Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn March 3-4, 2017

We held a meditation and healing intensive at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope, Brooklyn on March 3-4, 2017.  Here is a recap of the meditations and healing exercises we performed.


From the third chakra we healed the soul body.

From the heart chakra we used prana to heal the soul body.


From the root chakra we healed the physical body.
We increased the flow of prana from the earth through the hara.
We increased the flow of prana from the hara to the top rear of the skull.
From the heart chakra we healed the pranic body.
From the heart chakra we healed the soma chakra.




Today: Free yourself – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperFree yourself from your shackles.  It’s simpler than you may think.  Stop struggling against your self imposed limitations.  Liberation must come from within you.  Do not accept help from others with  dishonest or ulterior motives lest they do you harm.  Persevere and don’t give in to exhaustion.
Continue reading “Today: Free yourself – from the I Ching”

Today: The antidote to your inexperience – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperIn your inexperience, seek wisdom from those who know.  Everyone is a student, just some are more experienced.
Continue reading “Today: The antidote to your inexperience – from the I Ching”

Today: Do not fear moving forward – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperEven with humble caution, do not fear moving forward.  It is less dangerous than not moving forward.  Knowing the psyche of the community will form a bond and gain support. Your success will be assured by your adherence to your inner truth.  Doing what is right will not fail.
Continue reading “Today: Do not fear moving forward – from the I Ching”

“When you are calm, quiet and sensitive…” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa‘When you are calm, quiet and sensitive then you can expand. But when you are irritated, phobic, fearful, insensitive, and neurotic, you can’t achieve anything.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)



Today: Be like water – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperThrough consistency,  flexibility and thoroughness you can go through any obstacle.  Be like water.  Take any shape, flow without resistance.  So doing, everyone will be inspired to flow with you.
Continue reading “Today: Be like water – from the I Ching”

“The first sign of love is that it is blind…” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The first sign of love is that it is blind. The first sign of prayer is that it comes from the heart and not the head.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)



Today: Do not make things worse; fix it – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperDissatisfied and unfulfilled with current circumstances, don’t make it worse by prostituting yourself with those who hold sway over the situation for the joy and satisfaction you seek.  Continue reading “Today: Do not make things worse; fix it – from the I Ching”

“You can have a healthy, happy, holy, wholesome life…” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“You can have a healthy, happy, holy, wholesome life in which you can perceive in yourself the contentment of existence.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)



Today: Wait for the right time to exert your power – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperHaving all the creative wherewithal to make a big impact, still, being relatively unknown, you have to hold your patience and wait for the right time to move. Do not accept offers of assistance that merely advance others’ agendas.  Your success will come from your strength within once it is recognized by others.
Continue reading “Today: Wait for the right time to exert your power – from the I Ching”

Astrology as Wisdom

Many of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan refer to the transition of consciousness from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age.  That reference comes from a view of the Cosmos that is based on a system that relates the relative positions of celestial bodies to their effects on consciousness.  There are many systems like as this, including numerology, which uses combinations of numerals and sometimes geometry, the I Ching, which divines relative proportions of yin and yang and their movement,  systems involving the relative quantities of five elements, earth, water, fire, air and ether (ayurvedic) and other systems.

The systems themselves are empty, but they are self-consistent and depend on the application of the system to a given circumstance.  In principle, the tendency of a state of being (consciousness) can be described by each system by divining the relations between the components of the system relative to a given situation (event), e.g., a point in time or space or both.  Generally, it is an intuitive process performed by the one who is reading the components and who is in relation with the event.

I have been offering my readings using the ancient Chinese oracle the I Ching in order to provide a sense of the main tendency on a daily basis for those who would seek it.

From time to time, it seems useful also to share an astrological view of what is going on around us and within us.  If you look, you may see reflections of those inner and outer conditions in descriptions of astrological phenomena provided by those who are adept readers of that slice of the cosmos.  So, I have decided to share some of these readings which are designed for public consumption.  Mostly, my selections of these readings are based on what appear to be alignments that may have the capacity to produce conditions of significant intensity that many of us are, or can be, aware of in our environment and in our lives.  When we begin to see those interdependencies, sometimes they seem quite extraordinary. And, they can be helpful in forming how we relate with them.

Read on, and enjoy.