“May God bless you with purity and piety…” Yogi Bhajan


“May God bless you with purity and piety, which are the best for armoring oneself in the coming Age. May you be fulfilled in your thoughts; may you be fulfilled in your endeavors and make yourself a life fulfilled with compassion, kindness and care.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Let justice have its due; be uniquely yourself – from the I Ching


Those who are committing atrocities will be called to justice. Their treachery and treason won’t go away on their own, but they will be judged by a higher power for their actions. There is nothing to do but be uniquely yourself and let justice have its due. Separate yourself from the gang of traitors.  Don’t go along with them nor be influenced by them.  Overcome your fear and follow your heart.


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I Ching: Today


Today: Be kind and charitable – from the I Ching


Be kind and charitable.  Give freely to those who do not know the blessings that you know.  Give in spite of external oppression.  A breakthrough will ensue that is shared by giver and receiver.  The initial act will set in motion a movement that propagates and benefits all.


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I Ching: Today

Today: Fellowship and friendship, again – from the I Ching


Fellowship and friendship has turned into division and mistrust. Use whatever occasion will serve to gather together in common cause.  Start with the family.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


“This is the day to call upon yourself …” Yogi Bhajan


“This is the day to call upon yourself – beyond politics, beyond social, personal, sensual, sexual, all needs – to understand: you have to serve and you have to lead to surround all other humans to uplift their souls.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Focus on the family, be still – from the I Ching


Focus on the family in your actions and words.  Beware of their impact.  Always remember the love that you hold for the family and they will trust you.  Find silence within and contemplate your closest  relations and the immediate situation.  That will resonate in its own way in its own time far beyond that narrow scope.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


“Human love is for one thing only…” Yogi Bhajan


“Human love is for one thing only: to love your soul. Then the Infinite world around you will be in love with you. Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Overcome fantasy with discipline – from the I Ching


Fill in the gaps in your experience through your discipline.  Rather than entangling yourself with empty imaginings, give yourself the opportunity to have a real experience.  Yesterday’s reading gave an example of keeping it real.  Turn your devotion to a discipline of yoga and meditation.  Don’t read too much into what’s happening.  Simply experience it inside through your raw perception.  Increasing your awareness in this way, you will begin to align yourself with the reality of what is going on and allow you to participate in the cosmic dance.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


A spiritual man is the one who lives for Infinity…” Yogi Bhajan


A spiritual man is the one who lives for Infinity and whose presence creates peace.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: The key to shining brightly is through the family – from the I Ching


On the Winter Solstice

All influence must start from within and work  outwardly. Yesterday it was noted that your should maintain your light in a very dark time.  How best to do that?  Your personal radiance, your greatest asset, comes from within, from your self. Working closely with your inner circle (family), your radiance propogates through its identity into the world at large.  Your words and actions thus become powerful. Continue reading “Today: The key to shining brightly is through the family – from the I Ching”

Today: Maintain your light in a very dark time – from the I Ching


Maintain your inner light in a very dark time.  Do not let your resoluteness be shaken.  Do not distinguish yourself with bold behavior.  Knowing the source of the darkness, dissociate from it.  Don’t struggle with it.  Resist, but don’t try to defeat it directly.  The dark power is at its zenith and will, in time, depart, as noted yesterday. Continue reading “Today: Maintain your light in a very dark time – from the I Ching”