Obstacles may be overcome by looking at them from a nw perspective. Change your perception.
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Today: I Ching
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
Obstacles may be overcome by looking at them from a nw perspective. Change your perception.
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Today: I Ching
“Ignoring your soul is ignoring your Godhead: as a rose has an aroma, so you have a soul; as a mirror has an image, so you have a soul. Ignoring your soul is ignoring your total capacity.” Yogi Bhajan
“What you relate to, that you shall be. Actually, you are immortal. You are a consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan
Allow yourself to be more approachable by smoothing the sharpness that keeps people apart from you. You will enjoy awesome power and influence.
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Today: I Ching
“My job is to share with you knowledge. Your job is to practice, to experience the knowledge, so that it may become your knowledge.” Yogi Bhajan
It is time for justice to have its due. Though there is danger of pushback or reprisal, it is important to move forward and ensure that the matter is complete.
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Today: I Ching
“It doesn’t take time to open your heart and to feel the love in you. But when will you do it? That is what takes time.” Yogi Bhajan
About the nomination:
After a long period of decay comes a turning point. The person in question is a sage who is inexhaustible in his readiness to teach mankind, and just as the earth is boundlessly wide, sustaining and caring for all creatures on it, so the sage sustains and cares for all people and excludes no part of humanity.
When the stimulus to approach comes from a high place, and when a man has the inner strength and consistency that need no admonition, good fortune will ensue. Nor need the future cause any concern.
He is well aware that everything earthly is transitory, and that a descent follows upon every rise, but need not be confused by this universal law of fate. Everything serves to further. Therefore he will travel the paths of life swiftly, honestly, and valiantly.
After a time of decay comes the turning point. The powerful light that has been banished returns. There is movement, but it is not brought about by force. The upper trigram Kun is characterised by devotion; thus the movement is natural, arising spontaneously. For this reason the transformation of the old becomes easy. The old is discarded and the new is introduced. Both measures accord with the time; therefore no harm results. Societies of people sharing the same views are formed. But since these groups come together in full public knowledge and are in harmony with the time, all selfish separatist tendencies are excluded, and no mistake is made.
This seems consistent with today’s reading from the I Ching. Without preconceptions, knowing one’s own mind in relation with the mind of the governed, the governed can be allowed to know how to govern themselves. That is the definition of a Democracy. In order for there to be a good outcome, there has to be an end to the tribalism that assumes the existence only of winners and losers, us and them, with a return to the rule of We, the People.
The best we can hope for is a justice who will consider all decisions based on the merits of the case with respect to the law. Even if he holds biases, it’s better that he is competent and is disposed to give the law a chance. Perhaps he knows what is at stake here. He should be asked if he does. If he indicates that he does know, then there could be worse nominees.
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Today: I Ching
Disunion has led the social and political structures to a very dangerous precipice. Fear and a lack of understanding, internal and external, have led to this situation. To resolve this, attention must first be turned inward to understand one’s own nature, then outward to know the psyche of the other.
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Today: I Ching
“The relationship between the disciple and the guru is established at that stage when the disciple realizes the ecstasy of infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
The time is ripe for action. Do whatever you do best and apply yourself with absolute commitment to fixing the broken social structure. It is not a matter of individual effort. Everyone’s effort will be required to be successful.
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Today: I Ching
“No man is a perfect master, none. The only perfect master that a man of God can experience is God himself.” Yogi Bhajan
A momentous shock cannot be avoided. Take heed and understand its lesson. Save and protect yourself first, then extend assistance. Engage but do not hold on. Help and let go.
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Today: I Ching
“Giving is a principal and it is an everlasting principle. Your Creator gave you life and that is why he is the great giver.” Yogi Bhajan
We have become estranged from the bonds which unite us with others. The divisions in the social structure have come from an abuse of power which has become oppressive to enough people that it is coming to light and becoming known on a large scale. There is no negotiating with the established order. It must be eradicated.
The remedies must have a strong foundation and broad public support in order to be successful. The sentiment is there. It only needs to be organized into a formidable and irresistible force that can produce the changes. The cause must be quite free of selfish aims and must really relieve the need of the people. That purity will ensure profound success.
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Today: I Ching
“By loving another human being and by merging your identity, you learn to merge your identity into the total cosmos; that is why a guru and a chela come into relationship. Why do you need a guru? A guru is an individual, a confined little thing into which an individual, a confined little thing, totally merges his personality; then he exists with no ego.” Yogi Bhajan