Today: Strive for great fortune and success – from the I Ching


Strive for great fortune and success.  The prerequisite is the cultivation of harmonious relations others and with nature.  We are advised not to fix what is broken by force, but rather through peaceful means.

The text reads:
“The hour of doom is at hand. When matters have come to this pass, we should submit to fate and not try to stave it off by violent resistance. The one recourse left us is to hold our own within our intimate circle. Should we persevere in trying to resist the evil in the usual way, our collapse would only be more complete, and humiliation would be the result.” Continue reading “Today: Strive for great fortune and success – from the I Ching”

“When the mind is backed by the will…” – Yogi Bhajan


“When the mind is backed by the will, the mind is always positive. When it’s backed by the ego, the mind is always negative. When it is backed by your will, the hand of God will protect you. Miracles will happen.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Permeate the social structure – from the I Ching


Understand the social structure. If you know how its elements interrelate, you can use them to advantage. Avoid joining or supporting factions that subvert the integrity of the structure, which must function as a whole.  Use your understanding to support and strengthen the structure and help your fellow citizens.

If you can do this, your communications will permeate far and wide and reach many people.


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I Ching: Today


“The purpose of life is to reach God within you…” – Yogi Bhajan


“The purpose of life is to reach God within you. Try it so you can be happy, rich and prosperous, beautiful, bountiful and recognizable.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Stagnation – from the I Ching


Stagnation.  Things are upside down.  Hold to your inner principles and your inner light.  Refrain from  intervening.  Stay safe.  Your light will still shine brightly in this dark time.

The text reads:
“Heaven and earth are out of communion and all things are benumbed. What is above has no relation to what is below, and on earth confusion and disorder prevail. The dark power is within, the light power is without. Weakness is within, harshness without. Within are the inferior, and without are the superior. The way of inferior people is in ascent; the way of superior people is on the decline. But the superior people do not allow themselves to be turned from their principles. If the possibility of exerting influence is closed to them, they nevertheless remain faithful to their principles and withdraw into seclusion.”


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I Ching: Today


Today: A stranger in a strange land – from the I Ching


As a stranger in a strange land it is important to keep moving forward. As you dwell impermanently  here and there use every opportunity for growth. Be careful to protect your resources as you carry them with you and not squander them.  Use everything at your disposal to channel the flow of wealth in the world to those in need. Allow this to happen by adopting saintly behavior as you encounter it and by fixing faults within yourself.


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I Ching: Today


Today: The path to justice and fulfillment is long – from the I Ching


The path to justice and fulfillment is long and fraught with obstacles.  One must expect that rather than assign blame for the delays.  True power lies in unity and a common purpose.  Only when the bond is based on what is right, on steadfastness, will it remain so firm that it triumphs over everything.  In time, criminals will be held to account, even when we forgive them.


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I Ching: Today

Today: Stand up to corruption and stagnation – from the I Ching


Stand up to corruption and stagnation.

The text reads:
You are blessed with an opportunity to resuscitate that which others have abandoned as beyond repair.
This time of ruin wasn’t caused by evil intention, but by indifference to decay.  Just by addressing yourself to the problem, you exhibit a new awareness, a fresh perspective.
This is a time of recovery, renewal, regeneration.


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I Ching: Today


“You can see the hand of God working only through…” Yogi Bhajan


“You can see the hand of God working only through intuition, then you do not fear. Intuition is knowledge you see behind the Creator’s hand. Otherwise you only see time and space working, and that is very annoying. That is the difference between a man with intuition and without intuition.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Your job is to control yourself…” Yogi Bhajan


“Your job is to control yourself. Your job is to discipline yourself. Your job is to deal with everything in life with affection, love and kindness.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: On the threshold of a breakthrough – from the I Ching


Exercise your strong will.  Do not follow anyone who would drag you down.  Neither dissociate yourself.  Opinion may go against you.  Receive insults in silence.  Doing this will inspire others to follow your supreme example.


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I Ching: Today


Today: Be nourished by the collective wisdom of the ages – from the I Ching


We all have at our disposal the collective wisdom of the ages. It is present in our associations with family and community.  When we engage with others everyone benefits.  Serve your community and encourage everyone to help each other.  Every human being can draw in the course of his education from the inexhaustible wellspring of the divine in man’s nature.  Do not give up on penetrating the roots of humanity, nor come only halfway, becoming fixed in convention.  With your intimate connection  with the collective, you will have a subtle influence that propagates and is felt far and wide.


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I Ching: Today


Today: In a time of uncertainty and danger – from the I Ching


In a time of uncertainty and danger we must help each other.  Offer good counsel and keep it real.  Don’t go after quick fixes.  You will know what to do when the time comes.


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I Ching: Today