“When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, beautiful.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
If you stray from your path, return immediately before such tendencies become rooted in the mind. Exercise patience in your devotion and allow the primal powers to follow their course in the creative flow.
Continue reading “Today: Patiently hold to your path – from the I Ching”
Your own enthusiasm is shared by many who feel the same universal rhythm. Personal pressure keeps you focused on what is important, conserving your energy, not expending it on what is not important. Others see this and follow your lead and example. This builds a substantial following.
Continue reading “Today: Your own enthusiasm is shared by many – from the I Ching”
Hold your inner truth and cultivate it. Automatically, it will have an involuntary influence upon persons of kindred spirit and expand far and wide.
Continue reading “Today: Hold your inner truth and it will expand – from the I Ching”
As you look forward to an uncertain and dangerous future, look back at what you have already done. If you have no cause for regret, then going forward, your future will be bright and clear.
Continue reading “Today: Stay your course – from the I Ching”
Do not limit yourself too much. Caution is wise, but don’t overdo it. Hold your inner truth. That will have the biggest impact to awaken others to the awareness that you know. Strive to know the others’ mind and be tolerant.
Continue reading “Today: Do not limit yourself too much – from the I Ching”
Maybe you think you are stuck in the wrong circumstances. Do not try to rectify anything too quickly. Doing nothing is better than making bad choices. A late marriage is better than a hasty one.
Continue reading “Today: Don’t be hasty, recognize your potential – from the I Ching”
Words alone will not awaken faith in others. Your example speaks volumes. Hold your inner truth. Constantly contemplate in stillness that truth. Refine it, grow it.
You see things others can’t. Don’t expect initial support for righting the path gone so wrong. This is a turning point, but you have to return alone for now. In time, a great shock will awaken others to see it too and join you.