Today: “Without creative meditation a man will feel burdened” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Without creative meditation a man will feel burdened; the law of detachment does not become functional in the man if he is not creative.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “ Nurture and preserve your best qualities” – I Ching


Nurture and preserve your best qualities.
With any neglect your mind and your relations will deteriorate, leading to conflict in your life.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

We must go down to the very foundations of life. For any merely superficial ordering of life that leaves its deepest needs unsatisfied is as ineffectual as if no attempt at order had ever been made.
The water itself is clear, but it is not being used. Thus the well is a place where only fish will stay, and whoever comes to it, comes only to catch fish. But the jug is broken, so that the fish cannot be kept in it.
This describes the situation of a person who possesses good qualities but neglects them. No one bothers about him. As a result he deteriorates in mind. He associates with inferior men and can no longer accomplish anything worth while.
Difficulties and obstructions throw a man back upon himself. While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seeks the error within himself, and through this introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 23

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Whatever name of God you want to chant, just do it” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Whatever name of God you want to chant, just do it. It will tune you in. It will be your own biofeedback machine.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “ Enlighten others by gently and ceaselessly penetrating their souls with your message” – I Ching

Enlighten others by gently and ceaselessly penetrating their souls with your message.  Leave the ego out of it, lest it produce resistance and division.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The penetrating quality of the wind depends on its ceaselessness. This is what makes it so powerful; time is its instrument. In the same way the ruler’s thought should penetrate the soul of the people. This too requires a lasting influence brought about by enlightenment and command. Only when the command has been assimilated by the people is action in accordance with it possible. Action without preparation of the ground only frightens and repels.
When a responsible position and accumulated experience lead one to combine innate modesty with energetic action, great success is assured. The three kinds of animals referred to served for offerings to the gods, for feasting guests, and for everyday consumption. When the catch answered all three purposes, the hunt was considered especially successful.
This hexagram indicates a situation in which the principle of darkness, after having been eliminated, furtively and unexpectedly obtrudes again from within and below.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 22

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Quantum Mechanics: the Problem of Superposition

It is the central question in quantum mechanics, and no one knows the answer: What really happens in a superposition—the peculiar circumstance in which particles seem to be in two or more places or states at once? Now, in a forthcoming paper a team of researchers in Israel and Japan has proposed an experiment that could finally let us say something for sure about the nature of this puzzling phenomenon.Their experiment, which the researchers say could be carried out within a few months, should enable scientists to sneak a glance at where an object — in this case a particle of light, called a photon — actually resides when it is placed in a superposition. And the researchers predict the answer will be even stranger and more shocking than “two places at once.”The classic example of a superposition involves firing photons at two parallel slits in a barrier. One fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics is that tiny particles can behave like waves, so that those passing through one slit “interfere” with those going through the other, their wavy ripples either boosting or canceling one another to create a characteristic pattern on a detector screen. The odd thing, though, is this interference occurs even if only one particle is fired at a time. The particle seems somehow to pass through both slits at once, interfering with itself. That’s a superposition.

And it gets weirder: Measuring which slit such a particle goes through will invariably indicate it only goes through one—but then the wavelike interference (the “quantumness,” if you will) vanishes. The very act of measurement seems to “collapse” the superposition. “We know something fishy is going on in a superposition,” says physicist Avshalom Elitzur of the Israeli Institute for Advanced Research. “But you’re not allowed to measure it. This is what makes quantum mechanics so diabolical.”

For decades researchers have stalled at this apparent impasse. They cannot say exactly what a superposition is without looking at it; but if they try to look at it, it disappears. One potential solution—developed by Elitzur’s former mentor, Israeli physicist Yakir Aharonov, now at Chapman University, and his collaborators—suggests a way to deduce something about quantum particles before measuring them. Aharonov’s approach is called the two-state-vector formalism (TSVF) of quantum mechanics, and postulates quantum events are in some sense determined by quantum states not just in the past—but also in the future. That is, the TSVF assumes quantum mechanics works the same way both forward and backward in time. From this perspective, causes can seem to propagate backward in time, occurring after their effects.

But one needn’t take this strange notion literally. Rather, in the TSVF one can gain retrospective knowledge of what happened in a quantum system by selecting the outcome: Instead of simply measuring where a particle ends up, a researcher chooses a particular location in which to look for it. This is called post-selection, and it supplies more information than any unconditional peek at outcomes ever could. This is because the particle’s state at any instant is being evaluated retrospectively in light of its entire history, up to and including measurement. The oddness comes in because it looks as if the researcher—simply by choosing to look for a particular outcome—then causes that outcome to happen. But this is a bit like concluding that if you turn on your television when your favorite program is scheduled, your action causes that program to be broadcast at that very moment. “It’s generally accepted that the TSVF is mathematically equivalent to standard quantum mechanics,” says David Wallace, a philosopher of science at the University of Southern California who specializes in interpretations of quantum mechanics. “But it does lead to seeing certain things one wouldn’t otherwise have seen.”

Take, for instance, a version of the double-slit experiment devised by Aharonov and co-worker Lev Vaidman in 2003, which they interpreted with the TSVF. The pair described (but did not build) an optical system in which a single photon acts as a “shutter” that closes a slit by causing another “probe” photon approaching the slit to be reflected back the way it came. By applying post-selection to the measurements of the probe photon, Aharonov and Vaidman showed, one could discern a shutter photon in a superposition closing both (or indeed arbitrarily many) slits simultaneously. In other words, this thought experiment would in theory allow one to say with confidence the shutter photon is both “here” and “there” at once. Although this situation seems paradoxical from our everyday experience, it is one well-studied aspect of the so-called “nonlocal” properties of quantum particles, where the whole notion of a well-defined location in space dissolves.

In 2016 physicists Ryo Okamoto and Shigeki Takeuchi of Kyoto University verified Aharonov and Vaidman’s predictions experimentally using a light-carrying circuit in which the shutter photon is created using a quantum router, a device that lets one photon control the route taken by another. “This was a pioneering experiment that allowed one to infer the simultaneous position of a particle in two places,” says Elitzur’s colleague Eliahu Cohen of the University of Ottawa in Ontario.

Now Elitzur and Cohen have teamed up with Okamoto and Takeuchi to concoct an even more mind-boggling experiment. They believe it will enable researchers to say with certainty something about the location of a particle in a superposition at a series of different points in time—before any actual measurement has been made.

This time the probe photon’s route would be split into three by partial mirrors. Along each of those paths it may interact with a shutter photon in a superposition. These interactions can be considered to take place within boxes labeled A, B and C, one of which is situated along each of the photon’s three possible routes. By looking at the self-interference of the probe photon, one can retrospectively conclude with certainty the shutter particle was in a given box at a specific time.


Credit: Amanda Montañez

The experiment is designed so the probe photon can only show interference if it interacted with the shutter photon in a particular sequence of places and times: Namely, if the shutter photon was in both boxes A and C at some time (t1), then at a later time (t2) only in C, and at a still later time (t3) in both B and C. So interference in the probe photon would be a definitive sign the shutter photon made this bizarre, logic-defying sequence of disjointed appearances among the boxes at different times—an idea Elitzur, Cohen and Aharonov proposed as a possibility last year for a single particle spread across three boxes. “I like the way this paper frames questions about what is happening in terms of entire histories rather than instantaneous states,” says physicist Ken Wharton of San Jose State University, who is not involved in the new project. “Talking about ‘states’ is an old pervasive bias whereas full histories are generally far more rich and interesting.”

That richness, Elitzur and colleagues argue, is what the TSVF gives access to. The apparent vanishing of particles in one place at one time—and their reappearance in other times and places—suggests a new and extraordinary vision of the underlying processes involved in the nonlocal existence of quantum particles. Through the lens of the TSVF, Elitzur says, this flickering, ever-changing existence can be understood as a series of events in which a particle’s presence in one place is somehow “canceled” by its own “counterparticle” in the same location. He compares this with the notion introduced by British physicist Paul Dirac in the 1920s who argued particles possess antiparticles, and if brought together, a particle and antiparticle can annihilate each other. This picture at first seemed just a manner of speaking but soon led to the discovery of antimatter. The disappearance of quantum particles is not “annihilation” in this same sense but it is somewhat analogous—these putative counterparticles, Elitzur posits, should possess negative energy and negative mass, allowing them to cancel their counterparts.

So although the traditional “two places at once” view of superposition might seem odd enough, “it’s possible a superposition is a collection of states that are even crazier,” Elitzur says. “Quantum mechanics just tells you about their average.” Post-selection then allows one to isolate and inspect just some of those states at greater resolution, he suggests. Such an interpretation of quantum behavior would be, he says, “revolutionary” — because it would entail a hitherto unguessed menagerie of real (but very odd) states underlying counterintuitive quantum phenomena.

The researchers say conducting the actual experiment will require fine-tuning the performance of their quantum routers, but they hope to have their system ready to roll in three to five months. For now some outside observers are not exactly waiting with bated breath. “The experiment is bound to work,” says Wharton — but he adds it “won’t convince anyone of anything, since the results are predicted by standard quantum mechanics.” In other words, there would be no compelling reason to interpret the outcome in terms of the TSVF rather than one of the many other ways that researchers interpret quantum behavior.

Elitzur agrees their experiment could have been conceived using the conventional view of quantum mechanics that prevailed decades ago — but it never was. “Isn’t that a good indication of the soundness of the TSVF?” he asks. And if someone thinks they can formulate a different picture of “what is really going on” in this experiment using standard quantum mechanics, he adds, “well, let them go ahead!”

Meditation  for those who want to grok more deeply

Today: “Your life always changes in seven years” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Your life always changes in seven years. Within seven years your loss must turn into a gain and your gain must turn into a loss. That is how this universe has been created. This is a cosmic cycle.” Yogi Bhajan


Meditation: LA097-790327-Yoni Kriya

See related posts

Today: “ Bear with frugality so you can accumulate awesome power.” – I Ching

Bear with frugality so you can accumulate awesome power.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Limitations are troublesome, but they are effective. If we live economically in normal times, we are prepared for times of want. To be sparing saves us from humiliation. Limitations are also indispensable in the regulation of world conditions. In nature there are fixed limits for summer and winter, day and night, and these limits give the year its meaning. In the same way, economy, by setting fixed limits upon expenditures, acts to preserve property and prevent injury to the people.
But in limitation we must observe due measure. If a man should seek to impose galling limitations upon his own nature, it would be injurious. And if he should go too far in imposing limitations on others, they would rebel.
Therefore it is necessary to set limits even upon limitation.
Every limitation has its value, but a limitation that requires persistent effort entails a cost of too much energy. When, however, the limitation is a natural one (as for example, the limitation by which water flows only downhill), it necessarily leads to success, for then it means a saving of energy. The energy that otherwise would be consumed in a vain struggle with the object, is applied wholly to the benefit of the matter in hand, and success is assured.
The hexagram points to a time when inner worth mounts with great force and comes to power.  
For that is truly great power which does not degenerate into mere force but remains inwardly united with the fundamental principles of right and of justice. When we understand this point – namely, that greatness and justice must be indissolubly united – we understand the true meaning of all that happens in heaven and on earth.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 12

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Kundalini yoga is a method to become nothing” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Kundalini yoga is a method to become nothing, so that everything can flow through you. That’s all it is.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Enjoy smooth progress” – I Ching

Enjoy smooth progress due to the propitiousness of the time.  Don’t question too much how it is happening nor dwell on how long it can last.  Keep in mind the bonds that hold your together with your community.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I

The pushing upward of the good elements encounters no obstruction and is therefore accompanied by great success. The pushing upward is made possible not by violence but by modesty and adaptability. Since the individual is borne along by the propitiousness of the time, he advances.
All obstructions that generally block progress fall away here. Things proceed with remarkable ease. Unhesitatingly one follows this road, in order to profit by one’s success. Seen from without, everything seems to be in the best of order. However, no promise of good fortune is added. It is a question how long such unobstructed success can last. But it is wise not to yield to such misgivings, because they only inhibit one’s power. Instead, the point is to profit by the propitiousness of time.
Affection as the essential principle of relatedness is of the greatest importance in all relationships in the world. For the union of heaven and earth is the origin of the whole of nature. Among human beings likewise, spontaneous affection is the all-inclusive principle of union.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 12

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Lecture: LA860 – 960131 – Increase the Flow of the Earth Within You

From Library of Teachings 1996-01-31


This class is going to be very long, is there anybody who has to go and meet the baby sitter after nine?
Continue reading “Lecture: LA860 – 960131 – Increase the Flow of the Earth Within You”

Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn May 18-19, 2018

Healing the Perception
Many conditions that interfere with the flow of existence and the healthy flow of prana are due to a bias associated with one’s perception.  If we can find the point of perception that holds a viewpoint, it can be “flipped” to allow for a new configuration that leads to self-healing.

We held a meditation and healing intensive at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope, Brooklyn on May 18-19.  Here is a recap of the meditations we performed and audio recordings.

May 18
LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs
Shuniya Meditation #1 – 19941031
Stimulate the 3rd Eye
Know the structure of the mind


May 19
LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs
Shuniya Meditation #3 – 19941102
Know the structure of the mind
LA0967-Division and Oneness


Meditation: Stimulate The Third Eye

Yogi Bhajan – unknown date

Meditation To Stimulate The Third Eye:
Close the eyes.
The elbows are bent. The forearms are parallel with the floor. Both palms face down to the ground.
The hands are out in front of the chest. The right palm sits on top of the left hand.
Recite out loud, 3 times per breath (then inhale, recite 3 times per breath, continue):
“Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Haibhee Sach Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach”
Time: 11 minutes
To conclude: Inhale deeply, hold the breath, squeeze the spine, squeeze every muscle, exhale — 3x

Today: “Living in a time of opposition” – I Ching

Living in a time of opposition, where everything seems to conspire against you, stay with your colleagues to see it through.  It is important not to give up, as the rise of the forces of evil would find no resistance to their nefarious agenda.  That is exactly what contributed to this situation.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I

When people live in opposition and estrangement they cannot carry out a great undertaking in common; their points of view diverge too widely. In such circumstances one should above all not proceed brusquely, for that would only increase the existing opposition; instead, one should limit oneself to producing gradual effects in small matters. Here success can still be expected, because the situation is such that the opposition does not preclude all agreement.
In general, opposition appears as an obstruction, but when it represents polarity within a comprehensive whole, it has also its useful and important functions. The oppositions of heaven and earth, spirit and nature, man and woman, when reconciled, bring about the creation and reproduction of life. In the world of visible things, the principle of opposites makes possible the differentiation by categories through which order is brought into the world.
Often it seems to a man as though everything were conspiring against him. He sees himself checked and hindered in his progress, insulted and dishonored.1 However, he must not let himself be misled; despite this opposition, he must cleave to the man with whom he knows he belongs. Thus, notwithstanding the bad beginning, the matter will end well.
The rise of the inferior element is pictured here in the image of a bold girl who lightly surrenders herself and thus seizes power. This would not be possible if the strong and light-giving element had not in turn come halfway. The inferior thing seems so harmless and inviting that a man delights in it; it looks so small and weak that he imagines he may dally with it and come to no harm.
The inferior man rises only because the superior man does not regard him as dangerous and so lends him power. If he were resisted from the first, he could never gain influence.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 12

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “…not to live with each other, but to live for each other” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“What we are trying to do is not to live at each other, not to live with each other, but to live for each other.” Yogi Bhajan




Meditation: LA635-900323 – Dukanasanee Kriya – for the Adrenal Glands

Yogi Bhajan – LA635 890323 Dukanasanee kriya. Work to Adrenal Gland for extra energy in your life.
Continue reading “Meditation: LA635-900323 – Dukanasanee Kriya – for the Adrenal Glands”

Today: “Individual consciousness will refine you…” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Individual consciousness will refine you, group consciousness will expand you, and universal consciousness will redeem you to infinity.” Yogi Bhajan

