Due to the negative and disruptive influence of public figures acting in bad faith, it is wise to hold to your principles. Hold your intentions close without public display. Don’t stick your neck out while there is someone waiting to chop it off. Do not assent to nor join in the meanness of others. Do not be tempted by offers of personal gain. Hold fast.
“As you train your mind…” Yogi Bhajan
Today: Only look at the consequences of your actions – I Ching
Only look at the consequences of your actions, whether they bring good results. Do not worry about offending anyone who disagrees. Holding your course will bring success.
“You must grow to the point that you glow” Yogi Bhajan
Today: Do not accept bad faith gestures – I Ching
The time reveals many relationships, in private and public life, that are unfulfilled, unsatisfying and profoundly unhealthy. It is a situation that is currently front and center in the public eye.
As a remedy, there is a tendency to offer oneself as a prostitute, so that some needs may be met. The fact that this is happening as a widespread phenomena among public figures serves as an example of what NOT to do. It leads to the collapse of all common goals and struggles. If the temptation to accept bad faith gestures for temporary relief from want is dismissed, then the opportunity for growth, expansion and well-being is opened. More permanent and sustainable options may be pursued. Catastrophe can be averted.
“If you make your body very strong…” Yogi Bhajan
Today:Practice deep contemplation – I Ching
Practice deep contemplation. It will have a profound effect on all to know you and see you.
“When you don’t go within, you go without” Yogi Bhajan
Today:Be mindful of your position in all relationships – I Ching
Those who have done profound damage to the social structure must be discredited, rendered irrelevant and replaced. Then the work of repairing the damage may begin. One can not do it alone, so it must be a united and focused effort. Structure that cannot be replaced and built anew must be reformed and rebuilt. The time is propitious for this effort, which must begin immediately and proceed with unwavering commitment.
“If a woman sits with folded hands in her lap…” Yogi Bhajan
Today:Be mindful of your position in all relationships – I Ching
Be mindful of your position in all relationships. Rather than drifting, be aware of where you are going. Be aware of the point and purpose of a relationship. Move forward with tactful reserve. Then you will not be stuck in a place that does not work for you and the other.
“Experience yourself and all in you…” Yogi Bhajan
“Your mind must be developed, artistic, and self-controlled…” Yogi Bhajan
Today: Be modest and enjoy success – I Ching
Modesty expresses itself in one’s outward behavior without the need to call attention to oneself. If you relate with the world in modesty there will be no resistance to your intentions. You good reputation will grow and you will be successful.
“If you only know one kriya, then share that…” Yogi Bhajan
Today: Agents of evil must be exposed and discredited – I Ching
Evil must be exposed, discredited and eradicated. If one element remains in the social fabric, we cannot rest. Even if it is concealed, evil must be ferreted out and held to account. Evil cannot exist on its own merits, but requires complicity from those whom it exploits. Just do not play the game. Your grace and decorum will help you to succeed.