Today: “The human is the light: mental, spiritual, self, and the teacher is the embodiment of it.” – Yogi Bhajan

“The human is the light: mental, spiritual, self, and the teacher is the embodiment of it. It delightfully lights everything, and removes the darkness.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA877-19960604 – Self Realization

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Today: We cannot control what others think or do.  Unnecessary interference in the complexity of the flow of events can only cause more damage.” – from the I Ching

We cannot control what others think or do.  Unnecessary interference in the complexity of the flow of events can only cause more damage.

Lecture: LA860 – 960131 – Increase the Flow of the Earth Within You

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 69 – Rather than make the first move it is better to wait and see.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
25 – Twenty-Five  Wu Wang / Remaining Blameless

Thunder rolls beneath Heaven, as is its nature and place:
Sage rulers aligned themselves with the changing seasons, nurturing and guiding their subjects to do the same.

Exceptional Progress if you are mindful to keep out of the way of the natural Flow.
It would be a fatal error to try to alter its course.
This is a time of Being, not Doing.


This is thoroughly a matter of the heart.
If everything you attempt, no matter how carefully planned, ends in disarray, then examine your motives.
They are the cause of your predicament.
It isn’t that your motives aren’t pure — even the best intentions will fail under these circumstances.
What stymies you in this situation is that you have a motive at all.
Free yourself of all expectations, release any tenuous grip you may have, and roll with it.
This is totally out of your control.
There are higher powers and more elements affecting the outcome of this situation than you can imagine.
Get out of their way.

Six in the third place means:

An innocent man is unjustly accused of the theft of an ox taken by a drifter.
His very simplicity will acquit him.

Undeserved misfortune.
The cow that was tethered by someone
Is the wanderer’s gain, the citizen’s loss.

Tethered cow

Sometimes undeserved misfortune befalls a man at the hands of another, as for instance when someone passes by and takes a tethered cow along with him. His gain is the owner’s loss. In all transactions, no matter how innocent, we must accommodate ourselves to the demands of the time, otherwise unexpected misfortune overtakes us.

13 – Thirteen  T’ung Jên / Social Mechanism

Heaven reflects the Flame of clarity:
The Superior Person analyzes the various levels and working parts of the social structure, and uses them to advantage.

Success if you keep to your course.
You may cross to the far shore.


This is a matter of Positioning — not only yourself, but others as well.
There are niches to be filled, potentials to be realized, right livelihoods to be found.
You are not building a new organization, but shoring up an existing infrastructure.
It’s worth the effort, because it will provide union, community, and an ironclad alliance.

Today: “Never utter a word if it’s not from your navel point, and it doesn’t confirm your regal, highest self.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Never utter a word if it’s not from your navel point, and it doesn’t confirm your regal, highest self. Once you start speaking from your anhad, the navel point, in your royalty, you shall live royally. All riches shall come to you, and everybody will feel you.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  LA588 890411 Silver Grain Meditation 

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Today: Lead by  your radiance.  Others will see you and begin to live by your example.” – from the I Ching

Lead by  your radiance.  Others will see you and begin to live by your example.

Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 68 – The best athlete wants his opponent at his best. The best general enters the mind of his enemy. The best businessman serves the communal good. The best leader follows the will of the people.

Recite The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
44 – Forty-Four  Kou / Compulsion

A playful Zephyr dances and delights beneath indulgent Heaven:
A Prince who shouts orders but will not walk among his people may as well try to command the four winds.

A strong, addictive temptation, much more dangerous than it seems.


You are ignoring a clear and present danger to your well-being.
If this threat emanated from a heavy-handed oppressor, you would see it coming.
But this danger comes to you in the form of a seduction, an amusement, a diversion, an indulgence that is eating away at the fiber of your secure little world.
You are too cocksure.
You underestimate the tribute this dalliance will demand.

Nine in the fifth place means:

Keep this melon growing in the shade.
It is a blessing from heaven.

A melon covered with willow leaves.
Hidden lines.
Then it drops down to one from heaven.

Willow leaves

Willow leaves

The melon, like the fish, is a symbol of the principle of darkness. It is sweet but spoils easily and for this reason is protected with a cover of willow leaves. This is a situation in which a strong, superior, well-poised man tolerates and protects the inferiors in his charge. He has the firm lines of order and beauty within himself but he does not lay stress upon them. He does not bother his subordinates with outward show or tiresome admonitions but leaves them quite free, putting his trust in the transforming power of a strong and upright personality. And behold! Fate is favorable. His inferiors respond to his influence and fall to his disposition like ripe fruit.

18 – Eighteen  Ku / Repairing the Damage

Winds sweep through the Mountain valley:
The Superior Person sweeps away corruption and stagnation by stirring up the people and strengthening their spirit.

Supreme success.
Before crossing to the far shore, consider the move for three days.
After crossing, devote three days of hard labor to damage control.


You are blessed with an opportunity to resuscitate that which others have abandoned as beyond repair.
This ruin wasn’t caused by evil intention, but by indifference to decay.
Just by addressing yourself to the problem, you exhibit a new awareness, a fresh perspective.
This is a time of recovery, renewal, regeneration.

Today: “So, you have all come here to become teachers and you must understand the faculty of teacher” – Yogi Bhajan

“So, you have all come here to become teachers and you must understand the faculty of teacher. A Teacher is sharp enough to cut the hardness of the heart, the rudeness of the mind, the falsehood of the head, and the shakiness of the feet. A Teacher challenges you with an absolute definitive graceful power of projection and leaves you no alternative but to submit, surrender, and come in obedience. You are going to become Teachers. Are you going to be that powerful, with that caliber?” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: M136-970930 – Reality and discipline

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Today: Be the blessings for those less fortunate just as you have received yours from above.  It is the recipe for incalculable success and happiness. ” – from the I Ching

Be the blessings for those less fortunate just as you have received yours from above.  It is the recipe for incalculable success and happiness.

Meditation: NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 67 – Some say that my teaching is nonsense.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
11 – Eleven  T’ai / Peace

Heaven and Earth embrace, giving birth to Peace.
The Superior Person serves as midwife, presenting the newborn gift to the people.

The small depart; the great approach.
Good fortune.


It doesn’t get any better than this.
Everything is in harmony, all obstacles are cleared from your Path, anything you could ask for is right at hand.
This is the Elysian Fields, the Garden of Eden.
The only thing wrong with Peace is that it, too, must change.
Whether you are in this state of harmony now or it is predicted for your future, recognize it as your greatest opportunity to build your resources against less harmonious times.

Six in the fourth place means:

Instead of stretching to grasp the wealth that may rise out of reach, he stoops to help his companions climb to his level.
They expect his resentment but receive only his faith and love; they no longer fear his power.

He flutters down, not boasting of his wealth,
Together with his neighbor,
Guileless and sincere.


In times of mutual confidence, people of high rank come in close contact with the lowly quite simply and without boasting of their wealth. This is not due to the force of circumstances but corresponds with their inmost sentiment. The approach is made quite spontaneously, because it is based on inner conviction.
34 – Thirty-Four  Ta Chuang / Awesome Power

Thunder fills the Heavens with its awful roar, not out of pride, but with integrity; if it did less, it would not be Thunder:
Because of his Great Power, the Superior Person takes pains not to overstep his position, so that he will not seem intimidating or threatening to the Established Order.

Opportunity will arise along this course.


The Awesome Power available in this hexagram stems from what the Taoists call your Te, a term not perfectly translated into English.
Roughly, it is your Integrity — not in the Western sense of honor — but more in the psychological definition of a full integration of Who You Are.
This Awesome Power is achieved only by fully embracing both the good and the bad, the strong and the weak, the masculine and the feminine — all polarities within you.
Such self-knowledge spawns a Mastery tempered with the humility necessary to rein in and harness this Awesome Power.

Today: “It is not that the Teacher is a super human being.” – Yogi Bhajan

“It is not that the Teacher is a super human being. The Teacher gives you a chance to become a super human being.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical

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Today: What you have set in motion will endure while you remember your responsibilities and refrain from too aggressive an approach. ” – from the I Ching

What you have set in motion will endure while you remember your responsibilities and refrain from too aggressive an approach.

Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop – Shunnya Centre 2017-05-28

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 66 – If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
19 – Nineteen  Lin / Noble Calling

The rich, loamy Earth on the banks of the Marsh provides fertile soil for exceptional progress.
The Superior Person is inexhaustible in his willingness to teach, and without limit in his tolerance and support of others.

Supreme Success if you keep to your course.
But be aware that your time is limited; your power will wane, as Summer changes to Fall.


You are in a position to help another.
This is a temporary situation, because your power is cyclical, seasonal.
Knowing this, you must perform your good deed without hope of reward.
You are not furthering your own process, but another’s.
Though you may cherish this other, you will never possess.
Touch without grasping.
Take comfort in becoming a fond memory.
Nurture, then let go.

Six in the third place means:

Comfortable approach.
Nothing that would further.
If one is induced to grieve over it,
One becomes free of blame.

Self Portrait - William Dobell

Self Portrait 1968 – William Dobell

Things are going well for a man: he achieves power and influence. But in this lies the danger that he may relax, and confident of his position, allow the easygoing, careless mood to show itself in his dealings with other people. This would inevitably be harmful. But there is possibility of a change of mood. If he regrets his mistaken attitude and feels the responsibility of an influential position, he frees himself of faults.

63 – Sixty-Three  Chi Chi / Aftermath

Boiling Water over open Flame, one might extinguish The other:
The Superior Person takes a 360 degree view of the situation and prepares for any contingency.

Success in small matters if you stay on course.
Early good fortune can end in disorder.


Victory at the expense of another is a merciless taskmaster.
The precarious balance here is reflected in the lines of the hexagram: each of the yin lines rests upon a strong yang line — a seemingly perfect arrangement.
But the scales will be tipped with the change of any one line.
And there WILL be change.
Tireless vigilance and an answer to every challenge — that is the uneasy Seat of Power occupied by the conqueror.

Today: “A Teacher is not a public relations package” – Yogi Bhajan

“A Teacher is not a public relations package—very charming, very beautiful, very marvelous, very gracious, very kind, very sweet. That’s an angel, not a Teacher. Very passionate, very loving, very darling, very attractive, very knowing—that may be a professor, not a Teacher. Very knowledgeable, very sharing, very high-grade knowing, absolutely, amazingly all the best there is. That may be a sage, a wise sage, a saint—not a Teacher.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: 760422 – Balancing Projection with Intention

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Today: Encountering obstacles at the beginning of a new venture, seek assistance rather than plunging forward alone.  Form new alliances. ” – from the I Ching

Encountering obstacles at the beginning of a new venture, seek assistance rather than plunging forward alone.  Form new alliances.

Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop – Shunnya Centre 2017-05-28

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 65 – The ancient Masters didn’t try to educate the people, but kindly taught them to not-know.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
3 – Three  Chun / Difficulty at the Beginning

Thunder from the Deep:
The Superior Person carefully weaves order out of confusion.

Supreme Success if you keep to your course.
Carefully consider the first move.
Seek help.


New ventures always pack along their inherent chaos.
Though this is an annoyance at best, and can even imperil or downright doom an endeavor, it is also the friction needed to polish your project to jewel brilliance.
Learn from these early obstacles.

Nine at the beginning [yang at bottom] means:

You have run up against an obstacle at the very head of the trail.
Keep to your course.
Seek mutual aid.

Hesitation and hindrance.
It furthers one to remain persevering.
It furthers one to appoint helpers.



IF A PERSON encounters a hindrance at the beginning of an enterprise, he must not try to force advance but must pause and take thought. However, nothing should put him off his course; he must persevere and constantly keep the goal in sight. It is important to seek out the right assistants, but he can find them only if he avoids arrogance and associates with his fellows in a spirit of humility. Only then will he attract those with whose help he can combat the difficulties.
8 – Eight  Pi / Bonding

Deep Waters on the face of the Earth:
Surface waters flow together.
The Superior Person recognizes the situation calls for joining together.
Thus he cultivates friendly relations with all.

Good fortune is possible.
Cast the coins again to discover if you have the qualities needed to lead such a group.
Then there will be no error.
Those uncertain will gradually join.
Those who join too late will meet with misfortune.


This is a time of connection with another or others — not just an alliance, but a melding of parts into a new whole.
Such a connection may be too close, too intense for some.
Consult the oracle again to see if you have the qualities needed to strengthen and withstand such an intense synthesis.

Today: “You have no sensitivity that your soul shall leave in the subtle body, and that your subtle body is as sophisticated as anything in the universe can be.” – Yogi Bhajan

“You have no sensitivity that your soul shall leave in the subtle body, and that your subtle body is as sophisticated as anything in the universe can be. So unless you produce in yourself elegance, grace, sophisticatedness in your mind, manners, and attitude, and unless you come from that Infinite altitude, and ascend to that altitude, you cannot descend in love. The higher is your being, the deeper is the love.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0410 Ek Ong Kar

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Today: You are a formidable force for change.  You know what to do.  Others will follow. ” – from the I Ching

You are a formidable force for change.  You know what to do.  Others will follow.

Meditation: NM0413 – Intuition and the Strength of Excellence

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 64 – Prevent trouble before it arises. Put things in order before they exist.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
49 – Forty-Nine  Ko / Revolution

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival:
The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.

The support you need will come only after the deed is done.
Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.
All differences vanish.


A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.
There is no negotiating with the Established Order.
Perfect timing is essential.
Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.
Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.
You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.
You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.
Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared

Nine in the fifth place means:

You transform into a tiger before their eyes.
Your very being commands an awe that makes consulting the oracle unnecessary.

The great man changes like a tiger.
Even before he questions the oracle
He is believed.

Tiger camouflage

Tiger camouflage

A tigerskin, with its highly visible black stripes on a yellow ground, shows its distinct pattern from afar. It is the same with a revolution brought about by a great man: large, clear guiding lines become visible, understandable to everyone. Therefore he need not first consult the oracle, for he wins the spontaneous support of the people.
62 – Sixty-Two  Hsiao Kuo / Lying Low

Thunder high on the Mountain, active passivity:
The Superior Person is unsurpassed in his ability to remain small.
In a time for humility, he is supremely modest.
In a time of mourning, he uplifts with somber reverence.
In a time of want, he is resourcefully frugal.

When a bird flies too high, its song is lost.
Rather than push upward now, it is best to remain below.
This will bring surprising good fortune, if you keep to your course.


There is no profit to striving here.
To be content with oneself is the greatest success imaginable.
The enlightened person has nothing to prove to himself or others, and thus may always operate from a position of sincerity, with no pretense or posturing.
His humility is guileless simplicity.
His mourning is selfless compassion.
His frugality is an unshakeable faith that he is but a conduit, letting what is needed flow through him to others, with no loss to himself.

Today: “Spiritual means me within me is infinite” – Yogi Bhajan

“Spiritual means me within me is infinite, and me within me as infinite shall relate, experience, express, and project Infinity.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KWTC-980710 – Life Is Lift To Infinity

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Today: Give up your childish compulsions and empty pursuit of pleasure and diversion.  Show yourself and others who you are. ” – from the I Ching

Give up your childish compulsions and empty pursuit of pleasure and diversion.  Show yourself and others who you are.

Meditation:  KWTC19950725 Meditation to Balance the Tattvas 

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 63 – Act without doing; work without effort

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
58 – Fifty-Eight  Tui / Empowering

The joyous Lake spans on and on to the horizon:
The Superior Person renews and expands his Spirit through heart-to-heart exchanges with others.

Success if you stay on course.


This is the sign of true companionship.
The principals in this situation exchange energy, ideas and feelings, constantly invigorating and encouraging each other to new heights of Spiritual achievement and Self-discovery.
This exchange is not for the glory of the Team, but for furthering the process of each individual’s ‘Te’, or pure potentiality.

Six in the third place means:

Arguing and negotiating to win love and joy.

Coming joyousness. Misfortune.

Romans of the Decadence

‘The Romans of the Decadence’ – Thomas Couture, 1847

True joy must spring from within. But if one is empty within and wholly given over to the world, idle pleasures come streaming in from without. This is what many people welcome as diversion. Those who lack inner stability and therefore need amusement, will always find opportunity of indulgence. They attract external pleasures by the emptiness of their natures. Thus they lose themselves more and more, which of course has bad results.

63 – Sixty-Three  Chi Chi / Aftermath

Boiling Water over open Flame, one might extinguish The other:
The Superior Person takes a 360 degree view of the situation and prepares for any contingency.

Success in small matters if you stay on course.
Early good fortune can end in disorder.


Victory at the expense of another is a merciless taskmaster.
The precarious balance here is reflected in the lines of the hexagram: each of the yin lines rests upon a strong yang line — a seemingly perfect arrangement.
But the scales will be tipped with the change of any one line.
And there WILL be change.
Tireless vigilance and an answer to every challenge — that is the uneasy Seat of Power occupied by the conqueror.

Today: “You have soul mates: your intellect, consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, you have your ten bodies. ” – Yogi Bhajan

“You have soul mates: your intellect, consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, you have your ten bodies. They are the mates of your soul; they come with the soul. So in your soul-mate system, you have bodies and you have aspects of your mind all together. Then you have a soul-mate which is called time and space and longitude and latitude. It’s a mating season of you and your self. Then you take the altitude and attitude to keep all these sixteen horses going, so you can carry your carriage.” Yogi Bhajan

Kriya: Awakening Yourself to Your Ten Bodies

Today: It is better that truth is presented front and center first than other energetic measures that are intended to improve the situation. ” – from the I Ching

It is better that truth is presented front and center first than other energetic measures that are intended to improve the situation.  Let the truth sink in.  Then devise the means by which it is realized.

Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 62 – The Tao is the center of the universe, the good man’s treasure, the bad man’s refuge.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
55 – Fifty-Five  Fêng / Abundance

Thunder and Lightning from the dark heart of the storm:
The Superior Person judges fairly, so that consequences are just.

The leader reaches his peak and doesn’t lament the descent before him.
Be like the noonday sun at its zenith.
This is success.


You are in a position of authority in this situation.
Archetypally, you are the New King, returned from your quest to claim your throne.
However, you are enlightened enough to realize that you are merely a part of a cycle, and that you must someday yield your throne to the new kid in town, the younger, faster gunslinger, the young turk, the next returning hero, the next New King.
Fretting about the inevitable descent is senseless.
For now you must play your role to the hilt and use this gift of power to govern your world as best you can.
You are the best person for the job.
That’s why you were chosen.
Give it your personal best.

Six in the second place means:

The veil before his eyes casts so dark a shade, he sees the Big Dipper at noontime.
Authorities distrust one with such vision.
It is best to emphasize why seeing the truth is the safest route to preserving power.

The curtain is of such fullness
That the polestars can be seen at noon.
Through going one meets with mistrust and hate.
If one rouses him through truth,
Good fortune comes.


‘Polestar’ – Kallman Art Gallery

It often happens that plots and party intrigues, which have the darkening effect of an eclipse of the sun, come between a ruler intent on great achievement and the man who could effect great undertakings. Then, instead of the sun, we see the northern stars in the sky. The ruler is overshadowed by a party that has usurped power. If a man at such a time were to try to take energetic measures, he would encounter only mistrust and envy, which would prohibit all movement. The essential thing then is to hold inwardly to the power of truth, which in the end is so strong that it exerts an invisible influence on the ruler, so that all goes well.
11 – Eleven  T’ai / Peace

Heaven and Earth embrace, giving birth to Peace.
The Superior Person serves as midwife, presenting the newborn gift to the people.

The small depart; the great approach.
Good fortune.


It doesn’t get any better than this.
Everything is in harmony, all obstacles are cleared from your Path, anything you could ask for is right at hand.
This is the Elysian Fields, the Garden of Eden.
The only thing wrong with Peace is that it, too, must change.
Whether you are in this state of harmony now or it is predicted for your future, recognize it as your greatest opportunity to build your resources against less harmonious times.