“Don’t you know you are pure, you are positive, you are spirit, and you have nothing but to be? To be, to be. And the light of your spirit you share, you glow and glare, and you have fun.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: Be graceful
Attend to today’s affairs as they come. Engage gracefully in small matters. Your grace can stimulate movement that nourishes those around you who are in need. It’s a good time to begin something new.
Today: Be keenly aware of your influence on others
What you say and what you do have an impact beyond the current place and moment. Your actions and words will emanate infinitely from a particular point in space and time and never be undone. Whether they are consiously felt by yourself and others in the moment does not change the nature of their projection and propagation. Whether they are overt and willful actions or the subtle projection of your presence in the now, or simply prayer, they are forever.
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There is no identity for you except your spiritual identity…
“There is no identity for you, except your spiritual identity. There’s no grace in you but to learn. There’s no achievement other than to become learned. There’s no power but to share what you have learned with all and everyone. Share with compassion – you’ll be compensated, and you shall have no complex.
Continue reading “There is no identity for you except your spiritual identity…”
Today: Watch and listen
You have access to a wealth of experience around you that you can use to guide you. Your own inexperience should not impede your successfully navigating the many choices you face. Do not fear making choices thereby becoming paralyzed, nor rush into action with youthful folly. Your actions may seem ineffective at first or not enough, but the wise choices will pan out in the end. If you know the choice is right, the result will be favorable. Keep your eyes open and learn from your own and others’ experience. Remember what you have been taught.
Emotions, feelings, desire, commotion, ego…
The universe is asking you to confirm…
Today: Start fresh – from the I Ching
It is a good day to begin something, or begin something again. Regardless of how previous efforts were subverted, there now will be little resistance to your loftiest intentions. If mistakes were made we can press reset and begin again with a blank slate. If previously we did not know how to begin, we can proceed now confidently.
Those of you who have done it, know it…
Today: Go within and adapt yourself to the demands of the times – from the I Ching
Allow external matters to be what they are. Go within yourself to find how you can adapt to the demands of the time and relate with all that is going on around you. You will find that there are kindred spirits who are engaging the same natural attractions and who will follow your example. Engage them and still others will take notice and follow.
Rise in the morning…
“Rise in the morning, clean your self, exercise, and direct your mind to Infinity. Simple. But the mind knows. It is definitely aware of your effort and even the intentions of the effort. The mind is above time and space. It calculates the impact and consequence. The little act of sadhana will contain your mind and make your consciousness the ruler.” –Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
What else Yogi Bhajan said
Meditation: NM0394 – Live Above Denial
Yogi Bhajan – Espanola, New Mexico
April 3,2001
MEDITATION – Conquer Self-Denial Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Brings the hands together in front of the throat. The left hand is higher than the right hand so that the fingertips of the right hand fit exactly on the mounds of the left palm. Elbows are relaxed down. Eyes are closed. Chant from the navel the Guru Gaitri Mantra with four Har (“Har Har Har Har Gobinday” by Nirinjan Kaur).
Continue reading “Meditation: NM0394 – Live Above Denial”
Today: Refuse the fruit offered by the serpent
Oppressors are attempting to seize power, violently, if necessary. It is a situation of which many people are totally unaware. When fruit offered by the serpent is refused, the snake swallows its own tail and the light is restored. The main point is to remain grounded in reality and develop intuition so that subterfuge can be recognized and the damage it causes be avoided. There is nothing to be done other than to be aware and to look into one’s personal blind spots using the tools that we have been given.
The power of a teacher of Kundalini Yoga is in his zero…
Today: Accept rewards for your deeds
Accept rewards for your deeds, whether from on high or from the humble whom you have helped to elevate. Whether it is what you expected or needed, allow them to feel that they have repaid you. Keep an attitude of gratitude. Further the expansion and clarity of your purest intentions.
Meditation Ecstasy and Joy
Meditation: NM0380 – Ecstasy and Joy
Yogi Bhajan – Espanola January 30, 2001
MEDITATION – Purify your Body and Being.
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold your hands in Sarab Gyan Mudra in front of the heart—fingers interlocked with the
index fingers extended pointing up.
Eyes are closed and focused at the tip of the nose. Press the
index fingertips very tightly against each other and chant, “Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam Jee, Wah-hay, Wah-hay Guroo, Wah-hay Guroo Jee” with the instrumental tape “Duni.”
Continue reading “Meditation: NM0380 – Ecstasy and Joy”