Today: Clarity brings deliverance (Liberation) – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperPressure and tension are relieved through clarity.  Misdeeds must be brought to light and their source eradicated.  The usurpers will be robbed of their ill-gotten gains.  Their power and influence must be completely discredited and abolished without any chance of return.
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Today: House of cards again- from the I Ching

yinyang02paperSimilar to yesterday.  The situation has arrived at a precarious balance.  The house of cards will inevitably collapse.

Recent victories have been won by usurpers at the expense of those below them.  However, their Achilles heal is that they will not listen, no matter what, to the sage advice of those who know better.  Pushing forward at all costs will be fraught with obstacles that cannot be overcome. Where caution and vigilance are required, they recklessly ignore the signs of opposition and decay.  Through perseverance, sustained opposition will win the day.
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Today: House of cards – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperThe situation has arrived at a precarious balance.  The house of cards will inevitably collapse.  Those people proven to be inept must not lead let alone rule.  Those that came before can help insure that by holding together through their wisdom the long traditions of friendly relations and stability.  This will reform the bonds that unite people in unwavering support of those virtues.  The path to recovery is perilous and uncertain.  But, now is the time, and timing is important.
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Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn March 3-4, 2017

We held a meditation and healing intensive at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope, Brooklyn on March 3-4, 2017.  Here is a recap of the meditations and healing exercises we performed.


From the third chakra we healed the soul body.

From the heart chakra we used prana to heal the soul body.


From the root chakra we healed the physical body.
We increased the flow of prana from the earth through the hara.
We increased the flow of prana from the hara to the top rear of the skull.
From the heart chakra we healed the pranic body.
From the heart chakra we healed the soma chakra.




Today: Free yourself – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperFree yourself from your shackles.  It’s simpler than you may think.  Stop struggling against your self imposed limitations.  Liberation must come from within you.  Do not accept help from others with  dishonest or ulterior motives lest they do you harm.  Persevere and don’t give in to exhaustion.
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Today: The antidote to your inexperience – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperIn your inexperience, seek wisdom from those who know.  Everyone is a student, just some are more experienced.
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