Today: “If you do not understand a woman” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“If you do not understand a woman, you cannot reach God, because you do not know how to get away from maya, illusion.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: Prepare for the time when you can make a difference – I Ching

Draw from the inexhaustible wellspring of the divine in your nature.  Be nourished by the infinite.  Hold close your experience, as the time for sharing it has not yet arrived.  Chaos in the public sphere dominates and will  co-opt any attempts to set things right.  In the end, you will be heard.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The well is the symbol of that social structure which, evolved by mankind in meeting its most primitive needs, is independent of all political forms. Political structures change, as do nations, but the life of man with its needs remains eternally the same-this cannot be changed. Life is also inexhaustible. It grows neither less nor more; it exists for one and for all. The generations come and go, and all enjoy life in its inexhaustible abundance.
However, there are two prerequisites for a satisfactory political or social organisation of mankind. We must go down to the very foundations of life. For any merely superficial ordering of life that leaves its deepest needs unsatisfied is as ineffectual as if no attempt at order had ever been made.
Carelessness-by which the jug is broken-is also disastrous. If for instance the military defence of a state is carried to such excess that it provokes wars by which the power of the state is annihilated, this is a breaking of the jug.
This hexagram applies also to the individual. However men may differ in disposition and in education, the foundations of human nature are the same in everyone. And every human being can draw in the course of his education from the inexhaustible wellspring of the divine in man’s nature. But here likewise two dangers threaten: a man may fail in his education to penetrate to the real roots of humanity and remain fixed in convention-a partial education of this sort is as bad as none- or he may suddenly collapse and neglect his self-development.
A well that is fed by a spring of living water is a good well. A man who has virtues like a well of this sort is born to be a leader and saviour of men, for he has the water of life. Nevertheless, the character for “good fortune” is left out here. The all-important thing about a well is that its water be drawn. The best water is only a potentiality for refreshment as long as it is not brought up. So too with leaders of mankind: it is all-important that one should drink from the spring of their words and translate them into life.
Heaven and earth are out of communion and all things are benumbed. What is above has no relation to what is below, and on earth confusion and disorder prevail. The dark power is within, the light power is without. Weakness is within, harshness without. Within are the inferior, and without are the superior. The way of inferior people is in ascent; the way of superior people is on the decline. But the superior people do not allow themselves to be turned from their principles. If the possibility of exerting influence is closed to them, they nevertheless remain faithful to their principles and withdraw into seclusion.
When, owing to the influence of inferior men, mutual mistrust prevails in public life, fruitful activity is rendered impossible, because the fundaments are wrong. Therefore the superior man knows what he must do under such circumstances; he does not allow himself to be tempted by dazzling offers to take part in public activities. This would only expose him to danger, since he cannot assent to the meanness of the others. He therefore hides his worth and withdraws into seclusion.

Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “The purpose of the being is to receive love from the Unknown” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The purpose of the being is to receive love from the Unknown.”  Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: be wary of assigning too much weight to fame and celebrity – I Ching

Join others in common cause, but be wary of assigning too much weight to fame and celebrity.  Do not be mislead by them.  Allow leaders to lead, but to not forsake your own self-reliance.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

WHAT IS required is that we unite with others, in order that all may complement and aid one another through holding together. But such holding together calls for a central figure around whom other persons may unite. To become a centre of influence holding people together is a grave matter and fraught with great responsibility. It requires greatness of spirit, consistency, and strength. Therefore let him who wishes to gather others about him ask himself whether he is equal to the undertaking, for anyone attempting the task without a real calling for it only makes confusion worse than if no union at all had taken place.
But when there is a real rallying point, those who at first are hesitant or uncertain gradually come in of their own accord. Late-comers must suffer the consequences, for in holding together the question of the right time is also important. Relationships are formed and firmly established according to definite inner laws. Common experiences strengthen these ties, and he who comes too late to share in these basic experiences must suffer for it if, as a straggler, he finds the door locked.
If a man has recognised the necessity for union and does not feel strong enough to function as the centre, it is his duty to become a member of some other organic fellowship.
Here the relations with a man who is the centre of union are well established. Then we may, and indeed we should, show our attachment openly. But we must remain constant and not allow ourselves to be led astray.
The power of the dark is ascending. The light retreats to security, so that the dark cannot encroach upon it. This retreat is a matter not of man’s will but of natural law. Therefore in this case withdrawal is proper; it is the correct way to behave in order not to exhaust one’s forces.1
In the calendar this hexagram is linked with the sixth month (July-August), in which the forces of winter are already showing their influence.
Conditions are such that the hostile forces favored by the time are advancing. In this case retreat is the right course, and it is through retreat that success is achieved. But success consists in being able to carry out retreat correctly. Retreat is not to be confused with flight. Flight means saving oneself under any circumstances, whereas retreat is a sign of strength. We must be careful not to miss the right moment while we’re in full possession of power and position. Then we shall be able to interpret the signs of the time before it is too late and to prepare for provisional retreat instead of being drawn into a desperate life-and-death struggle. Thus we do not simply abandon the field to the opponent; we make it difficult for him to advance by showing perseverance in single acts of resistance. In this way we prepare, while retreating, for the counter- movement. Understanding the laws of a constructive retreat of this sort is not easy. The meaning that lies hidden in such a time is important.

Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Why can’t you love everybody?” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Why can’t you love everybody? You have no tolerance. You have to learn to hold your temper, you have to learn not to slander, you have to learn to have patience, you have to learn to be humble.” Yogi Bhajan


Sat Nam!
Ram Anand


Today: join together in toppling the status quo – I Ching

In fellowship, with loose association, join together in toppling the status quo.  Let the common goal be the element that binds..  The time for negotiation has passed, and it’s time for concrete action.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

True fellowship among men must be based on a concern that is universal. It is not the private interests of the individual that create lasting fellowship among men, but rather the goals of humanity. That is why it is said that fellowship with men in the open succeeds. If unity of this kind prevails, even difficult and dangerous tasks, such as crossing the great water, can be accomplished. But in order to bring about this sort of fellowship, a persevering and enlightened leader is needed – a man with clear, convincing, and inspiring aims and the strength to carry them out.
The warm attachment that springs from the heart is lacking here. We are by this time actually outside of fellowship with others. However, we ally ourselves with them. The fellowship does not include all, but only those who happen to dwell near one another. The meadow is the pasture at the entrance to the town. At this stage, the ultimate goal of the union of mankind has not yet been attained, but we need not reproach ourselves. We join the community without separate aims of our own.
Political revolutions are extremely grave matters. They should be undertaken only under stress of direst necessity, when there is no other way out. Not everyone is called to this task, but only the man who has the confidence of the people, and even he only when the time is ripe. He must then proceed in the right way, so that he gladdens the people and, by enlightening them, prevents excesses. Furthermore, he must be quite free of selfish aims and must really relieve the need of the people. Only then does he have nothing to regret.
Times change, and with them their demands. Thus the seasons change in the course of the year. In the world cycle also there are spring and autumn in the life of peoples and nations, and these call for social transformations.

Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Any word that you speak exists” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Any word that you speak exists. It is there. It is a vibration. Word is a cause and an effect. Nobody can escape from word. Realizing that we can’t escape word is our basic duty.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand


Today: forsake the pursuit of worldly attributes that create insatiable want – I Ching

Do not forsake the discipline that has led you to the nourishment that satisfies the soul.  Instead, forsake the pursuit of worldly attributes that others covet that create envy and insatiable want.  When others come around, they will join you in your noble quest.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

In bestowing care and nourishment, it is important that the right people should be taken care of and that we should attend to our own nourishment in the right way. If we wish to know what anyone is like, we have only to observe on whom he bestows his care and what sides of his own nature he cultivates and nourishes. Nature nourishes all creatures. The great man fosters and takes care of superior men, in order to take care of all men through them.
You let your magic tortoise go, and look at me with the corners of your mouth drooping.  Misfortune.
The magic tortoise is a creature possessed of such supernatural powers that it lives on air and needs no earthly nourishment. The image means that a man fitted by nature and position to live freely and independently renounces this self-reliance and instead looks with envy and discontent at others who are outwardly in better circumstances. But such base envy only arouses derision and contempt in those others. This has bad results.
One should submit to the bad time and remain quiet. For it is a question not of man’s doing but of time conditions, which, according to the laws of heaven, show an alternation of increase and decrease, fullness and emptiness. It is impossible to counteract these conditions of the time. Hence it is not cowardice but wisdom to submit and avoid action.

Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “If you meditate on the primal sound” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“If you meditate on the primal sound you will see the unseen, you will hear the unheard, and you will feel the unfeelable.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: an auspicious time – I Ching

it is a very auspicious time.  make good use if it.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The hexagram as a whole points to a time of joyous, hopeful progress. Spring is approaching. Joy and forbearance bring high and low nearer together. Success is certain. But we must work with determination and perseverance to make full use of the propitiousness of the time. And one thing more: spring does not last forever. In the eighth month the aspects are reversed. Then only two strong, light lines are left; these do not advance but are in retreat [

Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Be loved for your knowledge, your experience, and your faith – Yogi Bhajan



SSSYWa“Be loved for your knowledge, your experience, and your faith.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: – Support the family – I Ching

Support the family.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The family is society in embryo; it is the native soil on which performance of moral duty is made easy through natural affection, so that within a small circle a basis of moral practice is created, and this is later widened to include human relationships in general.

Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “What is prayer? Yogi Bhajan



SSSYWa“What is prayer? You create a vibratory effect which goes into the Infinite Creative around the psyche of you. The answer and energy come and then your job is done and your prayer has worked.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: – Keep your eye on the goal – I Ching

You may use enthusiasm generated by you to enlist helpers to accomplish grand tasks. Together you can overcome any obstacles. do not hesitate to take care of small diversions from the goal but keep your eye on the goal.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The time of ENTHUSIASM derives from the fact that there is at hand an eminent man who is in sympathy with the spirit of the people and acts in accord with it. Hence he finds universal and willing obedience. To arouse enthusiasm it is necessary for a man to adjust himself and his ordinances to the character of those whom he has to lead. The inviolability of natural laws rests on this principle of movement along the line of least resistance. These laws are not forces external to things but represent the harmony of movement immanent in them. That is why the celestial bodies do not deviate from their orbits and why all events in nature occur with fixed regularity. It is the same with human society: only such laws as are rooted in popular sentiment can be enforced, while laws violating this sentiment merely arouse resentment.
Again, it is enthusiasm that enables us to install helpers for the completion of an undertaking without fear of secret opposition. It is enthusiasm too that can unify mass movements, as in war, so that they achieve victory.This describes a man who’s able to awaken enthusiasm through his own sureness and freedom from hesitation. He attracts people because he has no doubts and is wholly sincere. Owing to his confidence in them he wins their enthusiastic co-operation and attains success. Just as a clasp draws the hair together and holds it, so he draws men together by the support he gives them.

Here an individual is confronted by obstacles that cannot be overcome directly. In such a situation it is wise to pause in view of the danger and to retreat. However, this is merely a preparation for overcoming the obstructions. One must join forces with friends of like mind and put himself under the leadership of a man equal to the situation: then one will succeed in removing the obstacles. This requires the will to persevere just when one apparently must do something that leads away from his goal. This unswerving inner purpose brings good fortune in the end. An obstruction that lasts only for a time is useful for self-development. This is the value of adversity.


PPrevious readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “May your guru and your God stand by you“ Yogi Bhajan


“May your guru and your God stand by you, may the realms of all angels bless you, may the purity of your heart stand by you, may your divine nature help you, and may your God-consciousness lead you.” Yogi Bhajan

