Meditation & Healing Workshops at Park Slope Brooklyn Taught by Hari Nam Singh – Audio

2014-05-31 Resonance 2

2014-05-30 Resonance 1

2014-02-22 The Art of Knowing

2013-11-02 Healing with the Elements Part 2

2013-11-01 Healing with the Elements Part 1

2013-05-17 The Dream State

2013-02-16 Healing in the Absolute Field
Part 2

2013-02-15 Healing in the Absolute Field Part 1

2012-09-29 Healing and the Third Eye Part 2

2012-09-28 Healing and the Third Eye Part 1

2012-05-19 Resonance Part 2

2012-05-18 Resonance Part 1

Meditation & Healing Workshops in Ottawa Taught by Hari Nam Singh – Audio


2014-05-25 Resonance 2

2014-05-25 Resonance 1

2014-02-16 The Art of Knowing 2

2014-02-16 The Art of Knowing 1

2013-10-31 Healing with the Elements Part 2

2013-10-31 Healing with the Elements Part 1

2013-05-11 The Dream State Part 2

2013-05-11 The Dream State Part 1

2012-05-13 Resonance Part 2

2012-05-13 Resonance Part 1

2012-06-12 Teachers Class

2011-10-01 Teachers Class

2012-02-11 Teachers Class

Meditation & Healing Workshops in Toronto Taught by Hari Nam Singh – Audio

2014-05-29 Resonance

2014-02-20 Beginning SNR & Knowing

2013-10-31 Healing with the Elements

2012-02-14 Intro to SNR

Meditation: for the Intuitive Intellect

The elbows are held at the ribs. The palms of the hands face toward the face, out in front of the shoulders.
Chant the Mantra: “Humee Hum Brahm Hum.”
For both hands, on “Humee” the thumb and the Mercury finger touch; on “Hum” the thumb and the Saturn finger touch; on “Brahm” the thumb and the Jupiter finger touch; and on the final “Hum” the thumb and the Mercury finger touch. We’re skipping the Sun finger.
Close the eyes 9/10, and focus at the tip of the nose.
As you’re sitting in Easy Pose and doing this Meditation, you’re moving the knees up and down. Move your knees up and down while you’re chanting and moving your fingers.
Time: 11 minutes
To finish: Inhale deeply, hold the breath, exhale, and relax.

    Humee Hum Brum Hum

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 05/03/2014 – “Resonance” – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Resonance”.  Resonance is an important modality in the sacred healing tradition of Sat Nam Rasayan®.  It is the practice of knowing the impact of healing on one’s environment.  Resonance can impact the ways in which one relates with family, work, relationships, the world and the self.  It can also impact those relations directly.  We practiced healing various points of resonance that impacted the patient’s relations with the self and others.

Workshop Audio:    


Innocent Thumbs

Meditation for the Intuitive Intellect

vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Meditation: Sedona 2005 Retreat Sadhana – 20050902

In September, 2005, we attended a Sat Nam Rasayan retreat in Sedona with Guru Dev Singh.  At sadhana, we performed a series of kriyas originally taught by Yogi Bhajan.

1. For central nerve – Jupiter & Saturn fingers point up together at sides, thumb on Sun. Eyes closed, tip of chin. Tongue out as far as it will go. Inhale and exhale through the mouth. 11 min.

2. For Lymphatic System – Hands clasped out in front. Roll the shoulders forward and up, then backwards and down. Bring hands in as you exhale, out as you inhale. Eyes closed, tip of chin. 11 min.

3. For the brain – Hold finger tips together in front. Roll the wrists forward while bringing elbows out. Roll back to start, then repeat motion. Wiggle the toes while you do this. Eyes closed, tip of chin. 3 min.

4. For the heart and lungs – Fly. Extend the arms out to the sides and move them up and down as if flying. Feel the sensation of flying. 5 min.

5. Left hand over right, with 4 in. of separation, at heart level. Drop both hands together then bring them up. Drop just the right hand and bring it up. Make the movements precise with no extraneous movement. 11 min.
Good for the nervous system and brain function.

6. Arms straight out in front, palms together, right thumb over left.
Sing Wah Yantee. 11 min.

Audio Player

7. Clap hands at heart and then overhead. Sing Sa Re Sa Sa. 1 min.

Audio Player

8. Clasp hands together upward and outward and to the left, tightening and shaking them.  Repeat to the right.  Alternate.  Like champions 1 min.

Sedona 2005 Retreat Sadhana

Yoga West News Feature – Reprint from 4/12/2014

Meet Teacher Hari Nam Singh Khalsa


How did you find Kundalini Yoga (or how did it find you!)?

It was a circuitous path spanning 18 years. I first heard of Yogi Bhajan, the Siri Singh Sahib in 1975, when I was studying Zen Buddhism at the Zen Center of Los Angeles with Maezumi Roshi. My Zen friend Bruce was describing the wonderful yoga he was experiencing with Yogi Bhajan. Also in 1975, I was a graduate student of engineering at the University of Southern California. I encountered Tej Kaur at that time, who told me of her wonderful experiences with Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga. Also at that time I worked in the Aerospace industry as an engineer. That is where I met my friend Hargopal Kaur. She was (and still is) a physicist.

One day, Hargopal asked me about Zen meditation. I introduced her to the community and we sat in the Zendo. Hargopal did not take to the practice, as she said it was a little too sedentary. So, I suggested that she go to see Yogi Bhajan, who would give her a better workout. So, she did. Soon after all this, I lost contact with all of them.

Shortly after, my wife and I began a martial arts practice in Aikido, which we kept up for twenty-five years. We both earned the rank of Shodan. One day in 1991 I visited my chiropractor, Dr. Waheguru Singh, for a knee injury I sustained in training. He mentioned that his teacher was in town and teaching that evening across the street at Yoga West. He invited me to attend.

The experience that evening showed me that Yogi Bhajan was my teacher. I was blown away. I hadn’t listened to Bruce or Tej closely enough to actually find Yogi Bhajan, but that casual invitation changed everything. From that evening on, my wife and I regularly attended Yogi Bhajan’s classes when he was in town. That was also when we met Hargopal again after about ten years.

Sat Nam Rasayan®

In the Summer of 1993, at Summer Solstice in New Mexico, Hargopal and I were talking outside the Tantric Shelter one afternoon when she saw Guru Dev Singh walking by and said she would like to introduce me to her healing (Sat Nam Rasayan) teacher. Guru Dev Singh walked toward us, and at the moment we met, a cyclone of wind and dust enveloped us. When we recovered from that intense experience Hargopal introduced us. I attended Guru Dev Singh’s healing workshop in the Tantric Shelter that afternoon and recognized that I was destined to study Sat Nam Rasayan® with him.

For some time after that my wife and I attended weekly beginning Sat Nam Rasayan® classes with Hargopal at Gurmukh’s house and workshops with Guru Dev Singh when he was in town. We were Hargopal’s first Sat Nam Rasayan® students.


I began healing and teaching Sat Nam Rasayan® in the healing and meditation space in our home in 1998. We call it the Healing Heart Center. I still perform healing and teach meditation and healing workshops there. Dev Atma Suroop Kaur graciously provides meals for the students in attendance at the workshops.

During Summer Solstice in 2000, Sat Kirn Kaur, director of Yoga West, invited me to begin teaching at Yoga West. Before that happened, I became certified as a Kundalini Yoga instructor. Hari Charn Kaur of KRI graciously invited me to test for certification under the grandfather program, which was ending around that time. I have since been teaching Kundalini Yoga, meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® classes at Yoga West.

In 2004 I began teaching Sat Nam Rasayan® at Golden Bridge Yoga. I still teach weekly classes there.

Since 2009 I have been travelling to other cities, teaching meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® abroad.

What do you love about teaching at Yoga West?

What motivates me as a teacher and healer is that I have found a way where I can be useful. I am one of many healers and teachers that Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh have produced whose intention is to reduce suffering and bring light into the world. Yoga West is the home of Kundalini Yoga, the House that Yogi Bhajan built. I feel a strong connection with the place where I sat with my teacher over so many years.

What is your favorite Yogi Bhajan Teaching?

Ang Sang Waheguru.

What else do you do in your life that we might not know about ?

In 2008 my wife and I began a line of shirts and other clothing that feature sacred images. We call it Shuniya. We have offered them at Summer Solstice and at other retreats.

Top 5 Kundalini Yoga mantra tracks?

Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru – Sangeet Kaur
Ang Sang Waheguru – Siri Singh Sahib
Guru Ram Das – Singh Kaur
Ajai Alai – Guru Shabad Singh
Rakhe Rakkan Har – Singh Kaur

(I’m old school.)

Classes by
Hari Nam Singh KhalsaSat Nam Rasayan®
Wednesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 pmMeditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® (with Lou Nelson)
Fridays, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Meditation: NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You

Yogi Bhajan – New Mexico, June 22, 2001

1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Place cupped hands over your ears with the fingers pointing to the back. Eyes
are closed. Chant from the navel in a monotone, “God and me, me and God, are one.” Continue for 3 minutes. To end,
inhale deeply, hold, and stretch your spine. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times, holding the breath in as long as you can.

2. Same posture. Chant from the navel the mantra “Humee Hum Brahm Hum” by Nirinjan Kaur. Concentrate on the
navel and feel God within you. Continue for I! minutes. (1:15:30) To end, inhale deeply, hold, stretch your spine and
put maximum pressure on the ears. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.

Kindness is the most powerful thing on this planet.  When you are kind in character God serves you.  “In God I dwell” means nothing but kindness, consciousness, and sweetness towards people.  When you see God in all, you see all that God is. But if you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all!

God and Me Me and God Are One

Humee Hum Brum Hum

You come to Summer Solstice to recharge your batteries, increase endurance
and develop courage. Psychologically, sociologically and energetically we do  not let you rest. The food and way of life are precise. You are like a bullet put
into a double-barreled gun and fired.

Tomorrow yogic knowledge will be needed by the world at large. A good yoga teacher will earn $4,000 to $5,000 per month, provided they work it like a business and stay clear of ego. Some teach out of ego, and some become teachers to serve, pass on the message and uplift other human beings. Drop your fears and neuroses and rise like the phoenix rises out of the ashes! You have to lead and help six billion people! You have the basic training to inter-bifurcate the micro consciousness into the macro consciousness of a person and change their frequency so that their magnetic field is relevant to the magnetic force of the heavens unto the sun and the reflection of the moon.

When we bow to the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, we actually bow to our understanding that this scripture is a permutation and combination of molecular changes into the magnetic projection of the human, in a musical note, and it can never change. Many scriptures may have tons and tons of wisdom, but they are not in the music of time and space according to longitude and latitude. It affects your attitude, pulls you out of solitude and makes you deal with the world as a pleasant human being. An angel has an angle to be pleasant. A human has an angle to be rational. A beast has a power to strike head-on, no matter what happens. Talk irrationally to someone sometime, and see how sad you make that person. Meet your enemy sometime, and talk pleasantly. See how wonderful he feels.

When I love somebody, | yell and scream to test out his psyche. First the guy feels that something horrible has happened. When he starts thinking it must have a purpose, | start smiling, because the program is over. It is a test
of the person’s endurance—how calamity affects the psyche and how well they can project to defend and be clean. Kundalini Yoga was originally developed as the science that teaches us to absorb the shock of adversity and come out with grace and the wonder of life. It taps the reserve serpent power within us, so we may go through anything and still look great.

Life is plus and minus, but for some, 2+2=5. They add in smiles, warmth, love and passion. They say “Hello” and go one step further to meet and shake hands. Kindness is the most powerful thing on this planet. You are
man-“kind”! When you are kind in character God serves you. “In God | dwell” means being full of nothing but kindness, consciousness and sweetness towards people. When you see God in all, you see all that God is. But if you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all! Become simple, kind teachers. Things will be done for you, and things will come, not to you, but to the kindness in you. Make a sincere promise that you will shine, and all your problems will be taken care of.

Keep up and share the praises of the Lord with each other. Do not be fanatic or lazy, egocentric or crazy. Just be. Learn to tolerate criticism and abusiveness. That is why God brought you here, to give you an experience,
and touch you.

NM0163-2-Feel God Within You–The Kindness In You-SummerSolstice-III

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 03/29/2014 – “Healing the Perception” – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Healing the Perception”.  Many conditions can be healed simply by a shift or a broadening of perception.  We practiced several exercises that helped the patient “see” their irritations differently and dilute the anxiety they bring.

Workshop Audio:    


M0512-19890312 – For Mastery of Time and Space

M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye  

vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Siri Singh Sahib’s First Principle of Success

The First Principle of Success

Siri Singh Sahib ji
You want to know the key to success? Simple – don’t walk on others. Don’t step on others’ toes. Carry others, carry people with you, above you; God shall carry you.

Some people ask me, “How do you know the answer to everything?” I said, “What is there to know? You know everything anyway.” You only need to know one thing: anybody who approaches you, just put him one step higher than he is. The job will be done, and you’ll be blessed.

Once a teacher came to his master and said, “Master, I am in a lot of trouble.” The master said, “What’s the problem? Why are you yelling and screaming for me? What’s your problem?” “You sent me to the city to teach, but everybody is just yelling at me and calling me a fake.” “They come and abuse you?” “Many people gather in the morning, and they are just mad.” “Oh, you are on a very successful note.” “Master, none have come in; none have come to learn from me; no one has come to say hello. All they do is yell and scream abuse at me. They shout and ridicule me.” “You are a great success. That’s all I wanted to hear.” “But what should I do about it?” “Go and stay there. When they come in the morning, smile; when they yell at you, smile; when they throw eggs at you, smile; when they throw stones at you, stand erect, with discipline and smile – keep smiling. Let us see what happens.”

He went, and people came, and they yelled, screamed, made faces, and he just smiled and blessed them. He stood as they threw vegetables at him and dirt at him and shoes at him; and he kept smiling, saying, “thank you, thank you.” Three days they continued. On the fourth day, they gave up and came and sat down. On the fifth day, they started abusing him again, but then stopped and looked at each other saying, “What are we doing?”

They decided they should go and apologize to him. So, two thousand people from the village came and told him, “We are very sorry; we never understood you.” he still smiled. They said, “Are you not happy?” He still smiled. “It doesn’t mean anything to you?” He smiled. Finally they said, “All right, give us the one final answer: Why are you smiling? He said “What else is there to do?” Let us pray and meditate – that’s the meditation. Smile.”

One smile can win the world, and one frown can lose it.
Just smile at adversity. I tell you it runs away. Two things cannot live together: adversity cannot remain where a man is smiling, and prosperity doesn’t live with those who are frowning. The face is an index not to the mind but to the soul.

You see people who are very unsuccessful – what do they do? When you start telling them many things, they lean in; they listen. There is no vitamin C that can stop them. That’s how they are. You must understand when somebody talks to you, if you are not willing to hear them out, you are foolishly going for an unsuccessful future. The first principle of success is, when somebody is talking, hear it. Don’t interrupt. Let him complete the sentence; hear him properly. When they are done and you are asked to speak, do not answer the question if you cannot uplift the person. If your answer uplifts that person, you shall be prosperous.
Siri Singh Sahib Ji
© Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Reprinted from February 2014 Dasvandh Flyer.

What’s a major difference between Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Jay Leno?

I see two beautiful people.  Gods in their own domain.

They both left the stage this week.

People who saw them admired their art and were elevated.

One saw his own grace and beauty in their eyes, and was elevated.  

The other did not see clearly that precious soul that was himself.

The life of the artist is lived polishing what others see.

Giving in that way can overcome extraordinary obstacles and hardship.   It can also distract one to forget to turn that kindness inward and cultivate an inner projection that makes one one’s own beloved friend.  Giving ones’ self away can allow one to form an intimate relationship with the self.

When one realizes that the self is empty, then how one perceives the self in that reality can determine whether one looks to fill it up from the outside, like the the drug dependent artist or insatiable wall street tycoon, or with one’s own (God’s) love and admiration.   Ang Sang Waheguru.

May I suggest a nice meditation for polishing the radiant body, which is what others see and also what we see inside us:  NM345 Mind and Mentality II Scope and Projection I ?



Meditation: LA019 780315 – Shuni Mudra Kriya




With the palms facing down, bend the Saturn (middle) fingers forward. Bring the Saturn fingers together so that the pads touch and point  downward. The remaining fingers interlace across the backs of the hands. The thumb tips touch and point toward the body.

Bend the elbows and raise the arms so that the mudra is held at shoulder level with the forearms parallel to the floor…”almost to the moon center (That’s the chin).”

Focus the eyes at the tip of the nose.  Repeat the mantra 2X per breath:


31 minutes

LA019-780315-Shuni Mudra Kriya

View the entire lecture in the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings


Meditation: LA004 780109 Experience the Experience

Yogi Bhajan – LA004 – January 9, 1978


Experience your existence directly.  Feel from where the feeling comes.  Quiet the subconscious.  Assume the posture and mudra shown.  Keep straight and still.  Contemplate the mind.  Allow every part of your experience.  Don’t reject any part of your experience.  Don’t judge your experience.  There is no incorrect experience.  Long deep breathing, eyes 9/10 closed, looking at the tip of the nose.  11 min.





LA004 780109-Experience the Experience

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 02/01/2014 – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was The Art of Knowing.


Workshop Audio:    

Meditations: LA051 780907 Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness

LA936-980609-Four  Stroke Breath to Build Intuition

Balance the Nadis

 A vegetarian lunch  followed, provided by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Meditation: 881026 Removing Fear of the Future


Link to Library of Teachings

1. Sit comfortably in easy pose. Rest the back of the left hand in the palm of the right hand. The right thumb nestles in the palm of the left hand and the left thumb crosses it. The fingers of the right hand curve around the outside of the left hand and hold it gently. Holding your hands in this way will give you a peaceful, secure feeling.

Put this mudra at your heart center with the palm-side resting against your chest. Meditate to your favorite version of “Dhan, Dhan, Ram Das Gur. “Start with 11 minutes and slowly and gradually work up to 31 minutes of practice time.


To finish: inhale deeply and relax. This meditation takes away your fears of the future which have been created by your subconscious memories of the past. It will force you to deal with your heart center.

The beauty in you is your spirit. The strength in you is your endurance. The intelligence in you is your vastness. y.b.

The crossed thumbs help neutralize your mind’s frantic calculation to avoid fear and pain. It is the calculations themselves that produce anxiety and get you out of touch with the resources of your intuition and heart.

Meditation: LA093-790319 – Pranic Energy – the Earth Element Balanced by Ether

Yogi Bhajan – LA093 – March 19, 1979 

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.

Raise the arms with the elbows bent until the hands meet at the level of the chest. The forearms form a straight line parallel to the floor.
The palms face each other and the tips of the thumbs press against the mounds at the base of the mercury finger (pinky). The fingers point up and are extended and joined. Press the fingers of opposite hands together from the fingertips to the first knuckle. The thumb knuckles also press together. Press hard.

The knuckles will hurt, but it will give you a kind of joy and satisfaction.

Sit with the legs crossed or in a chair with the weight of both feet equally distributed on the ground.
Inhale in eight equal sniffs, exhale completely through the mouth.

Close the eyes nine-tenths, and look at the tip of the nose.

When exhaling through the mouth, gently purse the lips almost as in a whistle.
There is no mantra for this meditation.
In a class, the leader of the meditation can chant ONG ONG ONG ONG ONG ONG ONG ONG on the eight-stroke inhale.

Practice this kriya for 11 minutes only.

If all you understand is dollars, this is a million-dollar therapy. If the earth element in you is strong, and is not balanced out by the ether, you’ll be stuck here. You don’t belong to this earth anyway. You’ve got to go and you’ve got to know where to go and what to do. My idea about going is going with grace. It requires a little bit of work, a little bit of sacrifice, and a little bit of understanding that I AM, I am, my mind is my mind.


View in the Yogi Bhajan Library for Teachings

View the entire lecture in the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings