Yogi Bhajan’s Original Yogi Tea Recipe


Following is the original recipe given by Yogi Bhajan:*

In a large pot, bring 2.8 litres (3 quarts) of water to a boil. Then add:

  • 20 whole cloves
  • 20 whole green cardamom pods (optional: gently crush them under a rolling pin or with a mortar and pestle to open them up)
  • 20 whole black peppercorns
  • 5 sticks of cinnamon
  • Optional: a few slices of fresh ginger

Continue boiling for 15-20 minutes, and then add: ¼ tsp of a mild black tea (Golden Assam is recommended)

After another minute or two, add ½ pint of milk per pint of remaining liquid. The original recipe calls for cow’s milk but any type of milk is fine – cow, goat, almond, soy, hemp, etc. There is no need to measure the milk, just eyeball it.

Optional: add honey or other sweetener to taste.

 Each of the ingredients in Yogi Tea has healing properties. The black pepper is a blood purifier and aids in digestion. Cardamom is good for the colon and can help relieve depression. Cloves strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Cinnamon is antibacterial, loaded with antioxidants and is good for the bones. Ginger root is great for the nervous system and is energizing.

Increasingly, people are choosing to cut caffeine from their diets. A wise decision for a number of reasons, but the black tea in Yogi Tea helps the ingredients amalgamate. In other words, the black tea makes Yogi Tea more potent as a healing agent. A compromise: after the spices have cooked for 20 minutes, take a tea ball or bag and swirl it around the pot a few times.

*Yogi Bhajan’s Original Recipe appears in Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa (1996).

Original article on Joy Blog

Meditation: 760422 – Balancing Projection with Intention

Yogi Bhajan – April 22, 1976

Sit Straight. Spread the fingers of both hands wide with the palms facing up. Touch the sides of the tips of the sun (ring) fingers together. The hands will slightly overlap with the right little finger lower than the left. No fingers other than the sun fingers should be touching.

Place the mudra at the level of the heart center. Eyes look down toward fingers.
Chant Sa Ta Na Ma while subtly stimulating the thumb with each finger tip in sequence. Breathe slow and deep, four times a minute or less.


31 min.

Yogic scriptures tell us of the four stages of the mind: normal awareness, the dream state, total mental rest, and total awareness. Mastery of this meditation enables the practitioner to master these four levels of the mind. It can create a mental equilibrium so that our expression will be consistent with our intention.

Meditation: LA831-950320 – The Word – Be Intuitive

So tonight, we’ll speak to our internal self. That’s the first time you are going to do it. Please do it right. So, stage by stage we can experience. All right?

So, you see, these fingers, their nails there touch like this in the center of the heart center, right here. It’s a very proper place and you don’t have to make a hole there, don’t press it. Just simple, straight. No, no the posture itself will give you a very good posture, very good feeling if you do it right. Just put the nails together and just put those fingers together, right at the point where the chest line is, where the rib line meets and put these two ids, thumbs up, straight and put your eyes at the tip of your nose.
Continue reading “Meditation: LA831-950320 – The Word – Be Intuitive”

Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva

Yogi Bhajan – LA741 – November 11, 1992


Sit with a straight spine in a cross legged meditation position. Put your hands in front of your shoulders. Your palms are flat and horizontal the fingers spread and bent as if holding a flat and wide champagne glass on a stem.

View lecture video from 921125
Continue reading “Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva”

Meditation & Healing Workshops at Park Slope Brooklyn May 15-16, 2015

Two workshops were conducted on May 15 and 16 at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope.

Friday, Healing and the Subtle Body explored the 9th body.

The ninth body, the Subtle Body, is the fundamental component of our forming a healing relation with our event.  Transcending space and time, it can give us a direct experience of something that is not ourself.

The subtle body transcends our physical existence and survives our incarnation. Through our subtle body we can know the unknown. In relation with another person’s subtle body, we can know something of that person’s existence.  The subtle body is integral to healing in our tradition.

Meditations included:
M0512-890312-For Mastery of Time and Space
NM0190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality
LA097-790327-YONI KRIYA

Saturday, Healing and the Radiant Body explored the tenth body.

The tenth body – Radiant Body
Through the radiant body we choose how we relate with ourselves and others. The radiant body projects our presence externally to others and internally to ourselves. In this tradition, we practice developing a healing presence.  With a strong radiant body, our very presence has a profound healing impact on our environment.


NM0163-20010618-Polish the Radiant Body


Meditation: LA097-790327-Yoni Kriya

Yogi Bhajan March 27, 1979

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.LA097-790327-YoniKriya  Relax the arms down with the elbows bent. Draw the forearms up and in toward each other until the hands meet in front of the chest at the level of the heart. Press the thumbs and little fingers of the opposite hands together. The other fingers remain separated. Point the fingers out in front of the body.
Continue reading “Meditation: LA097-790327-Yoni Kriya”

Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality

Yogi Bhajan – NM190 – New Mexico October 31, 1995
NM190-951031-ConnectYourselfToTheRealityLeft elbow down, forearm forward at heart, palm up.
Right elbow a little forward front, at shoulder level.  Forearm forward, palm down, inside the line of the shoulder.
Eyes closed.
Continue reading “Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality”

Meditation: NM0163 – 20010618 – Polish the Radiant Body

We have ten bodies.  The projection of the radNM0163iant Body, the tenth body, determines how other people see us and how we see ourselves.  It can be shiny and protective, or dull and porous.  We also use our Radiant Body to heal.
Continue reading “Meditation: NM0163 – 20010618 – Polish the Radiant Body”

Review of Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 05/24/2015 – “Healing and the Radiant Body”

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Healing and the Radiant Body”.

We performed a meditation to polish the radiant body:

NM0163 – 2001-06-18 – Polish the Radiant Body

The tenth body – Radiant Body
Through the radiant body we choose how we relate with ourselves and others. The radiant body projects our presence externally to others and internally to ourselves. In this tradition, we practice developing a healing presence.  With a strong radiant body, our very presence has a profound healing impact on our environment.

Workshop Audio:    

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur


Review of Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 04/19/2015 – “Healing and the Subtle Body”

HNSHHC20150419-01We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Healing and the Subtle Body”.

We performed two meditations:

Rati Roti Reti from LA724-920328

M0512-890312-For Mastery of Time and Space

The ninth body, the Subtle Body, is the fundamental component of our forming a healing relation with our event.  Transcending space and time, it can give us a direct experience of something that is not ourself.

The subtle body transcends our physical existence and survives our incarnation. Through our subtle body we can know the unknown. In relation with another person’s subtle body, we can know something of that person’s existence.  The subtle body is integral to healing in our tradition.
Workshop Audio:    

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur


Meditation: NM0413 – Intuition and the Strength of Excellence

Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – September 4th, 2001 – Espanola, NM, USA

NM0413Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Cross the middle fingers over the
backs of the index fingers, the other two fingers are closed and locked
down with the thumbs. Bring the mudra up to ear level, with elbows bent.
Eyes are closed. Chant from the navel the mantra “Har, Har, Har, Har…”
(“Tantric Har” by Simran Kaur and Guru Prem Singh). Sit like you were
the Lord Buddha. Be constant and consistent. Continue for 11 minutes. To
end, inhale deeply, hold, and let it multiply into the being. Exhale. Repeat
one more time, then inhale deeply and powerfully, hold, and pull the navel
in. Exhale and relax. Practicing a kriya like this one with a mantra gives
you a rhythm. When your life is subject to rhythm, “couldn’t” goes away.

Tantric Har


Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 02/15/2015 – “Healing the Physical Body” – (Review)

HNSHHC20150215-02We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Healing the Physical Body”.

We performed three meditations:

LA822-Healing the Physical

LA819-850109-Eliminate Brain Fatigue

LA112-790528-Meditation for Support from the Elements

In yogic tradition, we have ten bodies.  Through the practice of yoga and meditation we can know them as a part of our existence.   As healers, we can relate with any body of our and heal in that relation.  Which body we can best relate with for a given healing application can be found intuitively.

We summarized our common knowledge of the ten bodies:

1. The soul body
The soul body is the primary identification of the self. It is recognized as the spirit within the life that we experience in this incarnation. The soul body transcends and survives our incarnation. Relating with the soul body is relating with the self at the most fundamental existential level. Knowing the soul is knowing that you are you.  The tendencies in one’s relation with the soul will determine how comfortable and at ease one is in “one’s own skin”.
If one has a separation or gap in awareness of the soul body it can cause insecurity or existential anxiety.  Someone who relates intimately with the soul can experience deep security.

2. The negative mind
The negative mind is one of the three mind bodies of our existence. It is the mind that gives attention to and keeps track of details through concepts and the accounting of their component details.  It is an instrument of survival and helps us to plan a course of action.  A main tendency of the negative mind is that its processes are linear and operate only on what is instinctual or has been predefined.
An overactive negative mind can produce a controlling and dominating tendency in behavior towards others. It can stifle creativity and create confusion and fear. A weak relationship with the negative mind can produce a “space case” with absentmindedness and an aversion to responsibility and accountability.

3. The positive mind
The positive mind is the mind that expands our vision to recognize what may be possible.  It helps us to overcomes obstacles in the face of adversity.  It tells us “we can do this”. The positive mind is not dissuaded by details that are operating contrary to our intentions.
A strong positive mind allows our creativity to know no bounds. With it we can expand our ideas beyond constraints that would thwart the negative mind.
A strong positive mind without a complimentary negative mind would allow us to run amok in our dreaming.  We can become a space case, as with a weak negative mind, and become divorced from reality.  We can lose our way in the face of adversity and become confused.  Our resolve can easily crumble.  Our projects may tend never to be finished.

4. The neutral mind.
The neutral mind gives us balance.  It is the arbitrator of the positive and negative.  It gives us the capacity to see beyond opposing tendencies and provides clarity to complex situations.  It is the source of creative solutions. It helps us not to identify with polarity and prejudice our perception.
As healers we look to the neutral mind not to take a position in the healing relation.

5. The physical body
The physical body is the body that we know in the material world.  When sufficient prana is present then the five elements are held together and give life to the physical body.  When prana wanes beyond a certain point, the elements cannot be held together and the physical body expires.  Healing in the physical body is facilitated by including and balancing elements.

6. The arc line

The arc line is the body that  protects the physical.  A strong arc line rejects all negative projections toward the physical. It rejects all mental projections from the point of origin. It rejects attacks by bacteria, viruses etc. The arc line has a connection also with the pranic body.
In its projective aspect the arc line projects one’s intentions. A strong arc line will give one the power of prayer.  In conjunction with the radiant body, the arc line strengthens the healer’s ability to heal.

When the arc line collapses, it gives a person a feeling of vulnerability,  helplessness and inadequacy.  When it is strong, one feels as if (s)he can do and accomplish anything.

7. The aura

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds a person making one invulnerable to attacks from the outside.  It protects from negative projections, as the arc line, but also keeps one safe from all danger.  When a person’s awareness grows beyond the physical body, and (s)he can “feel the room”, and everything in it then the aura is expanded and strong. Martial arts practice gives a person awareness of the surroundings and expands the aura.

8. The pranic body

The pranic body is the process of a person’s “life energy”. A strong pranic body brings health and inner strength to the physical body.  The pranic body supports the arc line and the aura. A strong pranic body aids the healer with healing others. A weak pranic body diminishes vitality and makes one prone to illness.

Most martial arts train the practitioner to draw prana from the earth and maximize the flow in the pranic body.  This assists with directing and manifesting one’s intentions in relation with interactions with others and the environment.

9. The subtle body

The subtle body is the part of a person’s being that transcends space and time. Through the subtle body one can be aware of and know things not immediately  present in the physical and in time. The subtle body survives the incarnation and is present in the “ethers” as a “record” of ones existence. One can have awareness of another person by relating with and through the subtle body.

10. The radiant body

The radiant body is the quality of the electromagnetic field of a person that makes an impact externally and internally.  One’s intentions interact with the radiant body in a more subtle way than with the arc line. The radiance of the radiant body relates with more than a single intention as it permeates one’s entire presence and produces an impact. That impact is felt externally by others and internally with the self.

A strong radiant body has the power to heal others through one’s presence. A strong radiant body gives one confidence and a strong feeling of self and being whole. A weak radiant body makes one unsure and unconfident. In an extreme case, it can produce self destructive behaviors, such as unhealthy addictions and allow compulsions to rule the self.

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 01/18/2015 – “Healing the Inner Projection” – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the RaMa Yoga Institute in Venice, CA. The topic of the workshop was “Healing the Inner Projection”.

In our healing we use the meditative mind to project an intention to heal.  We constantly project our intentions in our relations with others and ourselves.  How we project and how effectively we project our intentions determines to what great degree our relationships with ourselves and others are working.

In this workshop we performed meditations to stimulate and open the third eye, to understand and feel the soul and to remember the saint within.

Centering our awareness in the third eye, we contemplated our partner’s inner projection to enhance and increase the projection of intentions for self healing.  We modified the inner projection to heal insecurity and anxiety and to enhance and strengthen the radiant body.


Workshop Audio:    

M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye
LA271 811202 understand and feel your soul
NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within

Review of Meditation and Healing Workshop at 7th Chakra Yoga 2/21/2015

Hari Nam Singh led a three hour meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® healing workshop on 2/21/2015 at 7th Chakra Yoga in Huntington Beach, CA.  The topic was the Third Eye,  Healing and Intuition. The intention was to open the third eye and practice healing in the space of the third eye.

LA827-950307-Third Eye
M043-1989-06-23-See Your Soul Within the Third Eye
Workshop Audio:    

Kabir’s Wisdom

“The fish in the water that is thirsty needs serious therapy”

Poet Saint Kabir


Guru Nanak meeting Kabir, Asian Art Museum, 19th Century, Opaque Watercolor

The renowned mystic, poet, and saint, Kabir, was born in Varanasi, India sometime in the early 1400’s, a time in history that parallels the lives of other great leaders, such as Guru Nanak. Some 541 hymns from Saint Kabir are to be found in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and indeed it is said that in his lifetime Kabir reached “a remarkable synthesis of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and even Christian beliefs.”  Like Nanak, Kabir lived an extremely humble life on the outskirts of town, was a family man and a weaver. His writings were referred to as “banis” or “slokas,” having the express intent to evoke the highest truth and spiritual development for the reader. As evidenced in the excerpt above, “the glorious role of the mystic is to help us accept God more as He Is–and ever less than our prejudices and fears want him to be.” 

Kabir in Siri Guru Granth Sahib 

PRABHAATEE: First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made all mortal beings. From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? || 1 || O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt. The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places. || 1 || Pause || The clay is the same, but the Fashioner has fashioned it in various ways. There is nothing wrong with the pot of clay – there is nothing wrong with the Potter. || 2 || The One True Lord abides in all; by His making, everything is made. Whoever realizes the Hukam of His Command, knows the One Lord. He alone is said to be the Lord’s slave. || 3 || The Lord Allah is Unseen; He cannot be seen. The Guru has blessed me with this sweet molasses. Says Kabir, my anxiety and fear have been taken away; I see the Immaculate Lord pervading everywhere.

Pages 1349-1350

*Love Poems from God, copyright 2002, Daniel Ladinsky 

reprinted from a communication from Sikh Dharma International

Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 01/18/2015 – “Healing the Inner Projection” – (Review)

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the RaMa Yoga Institute in Venice, CA. The topic of the workshop was “Healing the Inner Projection”.

In our healing we use the meditative mind to project an intention to heal.  We constantly project our intentions in our relations with others and ourselves.  How we project and how effectively we project our intentions determines to what great degree our relationships with ourselves and others are working.

In this workshop we performed meditations to stimulate and open the third eye, to understand and feel the soul and to remember the saint within.

Centering our awareness in the third eye, we contemplated our partner’s inner projection to enhance and increase the projection of intentions for self healing.  We modified the inner projection to heal insecurity and anxiety and to enhance and strengthen the radiant body.


Workshop Audio:    

M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye
LA271 811202 understand and feel your soul
NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within