“Never say things to friends which you don’t want to hear from enemies.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
If you are guided by your inner truth, you will be steady and stable regardless of what is happening around you. Your evenness of character will be an example and inspiration to others.
In a time of upheaval and chaotic energy it is important to keep a clarity of mind and vision. Hold your silence and you will remain untouched by all the calamity. Anticipate your vulnerabilities and practice balance between strength and gentleness in your response to threats. Keep your manners with proper conduct.
It is important to bond with people in a common purpose. You can be at the center of a group, or simply a member. Be careful not to support any group that is in conflict with your nature beyond offering simple politeness and kindness. Your self awareness and gentle persuasion will carry far to support the right people who will join the current of your aspirations.
Experience true joy by being who you are, not by seeking earthly diversions. Who you truly are will be revealed to others, and vice versa. Use this connection to accomplish truly great things.
We find reality through our perception. When every component of our perceptive field is integrated into a whole we see that as reality. If we do not add any bias to any component of perception, then we can trust that it is real.
Prejudices and other biases alter perception, forming a point of view. An integrated point of view may appear real, though it skews reality toward that viewpoint. Then, we have a window, but not the whole picture.
As healers, when we relate with the patient and merge with in an integrated perceptive field two things happen:
1. We know the reality of the patient as we know our own
2. We can manifest our intention in the relation.
That is the realm of the projective meditative mind. If we can completely lose all points of view, then anything and everything can be healed.
A similar principle can be applied simply to healing others. Every viewpoint that the patient holds results in some condition or position in the patient. Not all points of view are equal. Some result in positive relations, others, negative; some loving, others adversarial.
If we agree that physical, emotional and spiritual conditions are held in consciousness, then we can say that these conditions can change or be released with a shift in the consciousness. Simply, a change in a person’s perception or viewpoint can precipitate healing in that person. There can be a very strong resonance between the perception and a condition.
Sometimes it is simpler to address the perception than the condition. A perception can flip in a moment.
A great transition is happening. Strong chaotic forces are in play that have prompted this movement. There is no going back, only forward. The direction of the trend may be found in the common consciousness. It must be guided by intuition that is developed through spiritual practice. Individuals informed by their intuition lend their power to the unity of the group psyche, which can accomplish anything. Commitment, devotion patience and perseverance are required to see us through this difficult time. This SpaceX video suggests to us that with these qualities anything is possible.
Take care to seek proper nourishment and offer care and nourishment to others. Accept peace, reject hostility and hatred.
Due to the negative and disruptive influence of public figures acting in bad faith, it is wise to hold to your principles. Hold your intentions close without public display. Don’t stick your neck out while there is someone waiting to chop it off. Do not assent to nor join in the meanness of others. Do not be tempted by offers of personal gain. Hold fast.