Your potential for power and influence are expanding as someone who can navigate the perils of a time of stagnation and chaos. Holding to your principles and lying low will ultimately prove to be a saving grace once conditions change.
Today:”Hate nobody; love everybody” Yogi Bhajan
“What is it like to live with this habit to relate from your consciousness? Hate nobody; love everybody. It won’t cost you anything. Love never costs anything.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Kindness will overcome fear – I Ching
Fear is the common denominator in nearly all conflict. It must be patiently quelled rather than stoked. Struggling with evil on its own terms only exacerbates the situation and promotes fear. Offering kindness is the better alternative.
Today:”Start living consciously” Yogi Bhajan
“At any stage of our life, if we can very sincerely and very honestly relate to the integrity of our own consciousness and start living consciously, we will start living happily.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: It is time to come together – I Ching
It is a time to come together. Leaders must set the example for unity. We must either choose to lead, if we have the wherewithal, or support those who will contemplate the highest forms of governance.
Today:”If God has blessed you with a spiritual path, then take it.” Yogi Bhajan
“I say to you today, if God has blessed you with a desire for conscious living and has given you a spiritual path, then take it. Walk with it. Excel in it. Grow with it. Then the most fascinating experience is that everything will grow with you.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: It is time to become and be real – I Ching
Allow all the forms of heaven and earth to manifest according to cosmic design. Nature needs little help in producing what has been happening since the beginning of time. Being of the earth and bound by space and time, our physical existence determines to a great extent how we are able to develop our character to interact with all of creation. It is time to get and be real.
Today:”When you live consciously, you make a choice” Yogi Bhajan
“When you live consciously, you make a choice. That choice has to be valid and fully from the heart; a choice without duality and with complete clarity. Then you direct your mind – your head – to act on it. You direct your mind to commit and go for the goal you choose.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Rely on what you know to be true and right – I Ching
When obstacles preclude immediate success, rely on what you know to be true and right, letting its subtle influence penetrate the situation. Do not use force. Allow the true bonds of friendship and community produce a favorable outcome.
Today: Use the flow of power that is assisting you – I Ching
Use the flow of power that is assisting you. Be sure that your intentions align with the cosmic flow.
Today:”When you bring your soul and your will together” Yogi Bhajan
“When you bring your soul and your will together you become conscious. It is all you and it is all about you.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today:”relate to consciousness your neuroses will fall away.” Yogi Bhajan
“This is great and practical truth, a basic principle in Humanology: when you relate to consciousness your neuroses will fall away.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: “The mind was given to you to relate to Infinity” Yogi Bhajan
“The mind was given to you to relate to Infinity, and consciousness was given to you to live. If you react and project mentally, and then depend on that, you as you are just a zero. Anything multiplied by zero will become zero. With this habit even your elemental personality will eventually become zero and leave no trace.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Continue reading “Today: “The mind was given to you to relate to Infinity” Yogi Bhajan”
Today: Beware of opposition that comes from inner oppression – I Ching
Beware of opposition that comes from inner oppression. Coming from within, it is easier to break the bonds that hold you back merely by a change in attitude. No guilt, no shame, if you can see clearly within and not propagate the conflict outwardly.
Today: “You and your mind must meet” Yogi Bhajan
“You and your mind must meet. If you rush ahead of your time and space, if you depend on the shortcuts your mind projects, your life will be half digested, and you will carry a bad smell.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Continue reading “Today: “You and your mind must meet” Yogi Bhajan”
Today: Gracefully nourish yourself and others – I Ching
Nourish yourself and those around you with only what is needed, not desired. Nourishment is a matter of sustenance, not gratification. Lose your bad habits that only try to make you feel good. Make all consumption an act of growth beyond desire and you will be graceful.