“The force which gives you life is called praana. The force which maintains you is called udyaana. The force which is the eliminating faculty in you, is called apaana. So these forces are the principle vayus, powerful air currents. Udyaana relates to your nervous system. Praana gives you energy and apaana takes away what is not needed by you. These are three automatics and you can have conscious control of them if you are conscious enough.” Yogi Bhajan
Tag: Hari Nam Singh
Today: “Become aware of the destructive habits that have seeped into your life. Take control before they bring disaster.” – from the I Ching
Become aware of the destructive habits that have seeped into your life. Take control before they bring disaster.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva
Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn June 2-3, 2017
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Today: “The force which gives you life is called praana. The force which maintains you is called udyaana. The force which is the eliminating faculty in you, is called apaana.” Yogi Bhajan
“The force which gives you life is called praana. The force which maintains you is called udyaana. The force which is the eliminating faculty in you, is called apaana. So these forces are the principle vayus, powerful air currents. Udyaana relates to your nervous system. Praana gives you energy and apaana takes away what is not needed by you. These are three automatics and you can have conscious control of them if you are conscious enough.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Look inside in order to resolve the conflict between your will and what is. Go with the flow.” – from the I Ching
Look inside in order to resolve the conflict between your will and what is. Go with the flow.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: LA135-19791029 Resolve Inner Conflict
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Today: “They say that about five hundred diseases do not come near that person who moves the belly button.” Yogi Bhajan
“They say that about five hundred diseases do not come near that person who moves the belly button. The navel totally controls the vayus, the praanic airs which circulate through your body.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Whatever your do, do it mindfully with devotion.” – from the I Ching
Whatever your do, do it mindfully with devotion.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: NM0380 – Ecstasy and Joy
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Today: “Breath of Fire is a breath which burns away all diseases and karma.” Yogi Bhajan
“Breath of Fire is a breath which burns away all diseases and karma. It is a conscious voluntary breath. That is where you conquer the thalamus.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Enjoy your grace, inwardly and outwardly.” – from the I Ching
Enjoy your grace, inwardly and outwardly. Allow it to nourish without indulgence.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: LA958 A00413 Grace My Grace Is Me! 20000413
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Today: “You must understand, what you call living is just the continual vibration of breath coming in and out” – Yogi Bhajan
“You must understand, what you call living is just the continual vibration of breath coming in and out. Just delay it either way and intellect must immediately stop giving thoughts. Moment the link of thought wave will stop, you won’t perceive emotion… so simple. It doesn’t take much for you to work on that. Simply you should be conscious of the breath.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “You have the means to distribute your precious gifts. Doing so will catch fire and serve many.” – from the I Ching
You have the means to share your precious gifts. Doing so will catch fire and serve many.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical
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Today: “Thirty-one minutes of Breath of Fire every day will regulate the pituitary.” Yogi Bhajan
“Thirty-one minutes of Breath of Fire every day will regulate the pituitary. Pituitary will regulate the entire glandular system. Glandular system will change the nervous system. Nervous system will tell the organic system of the blood to just recapture itself.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Understand views besides your own. Use that awareness to discern the Truth that comes from your heart. Follow that.” – from the I Ching
Understand views besides your own. Use that awareness to discern the Truth that comes from your heart. Follow that.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: Know the Psyche of the Other
Meditation: Meditation: NM0337-Bujung Kriya – For Wisdom and Understanding
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Recite The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.
Today: “Whenever there is stress, you will use up more oxygen.” Yogi Bhajan
“Whenever there is stress, you will use up more oxygen. You will not be in a position to be handicapped by lack of oxygen if you do Breath of Fire every day.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Allow your inner Fire [to] ignite passion in every heart it touches, until all the world is enlightened and aflame.” – from the I Ching
Allow your inner Fire [to] ignite passion in every heart it touches, until all the world is enlightened and aflame.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: Breath of Fire
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Today: “Five, ten minutes of Breath of Fire is all you need.” Yogi Bhajan
“Five, ten minutes of Breath of Fire is all you need.. .If you do Breath of Fire, it will cleanse your lungs and make them strong. You will have deep breathing all day, you will have good oxygen in your bloodstream, and you will be young and healthy for a long time. If you do it five to fifteen minutes every day, it is the best way to keep the blood purified, it doesn’t matter what. It’s a direct blood purification system.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Remain flexible and be prepared to meet with clarity any unforeseen circumstances that challenge your well being. ” – from the I Ching
Remain flexible and be prepared to meet with clarity any unforeseen circumstances that challenge your well being.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Meditation: Meditation: KWTC 980708 Our internal Fears and their exit
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