Meditation: The Positive Mind

The Mind.

 This practice opens the heart center and the feelings of the positive self. It is a gesture of happiness. It has a great history and is said to have been practiced by many great and wise spiritual leaders including Buddha and Christ. The hand mudra became a symbol for blessing and prosperity.
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Meditation: The Negative Mind

from The Mindnegativemind2When you need to balance the flashing negativity and protective fervor of the Negative Mind, use this meditation. It clears the subconscious of unwanted negative or fearful thoughts. Then the Negative Mind can give you clear signals to protect and to promote you. The posture is one of calmness and humility that lets the Creator, the Unknown, cover and shield you.
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Today: Reform division into unity – From the I Ching

It is time to disperse and dissolve the divisive egotism that keeps us separate from each other. Much as water collects in individual lakes as a product of rain, we should recognize the individual blessings that have come to us and others through grace.

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Then the soul asked…


Then the soul asked, “I am part of You and you are part of me. But what if all that time and space get in between us? What can I do?” God said, “Don’t worry. I have given you the mind. It is faster than time and space. You can reach me no matter where you are.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

The story of the soul’s journey is recounted like this …


“The story of the soul’s journey is recounted like this. As the soul was told to go it hesitated. It asked God, “What if I need you immediately and there is no time at all? What can I do?” It was then that God gave the first lesson of the soul. God said, “Just recognize me. Say to your self, ‘I am the God’.” There is no real separation between you and God. You are only now seeking to understand and experience your self as part of God with a sole proprietorship on the soul.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Advance cautiously

We must hold to our intentions through our deepest commitments and convictions. Those coming from our inner truth are worth the risk and must be carried out even if challenged by external powers.

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Today: Transcend your limitations

Everyone has limitations in relating in the world.  Optimally, we grow out of them by applying the technologies given to us by our teachers through the Guru.  That is not the same as chasing prescriptions and formulas in the belief that something good will happen.

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Meditation: Magic Mantra-19760426

Yogi Bhajan April 26, 1976

Sit  in  a  comfortable  meditation  posture.magicmantra3
Lift  hands to the level of the  heart, palms up,elbows  relaxed at the sides.  Form a shallow cupwith  the hands, sides of the palms and mercury fingers comfortably together.  Thumbs are out and away from the  hands.  The edges of the “cup” are  about 30 deg up from parallel.

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When the soul leaves this fifth ether …


“When the soul leaves this fifth ether and travels into an incarnation, it comes to this planet not to seek anything. It comes to recognize God, recognize its consciousness, and experience the creation.

All the reactions and commotions and attempts to control are not required. All the fears that you have something to gain and to lose are misplaced. That is why as the soul was to leave the total merger, God gave it the mind and certain lessons.”
Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Be aware of your own nourishment

Nourish others with kind support.  Be aware of the impact of your words.  Only support others who offer support in a positive way.

As you nourish others, also nourish yourself.    Consume only that which sustains.  Renounce your compulsions.

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Meditation: LA114  790613 – Spinal Serum

Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles June 13, 1979

This  is  a  posture  where  the  serum  in  the  spinal  column  is  made  to  rush  up.  Sit  in  easy  pose  la114-790613spinalserumwith  a  straight  spine.  Relax  the  arms  down  with  the  elbows  bent.  Raise  the  forearms  up  and in  toward  each  other  until  both  are  in  front  of  the  body  at  the level  of  the  heart.  Face  the  right  palm  down  and  the  left palm  up  so  that  the  palms  are  facing  each  other  and  the  fingers point  toward  opposite  sides.

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The fourth layer of ether is the Light of God itself…


“The fourth layer of ether is the Light of God itself. The stretch of the atoms to existence. The fifth layer is nothing but God, Being itself.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Let your inner fire ignite…

Let your inner Fire ignite passion in every heart it touches.

A Promethean flame is delivering light and heat to the situation at hand.
This radiance will cause such an alchemical transformation of circumstances that the changes will seem magical, miraculous.
Yet they are only shifts of perspective and attitude that bring clarity.  Do not make your passion personal. Rather share it generously without ego.


I Ching: Today

Between the third and fourth layers of ether…


“Between the third and the fourth layers of ether it is a bit tricky. You can slip into the fourth layer and not be able to come back. You are drawn into a merger and lose the separateness of normal experience.

That is why in the ambrosial hours of the morning when people of God leave their body to bless all, their physical bodies are always guarded. At that time any imbalance can create a disturbance and they may not return.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Meditation: The Alchemist

Reorganize and purify the tattvas and call on them to project your excellence.

The elbows are bent, and held into the ribs. The hands are in front of the body.
On the left hand, the four fingertips meet the tip of the thumb, and are held in that position. The left wrist is bent backward so that the left palm faces up to the ceiling.

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Today: What does not work… – from the I Ching

What does not work cannot be made to work just by trying harder or by force.  The only recourse is to fall back and rely on your inner worth, which will shine with accomplishments in another time or under other circumstances, if you focus on the inner development required to allow you to grow in ways that make that possible.

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