“As you train your mind, shockingly it brings you prosperity as well as the faculty to maintain it.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
Throughout the ages, there have been only a few pillars upon which standards have been developed for discerning Truth. Reason is one of them. Plato wrote about it millennia ago. Reason has been applied by individuals, groups of individuals and most nations. Reason is the basic foundation of the Republic. Modern republics exist because their peoples have accepted the basic veracity of reason and have agreed to live by it.
Sages that lived in India and China gave us simple principles to live by whereby we can learn to supplement Truth with intuition in order to fill in gaps that reason leaves us with when we ask really hard questions, such as posing moral dilemmas, or complex questions that include overwhelming amounts of data, often with conflicting components.
With a balance of reason and intuition, it seems that we can know anything we need to know in order to proceed wisely in any situation. They give us wisdom. Great leaders tend to master that balance not just to accumulate power and win the consent of those they govern, but to advance their civilization in ways that reflect that wisdom.
Now, we seem to have come to a point where Truth itself is being marginalized in the public discourse. Not that there is conflict in opposing views, but that Truth just doesn’t matter. What is replacing Truth as the most important thing is belief.
Truth cannot be controlled. Belief can. Just as mighty conquerors would impose a new order on the civilizations of the conquered, modern conquerors are doing the same. They are using the same model, only the currency has changed. The old currency was weapons and brute force. The new currency is money and persuasion. It used to be the biggest army that prevailed. That is more difficult to pull off these days, since too many people are now aware of the Truth, which is the most powerful ally. Now, it is the biggest megaphone that wishes to neutralize that most powerful ally. Truth must be discredited. Not true, who cares?
Fortunately, there is an even a bigger movement afoot that will ultimately preserve the dignity of mankind, and perhaps the human race. The vast majority still recognizes Truth and continues to hone intuition and balance it with reason.
Meditation for balancing reason and intuition.
Stay tuned.
Today is a good day. Use all your creative powers to achieve something great. Nothing will be denied you.
Continue reading “Today: Today is a good day – from the I Ching”
Sit with your inner truth with more being than doing. Resolve all your inner conflicts. Begin to see through others’ eyes. You will develop a sound understanding and strength of character which will have a strong impact. Enjoy self reliance.
It is a time to retreat rather than press forward. In this way you can preserve what you have accomplished and wait for a more favorable time to advance.
As awareness is expanding, make it available to all. Be the conduit. Expand what in you is good, fix what is not. Pass it on.
Continue reading “Today: Be a conduit for expanded awareness – from the I Ching”
On 02/01/2017, we held a meditation and healing class at Yoga West:
A recipe for living in interesting times
When we are anxious, at odds or even depressed with the way external events are going, often we are unsure that we can contain or meet the challenges that are presented to us. This can come from self denial. We doubt our strength, endurance, wherewithal to keep up and our ability to lead. Self denial can also cause chronic insecurity and crushing self doubt. We worked on mitigating that with the meditation https://www.harinam.com/meditation-nm0394-live-above-denial/.
If we can repair our inner projection and feel comfortable in our skin we can then modify how we are trained to relate with externals. Where we have withdrawn or checked out from what is going on around us and separated from other people we can reengage and participate again in reality. For that we performed the meditation
When the circulation between our self and the outer world is reestablished and flowing, then we can ask the universe for good things to happen. This meditation addresses that.
We performed healing exercises that reestablish the flow of prana between the hara and the heart chakra. Prana from the earth enters the hara. The flow through the heart supports our intentions and stamina. This can resolve obstacles in our life. Balancing the hemispheres of the brain also supports this.
Place hands on knees with the thumbs touching the Mercury fingers (pinkies). Balance the weight of the body. Place eyes at the tip of the nose. Chant the mantra Har Har Har Har Gobinde…
. Har Har Har Har Gobinde
31 Min.
You have the capacity to keep up for the long haul. Nothing may be achieved precipitously. Keep going. Don’t expect too much too soon.
Continue reading “Today: Proceed with an eye toward the long term – from the I Ching”
Look forward to a better time. Steadfastness among the devoted and committed is transforming the present and forming the future. Though not complete, success is assured in the rebuilding of the social structure in the image of its highest ideals. Upon completion, divisions are healed and all is forgiven. Continue reading “Today: Look forward to a better time – from the I Ching”