Lift up others as if they are family, because they are. When everyone benefits, the community flourishes. A time of blessing and enrichment has such powerful effects that even events ordinarily unfortunate must turn out to the advantage of those affected by them. One makes no mistakes while acting in harmony with the truth.
“And there are so many Infinities in our experience” Yogi Bhajan
“And there are so many Infinities in our experience. God is Infinity. Love is Infinity. Commitment is Infinity. In every facet of our life we have the potential for the Infinity of our projection. Projecting with Infinity in our speech is the base of committed language.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Move toward balance and equilibrium – from the I Ching
Move toward balance and equilibrium and stability in relations with the world. Temper extremes. Be modest.
“Those who do the prayer and give their time in prayer ” Yogi Bhajan
“Those who do the prayer and give their time in prayer, they are never preyed upon by evil and doubt.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Another turning point – from the I Ching
Another turning point. All movement is governed by cycles: a starting point (return), progression and completion. There can even be cycles within cycles. Now is a point in time for a significant return. We discover what needs to be renewed, and we align our intentions and actions with that.
When things are ready to turn, then a nudge is all that is required to set them in motion. Only decide what is worthy of your attention, and give it. Right now, you possess a big lever with which to produce a significant impact. Use it.
“Fake it, you will make it ” Yogi Bhajan
Today: strong leadership and the gathering of helpers – from the I Ching
It is a time for strong leadership and the gathering of helpers for important action. Under attack, we must recognize what bonds us together and hold that unity. What is under attack is that unity itself. With compassion, success is assured as it is the foundation of what holds us together.
“Getting up for sadhana in the morning is a totally ” Yogi Bhajan
“Getting up for sadhana in the morning is a totally selfish act for personal strength, for personal intuition, for personal sharpness, for personal discipline, and overall for absolute personal prosperity.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Do not fight evil on its own terms – from the I Ching
Yesterday’s reading indicated a dire situation that needs to be addressed. Doing so, one must be certain to eradicate any remnants of oppression. One cannot negotiate with evil, nor fight it on its own terms. It must be thoroughly discredited. Even expressing the truth seems not to be good enough. One must appeal to people’s better natures so they can arrive at a proper view of the situation. Then, it is possible to arrive at an equilibrium that is free of oppression and conflict.
“Meditation is not what you do in the morning” Yogi Bhajan
“Meditation is not what you do in the morning, that’s practice. Meditation is the daily result of that practice.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: The urgency of the situation has reached a breaking point – from the I Ching
The urgency of the situation has reached a breaking point. Pushing ahead in the current climate will lead to disaster. A leader must bring to the table the wisdom of the ages. Otherwise, all is lost.
“Love is consistent memory” Yogi Bhajan
Today: An auspicious day – from the I Ching
This is a very auspicious day. Success comes from the primal depths of the universe. Trust in your creative powers and inner strength to spread the light that shines within you and bless the world. You have the capacity to bring clarity, success and wealth to all who see you.
“The greatest blunder you can commit” Yogi Bhajan
“The greatest blunder you can commit is to think that mind and soul are yours. They are not finite, they cannot belong to finite. They are infinite, they belong to infinite. Just think that. Happiness will come to you.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Still waiting; stay calm – from the I Ching
Still waiting. Despite criticism and other tongue wagging, stay calm. Accept good advice, and lead from the heart.
“Enrich yourself with sacredness” Yogi Bhajan
“Enrich yourself with sacredness and opportunity will come to you from every corner.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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