Today: “The mind should dance with the body, and the whole universe is your stage.” Yogi Bhajan

“The mind should dance with the body, and the whole universe is your stage. Try to feel that whatever you are doing is the most beautiful thing, the prettiest dance, because you are dancing with the whole universe. Don’t resent anything. Let your heart guide you, free of all regimentation.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Because you can know the origins of behavior and trends, it is best to contemplate the nature of phenomena rather than blindly follow some belief regarding it origins.” – from the I Ching

Because you can know the origins of behavior and trends, it is best to contemplate the nature of phenomena rather than blindly follow some belief regarding it origins.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 65 – The ancient Masters didn’t try to educate the people, but kindly taught them to not-know.

Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition

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16 – Sixteen  Yü / Enthusiasm

Thunder comes resounding out of the Earth:
Similar thunder roars up from the masses when the Superior Person strikes a chord in their hearts.

Whip up enthusiasm, rally your forces, and move boldly forward.


There is a rhythmic force, a world music, that lives deep in the Unconscious of each of us.
It’s a primitive drumbeat, a shaking rattle, a tribal chant that invokes the primal self to rise up and join the dance.
This is the enthusiasm that is generated now.
Not rhetorical persuasion, not a play on the emotions, but a charismatic, irresistible Call of the Wild.
Confucius said that the person who could comprehend this could ‘rule the world as though it were spinning in his hand.’
This is a time for instinct, not intellect — the Thunder from the Beneath.

Six in the second place means:

Firm as a rock, but only when necessary and appropriate.
This course brings good fortune.

Firm as a rock. Not a whole day.
Perseverance brings good fortune.




This describes a person who does not allow himself to be misled by any illusions. While others are letting themselves be dazzled by enthusiasm, he recognizes with perfect clarity the first signs of the time. Thus he neither flatters those above nor neglects those beneath him; he is as firm as a rock. When the first sign of discord appears, he knows the right moment for withdrawing and does not delay even for a day. Perseverance in such conduct will bring good fortune. Kongfu (Confucius) says about this line:

To know the seeds, that is divine indeed. In his association with those above him, the superior man does not flatter. In his association with those beneath him, he is not arrogant. For he knows the seeds. The seeds are the first imperceptible beginning of movement, the first trace of good fortune (or misfortune) that shows itself. The superior man perceives the seeds and immediately takes action. He does not wait even a whole day. In the Yi Jing it is said: “Firm as a rock. Not a whole day. Perseverance brings good fortune.”

Firm as a rock, what need of a whole day?
The judgement can be known.
The superior man knows what is hidden and what is evident.
He knows weakness, he knows strength as well.
Hence the myriads look up to him.

7 – Seven  Shih / Recruiting Allies

Deep Water beneath the Earth’s surface:
Untapped resources are available.
The Superior Person nourishes and instructs the people, building a loyal, disciplined following.
Good fortune.
No mistakes if you follow a course led by experience.


You must gain support from others.
Find a way to make others want to see your objectives met as badly as you want it.
How can they profit from the attainment of this goal?
Can you command confidence that you are just the person that can bring this plan to fruition?

Today: “Life is a game, but we do not want to play unattached. We want to play for the sake of winning and losing, and that is where unhappiness comes in.” Yogi Bhajan

“Life is a game, but we do not want to play unattached. We want to play for the sake of winning and losing, and that is where unhappiness comes in.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  KWTC19950725 Meditation to Balance the Tattvas 

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Keep pure whatever assistance you lend to people.  Exercise compassion rather than ego.” – from the I Ching

Keep pure whatever assistance you lend to people.  Exercise compassion rather than ego.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 64 – Prevent trouble before it arises. Put things in order before they exist.

Meditation: NM0406 – Know the Best of You – Share the Best with Others

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28 – Twenty-Eight  Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

The Flood rises above the tallest Tree:
Amidst a rising tide of human folly, the Superior Person retires to higher ground, renouncing his world without looking back.

Any direction is better than where you now stand.


Several high-priority concerns demand immediate attention.
All are crucial.
None will be denied.
Yet some demand the denial of others.
Like two atoms seeking to occupy the same space, these irresistible forces and immovable objects threaten to ignite a cataclysm that could irreversibly alter your world.
This is no time for fatal heroics.
You are at Ground Point Zero.
Remove yourself from this situation without delay.
Find sanctuary.
Later you may deal with these concerns on your own terms, from a position of strength.

Nine in the fourth place means:

You come to the rescue and reinforce the supporting structure.
Order and good fortune is restored.
But does your help carry a price?

The ridgepole is braced. Good fortune.
If there are ulterior motives, it is humiliating.



Through friendly relations with people of lower rank, a responsible man succeeds in becoming master of the situation. But if, instead of working for the rescue of the whole, he were to misuse his connections to obtain personal power and success, it would lead to humiliation.
48 – Forty-Eight  Ching / The Well

Deep Waters Penetrated and drawn to the surface:
The Superior Person refreshes the people with constant encouragement to help one another.

Encampments, settlements, walled cities, whole empires may rise and fall, yet the Well at the center endures, never drying to dust, never overflowing.
It served those before and will serve those after.
Again and again you may draw from the Well, but if the bucket breaks or the rope is too short there will be misfortune.


There is a Source common to us all.
Jung named it the Collective Unconscious.
Others hail it as God within.
Inside each of us are dreamlike symbols and archetypes, emotions and instincts that we share with every other human being.
When we feel a lonely separateness from others, it is not because this Well within has dried up, but because we have lost the means to reach its waters.
You need to reclaim the tools necessary to penetrate to the depths of your fellows.
Then the bonds you build will be as timeless and inexhaustible as the Well that nourishes them.

Today: “Who am I and what do I know? These are questions that man has to ask himself.” Yogi Bhajan

“Who am I and what do I know? These are questions that man has to ask himself. He must realize the unknown of him and become the total known self. This is destiny.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM327-990930 Know Your Heart

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Giving up desire, craving, grasping for what you think you think you want and don’t have, facilitate others’ liberation as well.” – from the I Ching

Giving up desire, craving, grasping for what you think you think you want and don’t have, facilitate others’ liberation as well.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 63 – Act without doing; work without effort

Meditation: NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You

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39 – Thirty-Nine  Chien / Obstacle

Ominous roiling in the Crater Lake atop the Volcano:
When meeting an impasse, the Superior Person turns his gaze within, and views the obstacle from a new perspective.

Offer your opponent nothing to resist.
Let a sage guide you in this.
Good fortune lies along this course.


The Obstacle lies in obstinance.
An insistence on only one way of proceeding has brought things to an impasse.
You may either continue banging your head with irresistible force against this immovable object, or you might step back and survey this situation from a fresh perspective.
Which is immobile here — the obstruction or your attitude?

Six at the top means:

Advance will meet with disastrous difficulties.
What you seek is right at hand.
Ask guidance from someone you respect.

Going leads to obstructions,
Coming leads to great good fortune.
It furthers one to see the great man.

Doubting of Thomas

‘The Doubting of Thomas’ – Caravaggio

This refers to a man who has already left the world and its tumult behind him. When the time of obstructions arrives, it might seem that the simplest thing for him to do would be to turn his back upon the world and take refuge in the beyond. But this road is barred to him. He must not seek his own salvation and abandon the world to its adversity. Duty calls him back once more into the turmoil of life. Precisely because of his experience and inner freedom, he is able to create something both great and complete that brings good fortune. And it is favorable to see the great man in alliance with whom one can achieve the work of rescue.
40 – Forty  Hsieh / Liberation

A Thunderous Cloudburst shatters the oppressive humidity:
The Superior Person knows the release in forgiveness, pardoning the faults of others and dealing gently with those who sin against him.

It pays to accept things as they are for now.
If there is nothing else to be gained, a return brings good fortune.
If there is something yet to be gained, act on it at once.


The relief you experience here is not your own personal pardon, but the release of others from your rigid expectations.
Like a hot air balloon, you will rise to new heights as you cast the heavy sandbags of resentments and restrictions away from you.
Feel the lightness of being that results from forgiving others and accepting them as they are.
Free yourself of the endless vigil of policing the behavior of others.
See them for who they are, not what they can or can’t do for you.

Today: “All sickness, all shallowness, all unhappiness, all pain, all miseries are the outcome of one source; keeping negativity within yourself.” Yogi Bhajan

“All sickness, all shallowness, all unhappiness, all pain, all miseries are the outcome of one source; keeping negativity within yourself.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA046 – 780614 – Hari Shabad Meditation – Use the Wind to Produce Trance and Dissolve Negativity

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Overcoming adversity, reward those who have helped, be kind to those who have not.” – from the I Ching

Overcoming adversity, reward those who have helped, be kind to those who have not.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 62 – The Tao is the center of the universe, the good man’s treasure, the bad man’s refuge.

Meditation: Know the Psyche of the Other

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7 – Seven  Shih / Recruiting Allies

Deep Water beneath the Earth’s surface:
Untapped resources are available.
The Superior Person nourishes and instructs the people, building a loyal, disciplined following.
Good fortune.
No mistakes if you follow a course led by experience.


You must gain support from others.
Find a way to make others want to see your objectives met as badly as you want it.
How can they profit from the attainment of this goal?
Can you command confidence that you are just the person that can bring this plan to fruition?

Six at the top means:

The victor divides the spoils among the loyal, leaving the jackals with neither reward nor obligation.

The great prince issues commands,
Founds states, vests families with fiefs.
Inferior people should not be employed.

Chinese pavilion

A view into the intimate universe of the Chinese Imperial Court, the empress in a pavilion at her summer palace surrounded by individuals and entertained by musicians bearing gifts – Oil painting by the Studio of Lamqua (active 1825–1865)

The war has ended successfully, victory is won, and the king divided estates and fiefs among his faithful vassals. But it is important that inferior people should not come into power. If they have helped, let them be paid off with money, but they should not be awarded lands or the privileges of rulers, lest power be abused.
4 – Four  Mêng / Inexperience

A fresh Spring at the foot of the Mountain:
The Superior Person refines his character by being thorough in every activity.
The Sage does not recruit students; the students seek him.
He asks nothing but a sincere desire to learn.
If the student doubts or challenges his authority, the Sage regretfully cuts his losses.


This is a time of interchange between a mentor and pupil.
Whether you are the teacher or the student, it is a time of companionship along a mutual path.
This hexagram also emphasizes the eternal, cyclical nature of the mentor/student relationship — a mentor is merely a more seasoned pupil, further along on the journey.
A pupil holds within himself the seed of a future Master.

Today: “Atoning for the past will require reforming how you do things rather than blame.” – from the I Ching

Atoning for the past will require reforming how you do things rather than blame.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 61 – When a country obtains great power, it becomes like the sea: all streams run downward into it.

Meditation:  LA372 831212 Corruption and character

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18 – Eighteen  Ku / Repairing the Damage

Winds sweep through the Mountain valley:
The Superior Person sweeps away corruption and stagnation by stirring up the people and strengthening their spirit.

Supreme success.
Before crossing to the far shore, consider the move for three days.
After crossing, devote three days of hard labor to damage control.


You are blessed with an opportunity to resuscitate that which others have abandoned as beyond repair.
This ruin wasn’t caused by evil intention, but by indifference to decay.
Just by addressing yourself to the problem, you exhibit a new awareness, a fresh perspective.
This is a time of recovery, renewal, regeneration.

Six in the beginning means:

Correcting his father’s error, a son treads dangerously close to dishonor.
Yet sparing his father from blame brings good fortune in the end.

Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
If there is a son,
No blame rests upon the departed father.
Danger. In the end good fortune.

Lost father

And When Did You Last See Your Father? – William Yeames

Rigid adherence to tradition has resulted in decay. But the decay has not yet penetrated deeply and so can still be easily remedied. It is as if a son were compensating for the decay his father allowed to creep in. Then no blame attaches to the father. However, one must not overlook the danger or take the matter too lightly. Only if one is conscious of the danger connected with every reform will everything go well in the end.
26 – Twenty-Six  Ta Ch’u / Recharging Power

Heaven’s motherlode waits within the Mountain:
The Superior Person mines deep into history’s wealth of wisdom and deeds, charging his character with timeless strength.

Drawing sustenance from these sources creates good fortune.
Then you may cross to the far shore.


There are important precedents in this situation.
Others have trodden this Path before you, overcoming the same obstacles facing you now, and making crucial decisions at the same crossroads.
Study their journals, watch for their trail markings.
Gain inspiration and wisdom from the heroes and learn from the mistakes of those who chose a sidepath.
All were Seekers, explorers whose daring mapped a course you can follow.
The words and deeds of the finest can imbue you with the courage necessary to face what lies before you.

Today: “The company of others is out there and waiting for you.  As a human, you need it and it is mutual, regardless of differences of tribe or viewpoint. ” – from the I Ching

The company of others is out there and waiting for you.  As a human, you need it and it is mutual, regardless of differences of tribe or viewpoint.  

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today.  He speaks to this.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 60 – Governing a large country is like frying a small fish. You spoil it with too much poking.

Meditation: NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You

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17 – Seventeen  Sui / Following

Thunder beneath the Lake’s surface.
The Superior Person allows himself plenty of sheltered rest and recuperation while awaiting a clear sign to follow.

Supreme success.
No mistakes if you keep to your course.


Thunder from the Lake — the lulling, rhythmic roar of the faithful tide, eternally wearing away the stone of the shoreline, forever obedient to the phases of the moon.
The pull of the moon on the tide is the Following called for now.
As mighty as the tide is in its own right, it is ever the puppet of the invisible, irresistible gravity of the moon.
What cyclical forces pull you along?
Are you futilely attempting to resist a natural attraction?

Nine at the beginning [yang at bottom] means:

An ending opens a new beginning.
Stepping out of your sanctuary into new company will bring achievement.

The standard is changing.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
To go out of the door in company
Produces deeds.

Follow the leader

Follow the leader

There are exceptional conditions in which the relation between leader and followers changes. It is implicit in the idea of following and adaptation that if one wants to lead others, one must remain accessible and responsive to the views of those under him. At the same time, however, he must have firm principles, so that he does not vacillate where there is only a question of current opinion. Once we are ready to listen to the opinions of others, we must not associate exclusively with people who share our views or with members of our own party; instead, we must go out and mingle freely with all sorts of people, friends or foes. That is the only way to achieve something.

45 – Forty-Five  Ts’ui / Gathering

The Lake rises by welcoming and receiving Earth’s waters:
The King approaches his temple.
It is wise to seek audience with him there.

Success follows this course.
Making an offering will seal your good fortune.
A goal will be realized now.


This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it.
Look for the Center of this convergence.
Like waters running to the sea, like an astronomical convergence of planets revolving around the sun, you should let the gravity of this Center draw you near.
Others are also drawn to this Center, and among them you will find shared bonds and kindred spirits.
This tribal convergence will give you a clarity of purpose.
You will no longer be alone.

Today: “Why can’t you love everybody? You have no tolerance.” Yogi Bhajan

“Why can’t you love everybody? You have no tolerance. You have to learn to hold your temper, you have to learn not to slander, you have to learn to have patience, you have to learn to be humble.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “When you recognize the damage done, and regret arises, it is time to change how you relate with the world and become socially responsible.” – from the I Ching

When you recognize the damage done, and regret arises, it is time to change how you relate with the world and become socially responsible.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 59 – For governing a country well there is nothing better than moderation

Meditation: LA093-790319 – Pranic Energy – the Earth Element Balanced by Ether

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Recite The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
30 – Thirty  Li / Igniting

Fire sparks more Flames:
The Superior Person holds an inner Fire that ignites passion in every heart it touches, until all the world is enlightened and aflame.

With so searing a flame, success will not be denied you.
Take care to be as peaceful and nurturing as the cow in the meadow; you are strong enough to be gentle.


A Promethean flame is delivering light and heat to the situation at hand.
This radiance will cause such an alchemical transformation of circumstances that the changes will seem magical, miraculous.
Yet they are only shifts of perspective and attitude that bring clarity.
The passions kindled by this fire must be harnessed and used judiciously, or they threaten to consume your hopes and dreams.

Six in the fifth place means:

Tears of repentance flood.
Enlightenment turns the tide for the better.

Tears in floods, sighing and lamenting.
Good fortune.

The Weeping Woman

‘The Weeping Woman’ (based on Dora Maar) – Pablo Picasso, 1937

Here the zenith of life has been reached. Were there no warning, one would at this point consume oneself like a flame. Instead, understanding the vanity of all things, one may put aside both hope and fear, and sigh and lament: if one is intent on retaining his clarity of mind, good fortune will come from this grief. For here we are dealing not with a passing mood, as in the nine in the third place, but with a real change of heart.
13 – Thirteen  T’ung Jên / Social Mechanism

Heaven reflects the Flame of clarity:
The Superior Person analyzes the various levels and working parts of the social structure, and uses them to advantage.

Success if you keep to your course.
You may cross to the far shore.


This is a matter of Positioning — not only yourself, but others as well.
There are niches to be filled, potentials to be realized, right livelihoods to be found.
You are not building a new organization, but shoring up an existing infrastructure.
It’s worth the effort, because it will provide union, community, and an ironclad alliance.

Today: “What is prayer? You create a vibratory effect which goes into the Infinite Creative around the psyche of you.” Yogi Bhajan

What is prayer? You create a vibratory effect which goes into the Infinite Creative around the psyche of you. The answer and energy come and then your job is done and your prayer has worked.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA869 960410 – Expand the Arcline

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “A generous gesture with no expectations will go a long way toward promoting peace and prosperity.” – from the I Ching

A generous gesture with no conditions will go a long way toward promoting peace and prosperity.  Offering rich experience rather than goods forms lasting relations.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 58 – “If a country is governed with tolerance, the people are comfortable and honest”

Meditation: LA792 931214 – Experience and Ecstasy

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11 – Eleven  T’ai / Peace

Heaven and Earth embrace, giving birth to Peace.
The Superior Person serves as midwife, presenting the newborn gift to the people.

The small depart; the great approach.
Good fortune.


It doesn’t get any better than this.
Everything is in harmony, all obstacles are cleared from your Path, anything you could ask for is right at hand.
This is the Elysian Fields, the Garden of Eden.
The only thing wrong with Peace is that it, too, must change.
Whether you are in this state of harmony now or it is predicted for your future, recognize it as your greatest opportunity to build your resources against less harmonious times.

Six in the fifth place means:

The sovereign I
Gives his daughter in marriage.
And supreme good fortune.

The emperor gives his blessing to his daughter’s marriage to a commoner.
All ranks of life benefit from this.


The sovereign I is T’ang the Completer.1 By his decree the imperial princesses, although higher in rank than their husbands, had to obey them like all other wives. Here too we are shown a truly modest union of high and low that brings happiness and blessings.

Chinese pagoda

1. [This refers to Ch’êng T’ang, the first of the Shang rulers, whose reign is thought to have begun in 1766 B.C. However, modern Chinese scholarship no longer accepts the identification of the Emperor I (1191 – 1155 B.C., according to tradition) with T’ang, and holds that the daughter mentioned was given to King Wên’s father, or perhaps to King Wên himself.]

60 – Sixty  Chieh / Limitations

Waters difficult to keep within the Lake’s banks:
The Superior Person examines the nature of virtue and makes himself a standard that can be followed.

Self-discipline brings success; but restraints too binding bring self-defeat.


Cultivating the proper disciplines and the proper degree of discipline are the concerns of this hexagram.
By limiting options, you may give more attention to priorities.
One who is all over the map is no less lost than one without a map.
Avoid asceticism, however.
Deprivation is not wise discipline.
The key here is regulation, not restriction.

Today: ““Life is not given to us to live as a routine. It is given to us as our destiny. It is given so we experience life.” Yogi Bhajan

“Life is not given to us to live as a routine. It is given to us as our destiny. It is given so we experience life. Every day we must die and we must experience that death. And every day we must be reborn and must experience resurrection.” Yogi Bhajan

Lecture: NM0399-20010512 – The Power of Shushmana

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “The lonely sage] remains withdrawn from the bustle of life, seeks nothing, asks nothing of anyone, and is not dazzled by enticing goals.” – from the I Ching

[The lonely sage] remains withdrawn from the bustle of life, seeks nothing, asks nothing of anyone, and is not dazzled by enticing goals. He is true to himself and travels through life unassailed, on a level road. Since he is content and does not challenge fate, he remains free of entanglements.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 57 – If you want to be a great leader, you must learn to follow the Tao.

Meditation: LA950 A00214 20000214 Develop Self-Reliance

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10 – Ten  Lü / Worrying the Tiger

Heaven shines down on the Marsh which reflects it back imperfectly:
Though the Superior Man carefully discriminates between high and low, and acts in accord with the flow of the Tao, there are still situations where a risk must be taken.

You tread upon the tail of the tiger.
Not perceiving you as a threat, the startled tiger does not bite.


You have reached a perilous point in your journey.
This is a real gamble — not a maneuver, not a calculated risk.
The outcome is uncertain.
If it goes as you hope, you will gain — but if it turns against you it will cause serious injury, at least to your plans.
The best tack is extreme caution and a healthy respect for the danger involved.

Nine in the second place means:

A man of modest independence treads a smooth and level path.
Good fortune if you stay on course.

Treading a smooth, level course.
The perseverance of a dark man
Brings good fortune.

Dark man

The situation of a lonely sage is indicated here. He remains withdrawn from the bustle of life, seeks nothing, asks nothing of anyone, and is not dazzled by enticing goals. He is true to himself and travels through life unassailed, on a level road. Since he is content and does not challenge fate, he remains free of entanglements.
25 – Twenty-Five  Wu Wang / Remaining Blameless

Thunder rolls beneath Heaven, as is its nature and place:
Sage rulers aligned themselves with the changing seasons, nurturing and guiding their subjects to do the same.

Exceptional Progress if you are mindful to keep out of the way of the natural Flow.
It would be a fatal error to try to alter its course.
This is a time of Being, not Doing.


This is thoroughly a matter of the heart.
If everything you attempt, no matter how carefully planned, ends in disarray, then examine your motives.
They are the cause of your predicament.
It isn’t that your motives aren’t pure — even the best intentions will fail under these circumstances.
What stymies you in this situation is that you have a motive at all.
Free yourself of all expectations, release any tenuous grip you may have, and roll with it.
This is totally out of your control.
There are higher powers and more elements affecting the outcome of this situation than you can imagine.
Get out of their way.