Today: “Go your own way without relying on the opinions and beliefs of others.  Your own path is ultimately consequential.” – from the I Ching

Go your own way without relying on the opinions and beliefs of others.  Your own path is ultimately consequential.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 6 – The Tao is called the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds.

Meditation: M136-970930 – Work on Shashara, Balance Earth and Heavens

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Tell The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
24 – Twenty-Four  Fu / Return

Thunder regenerates deep within Earth’s womb:
Sage rulers recognized that the end of Earth’s seasonal cycle was also the starting point of a new year and a time for dormancy.
They closed the passes at the Solstice to enforce a rest from commerce and activity.
The ruler himself did not travel.

You have passed this way before but you are not regressing.
This is progress, for the cycle now repeats itself, and this time you are aware that it truly is a cycle.
The return of old familiars is welcome.
You can be as sure of this cycle as you are that seven days bring the start of a new week.
Use this dormancy phase to plan which direction you will grow.


You are about to experience a rebirth — about to be given another chance, a new lease on life.
You have persevered, gone the distance through an entire cycle — through the Spring of hope or new passion, through a Summer of growth and building, only to be sacrificed like the archetypal Harvest King at the Autumn reaping.
You lie dormant like seed beneath Winter snows now, healing and absorbing new energies in preparation for the new young Spring coming shortly to your life.

Six in the fourth place means:

Walking in the midst of others,
One returns alone.

Xian warriors

Xian warriors

A man is in a society composed of inferior people, but is connected spiritually with a strong and good friend, and this makes him turn back alone. Although nothing is said of reward and punishment, this return is certainly favorable, for such a resolve to choose the good brings its own reward.
51 – Fifty-One  Chên / Thunder

Thunder echoes upon Thunder, commanding reverence for its father Heaven:
In awe of Heaven’s majestic power, the Superior Person looks within and sets his life in order.
Thunder mingles with startled screams of terror for a hundred miles around.
As the people nervously laugh at their own fright, the devout presents the sacrificial chalice with nary a drop of wine spilt.


A thunderbolt of Cosmic judgement crashes to earth.
For the common person, it’s just a momentary fright soon forgotten, its warning unfathomed and unheeded.
But to one who understands its significance, this thunder is a signal to awaken.
Centering the Self, seeking balance, the enlightened person will respect and align himself with this Higher Power, while his fellows remain subject to the whims of every passing storm.

Today: “Sacrifice is the beginning of every love; we all know about it, but we do not practice it.” Yogi Bhajan

“Sacrifice is the beginning of every love; we all know about it, but we do not practice it. To subject yourself is to receive the object, but how many can subject themselves?” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “You can keep evildoers under control by containment.  Exposing others to them is infectious and will unleash their malfeasance with disastrous consequences.” – from the I Ching

You can keep evildoers under control by containment.  Exposing others to them is infectious and will unleash their malfeasance with disastrous consequences.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 5 – The Tao doesn’t take sides; it gives birth to both good and evil.

Meditation: NM0394 – Live Above Denial

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44 – Forty-Four  Kou / Compulsion

A playful Zephyr dances and delights beneath indulgent Heaven:
A Prince who shouts orders but will not walk among his people may as well try to command the four winds.

A strong, addictive temptation, much more dangerous than it seems.


You are ignoring a clear and present danger to your well-being.
If this threat emanated from a heavy-handed oppressor, you would see it coming.
But this danger comes to you in the form of a seduction, an amusement, a diversion, an indulgence that is eating away at the fiber of your secure little world.
You are too cocksure.
You underestimate the tribute this dalliance will demand.

Nine in the second place means:

There is a fish in the tank. No blame.
Does not further guests.

Fish in tank

The inferior element is not overcome by violence but is kept under gentle control. Then nothing evil is to be feared. But care must be taken not to let it come in contact with those further away, because once free it would unfold its evil aspects unchecked.

37 – Thirty-Seven  Chia Jên / Family Duties

Warming Air Currents rise and spread from the Hearthfire:
The Superior Person weighs his words carefully and is consistent in his behavior.

Be as faithful as a good wife.


One in this situation must be keenly aware of his influence on others.
Maintain a healthy respect for the ripple effect of your words and deeds.
To some you serve as a role model.
You can either help shape their world or tilt them into chaos.
Show temperance and consideration to all.

Today: “The moment your polarity brings to you your totality, there cannot be any other vibration but harmony.” Yogi Bhajan

“The moment your polarity brings to you your totality, there cannot be any other vibration but harmony.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Neutral Mind

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “As you gain wealth, remember where you came from.  Remember those who have supported you and also people in need.  Resist the temptation to isolate yourself.  Engage.” – from the I Ching

As you gain wealth, remember where you came from.  Remember those who have supported you and also people in need.  Resist the temptation to isolate yourself.  Engage.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 4 – The Tao is like a well: used but never used up.

Meditation: NM142 19940615 – Bless the Planet Earth and Let the Heavens Descend in You

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55 – Fifty-Five  Fêng / Abundance

Thunder and Lightning from the dark heart of the storm:
The Superior Person judges fairly, so that consequences are just.

The leader reaches his peak and doesn’t lament the descent before him.
Be like the noonday sun at its zenith.
This is success.


You are in a position of authority in this situation.
Archetypally, you are the New King, returned from your quest to claim your throne.
However, you are enlightened enough to realize that you are merely a part of a cycle, and that you must someday yield your throne to the new kid in town, the younger, faster gunslinger, the young turk, the next returning hero, the next New King.
Fretting about the inevitable descent is senseless.
For now you must play your role to the hilt and use this gift of power to govern your world as best you can.
You are the best person for the job.
That’s why you were chosen.
Give it your personal best.

Six at the top means:

His house is in a state of abundance.
He screens off his family.
He peers through the gate
And no longer perceives anyone.
For three years he sees nothing.


This describes a man who because of his arrogance and obstinacy attains the opposite of what he strives for. He seeks abundance and splendor for his dwelling. He wishes at all odds to be master in his house, which so alienates his family that in the end he finds himself completely isolated.

21 – Twenty-One  Shih Ho / Biting Through

The merciless, searing judgement of Lightning fulfills the warning prophecies of distant Thunder.
Sage rulers preserved Justice by clearly defining the laws, and by delivering the penalties decreed.

Though unpleasant, it is best to let justice have its due.


A terrible reckoning is due.
A wrong will be righted — and even if it has been you who has been wronged, you will tremble at the terrible power of Justice untempered by Mercy.
Pray for your oppressor, that his punishment will fit his crime.

Today: “Everything is within the man, nothing is outside of him.” Yogi Bhajan

“Everything is within the man, nothing is outside of him.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Facing opposition against you with grace, you can turn enemies into friends and join resources for mutual advantage.” – from the I Ching

Facing opposition against you with grace, you can turn enemies into friends and join resources for mutual advantage.

Yogi Bhajan speaks to this.  See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 3 – The Master leads by emptying people’s minds and filling their cores

Meditation: Melt Negativity – From the Master’s Touch 19970425

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38 – Thirty-Eight  K’uei / Estrangement

Fire distances itself from its nemesis, the Lake:
No matter how large or diverse the group, the Superior Person remains uniquely himself.

Small accomplishments are possible.


You are working at cross-purposes with another.
The distance between you is very wide.
The gap can be closed, however, with no compromise of your integrity.
You are not adversaries in this case — just two persons addressing individual needs.
Ask yourself: are these needs mutually exclusive?
Is there common ground here?
Must there be one winner and one loser?
Could you become partners in seeking a solution that would allow for two winners?

Six in the third place means:

Bandits stop his oxen team and board his wagon.
He is scalped, his face is disfigured, and he is left to die.
Not only will he survive — he will endure and triumph.

One sees the wagon dragged back,
The oxen halted,
A man’s hair and nose cut off.
Not a good beginning, but a good end.

Sphinx Giza

Sphinx Giza

Often it seems to a man as though everything were conspiring against him. He sees himself checked and hindered in his progress, insulted and dishonored.1 However, he must not let himself be misled; despite this opposition, he must cleave to the man with whom he knows he belongs. Thus, notwithstanding the bad beginning, the matter will end well.
34 – Thirty-Four  Ta Chuang / Awesome Power

Thunder fills the Heavens with its awful roar, not out of pride, but with integrity; if it did less, it would not be Thunder:
Because of his Great Power, the Superior Person takes pains not to overstep his position, so that he will not seem intimidating or threatening to the Established Order.

Opportunity will arise along this course.


The Awesome Power available in this hexagram stems from what the Taoists call your Te, a term not perfectly translated into English.
Roughly, it is your Integrity — not in the Western sense of honor — but more in the psychological definition of a full integration of Who You Are.
This Awesome Power is achieved only by fully embracing both the good and the bad, the strong and the weak, the masculine and the feminine — all polarities within you.
Such self-knowledge spawns a Mastery tempered with the humility necessary to rein in and harness this Awesome Power.

1. Cutting off of the hair and nose was a severe and degrading punishment.

Today: “You must develop the mind, through meditation” – Yogi Bhajan

“You must develop the mind, through meditation, to give you the positive of the negative and the negative of the positive so that by your own grace and consciousness you can find the neutral of it. In this way you can reach to the subtle, refined, and spiritual dimensions of your life and your relationships.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Neutral Mind

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Today: “Allow your relationship with duty and responsibility to inspire others to modify their own behavior.” – from the I Ching

Allow your relationship with duty and responsibility to inspire others to modify their own behavior.

Yogi Bhajan speaks to this.  See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 2 – When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other.

Meditation: Melt Negativity – From the Master’s Touch 19970425

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26 – Twenty-Six  Ta Ch’u / Recharging Power

Heaven’s motherlode waits within the Mountain:
The Superior Person mines deep into history’s wealth of wisdom and deeds, charging his character with timeless strength.

Drawing sustenance from these sources creates good fortune.
Then you may cross to the far shore.


There are important precedents in this situation.
Others have trodden this Path before you, overcoming the same obstacles facing you now, and making crucial decisions at the same crossroads.
Study their journals, watch for their trail markings.
Gain inspiration and wisdom from the heroes and learn from the mistakes of those who chose a sidepath.
All were Seekers, explorers whose daring mapped a course you can follow.
The words and deeds of the finest can imbue you with the courage necessary to face what lies before you.

Six in the fifth place means:

The tusks of a gelded boar.
Ominous-looking, but without purpose.
The tusk of a gelded boar.
Good fortune.



Here the restraining of the impetuous forward drive is achieved in an indirect way. A boar’s tusk is in itself dangerous, but if the boar’s nature is altered, the tusk is no longer a menace. Thus also where men are concerned, wild force should not be combated directly; instead, its roots should be eradicated.
37 – Thirty-Seven  Chia Jên / Family Duties

Warming Air Currents rise and spread from the Hearthfire:
The Superior Person weighs his words carefully and is consistent in his behavior.

Be as faithful as a good wife.


One in this situation must be keenly aware of his influence on others.
Maintain a healthy respect for the ripple effect of your words and deeds.
To some you serve as a role model.
You can either help shape their world or tilt them into chaos.
Show temperance and consideration to all.

Today: “When you want to be successful and very convincing” – Yogi Bhajan

“When you want to be successful and very convincing, just feel truth in your heart. Be sure. Be confident. Feel that truth in your heart, then speak that truth from the heart. Don’t try to run it around or manipulate it with your brain or head.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0365-20001024-On Communication II

Today: “Instead of looking outward to define your relations with others, look inward within yourself to find how those relations will form from what sustains you and your compassion.” – from the I Ching

Instead of looking outward to define your relations with others, look inward within yourself to find how those relations will form from what sustains you and your compassion.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 1 – The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.

Meditation:  TCH36-8I-2000724-You and Thou

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59 – Fifty-Nine  Huan / Dissolution

Wind carries the Mists aloft:
Sage rulers dedicated their lives to serving a Higher Power and built temples that still endure.

The King approaches his temple.
Success if you stay on course.
You may cross to the far shore.


Walls meant to protect have instead separated and isolated.
Your defenses have kept you apart from those whom you most need to touch.
Whatever the reason for discord between you, it is time to lay down your arms.
Dispel the inflexible demands and fears of the Mind so that you may reunite in the Heart.
If you have begrudged, forgive.
If you have torn down, repair.
If you have injured, heal.
If you have judged, pardon.
If you have grasped, let go.

Nine in the second place means:

When his dreams evaporate to mist on the breeze, he returns to his well of strength.
Regret is washed away.
At the dissolution
He hurries to that which supports him.
Remorse disappears.


Composition by Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)

When an individual discovers within himself the beginnings of alienation from others, of misanthropy and ill humor, he must set about dissolving these obstructions. He must rouse himself inwardly, hasten to that which supports him. Such support is never found in hatred, but always in a moderate and just judgement of men, linked with good will. If he regains this unobstructed outlook on humanity, while at the same time all saturnine ill humor is dissolved, all occasion for remorse disappears.
20 – Twenty  Kuan / Contemplation

The gentle Wind roams the Earth:
The Superior Person expands his sphere of influence as he expands his awareness.
Deeply devoted to his pursuit of clarity and wisdom, he is unconscious of the inspiring, positive example he is setting for others to emulate.

You have cleansed yourself; now stand ready to make your humble, devout offering.


The situation marks a rising to new heights.
As you climb for a better view of the panorama, you make yourself more conspicuous to those below.
This hexagram is also known as the Watchtower, because the shape formed by its lines resembles the ancient guardposts manned by Chinese soldiers.
These towers were placed on mountainsides to give a better vantage point.
To those below, the watchtowers served as landmarks to help them find their way.
The quality of your search for clarity in this situation serves as such a guidepost for others along the Way.

Today: “Life is a constant vibration. It is a magnetic field which is active constantly.” Yogi Bhajan

“Life is a constant vibration. It is a magnetic field which is active constantly. It relates to the universal magnetic field, just as gears grind together.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA847-19950816-Unity-Your Magnetic Field of the Total Self Will Become One

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Practice being instead of doing.  Without agenda, allow creation to form perfectly.  Less is more.” – from the I Ching

Practice being instead of doing.  Without agenda, allow creation to form perfectly.  Less is more.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 81 – True words aren’t eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true.

Meditation: LA004 780109 Experience the Experience

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2 – Two  K’un / Receptive Force

Earth above and Earth below:
The Earth contains and sustains.
In this situation, the Superior Person should not take the initiative; he should follow the initiative of another.
He should seek receptive allies in the southwest; he should break ties with immovable allies in the northeast.

Responsive devotion.
Receptive influence.
Sublime Success if you keep to your course.


This is a time for dealing with reality as it is, not as you would have it be.
If you realize that in this situation you are the receptor, not the transmitter of the stimulus, you will find yourself reaching goals that seemed unattainable under your own steam.
If you persist in futile efforts to be the Shaper rather than the Shaped, you will completely miss this unique opportunity.

Six in the second place means:

Straight, square, and true.
By being instead of doing, nothing is left undone.

Straight, square, great.
Without purpose,
Yet nothing remains unfurthered.

Line - square - cube

Concentric Circles

‘Concentric Circles’, 1913 – Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)

The symbol of heaven is the circle, and that of earth is the square. Thus squareness is a primary quality of the earth. On the other hand, movement in a straight line, as well as magnitude, is a primary quality of the Creative (1). But all square things have their origin in a straight line and in turn form solid bodies. In mathematics, when we discriminate between lines, planes and solids, we find that rectangular planes result from straight lines, and cubic magnitudes from rectangular planes. The Receptive (2) accommodates itself to the qualities of the Creative (1) and makes them its own. Thus a square develops out of a straight line and a cube out of a square. This is compliance with the laws of the Creative (1); nothing is taken away, nothing added. Therefore the Receptive (2) has no need of a special purpose of its own, nor of any effort; yet everything turns out as it should.
Nature creates all beings without erring: this is its straightness. It is calm and still: this is its foursquareness. It tolerates all creatures equally: this is its greatness. Therefore it attains what is right for all without artifice or special intentions. Man achieves the height of wisdom when all that he does is as self-evident as what nature does.

41 – Forty-one  Sun / Decrease

The stoic Mountain drains its excess waters to the Lake below:
The Superior Person curbs his anger and sheds his desires.

To be frugal and content is to possess immeasurable wealth within.
Nothing of value could be refused such a person.
Make a portion of each meal a share of your offering.


This is an occasion for downsizing to fighting trim.
Simplicity and economy are strong defenses against the slings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune.
Whether this is a time of want or a time of plenty, it is an auspicious time to shed a dependency.

Today: “When the little me has recognized the big me and the little i has recognized the big I, oneness is achieved.” Yogi Bhajan

“When the little me has recognized the big me and the little i has recognized the big I, oneness is achieved. And when one knows that he is the one and one knows everything is one, then what is there to find? It is only when we think that I am and everything else is everything else that we have to find something.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA0967-Division and Oneness

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Adversity is a good thing, as long as you do not give up.  Persistence will increase your wealth and well-being.” – from the I Ching

Adversity is a good thing, as long as you do not give up.  Persistence will increase your wealth and well-being.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

Tao Te Ching – Verse 80 – If a country is governed wisely, its inhabitants will be content

Meditation: LA769-19930415 – Development of Self Control

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Tell The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
3 – Three  Chun / Difficulty at the Beginning

Thunder from the Deep:
The Superior Person carefully weaves order out of confusion.

Supreme Success if you keep to your course.
Carefully consider the first move.
Seek help.


New ventures always pack along their inherent chaos.
Though this is an annoyance at best, and can even imperil or downright doom an endeavor, it is also the friction needed to polish your project to jewel brilliance.
Learn from these early obstacles.

Six at the top means:

The horses break free.
If the need for aid goes unrecognized, tears and blood will flow.

Horse and wagon part.
Bloody tears flow.



The difficulties at the beginning are too great for some persons. They get stuck and never find their way out; they fold their hands and give up the struggle. Such resignation is the saddest of all things. Therefore Kongfu (Kongzi, Confucius) says of this line:
“Bloody tears flow: one should not persist in this.”

42 – Forty-Two  I / Expansion

Whirlwinds and Thunder:
When the Superior Person encounters saintly behavior, he adopts it; when he encounters a fault within, he transforms it.

Progress in every endeavor.
You may cross to the far shore.


Get ready to ride a tide of accelerated growth toward self-actualization.
A joyful awareness of the best within you, coupled with an acceptance of your Shadow, will provide a greater repertoire, a much bolder vision, and new depth and clarity that will compel you to expand your horizons.

Today: “The moment you open up to Infinity, you become Infinity” – Yogi Bhajan

“The moment you open up to Infinity, you become Infinity. You must enter the Aquarian Age with breadth, quickness, and openness and be noble, courageous, and selfless.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within

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