Today: “You communicate with you. Your mind communicates with your mind.” – Yogi Bhajan

“You communicate with you. Your mind communicates with your mind. Now you have to understand which mind because your mind communicates with your mind. One mind is the mind of the intellect and senses, the other mind is that which observes what the mind of the intellect is doing. We call it consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “Practice self discipline.  Move to action only when it is appropriate.  Act decisively.” – from the I Ching

Practice self discipline.  Move to action only when it is appropriate.  Act decisively.  Then enjoy the consequences.   Remember you are not the doer and cannot create reality.  It just is.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#60, Line 2, #2

The Superior Person examines the nature of virtue and makes himself a standard that can be followed.  Self-discipline brings success; but restraints too binding bring self-defeat.
Cultivating the proper disciplines and the proper degree of discipline are the concerns of this hexagram.  By limiting options, you may give more attention to priorities.  One who is all over the map is no less lost than one without a map.  Avoid asceticism, however.  Deprivation is not wise discipline.  The key here is regulation, not restriction.
When the time for action has come, the moment must be quickly seized. Just as water first collects in a lake without flowing out, yet is certain to find an outlet when the lake is full, so it is in the life of man. It is a good thing to hesitate so long as the time for action has not come, but no longer. Once the obstacles to action have been removed, anxious hesitation is a mistake that is bound to bring disaster, because one misses one’s opportunity.
Responsive devotion.  Receptive influence.  Sublime Success if you keep to your course.
This is a time for dealing with reality as it is, not as you would have it be.
If you realize that in this situation you are the receptor, not the transmitter of the stimulus, you will find yourself reaching goals that seemed unattainable under your own steam.  If you persist in futile efforts to be the Shaper rather than the Shaped, you will completely miss this unique opportunity.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 76

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Those in control must be summarily removed from office” – from the I Ching

Those in control must be summarily removed from office.  Negotiation and subtle influence are ineffective.  There is no coming to terms.  To accomplish this, have a plan and be sure you do not come up short.  Massive dissent for the appalling situation is on your side.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#49, Line 2, #48

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival:  The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.
The support you need will come only after the deed is done.  Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.  Persevere.
All differences vanish.
A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.  There is no negotiating with the Established Order.  Perfect timing is essential.
Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.  Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.
You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.  You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.
Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.
When the time is ripe, you will be the instrument of change.  Plant the seeds of revolution now, and success is assured.
When we have tried in every way to bring about reforms, but without success, revolution becomes necessary. But such a thoroughgoing upheaval must be carefully prepared. There must be available a man who has the requisite abilities and who possesses public confidence. To such a man we may well turn. This brings good fortune and is not a mistake. The first thing to be considered is our inner attitude toward the new condition that will inevitably come. We have to go out to meet it, as it were. Only in this way can it be prepared for.
Deep Waters Penetrated and drawn to the surface: The Superior Person refreshes the people with constant encouragement to help one another.
Encampments, settlements, walled cities, whole empires may rise and fall, yet the Well at the center endures, never drying to dust, never overflowing.
It served those before and will serve those after.  Again and again you may draw from the Well, but if the bucket breaks or the rope is too short there will be misfortune.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 76

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Mind is a unit energy given to you to serve you” – Yogi Bhajan

“Mind is a unit energy given to you to serve you. Be its guide and not its slave.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Do not be too ambitious.  Shrink the scope of your interactions.” – from the I Ching

Do not be too ambitious.  Shrink the scope of your interactions.  Become intimate with the self.  You will attract others who will gladly join you on your path.
It is a time for understanding the structure of everything.  Bring the self in harmony with it.  Be beautiful.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#41, Line 3, #22

To be frugal and content is to possess immeasurable wealth within.
Nothing of value could be refused such a person.
Make a portion of each meal a share of your offering.
This is an occasion for downsizing to fighting trim.  Simplicity and economy are strong defenses against the slings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune.
Whether this is a time of want or a time of plenty, it is an auspicious time to shed a dependency.
When there are three people together, jealousy arises. One of them will have to go. A very close bond is possible only between two people. But when one man is lonely, he is certain to find a companion who complements him.
The Superior Person realizes he has not the wisdom to move the course of the world, except by attending to each day’s affairs as they come.
Success in small matters.  This is a good time to begin something.
Grace brings success. However, it is not the essential or fundamental thing; it is only the ornament and must therefore be used sparingly and only in little things.
In human affairs, aesthetic form comes into being when traditions exist that, strong and abiding like mountains, are made pleasing by a lucid beauty. By contemplating the forms existing in the heavens we come to understand time and its changing demands. Through contemplation of the forms existing in human society it becomes possible to shape the world.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 74

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “When we feel we are limited, we become limited” – Yogi Bhajan

“When we feel we are limited, we become limited. When we feel we are unlimited, we become unlimited.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Be aware of your influence on others and the impact of your words and deeds” – from the I Ching

Be aware of your influence on others and the impact of your words and deeds. Be a role model with a radiance that serves to build and strengthen, rather than producing chaos.  This radiance will cause such an alchemical transformation of circumstances that the changes will seem magical, miraculous.  Yet they are only shifts of perspective and attitude that bring clarity.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#37, Line 4, #30

Be as faithful as a good wife.
One in this situation must be keenly aware of his influence on others.
Maintain a healthy respect for the ripple effect of your words and deeds.
To some you serve as a role model.
You can either help shape their world or tilt them into chaos.
Show temperance and consideration to all.
She is the jewel of the home, the family’s greatest blessing.
It is upon the woman of the house that the well-being of the family depends. Well-being prevails when expenditures and income are soundly balanced. This leads to great good fortune. In the sphere of public life, this line refers to the faithful steward whose measures further the general welfare.
With so searing a flame, success will not be denied you.
Take care to be as peaceful and nurturing as the cow in the meadow; you are strong enough to be gentle.
A Promethean flame is delivering light and heat to the situation at hand.
This radiance will cause such an alchemical transformation of circumstances that the changes will seem magical, miraculous.
Yet they are only shifts of perspective and attitude that bring clarity.
The passions kindled by this fire must be harnessed and used judiciously, or they threaten to consume your hopes and dreams.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 74

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “What is the value of old age?” – Yogi Bhajan

“What is the value of old age? Grace. Any old man who is graceful will be loved and respected. What is the value of childhood? Sharpness.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “There is nothing more that we can do to affect the situation” – from the I Ching

There is nothing more that we can do to affect the situation.  Only wait.  What has been set in motion must play out to completion.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#5, Line 6, #9

Deep Waters in the Heavens:  Thunderclouds approaching from the West, but no rain yet.  The Superior Person nourishes himself and remains of good cheer to condition himself for the moment of truth.
Great Success if you sincerely keep to your course.  You may cross to the far shore.
You must now endure this Dangling — either a carrot before your nose, or a sword above your head.  This strange mix of apprehension and anticipation is a Purgatory.  There is nothing more you can do to affect the outcome.
You must now submit to the Fates.
No matter what you do, the fruit of your labors never seems to ripen.
Your reward remains just out of reach.  Men have gone mad from such anticipation.  Don’t lose your balance lunging for the brass ring.
While the Fates continue to restrain you, go them one better and display a self-generated restraint and grace.  Look for the humor in the situation.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 73

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Asking for self-reliance and obtaining self-reliance is not only great…” – Yogi Bhajan

“Asking for self-reliance and obtaining self-reliance is not only great, it is the answer to every problem of life. No one is so small that he cannot be great.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Rely on your modesty. You will radiate.” – from the I Ching

Rely on your modesty.  Perfecting this, you will radiate and have a profound impact on others. Then whatever you do will be successful.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#15, Line 2, #46

The Cosmos is moving toward equilibrium.
Extremes are being tempered, excess is beginning to shift toward the empty.
You can use these moderating influences to strike a balance in the world around you.
Remember, though, that this Leveling will not come about through an arrogant confiscation of excess, but through subtler persuasions.
Modesty and moderation are the keys.
Modesty that radiates.
This course brings good fortune.
To preserve his integrity, the Superior Person contents himself with small gains that eventually lead to great accomplishment.
Supreme Success.  Have no doubts.
You are progressing, rising inch-by-inch toward certain success.
What makes this assured is your refusal to tilt headlong toward your goal, slamming into obstacles and going mad with frustration.
You have a clear map before you of the steps necessary to reach your objective.
With faithful patience and a careful conservation of personal energy and resources, you will run this long, slow distance.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 72

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “the highest state of the yogic mind ” – Yogi Bhajan

“When the one-pointed, infinite beam of the mind starts sending the signal into the infinity and the infinity relates to the finite, the unit becomes united and this is called the highest state of the yogic mind.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Nearing Completion.  Things will resolve in time of their own accord.” – from the I Ching

Nearing Completion.  Things will resolve in time of their own accord.  No need to rush it. Any undo influence will adversely affect the outcome.
Practice graceful restraint.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#64, Line 5, #9

Fire ascends above the Water:
The Superior Person examines the nature of things and keeps each in its proper place.
Too anxious the young fox gets his tail wet, just as he completes his crossing.
To attain success, be like the man and not like the fox.
True to himself to the end, inner light radiates from him and warms others in the glow.
Good fortune.
No matter what you do, the fruit of your labors never seems to ripen.
Your reward remains just out of reach.
Men have gone mad from such anticipation.
Don’t lose your balance lunging for the brass ring.
While the Fates continue to restrain you, go them one better and display a self-generated restraint and grace.
Look for the humor in the situation.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 71

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “The difference between you and an animal is… ” – Yogi Bhajan

“The difference between you and an animal is that the animal has limited compassion and you can have unlimited compassion.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Ignorance and apathy have lead to a profound state of corruption” – from the I Ching

Ignorance and apathy have lead to the profound state of corruption that we are experiencing.  There is no quick fix: celebrity, a pill or an app won’t save us.  Only coming together in common cause will lend each individual’s contribution to our salvation.  The effect will be overwhelming and relentless.  We will no longer feel alone.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#12, Line 6, #45

It is natural to assume that, if Earth above Heaven forms the hexagram for Peace and Paradise, then the opposite configuration, with Heaven over Earth would represent the antithesis of Paradise, Hell.
Not so.
This hexagram is actually the Dark side of Peace, its unsavory byproduct, Stagnation.  In a time when most of our wants are provided, there is little need for the heroes, the artists, the great thinkers and innovators.  As they recede into the shadows, Idleness, Apathy, and Lassitude come to the forefront.  Peace has become boring, bland, unchallenging — Stagnant.
Now our attention turns to the quick fix, the instant celebrity, the fad, the one-nighter, the current buzz.
There is no room for depth.
If you are a passionate soul, you must wait for a better time to find kindred spirits.
In these times, they are only curious legends, bas-relief, dead poets.
The oppressive stagnation rots to the inevitable end that all such corruption must meet.  Its compost nourishes the seeds of great joy and fortune.
This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it.
Look for the Center of this convergence.  Like waters running to the sea, like an astronomical convergence of planets revolving around the sun, you should let the gravity of this Center draw you near.  Others are also drawn to this Center, and among them you will find shared bonds and kindred spirits.
This tribal convergence will give you a clarity of purpose.
You will no longer be alone.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 69

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “If man can awaken himself to the awareness that he is a man, then his destiny changes. ” – Yogi Bhajan

“If man can awaken himself to the awareness that he is a man, then his destiny changes. What you must know in your life is that you are positively a human being.” Yogi Bhajan


