welcome the coming. Am I right? Sounds good and you have six more minutes to go. Come on, vibrate heavily. Hey there is another trick. If you vibrate heavily and faster, that other hurt will become comparatively less. Everything is a comparative so don’t worry about it. Now who wants to be spiritual if you have to do all this. You know how you want to be spiritual. When you are eating your pasta you should be enlightened. Really. That is how you want to be enlightened. And beyond that forget it and the test of that enlightenment is that hotel or restaurant should not give you bill. And pay you fifty dollars for visiting because you are very divine and light was so true. Come on, move. You know what I mean. You are just stuck in that kind of man pray to God, pray to God, god says, “What do you want?” He said, “God I want seven tons of gold.” He said, “So be it. Here it is.” He said, “But I want a second thing.” He said, “You never asked first.” He said, “I am asking now.” He said, “What is this? Nobody can steal it away from me, separate from me or take it away from me.” He said, “So be it.” So with seven ton of gold how can he move? He still is sitting in the back selling ton of gold. Move, keep your elbows straight. Don’t cheat. You want to know who cheats. Look at your elbow. It will tell you. Thy elbow shall speak to thee. Thank God when I used to twenty years ago teach you never came to my class. You would have been different. Come on, come on. Got to do it. Now really time moves very slowly. What is wrong with this watch. Hey hurry up. Four more minutes no big deal. Really four more minutes. Moment you will hear nine o’clock don’t bother me. Come on, hey wait a minute. What is going on. Vibrate. That is good. Keep going. Little things I understand bother you these days. After this there will be no trouble. Once you go through it small things will not, you will not even care. You will never say it hurts me. Some people cannot get acupuncture. The needle bothers them. Forget about touching it, if it goes they think a bullet has gone. But look at that guy who got forty five, six bullets in it, walked into a hospital, sit in emergency and say doctor it is here and here and here and here and take it out. You have three more minutes. Exactly. Nam Nidhan what do you think accounting is. Right now count your angle and count your. Now do it at least, now get into it. You do not know after that the joy will come. It will be quite good. Come on. Really create that tension. Hey leave the pinky straight, don’t bend that poo thing. We don’t want mercury to come along with the sun. It creates a fuss. Hello. Which is the first star near the sun? Planet. Mercury. That is why I think the pinky is next to the ring finger right. Come on, hurry up. Hey you are doing good. It is one minute and forty five seconds more. I am now looking at the last second. Now do it heavy duty. Come on. Accelerate. Minute and a half. I can’t tell you to stop until you hear the nine stroke of the heavenly sound. Do it good. Do it enough. I think you are almost cooked and enlightened right now. Now folks let me tell you the bad news and good news. Bad news is that this is the last minute. And good news is and there_ are only forty seconds to go and situation is that this forty second if you have cheated all along do it now to compensate. Now tell me. What that thing in the armpit can do if even you use it three times. Solid. Move. Faster, heavier. You have only twenty seconds to go. Fifteen. Come on clock, ring hurry up. Put your best. 56,35 Inhale deep. Inhale deep, inhale deep.
4 ½ Stretch the armpit all the way at sixty degree. minutes: Put your hand and press (left hand) at your heart center as powerfully you can, hold the breath. It is a priceless breath. Exhale quick and inhale quick. Great. Whenever you now cannot hold, exhale and inhale quick at your command but hold to the maximum. And don’t over-exercise or overtax yourself but don’t cheat either. Do it right. Keep your arm up. Practice now the breath. It will change your entire metabolism. You have the right to kill the diSsease and do it now. It is called silver lightening. Come on kids healing is now started. Press that hand on the heart center as powerful as it should be. Breathe in and hold to the maximum and let it go when you can’t and breathe in quick. Sit with it. We understand that is how they talk in hell. Wow, they say in heaven. Both cry. No difference. Come on, keep the elbows stretched. Doesn’t. I know it is painful. I have done it myself. But it is not as bad as angioplasty is. Be great masters of your own destiny. Hel your body today. Breathe hardy, hold it. Hey it is not a big deal. Oh my God it is going to be soon over. I understand. Don’t miss the boat. Meditate, concentrate, pray, do whatever you can. Even do Voo-doo doesn’t matter. But hold on your grounds. Stick now, stick with yourself. Help yourself, love yourself. Do it. Conquer. Conquer. Conquer pain. Win in experience. Fear shall leave you. That is how it. You have only minute and that is the last minute. You can try your best. Don’t give up now. You have done all the way. You have been very nice. One minute is left in all this. You know three minutes we are doing, not big deal. Come on now. Oh God. Come on. You have exactly thirty and forty seconds to go. Thirty seconds to go. Take that last breath. Take an experience that you have won it. Get to point of victory. Acknowledge it. You have fifteen more seconds. Try it if you have failed so far. Make it happen. You have exactly five seconds. Inhale deep, deep, deep. Hold tight, hold tight. Let it go and relax.
1.01,07 Well kids you did a good job. Now if you have done any part of it, I don’t want to have to tell you, but what result shall be, I can give you that. Whenever you will confront a most painful situation in life, you don’t have to speak one word, just as you concentrated, concentrated will disappear. There is nothing God. God is just an idea in thought and it is a sellout in the spiritual world.
It is that arcline which is from your earlobe to earlobe and female has earlobe to earlobe arcline and an arcline through her breasts. That is the difference between male and female. Men don’t have it. Female do have it. That may be God was thinking that she is going to be a mother and she is going to be a guardian of another life, she is going to be nurturing of the other life. He gave her the extra energy. But as in this you have concentrated which you are going to do now. Just concentrate. Now what we are going to do is we are going to lock our fingers like this, 11 minutes: sit like this and we feel earlobe to earlobe we have a silver halo. Call it imagination. Call it metaphysics. Call it religious, call it a gimmick, call it nonsense, doesn’t matter to me. But just do that. 1:02;33 Sit down, close your eyes and concentrate on me through closed eyes. Now link up. And see you have a beautiful, beautiful, silver, bright halo. Halo from earlobe to earlobe. [play I am Bountiful] That is what all this turban is about. It is not that we are selling boutique to you and you have to buy a cloth from us. Nobody wants that. Neither Jews wanted to wear yalmaka, nor Christian wanted to cover their head and not let the woman enter the church and blah, blah, blah. All those rituals had a very powerful, deep spiritual meaning. But we lost on the way, that is the way we went. We will play the music to give you an idea of excellence but just imagine you have a beautiful halo from earlobe to earlobe. And you are healing and you are shining and you are bright like the full moon of the fourteenth night. Bright, brisk moon of the fourteenth night. (Bountiful, blissful, beautiful is played.) Deep meditate. Deep. Let the silver lining reflect. Just remember. Remember the moonlight. Meditate, meditate. Reflect the moonlight. Inhale deep, exhale. Shake your hands. Some of you are too much into it, and some are just doing very well. We don’t want this too much business because we have to stay here. You know what I mean. Shake your hands, shake well. All right move your shoulders, little rib cage, little seat, stretch your legs a little bit and just clap a hand with the nearest partner. Not with your hands, with the somebody. Just shake hands with the nearest person.
All right, all right, all right good. Get back to the position again, back again, as you were. Start. You must know in a instance you can change the gears. Back meditate. Now exactly reflect the moon arcline which you achieved which I saw. Get back again to the same status. That is why they say never trust a spiritual teacher. That is what it is.
I was jealous. Reflect moonlight in the halo. You are doing good. Keep the spine straight. Let the serum change, let the grey matter convert. Come on, let us heal. Solid rock, like a shining moon. Don’t move at all. Keep a status of unisounness. You are getting very good and I can’t tolerate it. 1:17;35 Now wink your eyes, fast enough, open and close please. And shake your head all of you. Shake it up, shake it up. Just like that crazy head they call it. Shake it, shake it. Oh good, good, good, now what you have to do is I say one, two, three you get back into the same status. You understand. You know what I am saying. Meditation is not a jerks joke. Meditation is when you want to go into it at your command. They call it transmission gear five. You know what a transmission gear five is, one, two, three, four, right. This and that. Then the reverse. But when it is a five gear situation it is one crick, click. Have you seen that. Then all four wheels come into gear and the things pull through doesn’t matter what. Meditation is a power for the fool. To make the whole world cooled right. And that is the school. Come on now. Now what I am going to do is say one, two, three and he will play and I will tell him to stop and you have to come out normal. And that is how back and forth you are going to play. Now gear up yourself to that point. At this time you are winning but you know final word has to be with mine. You know what I mean or you have to become super. Just remember a spiritual teacher has only one ego if at all he has that his student should be better than him. Even he fails his student should not fail. Nothing else, nothing can please real one. Other is bogus. That is commercial. All right. Quick. Okay stand up. You are so good. I can’t believe it. I have to believe to believe it. I can’t. In one second.
Jump up. Circulate, circulate, circulate. Circulate, feel sexy. Circulate. All right sit down, sit down, sit down. On. Tune in deep fast. Just keep the spine little straight. Deeper, deeper. Stop. Shake up your hands. Open your eyes. Look at me and acknowledge. Right. Start. Thank you now we have to come out of the whole lot. Okay now please relax now do what I say. Now what you have to do is you have to chant with it, but you cannot chant, clap your hands in the center. Don’t do this mistake. You will blow it up. So you have to chant this way and that way. You follow what I am saying. Okay. That is all right. If you just do it once just for curiosity sake like this, that is. You didn’t come here, you didn’t do anything, it is all out, gone. That is what it takes, just one wrong move and it is all over. So what you have to do is you have 1:28;40 to put your hands here, and clap it here, first clap it on this side, this is left, here and then here. Here and then here and here and here. But under no circumstance if I tell you do it like this. Okay. Put that tape on and I will stay start you meditatively start doing it. See where we go. Nobody knows what we are doing. Where is she. (Give me the wisdom, give me the courage…)Very good, very good. 1:30 Relax. Shake your hands. Very well done. Very well done. Now we have to seal it and that is a very painful process. What should I do? I don’t know. The whole thing is wrong or we are wrong or somewhere we have to do it right.
Okay we have got two hands. Understand and you have a point called belly button. You know that point. I am going to play these drums and I am going to create a two and a half cycle rhythm which is very beautiful if I get into it and you have to exactly create that sound at the navel point and if your energy will just hit one beat right with my beat you will have an experience and that is how cheap it is. And some people have done ages, and sat down at the lotus feet of their master and they are still as empty as the empty bamboo stick is. You have got it. It is chance we have got to make it tonight. You know where the navel is, find it out first. You have a navel somewhere and don’t just start beating your stomach and think it is a navel. Navel is a navel. This is mine. I have got it. And this is how you go this way. Hey this hand has a power. Right at the hand at the navel point. Don’t worry, rest is all there. (SS” plays the drums) Now shake your hands and move the body. Let no part of your body. Even the toes. Move them between themself. Just move every part of the body. Just relax. Let the energy spread. Wherever it spreads it will be healing. See that no part of the body is left and especially if there is any part of the body you feel uncomfortable, put your hand on it and massage it now.
Meditation: LA015 780227 – To Bring Swift and Powerful Change
Yogi Bhajan – LA015 780227 – To Bring Swift and Powerful Change
Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.
With the fingers touching, place the left hand on top of the right with the palms facing down. Press the thumbs together, pointing toward the body. The mudra is held midway between the heart and throat chakras.
The arms are bent at the elbows to accomodate the mudra. They are maintained parallel to the floor.
Sit on the ground with the legs crossed, or in a chair with the weight of both feet equally distributed on the ground.
Deeply inhale*, exhaling completely as the mantra is chanted.
The eyes are 1/10 open.
The mantra consists of eight haris per breath; they are broken into two different vocal tones:
(loud, powerful tone)
(lower pitch and volume: female, soft, sophisticated tone.)
Don’t become very fast, now listen. Patience pays. Listen to the note and the tune which I am meditating and chanting and then you can create that sound yourself, first is a higher powerful tone, second is female soft sophisticated tone, both are very important. Hari Hari Hari Hari…
HARI is pronounced “huh-ree” with the accent on the second syllable.
Chanted all on one breath, one second per HARI or 8 seconds per round. “Both tones very important.”
This meditation was practiced for 11 minutes in class.
“If you can do it for a really long time, it can bring swift and powerful change. Mantra is very powerful, so is the posture.”
See LA015 780227 meditation to bring swift and powerful change…
See lecture in the library of teachings.
Meditation: NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation
Yogi Bhajan – Espanola November 17, 2001
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center with the fingertips touching and the palms spread. 19:00 Rhythmically move the fingers in circles forward, down, back and up, (only the fingers move, not the arms), as you loudly sing the mantra, “Bolo Raam, Bolo Raam, Bolo Raam, Raam Raam,” (from ‘Angel’s Waltz” by Sada Sat Kaur). Eyes are open. You have to look at the hands to give them Drib Drishti Pranayami—saluting with your eyes, your own fingers, your own hands and your own movement. Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold for 30 seconds as you stretch and tighten your spine, spreading the energy within you for your own piety and bliss. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. On the last breath also put all pressure on the fingers and make them like steel.
The mantra must be sung with the lips and “Ram” must be chanted with a puckering motion of the lips. This meditation has the same effect on every meridian as a complete acupuncture session has. You will be transformed. Ty it any time you are in difficulty. If your head is going in circles and you are going to fall, do it just once and you will stop. It balances the five tattvas—as represented by the planets Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and our Id in relation to the fingers. And if the lips are used to chant this mantra, your love life will never be negative. Your words, your sound, will go to the heart rather than to the head, because when you speak with the tongue it reaches the head, when you speak with the tip of the tongue it reaches divinity, and when you speak with the lips it reaches the heart.
Lecture- Wanting Nothing
There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 365 days in a year. That is called time and space. Within that space you breathe. Tme is not limited. Breath is! It is the frequency of your breath that defines your lifespan. You breathe 15 times per minute on the average. If you breathe one time per minute, which takes about 120 days of practice to do perfectly, your life will be extended 15 times and, because the body’s organs, cells and molecules have to stretch to meet the time, you will not have a disease! And if you learn how to meet the time, time will learn how to meet you. Then you can experience Infinity, which is called God.
In the Age of Aquarius man will learn the Science of Self Self will be dominant. The emotions and feelings you have and your desires to have things will all disappear. Can you believe that you can live life wanting nothing? Understand the joy of it! The moment you want nothing, everything wants you, because everything in the
universe is in balance.
Once a young girl in love with a boy told me, “I can’t live without him!” I said, ‘You want him? Then make a sacrifice—just don’t want him.” “What will happen?” I said, ‘Then he’ll want you!” So she practiced Sat Kriya and with every breath had one thought, “I don’t want him.” As luck would have it, after 120 days of sweetly and calmly doing Sat Kriya every day… he wanted her! When he came and apologized, she said, “I don’t want you!” Today she is prosperous, content and happy. She rules the time.
When you love and live in personification, it is just like a fish on a hook. It isolates you from your internal and external projection. You must learn to project impersonally. Saying, “I love you” is okay, but not for the benefit of your feelings and attachments. Live personally but project impersonally. That is reality! That is blessing. When Muslims came to Persia they said to the people, “Convert to Islam or we are going to kill you.” People either died or converted to Islam. But they found a man in the jungle named Rasalee. On telling him to accept Islam, he said, “I am Islam!” “No, you really have to convert.” They hung him in a tree with a net saying, ‘You will not get anything to eat or drink until you convert.”
After one month they came back. He was fine. He was laughing! This was strange! They thought, “The time must have been too short. Let us go away.” They went away and forgot about him. When they came back five months later he said, “Hey, Islam! You forgot about me!” They were shocked! He was hale and healthy! They asked, ‘What did you live on?” He replied, “I lived on Islam.” Thinking he was a mad man they freed him. Rasalee walked into the city telling everybody “Islam, Islam, Islam!” and people started listening to him and realizing that he was a living, impersonal human being.
“Islam” means “salutation.” You are humble and pure enough to salute the universe.
This new age we are entering, the new millennium, is an age of entry into the Self And Self is very pure. It has no duality. When somebody says, “I like you, but I don’t think I like you. Maybe I do,” no one can tolerate it. No person can tolerate a double projection. Your life tragedies are caused by your projections from many angles. As long as you cannot talk straight, there will be nothing straight in your life.
The worst sin is when you judge a person. If you judge an insane person, insanity will attack you within 24 hours. It is called “time reversal.” Whatever you do inside your inner self your outer self has to respond. If you judge somebody outside, your inner self will judge you. Do you know how painful that will be? You do not need that pain.
When you start a sequence you must face the consequences. You cannot escape anything. Time ticks. The mighty sun goes down and then rises. The Earth revolves. It is happening to you. You cannot take the load—and yet you have to carry the load of life. But you are overloaded with garbage rather than clarity. Just be clear and stop this dramatization! It does not take you anywhere. In the end you will find it is a waste of time—that precious time, that most beautiful time that can be so projective, so creative, so real, so fulfilling.
There is a way of living where you desire nothing. When we do not desire anything, we deserve everything. And it shall be provided, because the law of karma is “every action has a reaction, equal and opposite.”
When somebody is rich or you need a person, you over-extend yourself If somebody is poor and humble and not in a position to do anything, you withdraw and end up with a reaction. Reaction is temporary misery, but you suffer here and hereafter! You decide if you are going to the heavens or to hell—and your ego is the only clear path to it. Any sequence you start will have consequences. By the blessing of the Guru you may not feel the consequences and be covered—that is the only possibility. You are contemptuous to your own self! Count it! How many times during the day do you laugh, smile, shake hands or hug people? If you have nobody to hug, at least hug your consciousness.
You think of life as living to be 60, 70 or 80 years old. That is not life, folks. Life consists of constant, running circles, running into each other. Time takes you from one place to another. You can be a thief or a saint—it is balanced all the way. You are what you chose to be. I can tell you “Be great! Hurry up and don’t be late!” But the end you have to meet, at any rate.
Dharma is the understanding that every action has a reaction equal and opposite. Therefore, it is simple: Do not start an action for which you are not willing to stand the reaction.
Love – the Common Element
Traveling the world over and over, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa expresses the common denominator of her experience.
Sat Nam Divine Ones, Through the Grace of God, we have traveled and taught for the past ten days on the East Coast of the United States. Returning home last night to peaceful Taos, New Mexico, I have come to know the importance in the world of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, and ether. These elements feel so imbalanced these days, especially in cities. Everyday, alive and with breath, I am realizing more and more the only thing that will keep this world intact is Love. This may sound corny – however how many of us have forgotten this aspect? Love is the most important element! I have been witness to so much love in all of the gatherings where we were teaching. Walking down the streets in New York City, in a quiet retreat at Omega in upstate New York, at Sat Nam Fest East in the Berkshires in Massachusetts, and everywhere in between via planes, trains, and automobiles the common demoninator is Love. While sitting in community with thousands of people or with a handful of people, we gather around the dining tables. We eat a meal together. We catch up, we talk about babies, families, life and death and again I experienced the common denominator bringing us together is Love. I believe Love is the only commonality to heal and replenish everyone’s lives. I urge all of us, including myself, to meditate on just one word: Love. Love is not a catchy new word, a brand name, a bandwidth, an event, a new Netlix series, a new product that promises health and longevity for all, nor a pharmaceutical medicine. Love stands alone above all there is. I ask you as we go forward in this complicated world to meditate on this word: Love. That’s all. Through the meditation may our actions and our lives will be infused with Love. God Bless you all! See Golden Bridge post.
Meditation: TCH36-8I-2000724-You and Thou
Yogi Bhajan – July 24th, 2000 – Espanola, NM, USA
MEDITATION – Change the Elemental Psyche
Sit very straight in a cross-legged position. Raise the forearms parallel to the ground with the hands interlaced in Venus Lock in front of the chest with thumbs locked. Pull on the lock. Eyes are closed. Make an “o” of your mouth and do Breath of Fire through it. Be steady. Use the strength of the diaphragm and the navel. Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and keeping the hands locked, stretch the arms straight overhead. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.
This meditation can change your elemental psyche. It will help you know you are not an emotional beast, but at least part angel, part beast and part human. Out of this trinity, you must develop the mastery of the human mind.
See the Lecture.
Meditation: TCH36-1-A00713 – Pain and Ecstasy – Triangle of Knowledge
Yogi Bhajan
TCH36 1 A00713 Pain and EcstasyTriangle of Knowledge July 13th, 2000 – Espanola, NM, USA #TCH36-1
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Place the tip of the right index finger over the tip of the left index finger—right palm facing down, left palm facing up—holding the remaining fingers with the thumbs. Raise the hands in front of the the heart center with the elbows relaxed down. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose. Sit as straight as the greatest incarnation of Lord Buddha—be saintly, concentrate. Sing from the navel Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Hai Bhee Sach, Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach.
While pronouncing sach, strike the upper palate toward the rear, in the soft part (saying sat…), then role the tongue forward (…producing chhh)
Tune your inner ears so that the hammering of the hammer bones in the inner ears enables your brain to analyze the sound as you hear it. Continue for 2 1/2 hours. Relax. The mudra allows the infinite energy to come through. Chanting the mantra stimulates the upper palate with the tip of the tongue, tuning the thalamus and hypothalamus. Focusing on the tip of the nose causes the frontal lobe, which controls the personality, to become like lead. At one point the pain can become so unbearable, you cannot stand it. Then it breaks, and you have found what you are looking for, and that is forever. Nobody can take it away. Otherwise, you are a yo-yo, a floater—you see, you do not see, you love, you do not love, you hear, you have not heard. To grow roots, you must open yourself up.
In life, we enter heaven through the gate of death, and must pay right on the spot—but you do not want to. This refusal to “pay-in” is the cause of pain in all its forms. Conquer pain through your power to achieve, knowing there is sunshine after every rainy day. See it as a process you are going through. When you do not latch onto maya or pain, you descend from the heights to renew, nurture yourself and bloom again, and experience Infinity as you again ascend. Slowly and gradually the psyche uplifts you to the heights and you are in bliss. Pain is a vehicle to achieve that. Pain is as powerful a part of life as ecstasy is. Love is expansion and fear is contraction. Both these forces create barriers. Love in its finite expression is a dead end—maya, the world. Love must be mixed with Infinity before you can reach ecstasy. As an apprentice to this process, you offer yourself in surrender to receive the Master’s Touch. You stand on the roots of the tree like a little bear, who reaches up to hold the trunk and climbs to the top-most branch to get to the bee hive, unaware of bee stings—intent on getting the honey. He drinks the honey, is satisfied, and descends to the ground, falling through branches which break his fall. After stretching and nurturing himself, the little bear remembers the taste of honey and the sense of achievement. He goes up the tree again and again, reaching that achievement in ecstasy, and nothing else matters. Life is a lie if you do not achieve your Self for yourself. That is your honey, your sweetness. You must achieve that Infinity where your identity is such a non-identity that it merges in Everything. Once you are that, you bless everybody. You are honored and in bliss—limitless, with no confinement, no territory, no demands, no requests. In this process you provoke, offer, surrender, achieve, and descend. Provoke, because everything is provocation, either to control or to receive. Offer, because you must decide how to offer, or present yourself. Surrender, because when you surrender, your working self becomes zero, shuniya. Surrender is the highest power to gain all that you want to gain. Achieve, because once you have a sense of achievement and say, “My God!”, if you convert that “My God!” into, “My Soul!” you have already found God. You have a soul—achieve it! When you find your soul for yourself, you are complete. Descend, because like a forklift, you may descend, go into the dirt and move it up. This descent is the highest state of mind and spirit. When the Age of Aquarius comes and people seek you out, you will have no time but to touch them and say, “Bless you!” to bring the entire psyche and being of a person into balance. That touch will create a state of, “Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Hai Bhee Sach, Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach,” original Truth,Truth through time, Truth now, and forever Truth. These must prevail through one touch. This mantra will give you the power of the Master’s Touch. There is no power or magic on this planet that can stop it. It has a permutation, combination, projection and power which brings the entire Prakirti, the existence, into the being of Purkha, the divinity. You will serve the creation of God, you will see God in everybody, in yourself, and in every facet of life.
Meditation: M103 – 19941218 – To Call on Your Impersonal
You have Personal, Impersonal, and Self. If you call on your Impersonal, you will have tons of energy. If you call on your personal, you will be depressed. You should have that power, whenever you are facing circumstances to call on your Impersonal. Impersonal is You beyond you, and personal is you within the realm of your own knowledge.
Library of Teachings M103-1994-1218-To Call on Your Impersonal
Musings on Grace and Gratitude
The more that we bring up gratitude, the more that seems to be the only important thing about our relating with life — not belief, not comfort. The greatest grace that we have received as humans is exactly that capacity for gratitude. We have been blessed with the best teachers and the most sacred teachings…all just to realize that quality of gratitude in us. Gratitude promotes the alchemical transformation of our experience into compassion, which does not have any limit, which is Infinite.
How could we be intolerant of anyone who is limited by ignorance? refuse people the grace that they lack? cling tightly to what we have in unlimited abundance? begrudge people their limited existence?
Everything we see and everyone we look at reminds us of how we do not suffer and shows us the grace that we can share. Freedom is internal, not circumstantial. We are bound in this life to our karma, as is everyone. At least we can experience and savor every moment and every thing that are the gifts of time and space.
Look at people who are walking in the street. Where are they going? What is important? It all depends. That’s grace.
Remember the saying: “There, but for the grace of God, go I”?
You are a product of God’s Grace to the world. Remember that.
“The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within” Meditation