This is not “Guru Dev Singh’s” sadhana meditation. It is a collection of four meditations given by Yogi Bhajan as part of several classes. These meditations were practiced daily at the Mt Shasta retreat.
Sweep arms in wide circle from top to down, with bounce at the bottom. Feel hands. Do it in rhythm of Tantric Har. 11 min. Right arm on top of left, elbows out, in front of chin. 3 min. Inhale, twist left, hold, exhale completely to the right/ 3x.
Tantric Har
2. LA877-960604-SelfRealization
Hands in gyan mudra palms up extended in front with elbows at ribs. Sing Humee Hum Brum Hum 8 min. Extend elbows to sides with fingers pointing inward in large arc towards thymus. Hold position. Sing Humee Hum Brum Hum. 3 min. Oscillate hands in front of heart quickly up and down, palms facing inward, elbows out. Listen tantric Har. Inhale, hold, oscillate rapidly, cannon exhale.. 3x.
Humee Hum Brun Hum
3. LA819-850109-Eliminate-Brain-Fatigue
Funky swimming. With hands facing each other in front. bring right hand up and out to side, then back around to center. Left hand down and in, then back around to center. Keep going at a fast pace. Feel the hands, feel the brain. 9 min.
Extend arms up 60 deg to right, palms together. Hold position. 3 min. Extend arms up 60 deg to left, palms together. Hold position. 3 min.
Inhale, interlock infers above the head, stretch, squeeze, exhale. 3x.
Lock hands in front at Thymus, left hand on outside. Pull them apart with great strength, but hold them together. Breathe in, hold, breathe out, 3x. Stretch legs in front, cross ankles and try to pull them apart. 3x on each side, with a count of 16. Grip the hands again and cross the ankles, inhale, pull, to a count of 16, exhale. 2x
4. LA918-970908-Internal-Effectiveness
Put right hand on top of left shoulder, led hand flat against the back. Keep your posture. Chest out, chin in, spine straight so that energy and spinal serum flow freely. Close the eyes, breathe long and deep. Inhale deeply, hold as long as you can, exhale long. Do this very consciously without any rhythm. 11 min. Switch sides. Do for 11 min.
Inhale, put arms out so sides at 60 deg,chin up, face up, praying to Almighty God. 3 min. Put hands on heart, right over left. Contemplate. 7 min.
Put hands on lap, left under, right over.
Sing Har Har Har Har Gobinde… Use Guru Shabd Singh version. 3 min. Har Har Har Har Gobinde
Thank you Hari Nam!