Today: Gentle persuasion – from the I Ching


Speak softly and act gently with confidence.  Your intentions will be carried on the wind.  With your persistence, their impact, not necessarily felt, will be far-reaching and effective.  Resistance, no matter how dense, intransigent and rigid, cannot hold   under ceaseless influence.

Have a clear goal with a clear direction.  Follow through on your promises and lead by example.


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I Ching: Today


“The greatest blunder you can commit…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The greatest blunder you can commit is to think that the mind and soul are yours. They are not finite, they cannot belong to finite. They are infinite, they belong to infinite. Just think that. Happiness will come to you.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Under siege – from the I Ching


Current peaceful circumstances will give way to calamatous events against which there is no effective defense.  Walls built to protect will not hold.  Resorting to violent resistance will not work.

The only solution is to hold your own among your closest circles and wait it out.  Hold firm, hold together, hold back.  Hold firmly to great creative powers and store them up.  Hold firm in the truth.  Hold firm in devoted caring and nurturing.

Strengthen your character by learning the lessons of the past.  Apply your knowledge and experience to serve in whatever capacity  is useful.  Get out there and do something.


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I Ching: Today


Meditation: LA950 A00214 20000214 Develop Self-Reliance



Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles, February 14, 2000

Sit straight in a cross-legged pla950osition. Extend the arms forward at shoulder level parallel to the floor, with elbows slightly bent. Palms are face down, with fingers spread, tough and tight like nails—these are your five antennae. Eyes are closed. Move the arms rhythmically straight back and forward about 5 inches. Reach from the shoulders, affect your chest and spine. Chant the Prosperity Mantra Har Har Har Har Gobinday by Niranjan Kaur. Continue for 11 minutes.

Continue reading “Meditation: LA950 A00214 20000214 Develop Self-Reliance”

“Any move you make, you must pray…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Any move you make, you must pray because that ignites the power. Ignite your power and then go. Then let God take care of it.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Thunder, shock and transformation – from the I Ching


When calamity strikes, and it will, those around you will react and lose clarity of vision.  They will suffer for it.  If you do not react, you can escape serious consequences.  Keep still until composure and clarity are restored.  If you withdraw in time from the affair at hand you will remain free of mistakes and injury.  That will draw resentment and possible contempt from your neighbors, but pay no mind to that. Continue reading “Today: Thunder, shock and transformation – from the I Ching”

Today: Rebirth – from the I Ching


You are about to experience a rebirth — about to be given another chance, a new lease on life.  It is a time in which tensions and complications begin to be eased.  Return to the regular order of life as soon as deliverance is achieved.   If there are any residual matters that ought to be attended to, it should be done as quickly as possible.  A return to normalcy calls for a decision and is an act of self-mastery.  Pardon mistakes and forgive misdeeds. Begin again with a clean slate.


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I Ching: Today


Today: Fellowship – from the I Ching


Enjoy a peaceful union and fellowship with others.  True fellowship must be based on a concern that is universal, not the private interests of the individual.

Due to differences, there is mistrust.  If the differences do not come to blows, then eventually, clarity forms from within the union and the fellowship begins to prosper.

It is best to wait and bide your time when destiny is at work.  Do not worry and seek to shape the future by interfering in things before the time is ripe.  The rain will come.


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I Ching: Today


“There is nothing good, nothing bad…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“There is nothing good, nothing bad; thinking makes it so. All is God. In the worst there is God; in the best there is God. Beyond God there is nothing.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Inspire great enthusiasm – from the I Ching


In tune with the primal rhythm of nature, you are in a position to inspire great enthusiasm in those around you to join and participate in the cosmic dance.  You may call on the forces of nature to rally your friends to join you in the great movement.  When you feel great thunder coming from deep within the earth, great things can be achieved.


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I Ching: Today


Review of Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 11/27/2016 – “Division and Unity”

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Division and Unity”.  Much of the current conflict and chaos that we see in the world can be attributed to the denial of self and the individual’s separation from the self.  That phenomenon extends to one’s local environment, where the group psyche is affected in the same way.  Healing the self can be extended to healing the community.

Meditations:  NM0394 – Live above denial  31 min.

LA0967 – Division and Oneness 11 min.

The “Alchemist” 11 min.

Workshop Audio:    

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Entre – Mung Beans and Rice


“Whatever you say consciously…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Whatever you say consciously, your mind should listen consciously. You will be surprisingly successful.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

“The moment you open up to Infinity…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The moment you open up to Infinity, you become Infinity. You must enter the Aquarian Age with breadth, quickness, and openness and be noble, courageous, and selfless.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Conflict & Justice – from the I Ching


Matters of conflict should be brought before a just arbiter who has the authority to rule in favor of what is right.  If you are in the right, then you will succeed.   Present circumstances are nearing a resolution and an end.  Be patient.


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I Ching: Today