Today: Hold your inner truth and it will expand – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperHold your inner truth and cultivate it.  Automatically, it will have an involuntary influence  upon persons of kindred spirit and expand far and wide.

Continue reading “Today: Hold your inner truth and it will expand – from the I Ching”

“When you concentrate and find your self…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“When you concentrate and find your self through your own meditations, you can know the status of any person, and find the fountain of your kindness and caliber.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)



Today: Stay your course – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperAs you look forward to an uncertain and dangerous future, look back at what you have already done.  If you have no cause for regret, then going forward, your future will be bright and clear.

Continue reading “Today: Stay your course – from the I Ching”

“This is the day to call upon yourself…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“This is the day to call upon yourself – beyond politics, beyond social, personal, sensual, sexual, all needs – to understand: you have to serve and you have to lead to surround all other humans to uplift their souls.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)



Today: Do not limit yourself too much – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperDo not limit yourself too much.  Caution is wise, but don’t overdo it.  Hold your inner truth.  That will have the biggest impact to awaken others to the awareness that you know.  Strive to know the others’ mind and be tolerant.

Continue reading “Today: Do not limit yourself too much – from the I Ching”

“In stillness lies the sound…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“In stillness lies the sound which is the creative existence of God. Whoever masters the stillness and the science, and can understand it, receives all knowledge.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)



Today: Don’t be hasty, recognize your potential – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperMaybe you think you are stuck in the wrong circumstances.  Do not try to rectify anything too quickly.  Doing nothing is better than making bad choices.  A late marriage is better than a hasty one.

Continue reading “Today: Don’t be hasty, recognize your potential – from the I Ching”

Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 1 at Park Slope March 3, 2017

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn March 3-5, “Holding together”


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn March 3, 2017.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday March 3 and Saturday March 4.  Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.  He will be taking private healing appointments during this time.

We will practice “holding together“.

Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.


Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 2 at Park Slope March 4, 2017

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn March 3-5, 2017. “Holding Together”


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn March 3, 2017.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday March 3 and Saturday March 4.  Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.  He will be taking private healing appointments during this time.

We will practice “holding together“.

Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.


Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 1 at Park Slope June 2, 2017

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn June 2-3, 2017. “Healing and Prana”


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn June 2, 2017.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday June 2 and Saturday June 3.  Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.  He will be taking private healing appointments during this time.

We will practice “Healing and Prana“.

Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.


Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 2 at Park Slope June 3, 2017

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn June 2-3, 2017. “Healing and Prana”


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn June 2, 2017.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday June 2 and Saturday June 3.  Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.  He will be taking private healing appointments during this time.

We will practice “Healing and Prana“.

Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.


Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 1 at Park Slope May 18, 2018

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn April 27-28. “Healing the Perception”


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn May 18-20, 2018.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday May 18 and Saturday May 19.
We will practice “Healing the perception“.
Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.
Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.
Hari Nam will also be taking private healing appointments May 18-20.

 PDF for distribution

Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 2 at Park Slope October 13, 2018

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn October 12-13


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn May 18-20, 2018.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday October 12 and Saturday October 13.

“Identity and the Soul”

Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.
Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.
Hari Nam will also be taking private healing appointments October 12-15.


Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Intensive Part 1 at Park Slope October 12, 2018

Hari Nam Singh in Brooklyn October 12-15


Hari Nam Singh will be visiting Brooklyn October, 2018.  He will hold a six hour intensive over two days, Friday October 12 and Saturday October 13.

“Identity and the Soul”

Come to heal and be healed. Students with all levels of experience are welcome.
Contact Kundalini Yoga Park Slope for information and registration.
Hari Nam will also be taking private healing appointments October 12-15.