Meditations included:
Contemplate Shuniya from the Spine
Know the Structure of the mind
M043-19890623-See your soul from your third eye
Shuniya Meditation from 951031
Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
Audio recording of a class or workshop
On May 29 we held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop at Shunnya Centre. We practiced “Healing with the Elements: Fire and Air”. Our goal was to include and merge elements with the healing space in order to allow them to affect the healing in ways that are specific to the elements.
To balance elements in an important way and to prepare for the healing exercises we performed some mediations.
Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
LA093-Meditation on the pranic Energy-The Earth Element Balanced by Ether
LA051-Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
In the healing exercises, first we included the fire element to stimulate a motivation for change. Fire can transmute consciousness into a completely different form. We practiced recognizing the sensation of including fire in the healing space.
We followed that by including the air element. Air has an effect of promoting a path for expansion. What the fire produced as changed consciousness, the air gave it a tangible form for development and expansion.
Using elements is one means of modifying tendencies in a rather general way. We can combine them and give balance to the elements that are present in a system. As with all healing, the use of elements can alter one’s path and destiny.
Another means of producing a roughly similar effect can be found in a meditation that we performed afterwards
NM0413 – Intuition and the Strength of Excellence.
This meditation uses components of mudra in an intimate configuration to produce change (Saturn) and expansion (Jupiter) in a similar way.
Later in the evening we followed up with these meditations:
LA741-Dance of Shiva
LA051-Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
LA831-Be Intuitive
Another meditation that we did not have time for, but I recommended:
KYB117-Achieve an Experience of God
Here are some links to audio recordings of other workshops that we held in Ottawa: Hari Nam Singh Ottawa Workshops
Here are some links to archives of workshops on healing with the elements
Two workshops were conducted on May 15 and 16 at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope.
Friday, Healing and the Subtle Body explored the 9th body.
The ninth body, the Subtle Body, is the fundamental component of our forming a healing relation with our event. Transcending space and time, it can give us a direct experience of something that is not ourself.
The subtle body transcends our physical existence and survives our incarnation. Through our subtle body we can know the unknown. In relation with another person’s subtle body, we can know something of that person’s existence. The subtle body is integral to healing in our tradition.
Meditations included:
M0512-890312-For Mastery of Time and Space
NM0190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality
LA097-790327-YONI KRIYA
Saturday, Healing and the Radiant Body explored the tenth body.
The tenth body – Radiant Body
Through the radiant body we choose how we relate with ourselves and others. The radiant body projects our presence externally to others and internally to ourselves. In this tradition, we practice developing a healing presence. With a strong radiant body, our very presence has a profound healing impact on our environment.
NM0163-20010618-Polish the Radiant Body
We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the RAMA Yoga Institute in Venice, CA. The topic of the workshop was “Shuniya”. It was a basic course in Sat Nam Rasayan®. We practiced opening the space, finding silence in the space, and relating with the event.
The meditations we practiced were:
NM415-20010910-See Everything from God
We look inside ourselves for our perception and to know.
LA501-780907-Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
We extend our perception beyond our simple sensations, including mind, body, spirit.
Workshop Audio:
2014-12-28 “Outer Projection”
Meditations: LA827-19950307 – Third Eye
LA544 – 870610 – Know and Experience the Unknown
LA041 & LA042 – 780524 – Control the Mind
2014-09-27 “Healing with Elements: Water, Fire & Air”
Meditations: NM0415-20100910-Karma & Dharma – See everything from God
LA112 790528 For Support From the Elements
2014-07-19 Heaven and Earth-Healing with Elements: Earth and Ether
Meditations: Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
LA093-790319 – Meditation on the pranic energy – the earth element balanced by ether
Tune the vagus nerve to cosmic consciousness
2014-06-14 Healing with the Second Sight
Meditations: Dhrib Dristi Lochina Karma
See Without the Eyes
2014-05-03 Resonance
2014-03-29 Healing the Perception
2014-02-01 The Art of Knowing
2013-12-28 Beyond Form
2013-11-16 Non-Duality
2013-09-28 Healing with the Ten Bodies
2013-03-16 Healing in the Absolute Field
2013-02-04 Healing with the Visual Field Part 2
2013-01-07 Healing with the Visual Field Part 1
2013-01-26 Extending Perception
2012-11-17 Reducing Resistance to Reality
2012-04-21 Healing with Sound
2011-11-19 Healing for the Times
2014-08-14 Water Element, Beginning SNR, Shuniya
Meditation: Initiate an Intuitive Existence
2014-07-24 Circle, Dot, Transmuting Anxiety into Creativity
Meditations: LA004-780119-Innocent Thumbs 930421-Meditate on Nothing to Find Prosperity
2014-07-17 Letting Go of Limitations, healing perception
Meditation: LA571 89-02-14 Letting Go of Limitations
2014-07-10 Beginning SNR, Shuniya, Ether, Full Moon, Trusting, Letting Go
Meditation: LA093-790319 Earth Balanced by Ether
2014-07-03 Introduction to the Earth
2014-06-05 Healing the Soul Body from the third Eye
2014-05-15 Seeing and Healing with Intuition
2014-05-08 Beginning SNR and Prana
2014-03-13 Healing the Vital Point from the Earth
2014-03-06 Healing the Liver of Discontent
2014-02-27 Knowing and Remote Healing
2014-01-30 Knowing 2
2014-01-23 Prana and Healing with Prana
2014-01-09 Knowing 1
2013-11-20 SNR 1.1 Physical Body Vagus Nerve
2013-11-14 SNR 1.0
2013-10-16 Healing as a non-dualistic experience using the Aspect of Enlightenment.
The Shobogenzo Genjo Koan by Dogen Zenji
2013-09-25 Healing and Transition
2013-09-18 Healing with the Visual Field
2013-09-12 Beginning Sat Nam Rasayan®
2013-09-04 Beginning SNR and the Electromagnetic Field
2014-05-31 Resonance 2
2014-05-30 Resonance 1
2014-02-22 The Art of Knowing
2013-11-02 Healing with the Elements Part 2
2013-11-01 Healing with the Elements Part 1
2013-05-17 The Dream State
2013-02-16 Healing in the Absolute Field
Part 2
2013-02-15 Healing in the Absolute Field Part 1
2012-09-29 Healing and the Third Eye Part 2
2012-09-28 Healing and the Third Eye Part 1
2012-05-19 Resonance Part 2
2012-05-18 Resonance Part 1
2014-05-25 Resonance 2
2014-05-25 Resonance 1
2014-02-16 The Art of Knowing 2
2014-02-16 The Art of Knowing 1
2013-10-31 Healing with the Elements Part 2
2013-10-31 Healing with the Elements Part 1
2013-05-11 The Dream State Part 2
2013-05-11 The Dream State Part 1
2012-05-13 Resonance Part 2
2012-05-13 Resonance Part 1
2012-06-12 Teachers Class
2011-10-01 Teachers Class
2012-02-11 Teachers Class