Enthusiasm. The inviolability of natural laws rests on the principle of movement along the line of least resistance. These laws are not forces external to things but represent the harmony of movement immanent in them. Only laws as are rooted in popular sentiment can be enforced, while laws violating this sentiment merely arouse resentment (see Dec 3 and Dec 5 readings).
Today: “A man of dignity is also a man of universal ego” Yogi Bhajan
“A man of dignity is also a man of universal ego; he gives his head but he doesn’t bend.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: It’s a time to gather together for your common good – I Ching
It’s a time to gather together for your common good. Gathering out of attraction is no mistake. People who belong together are attracted to the group. Together you will accomplish great things. Good will overcome evil (see Dec 3 reading).
Today: “Project your intentions for our planet and her family”
Project your intentions from your heart for our planet and her family.
Continue reading “Today: “Project your intentions for our planet and her family””
Today: “A person of self-realization is also a man of gracefulness” Yogi Bhajan
“A person of self-realization is also a man of gracefulness, a man of his word, and powerfully forgiving. These are the four qualities of a yogi.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: It’s time for justice – I Ching
It’s time for justice. Though some are against it, arousing controversy, justice will be dispensed, perhaps harshly.
In the aftermath it is important to absorb into the culture, with art and song, the story of corruption and its redress.
Though transgressions will recur in the future, the culture will provide a stabilizing influence that mitigates the tendency for corruption.
Today: “If the woman stops looking to the male for inspiration and stability” Yogi Bhajan
“If the woman stops looking to the male for inspiration and stability, then the male has lost everything. It becomes a matter of existence, not a matter of relationship, because the side of the moon which shines looks toward the sun.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Today: Be modest and conscientious in relating – I Ching
Be modest and conscientious in relating with deficiencies and damages imposed by the times. Understand them and position yourself to address them within your ability to influence. Do not overextend.
Wrongs and other transgressions will be paid for in kind with unrelenting justice.
Do not make yourself a target of that redress.
Today: “The moment you can love the being of an individual” Yogi Bhajan
“The moment you can love the being of an individual, then you love the God of an individual; the moment that experience happens, then you become a universal soul yourself.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Continue reading “Today: “The moment you can love the being of an individual” Yogi Bhajan”
Today: What has been taken too lightly is now wreaking havoc – I Ching
What has been taken too lightly is now wreaking havoc. It would be simple to nip something sinister and unacceptable in the bud. Now it’s much more difficult and damage is done. Take seriously frivolous diversions that lead to apathy and eradicate them before it is too late.
Today: “One who does not know how to live to his word” Yogi Bhajan
“One who does not know how to live to his word does not know how to live. And happiness will never come to him, because the word was with God, the word created this world. But if you will honor the word, you will be honored in this world.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Continue reading “Today: “One who does not know how to live to his word” Yogi Bhajan”
Today: Let go of all limitations; You will be liberated – I Ching
Abandon your expectations of others. Let go of grudges. Let go of all limitations. You will be liberated.
Today: “When we chant a name, we create a special heat” Yogi Bhajan
“When we chant a name, we create a special heat in which all of the karmas get burned and we become neutralized.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Continue reading “Today: “When we chant a name, we create a special heat” Yogi Bhajan”
Today: Be effective without drawing too much attention – I Ching
With modesty be effective without drawing too much attention to yourself.
Today: “Those who adhere to this cosmic law and do the labor become liberated” Yogi Bhajan
“A teacher provides technical know-how: the disciple masters it and becomes a great master – that is the law. Those who adhere to this cosmic law and do the labor become liberated.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)