Today: Receptive involvement – from the I Ching


Work with reality as it is.  Be receptive. Do not call too much attention to yourself.  Express yourself genuinely from within.  Then you will become a key figure that holds people together in unity.


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I Ching: Today


“A time will come when you shall meet your teacher…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“A time will come when you shall meet your teacher for a tenth of a second. When you see your teacher, you will feel it in your heart, not your head. That is the end, beginning and middle of it.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Turning point – from the I Ching


You are returning to the beginning of a new cycle.  A period of dormancy is moving toward a rebirth.  With what feels familiar, it is useful to recognize any past mistakes and correct them.  It is an auspicious time to come together in unity and merge into a new whole.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


“If you make your body strong, really strong, it can fight off anything.” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“If you make your body strong, really strong, it can fight off anything.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Meditation: LA692-781102 – Experience Tremendous Strength



la692-781102-experiencetremendousstrengthSit easy pose with a straight spine.  Relax the arms down with the elbows bent. Draw the forearms up and in toward each other until the hands meet at the level of the throat.  Separate the fingers
and thumb of each hand and point the palms at each other with the fingers pointing up toward the ceiling. Press the corresponding fingertip of the opposite hands together forming a teepee-like structure.  The thumbs do not touch at all and the middle and index fingers maintain only light contact. Apply maximum pressure on the little and ring fingers.  Close the eyes. Continue reading “Meditation: LA692-781102 – Experience Tremendous Strength”

Today: Oppression and gentle persuasion – from the I Ching


External oppression weighs down heavily.  Attempts to counter it lead to obstruction.  Words have no effect.  Only the vastness of one’s internal nature can prevail through gentle persuasion over time.


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I Ching: Today


“If God wants you to know, God will tell you…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“If God wants you to know, God will tell you. Don’t question Him; just be.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Move boldly forward without hesitation – from the I Ching


Move boldly forward without hesitation.  Your music will strike a chord in people’s hearts.  Without doubt and with sincerity gather your friends near.  Your confidence in them will win their enthusiastic co-operation and attain success.  You will start something that will endure for which you will only need to lend your responsive devotion and your receptive influence.  That movement will have a life of its own.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


“The intellect is always releasing thoughts…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The intellect is always releasing thoughts. At the same time, the soul has a presence that induces the mind to serve it by releasing thoughts aligned with its intention.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Each action has a reaction we call karma…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Each action has a reaction we call karma. That impact is recorded as momentum in your mind. Each action creates more actions like it or like its polarity. There is a whole mechanism. Each thought when acted upon creates a cosmic echo. It has to have a consequence. That is the action of karma.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Seek only long term remedies for unfortunate situation – from the I Ching


Passing trials should be seen in the light of eternal truths.  Don’t look for a quick fix.  You will pay dearly in the end for that.  Instead, embrace what promises to sustain you in the long term.  Develop your daily practice independently of the traumas and dramas that are challenging you in this moment.  Connect with what you know to be true in your heart of hearts.  Strengthen your relationship with that.  It will see you through to the end of the wild ride.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


“Whenever you can act in reality…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Whenever you can act in reality to the thought at its structural essence, you gain power over those thoughts, and the power to manifest or to block the manifestation of those thoughts.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Keep still in quiet retreat before taking action – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperKeep still in quiet retreat.  Cease all movement in the spine and hold your awareness in silence. Empty your mind of past and future, and dwell totally in the moment at hand. Continue reading “Today: Keep still in quiet retreat before taking action – from the I Ching”

Today: Remember who you are and the awesome power within you – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperRemember who you are and the awesome power within you.  Do not show it externally.  The less that power is applied outwardly, the greater its effect.  Use it to remove resistances and obstructions.  Avoid doing anything that is not in harmony with the established order.  Greatness is manifest in your presence.  Joy and forbearance bring high and low nearer together. Success is certain. Work with determination and perseverance to make full use of the propitiousness of the time.


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I Ching: Today