“Reach out. Touch others…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Reach out. Touch others. Walk tall. In every essence of life, please grow. Time is with you. Tide is with you. Tomorrow is yours and you have to build that tomorrow with the strength of compassion.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Work with your colleagues as an important and pivotal part of a coalition – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperApply yourself genuinely with devotion and without fanfare.  Work with your colleagues as an important and pivotal part of a coalition.  An unbreakable bond will form providing the means for accomplishing anything as long as you have strength of spirit and hold with reality as it is.
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“Hope is not a prediction of the future…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Hope is not a prediction of the future, it’s a declaration of what is possible.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Read the signs of new currents in consciousness – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperYour devotion will inspire enthusiasm among all who see it.  Do not be swept along by enthusiasm, rather read the signs of new currents in consciousness in order to be in their flow and lead in the direction they take.  Listen to the needs of your brothers and sisters.  Obstacles will fall away and a time of deliverance will follow.
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“Any act in the name of God returns 10 fold” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Any act in the name of God returns 10 fold.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Give up what you don’t need – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperGive up what you don’t need. Don’t cling to your faults.  Once you recognize your shortcomings, others will be there to assist.  They will bestow great treasures on you.
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“To be blessed is to live in gratitude…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“To be blessed is to live in gratitude, so that God can fulfill you forever.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Small gains lead to great accomplishments – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperSmall gains today, with perseverance, will gather awesome power and lead to great accomplishments.  If you are on the side of righteousness, everything will gather to serve your goals.
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“When the mind is backed by the will…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“When the mind is backed by the will, the mind is always positive. When it’s backed by ego, the mind is always negative. When it is backed by your will, the hand of God will protect you. Miracles will happen.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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“You have to learn only one thing…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“You have to learn only one thing: You are you – within you, around you, after you, before you, and for you.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Choose only what supports and promotes your own excellence – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperOnly undertake that which you are fully prepared to commit to.  Do not settle for anything out of convenience.  In forming any union, it must be made based on mutual attraction and consent.  Bonds made otherwise will not last nor serve the participants.   Choose only what supports and promotes your own excellence.
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Today: Apply your creative powers efficiently – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperPrepare yourself for leadership by storing up and honing your creative powers for a clear and coherent entry onto the public stage rather than unleashing them in a disorganized way.  Facing certain opposition, remain uniquely yourself, unwavering in your purpose, yet not reactive to the opposition.  Attention to detail with many small victories will realize your goals more completely than sweeping opposition to your adversaries.
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Today: Contemplate your divine nature – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperBe like water.  Assume the shape that flows best in the circumstance.  Do not be caught up in your reactive tendencies.  They can hold you in your own personal prison.  Contemplate on divine nature, becoming that instead, for all to witness and be inspired.
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