“Why did God create this world? Just to be recognized. It is his instinct, and the same instinct is in us. We want to be recognized as He wants to be recognized. We are the little image of God, we are little Gods because we have a pineal gland. The best way to be recognized is when your pituitary starts working; then you know past, present, and future; then you don’t care; then you know what is what.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “You have the capacity and the power to choose how you will relate with the world. Engage and be heroic, or be still and be a sage. With way, always remember the wisdom of your vast experience.” – from the I Ching
You have the capacity and the power to choose how you will relate with the world. Engage and be heroic, or be still and be a sage. With way, always remember the wisdom of your vast experience.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement
Meditation: NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation
See previous reading
Share The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.
“When we love there are no barriers…” Yogi Bhajan
“When we love there are no barriers, no desires, no needs, no wants.” Yogi Bhajan
Continue reading ““When we love there are no barriers…” Yogi Bhajan”
Today: “Everyone is your blood kin. Protect your family.” – from the I Ching
Everyone is your blood kin. Protect your family.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
Tao Te Ching – Verse 63 – Act without doing; work without effort
Meditation: LA721-920325: for the Intuitive Intellect
See previous reading
Today: “What is a fear complex” – Yogi Bhajan
“What is a fear complex? When you feel limited. If you feel that you are a part of the universe and the universe is a part of you, what is there to fear?” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA747 921231 Fear 6, to command yourself
See related posts
Today: “You must now use your intuition to guide you through this perilous time. We cannot rely any more on the empty forms and rituals from the past. Apply your intentions to the here and now.” – from the I Ching
You must now use your intuition to guide you through this perilous time. We cannot rely any more on the empty forms and rituals from the past. Apply your intentions to the here and now.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
Tao Te Ching – Verse 63 – Act without doing; work without effort
Meditation: LA721-920325: for the Intuitive Intellect
See previous reading
Today: “Flexibility is a law of life” – Yogi Bhajan
“Flexibility is a law of life. In our common language we call it compassion.” Yogi Bhajan
Lecture: LA907 970311 burn the subconscious “Life is Love”
See related posts
Today: “The bad actors are surreptitiously infiltrating and undermining the structure of our governance and society. There is nothing to do but wait for good people to reappear on the scene.” – from the I Ching
The bad actors are surreptitiously infiltrating and undermining the structure of our governance and society. There is nothing to do but wait for good people to reappear on the scene.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Today: “If you can remember that you are a part of infinity” – Yogi Bhajan
“If you can remember that you are a part of infinity, then no wrong can happen to you.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA010 – 19780210 – Gobinda – Project to the Infinite
See related posts
Today: “In dealing with obstructions to your plans, wait for the right time and opportunity to act. Contemplate your moves. Be patient.” – from the I Ching
In dealing with obstructions to your plans, wait for the right time and opportunity to act. Contemplate your moves. Be patient.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
Tao Te Ching – Verse 59 – For governing a country well there is nothing better than moderation
Meditation: LA135-19791029 Resolve Inner Conflict
See previous reading
Today: “Each experience must lead to your happiness and grace” – Yogi Bhajan
“Each experience must lead to your happiness and grace.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA792 931214 – Experience and Ecstasy
See related posts
Today: “Use your awesome power wisely, saving and conserving it for great endeavors.” – from the I Ching
Use your awesome power wisely, saving and conserving it for great endeavors.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
Tao Te Ching – Verse 59 – For governing a country well there is nothing better than moderation
Meditation: LA692-781102 – Experience Tremendous Strength
See previous reading
Today: “Meditation is your creativity and your activity in relationship to the existence of the cosmos.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Meditation is your creativity and your activity in relationship to the existence of the cosmos. It is the individual harmony in relationship to the universal harmony in existence. And as strong as that meditation is, that strong the harmony is.”
Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM249 971230 theorem of the Kundalini Yoga; control your micro & macro consciousnessMeditation: Reality and Discipline
See related posts
Today: “Conflicts inevitably arise. Know your self, just be yourself. Your experience is golden and cannot be taken from you. You will need it time after time.” – from the I Ching
Conflicts inevitably arise. Know your self, just be yourself. Your experience is golden and cannot be taken from you. You will need it time after time.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
Tao Te Ching – Verse 59 – For governing a country well there is nothing better than moderation
Meditation: LA877-19960604 – Self Realization
See previous reading
Tell The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.
Today: “Love means giving” – Yogi Bhajan
“Love means giving. Self-sacrifice means that you accomplish for someone at the expense of yourself.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Allow chance meetings with people to be fruitful, regardless of tribal, class or other presumed discrimination.” – from the I Ching
Allow chance meetings with people to be fruitful, regardless of tribal, class or other presumed discrimination.
See Yogi Bhajan’s commentary on this topic.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day
See previous reading
Tell The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha over a meal with friends today.