Today: Go with what you know.  Do not allow doubts to dissuade you from your path. – from the I Ching

Go with what you know.  Do not allow doubts to dissuade you from your path.

Meditation: NM0337-Bujung Kriya – For Wisdom and Understanding

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 5 – The Tao doesn’t take sides; it gives birth to both good and evil.

61 – Sixty-One  Chung Fu / Inner Truth

The gentle Wind ripples the Lake’s surface:
The Superior Person finds common ground between points of contention, wearing away rigid perspectives that would lead to fatal error.

Pigs and fishes.
You may cross to the far shore.
Great fortune if you stay on course.


The subject of this hexagram discovers a key to Tranquility by first gaining insight into his own nature, then turning that vision outward.
By resolving inner conflicts and being at peace with himself, he learns to gain insight into others.
In effect, he enters another, sees with the other’s eyes, listens with the other’s ears, feels with the other’s heart.
He then returns to his own center, with new perspective and understanding.

Six in the fourth place means:

Just before the moon waxes full, One horse breaks from the harness, and its mate remains.
It is as it should be.

The moon nearly at the full.
The team horse goes astray.
No blame.

Horse on beach with moon

To intensify the power of inner truth, a man must always turn to his superior, from whom he can receive enlightenment as the moon receives light from the sun. However, this requires a certain humility, like that of the moon when it is not yet quite full. At the moment when the moon becomes full and stands directly opposite the sun, it begins to wane. Just as on the one hand we must be humble and reverent when face to face with the source of enlightenment, so likewise must we on the other renounce factionalism among men. Only by pursuing one’s course like a horse that goes straight ahead without looking sidewise at its mate, can one retain the inner freedom that helps one onward.
46 – Forty-Six  Shêng / Upward Mobility

Beneath the Soil, the Seedling pushes upward toward the light:
To preserve his integrity, the Superior Person contents himself with small gains that eventually lead to great accomplishment.

Supreme Success.
Have no doubts.
Seek guidance from someone you respect.
A constant move toward greater clarity will bring reward.


You are progressing, rising inch-by-inch toward certain success.
What makes this assured is your refusal to tilt headlong toward your goal, slamming into obstacles and going mad with frustration.
You have a clear map before you of the steps necessary to reach your objective.
With faithful patience and a careful conservation of personal energy and resources, you will run this long, slow distance.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “Your aura is determined by what you vibrate” – Yogi Bhajan

“Your aura is determined by what you vibrate. Whatever your mental thoughts are, that is your aura and that is the color of your aura.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: 760422 – Balancing Projection with Intention

See related posts

Today: It is important to know exactly when to advance or retreat.  Read the flow. – from the I Ching

It is important to know exactly when to advance or retreat.  Read the flow.

Meditation:  TCH36-8I-2000724-You and Thou

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 2 – When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other.

33 – Thirty-Three  Tun / Retreat

The tranquil Mountain towers overhead, yet remains this side of Heaven:
The Superior Person avoids the petty and superficial by keeping shallow men at a distance, not in anger but with dignity.

Such a retreat sweeps the path clear to Success.
Occupy yourself with minute detail.


Retreat in this instance is not a desperate flight in disarray, but a conscious choice to distance yourself from forces that would rob you of your peace.
It is not a surrender, but a regrouping.
Retreat from this conflict is actually an advance toward your own center.
You move toward balance, and thus a much stronger position.

Nine in the fifth place means:

He makes a dignified retreat and retains control of the situation.

Friendly retreat. Perseverance brings good fortune.


Beginning of a Perfect Day


‘The Beginning of a Perfect Day’ – Thomas Kinkade

It is the business of the superior man to recognize in time that the moment for retreat has come. If the right moment is chosen, the retreat can be carried out within the forms of perfect friendliness, without the necessity of disagreeable discussions. Yet, for all the observance of amenities, absolute firmness of decision is necessary if one is not to be led astray by irrelevant considerations.
56 – Fifty-Six  Lu / The Wanderer

Fire on the Mountain, catastrophic to man, a passing annoyance to the Mountain:
The Superior Person waits for wisdom and clarity before exacting Justice, then lets no protest sway him.

Find satisfaction in small gains.
To move constantly forward is good fortune to a Wanderer.


You are a stranger to this situation.
It is your attraction to the exotic that has led you here, but you will move on to a new vista when this one has lost its mystique.
Because much of this environment is foreign to you, you must exercise only the best judgement.
You don’t know the custom here, and it’s too easy to cross a line you don’t know is there.
Because you are the foreigner in this setting, you have no history to acquit you.
Watch, listen, study, contemplate, then step lightly but decisively on.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “Those who sleep North/South…” – Yogi Bhajan

“Those who sleep North/South—their magnetic field and the magnetic field of the Earth become one and they become zero and lose all initiative. That is why man has always been advised to sleep East/West.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM132-940504-Pratyahar

See related posts

Today: “There is one center of consciousness beyond the thousand-petal lotus called circumvent force. ” – Yogi Bhajan

“There is one center of consciousness beyond the thousand-petal lotus called circumvent force. When the consciousness lives in that, then one becomes a human being, totally serviceful, and absolutely one-pointed.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Kirtan Kriya

See yesterday’s quote

See related posts

Today: It is a dangerous time.  Take small and sure steps toward your goals. – from the I Ching

It is a dangerous time.  Take small and sure steps toward your goals.  You will receive the necessary help.

Meditation: NM0163 – 20010618 – Polish the Radiant Body

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 2 – When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other.

29 – Twenty-Nine  K’an / Dangerously Deep

Water follows Water, spilling over any cliff, flowing past all obstacles, no matter the depth or distance, to the Sea.
The Superior Person learns flexibility from the mistakes he has made, and grows strong from the obstacles he has overcome, pressing on to show others the Way.


You are facing a crucial trial along your Journey.
The danger of this challenge is very real.
It is a test of your mettle.
If you can maintain your integrity and stay true to your convictions, you will overcome.
That’s not as easy as it seems when you are faced with the sacrifice of other things you’ve come to depend upon or hold dear.

Nine in the second place means:

This dark pit you find yourself in is rife with traps and pitfalls.
Don’t scramble toward freedom, but concentrate on one small toehold at a time.

The abyss is dangerous.
One should strive to attain small things only.

When we are in danger we ought not to attempt to get out of it immediately, regardless of circumstances; at first we must content ourselves with not being overcome by it. We must calmly weigh the conditions of the time and be satisfied with small gains, because for the time being a great success cannot be attained. A spring flows only sparingly at first, and tarries for some time before it makes its way into the open.

8 – Eight  Pi / Bonding

Deep Waters on the face of the Earth:
Surface waters flow together.
The Superior Person recognizes the situation calls for joining together.
Thus he cultivates friendly relations with all.

Good fortune is possible.
Cast the coins again to discover if you have the qualities needed to lead such a group.
Then there will be no error.
Those uncertain will gradually join.
Those who join too late will meet with misfortune.


This is a time of connection with another or others — not just an alliance, but a melding of parts into a new whole.
Such a connection may be too close, too intense for some.
Consult the oracle again to see if you have the qualities needed to strengthen and withstand such an intense synthesis.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “Every piece of matter has a foot and a half aura” – Yogi Bhajan

“Every piece of matter has a foot and a half aura. Every animal has a three and a half foot aura. Every human has a nine foot aura. And if we wear cotton and we wear white, this color therapy gives us one extra foot of aura.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura

See related posts

Today: There is no inherent entitlement owed to us.  Our integrity and good works may bring a positive return. – from the I Ching

There is no inherent entitlement owed to us.  Our integrity and good works may bring a positive return.  Polish your character.

Meditation: NM0163 – 20010618 – Polish the Radiant Body

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

See Related posts

Tao Te Ching – Verse 73 – The Tao is always at ease.

56 – Fifty-Six  Lu / The Wanderer

Fire on the Mountain, catastrophic to man, a passing annoyance to the Mountain:
The Superior Person waits for wisdom and clarity before exacting Justice, then lets no protest sway him.

Find satisfaction in small gains.
To move constantly forward is good fortune to a Wanderer.


You are a stranger to this situation.
It is your attraction to the exotic that has led you here, but you will move on to a new vista when this one has lost its mystique.
Because much of this environment is foreign to you, you must exercise only the best judgement.
You don’t know the custom here, and it’s too easy to cross a line you don’t know is there.
Because you are the foreigner in this setting, you have no history to acquit you.
Watch, listen, study, contemplate, then step lightly but decisively on.

Six at the beginning [yin at bottom] means:

A traveler with petty complaints and too many demands soon wears out his welcome.

If the wanderer busies himself with trivial things,
He draws down misfortune upon himself.


‘The Wanderer’ by German artist George Seir, 1934

A wanderer should not demean himself or busy himself with inferior things he meets with along the way. The humbler and more defenseless his outward position, the more should he preserve his inner dignity. For a stranger is mistaken if he hopes to find a friendly reception through lending himself to jokes and buffoonery. The result will be only contempt and insulting treatment.

21 – Twenty-One  Shih Ho / Biting Through

The merciless, searing judgement of Lightning fulfills the warning prophecies of distant Thunder.
Sage rulers preserved Justice by clearly defining the laws, and by delivering the penalties decreed.

Though unpleasant, it is best to let justice have its due.


A terrible reckoning is due.
A wrong will be righted — and even if it has been you who has been wronged, you will tremble at the terrible power of Justice untempered by Mercy.
Pray for your oppressor, that his punishment will fit his crime.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “Those people who have a very strong magnetic field…” – Yogi Bhajan

“Those people who have a very strong magnetic field—electric charge, life force, circumvent force—can liberate others with touch and mental projection, and where their steps shall be, there truth shall be.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA719 930303 – Magnetic Field – Sacred Space

Today: Proper alliances and enthusiasm are not enough.  You must know when to act.  Then you are truly in the flow. – from the I Ching

Proper alliances and enthusiasm are not enough.  You must know when to act.  Then you are truly in the flow.

Meditation: LA721-920325: for the Intuitive Intellect

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

See Related posts

Tao Te Ching – Verse 73 – The Tao is always at ease.

16 – Sixteen  Yü / Enthusiasm

Thunder comes resounding out of the Earth:
Similar thunder roars up from the masses when the Superior Person strikes a chord in their hearts.

Whip up enthusiasm, rally your forces, and move boldly forward.


There is a rhythmic force, a world music, that lives deep in the Unconscious of each of us.
It’s a primitive drumbeat, a shaking rattle, a tribal chant that invokes the primal self to rise up and join the dance.
This is the enthusiasm that is generated now.
Not rhetorical persuasion, not a play on the emotions, but a charismatic, irresistible Call of the Wild.
Confucius said that the person who could comprehend this could ‘rule the world as though it were spinning in his hand.’
This is a time for instinct, not intellect — the Thunder from the Beneath.

Six in the third place means:

You wait for a compelling signal, yet ignore the knock at the gate.
Missed opportunity breeds regret.

Enthusiasm that looks upward creates remorse.
Hesitation brings remorse.

This line is the opposite of the preceding one: the latter bespeaks self-reliance, while here there is enthusiastic looking up to a leader. If a man hesitates too long, this also will bring remorse. The right moment for approach must be seized: only then will he do the right thing.

50 – Fifty  Ting / The Caldron

Fire rises hot and bright from the Wood beneath the sacrificial caldron:
The Superior Person positions himself correctly within the flow of Cosmic forces.

Supreme Accomplishment.


Your needs are coming into harmony with the requirements of the Cosmos.
Blending brilliantly with the Dance of Life, you are becoming an actual element of Cosmic Law.
Your goals will now be realized because you no longer cut against the Cosmic grain; you are no longer swimming against the flow of the Tao.
You are acquiring an intuitive sense of what can and cannot be, and aligning your efforts accordingly.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “Now suppose there is something you want to move and it’s not moving” – Yogi Bhajan

“Now suppose there is something you want to move and it’s not moving. There is a block and it’s not movable. Then chant this mantra (Ad Such, Jugad Such, Hai Bhay Such, Nanak Hosee Bhay Such). It’s a lever. It is the biggest lever available to you as a mantra.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Release obstacles in your path

See related posts

Today: Justice will have its due in court.  The resolution is near. – from the I Ching

Justice will have its due in court.  The resolution is near.

Meditation: LA135-19791029 Resolve Inner Conflict

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 73 – The Tao is always at ease.

6 – Six  Sung / Conflict

The high Heavens over a yawning Deep chasm:
An expansive void where nothing can dwell.
Even though he sincerely knows he is right, the Superior Person anticipates opposition and carefully prepares for any incident.

Good fortune if your conflict results in compromise.
Misfortune if your conflict escalates to confrontation.
Seek advice.
Postpone your crossing to the far shore.


Conflict is a necessary part of life.
Tension upon the strings of a violin can make majestic music.
The critical mass of two hydrogen atoms trying to occupy the same space fuel the sun that nourishes our solar system.
Most conflicts you face in life are the result of your Path converging with another’s.
Your Path is not his, and one Path is not necessarily more right than the other.

Nine in the fifth place means:

Bring the conflict before a just authority.
If you are truly in the right, justice will bring good fortune.

To contend before him
Brings supreme good fortune.

Zhao Kuangyin

Zhao Kuangyin seized power by a coup in Chenqiaoyi in 960

This refers to an arbiter in a conflict who is powerful and just, and strong enough to lend weight to the right side. A dispute can be turned over to him with confidence. If one is in the right, one attains great good fortune.
64 – Sixty-Four  Wei Chi / The End In Sight

Fire ascends above the Water:
The Superior Person examines the nature of things and keeps each in its proper place.

Too anxious the young fox gets his tail wet, just as he completes his crossing.
To attain success, be like the man and not like the fox.


Resist the rush to completion.
Anticipation of fulfillment may cause you to be careless before you have fully absorbed the lessons of the journey.
The endpoint of this Quest will only prove to be the threshold for another.
You are short steps from Mastery on this plane, yet you stride toward Ignorance of the challenges lying beyond.
Savor this accomplishment.
Fully Become.
Take full possession of your world before embarking to discover the next one.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “When you are conscious that you are breathing…” – Yogi Bhajan

“When you are conscious that you are breathing the charge of the Divine energy, the Cosmos, there is nothing more you require.” Yogi Bhajan

Today: Accept the help of able, willing and likeminded colleagues for your noble enterprise. – from the I Ching

Accept the help of able, willing and likeminded colleagues for your noble enterprise.

Meditation: KWTC 880701 The Moon & Sun Energy

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

See Related posts

Tao Te Ching – Verse 73 – The Tao is always at ease.

19 – Nineteen  Lin / Noble Calling

The rich, loamy Earth on the banks of the Marsh provides fertile soil for exceptional progress.
The Superior Person is inexhaustible in his willingness to teach, and without limit in his tolerance and support of others.

Supreme Success if you keep to your course.
But be aware that your time is limited; your power will wane, as Summer changes to Fall.


You are in a position to help another.
This is a temporary situation, because your power is cyclical, seasonal.
Knowing this, you must perform your good deed without hope of reward.
You are not furthering your own process, but another’s.
Though you may cherish this other, you will never possess.
Touch without grasping.
Take comfort in becoming a fond memory.
Nurture, then let go.

Six in the fourth place means:

Successful or not, a sincere approach is the only course.

Complete approach.
No blame.

Guest from Far Away

‘Dear Guest from Far Away’, 1888 – Freiwirth-Lutzow Oscar
Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

While the three lower lines indicate rise to power and influence, the three upper lines show the attitude of persons in higher position toward those of lower rank for whom they procure influence. Here is shown the open-minded approach of a person of high rank to a man of ability whom he draws into his own circle, regardless of class prejudice. This is very favorable.

54 – Fifty-Four  Kuei Mei / A Loveless Marriage

The Thunderstorm inseminates the swelling Lake, then moves on where the Lake cannot follow:
The Superior Person views passing trials in the light of Eternal Truths.
Any action will prove unfortunate.
Nothing furthers.


This is at best a Marriage of Convenience.
You have found yourself in desperate straits, a position of weakness, and you are tempted to pay dearly for a remedy.
A drowning man isn’t picky about who throws him a rope.
The rescue offered to you now is undesirable.
It may pull you out of this sticky situation, but it will cause even greater predicaments down the road.
Don’t obligate yourself in this way.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching

Today: “If you can get up at 3:00 a.m. and you feel that you are part of the Cosmos and Cosmos is part of you…” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you can get up at 3:00 a.m. and you feel that you are part of the Cosmos and Cosmos is part of you, then you lean on the vibratory effect of your self-creativity as an individual in finite mind to relate to the infinite mind. And you feel those vibrations in you. As a unit light, you feel the beam of the light around you. Then energy-wise you are not going to get weaker; your mind will be very sharp. You will reach the stage of knowing the unknown.” Yogi Bhajan


See related posts

Today: Disruptors of unity, cult leaders and tribal insurgents must be stripped of their power and discredited.- from the I Ching

Disruptors of unity, cult leaders and tribal insurgents must be stripped of their power and discredited.

Today: “There are two levels of communication: one, when the unit talks to Infinity, and two, when Infinity talks to the unit.” – Yogi Bhajan

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Today: I Ching – Previous Reading

Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading

See Related posts

Tao Te Ching – Verse 73 – The Tao is always at ease.

21 – Twenty-One  Shih Ho / Biting Through

The merciless, searing judgement of Lightning fulfills the warning prophecies of distant Thunder.
Sage rulers preserved Justice by clearly defining the laws, and by delivering the penalties decreed.

Though unpleasant, it is best to let justice have its due.


A terrible reckoning is due.
A wrong will be righted — and even if it has been you who has been wronged, you will tremble at the terrible power of Justice untempered by Mercy.
Pray for your oppressor, that his punishment will fit his crime.

This hexagram represents an open mouth (cf. hexagram 27) with an obstruction (in the fourth place) between the teeth. As a result the lips cannot meet. To bring them together one must bite energetically through the obstacle. Since the hexagram is made up of the trigrams for thunder and for lightning, it indicates how obstacles are forcibly removed in nature. Energetic biting through overcomes the obstacle that prevents joining of the lips; the storm with its thunder and lightning overcomes the disturbing tension in nature. Recourse to law and penalties overcomes the disturbances of harmonious social life caused by criminals and slanderers. The theme of this hexagram is a criminal lawsuit, in contradistinction to that of Sung, CONFLICT (6), which refers to civil suits.

Red squirrel

Squirrel – Ede Holland 2009 – photo Lex van den Bos


BITING THROUGH has success.
It is favorable to let justice be administered.

When an obstacle to union arises, energetic biting through brings success. This is true in all situations. Whenever unity cannot be established, the obstruction is due to a talebearer and traitor who is interfering and blocking the way. To prevent permanent injury, vigorous measures must be taken at once. Deliberate obstruction of this sort does not vanish of its own accord. Judgement and punishment are required to deter or obviate it.
However, it is important to proceed in the right way. The hexagram combines Li, clarity, and Chên, excitement. Li is yielding, Chên is hard. Unqualified hardness and excitement would be too violent in meting out punishment; unqualified clarity and gentleness would be too weak. The two together create the just measure. It is of moment that the man who makes the decisions (represented by the fifth line) is gentle by nature, while he commands respect by his conduct in his position.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching