Days of thunder. Shock and upheaval should be met with reverence for the power of the infinite. Then fear is dispersed.
Today: “First man wants money, then money man wants power…” Yogi Bhajan
“First man wants money, then money man wants power, then powerful man wants peace of mind.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: You and your allies are securing a decisive victory – I Ching
You and your allies are securing a decisive victory. It is important that bad actors and inexperienced people no longer are employed in rebuilding what was lost. Such people who do not just go away should be paid to leave.
Today: Allow what has come before be a guide to your future – I Ching
Allow what has come before be a guide to your future. Do not act in haste, but with clarity. Rather than following predefined rules, use your experience to inform your intuition. Move and act in harmony with your nature and only with complete understanding.
Today: “You have your conscious mind and your subconscious” Yogi Bhajan
“You have your conscious mind and your subconscious. If you can control your subconscious consciously, you are a conscious person. When you consciously control your subconscious, you become your master.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition
Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles June 8, 1998
So tonight we are going to do a simple meditation to see if we can connect subconscious and intuition, okay? Later on you like it, pay me some reward otherwise shout and leave, that’s my intention. I want to do the thing in two days that’s why I’ve stayed. LA is too wet for me. Continue reading “Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition”
Today: Move and act in harmony with your nature – I Ching
Move and act in harmony with your nature and only with complete understanding. You and all that you care for and nurture will be sustained. Nothing can oppose these natural rhythms.
Today: “If a man has grace in his personality” Yogi Bhajan
“If a man has grace in his personality, it is evidence that God has found him. Contentment only means that man has an attitude of gratitude while alive.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Move and act only when you have complete understanding- I Ching
Move and act only when you have a complete understanding of a situation. Use your words sparingly so they will have a deep impact. Stick to the message while it finds its way to those who need to listen.
2018: Breakthrough – I Ching
Breakthrough. After a period of tension and potentiality, goals are realized. The good prevail.
Today: “One is wise and one is foolish” Yogi Bhajan
“One is wise and one is foolish. Everybody has some wisdom and some foolishness. It is a mixture. There is only a difference in percentage, not in totality.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Sharing your good fortune will bring profound success – I Ching
Gradual development leads to a place of security where success is assured. Sharing that success will stimulate the primal forces of the universe to join in your endeavors resulting in limitless creative manifestation.
Today: “If you don’t have self-reliance, what do you have? ” Yogi Bhajan
“If you don’t have self-reliance, what do you have? You can cross the mountains, the oceans, the tragedies, the difficulties, the responsibilities, with only one thing, self-reliance. Fear not, my dear ones; the antidote for fear is self-reliance.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Hold together in fellowship – I Ching
Hold together in fellowship. You can merge with the group without losing yourself. Put forth your contribution with innocence. Together we can navigate these dangerous times in peace.
Today: “Man suffers for one reason ” Yogi Bhajan
“Man suffers for one reason: Man loses his innocence. When you lose your innocence, you end up with dispute. To regain innocence so that universal consciousness will serve and maintain you is the idea of this yoga.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Today: Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures – I Ching
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. It is imperative to step up to the challenge. Be careful to hold your vision beyond your own personal situation and give attention to the whole. Begin by recruiting allies in a common cause.