The creative powers rising will ignite a wildfire of accomplishment for all to see an participate in.
“The greatest education is the science of self” Yogi Bhajan
“The greatest education is the science of self. The science of self and self-awareness is the highest knowledge a man can possess because then you can pull yourself through all circumstances.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Be steady in your progress toward your goals – from the I Ching
Be steady in your progress toward your goals. Adaptability circumvents obstacles, brute force slams into them. Be patient and strong.
“When you concentrate and find your self” Yogi Bhajan
“When you concentrate and find your self through your own meditations, you can know the status of any person, and find the fountain of your kindness and caliber.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Get used to being the wanderer – from the I Ching
Get used to being the wanderer; a stranger in a strange land. Allow what is familiar and unfamiliar. Be gracious and don’t judge by comparison. Bring peace.
“A spiritual man is the one who lives for Infinity” Yogi Bhajan
“A spiritual man is the one who lives for Infinity and whose presence creates peace.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Keep your fire bright – from the I Ching
Keep your fire bright. Hold to your principles as the onslaught of dark forces advances. Under siege, be the light that prevails.
“Train the mind by directing it” Yogi Bhajan
“Train the mind by directing it to confront your unlimited soul. The mind will be elevated, and you will be elevated. That consistent projection and training is called a permanent state of bliss.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Repair the damage done – from the I Ching
Repair the damage done through apathy and indifference. Do not allow the same mistakes to repeat. Be decisive while instructing the inexperienced so that there is no misunderstanding of what has happened and what needs to be done.
“When you stretch the Projection of your mind” Yogi Bhajan
“When you stretch the Projection of your mind to reach the Infinite, to dwell in God and to abandon its cleverness for innocence, then everyone and everything senses that presence and wants to serve it.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: In danger, be like water – from the I Ching
A situation similar to yesterday’s. In a time of danger, be like water. Do not try to extricate yourself from the situation. Rather, be adaptable.
Do not, under any circumstances, normalize evil. It should not be accepted in any form. Do not negotiate with evil. It must be thoroughly discredited.
While evil has reared its ugly head and threatens with real danger, it has not yet taken hold of real power in order to exert its dominance and do permanent damage. If people at large should begin to accept it as normal, then we are lost. It must be stopped before that happens.
Fortunately, the situation is shifting toward a time where we can send evil into retreat. It has not yet advanced too far. We must take heed of this change in good time. If we meet evil before it becomes reality- before it has even begun to stir-we can master it.
“The soul is a slave to none” Yogi Bhajan
“The soul is a slave to none. In fact, everything else is subject to the soul and connected through its projection. So if you call on that and dwell in that, it works where no logic, reason, or mental intrigue can.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop – Shunnya Centre 2017-05-28
On May 28 we held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop at Shunnya Centre. The topic was “Holding Together”.
We can recognize through our subtle body the field that holds everything together. Subtle perturbations that happen anywhere in the field have effects everywhere. In our healing practice we navigate the field in a transverse rather than an orthogonal way, collapsing distance and position in time and space. We apply our consciousness directly as if there is no separation between the healer and the patient. Indeed, when we merge in that way, our healing intentions become effective and instantaneous.
We explored attention in our consciousness, practicing stabilizing our attention in shuniya and navigating the space of awareness that opens up in that state.
We exercised our intention in shuniya, witnessing the healing experience.
The important aspects of the workshops to be remembered lie in the meditations that we performed. Practicing these meditations makes these experiences repeatable by giving us access to the shuniya state.
Develop the capacity for self engagement
“When you can play just one game” Yogi Bhajan
“When you can play just one game that is boundless in time and space, then all others stop.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: In danger, be like water – from the I Ching
In a time of danger, be like water. Do not try to extricate yourself from the situation. Rather, be adaptable. You are likely not alone in your circumstance. Recognize small things that you can do together with others that will improve and increase the common well-being.
Selfless service brings out the best in people who amplify small gestures through their gratitude and inspiration.
Today: In conflict, just be yourself – from the I Ching
In a time of conflict, it is important just to be yourself. You cannot control the behavior of others who are disposed to attack you. You can only uphold your own integrity. Be an invisible target.