Integrating Perception with Experience with Reality
In our healing, we rely on the totality of our undifferentiated (non-dualistic) experience to produce the aspect of mind that manifests our healing intentions. We call that aspect the projective meditative mind, or simply, shuniya. What brings that experience to us is the reality of our perception, pure and unaffected. Pure perception is pure experience, is pure reality. Unfettered, the experience of reality forms the integral perception, where our intentions interact with the reality to make our intentions reality.
Fundamentally, our perceptive field is integral to our experience. Even so, we tend to separate the various phenomena that we witness and feel from the experience of witnessing and feeling them. In our mental processes we hold various biases and prejudices about an experience, for some purpose of describing the experience in a detached way. It’s as if we objectify the experience and hold it in our memory or other historical catalog for the purpose of recalling it for some future application or use.
If we examine this tendency and the separation that it brings, it becomes apparent that a fabricated experiential object of this sort will inevitably interfere with the full appreciation of the future experience to which it is intended to apply. So, it is useful to free the mind from encumbrances that serve to distract from pure experience in the moment.
The healing space, shuniya, includes the totality of experience. When experienced as a whole, all of the information contained in that experience is allowed to express reality.
In our workshop we performed three kriyas, or meditative exercises, which have the effects of putting aside bias and judgement, telescoping our perception to infinity, and practicing reading the space from its phenomena.
Meditation: LA004 780109 Experience the Experience
Meditation: LA082-790123 Telescopic Infinity
Meditation: M061b-19901124 – Know the structure of the mind
Now, hear the lecture and instructions for the healing exercises from the Workshop.
See a recap of other workshops,
posts related to the meditative mind
and posts related to shuniya