Today: The influence you exert around you will come from your being – I Ching

The influence you exert around you will come from your being, with gentle persuasion, not from what you do.  Within your inner core of being you will find your way forward.
Be sure that your inner principals reflect the true teachings, and are not artifacts of a narcissistic personality. Constantly renew your relationship with the truth through teachers of the truth.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Pigs and fishes are the least intelligent of all animals and therefore the most difficult to influence. The force of inner truth must grow great indeed before its influence can extend to such creatures. In dealing with persons as intractable and as difficult to influence as a pig or a fish, the whole secret of success depends on finding the right way of approach. One must first rid oneself of all prejudice and, so to speak, let the psyche of the other person act on one without restraint. Then one will establish contact with him, understand and gain power over him. When a door has thus been opened, the force of one’s personality will influence him. If in this way one finds no obstacles insurmountable, one can undertake even the most dangerous things, such as crossing the great water, and succeed.
But it is important to understand on what the force inner truth depends. This force is not identical with simple intimacy or a secret bond. Close ties may exist also among thieves; it is true that such a bond acts as a force but, since it is not invincible, it does not bring good fortune. All association on the basis of common interests holds only up to a certain point. Where the community of interest ceases, the holding together ceases also, and the closest friendship often changes into hate. Only when the bond is based on what is right, on steadfastness, will it remain so firm that it triumphs over everything.
This describes the ruler who holds all elements together by the power of his personality. Only when the strength of his character is so ample that he can influence all who are subject to him, is he as he needs to be. The power of suggestion must emanate from the ruler. It will firmly knit together and unite all his adherents. Without this central force, all external unity is only deception and breaks down at the decisive moment.
IN THE TIME OF youth, folly is not an evil. One may succeed in spite of it, provided one finds an experienced teacher and has the right attitude toward him. This means, first of all, that the youth himself must be conscious of his lack of experience and must seek out the teacher. Without this modesty and this interest there is no guarantee that he has the necessary receptivity, which should express itself in respectful acceptance of the teacher. This is the reason why the teacher must wait to be sought out instead of offering himself. Only thus can the instruction take place at the right time and in the right way.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Since the mind is beyond the categories of time and space” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Since the mind is fast, and beyond the categories of time and space, it supports your actions with many more thoughts than you could ever act on. The result of this is that it is not you who think. Your mind thinks, not you. It floods you with thoughts, both wanted and unwanted, intended and unintended. Not all thoughts support the you which is you. You are awareness itself and not all these thoughts. You are actually carried through the soul.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand


Today: Use gentle persuasion – I Ching

Exert influence on external circumstances through small means of gentle persuasion.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The image of many clouds, promising moisture and blessing to the land, although as yet no rain falls. The situation is not unfavourable; there is a prospect of ultimate success, but there are still obstacles in the way, and we can merely take preparatory measures. Only through the small means of friendly persuasion can we exert any influence. The time has not yet come for sweeping measures. However, we may be able, to a limited extent, to act as a restraining and subduing influence. To carry out our purpose we need firm determination within and gentleness and adaptability in external relations.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Since we look at the world…using the mind” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Since we look at the world and even at the mind using the mind, it acts like a filter for all of our experience. If it is distorted or fractured in any way, it affects everything we do and it constrains what we can do.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand


Today: Meet a period of slender resources with simplicity – I Ching

Meet a period of slender resources with simplicity. Your fortune will ultimately reverse.  Just continue developing your inner strength and wait.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Decrease does not under all circumstances mean something bad. Increase and decrease come in their own time. What matters here is to understand the time and not to try to cover up poverty with empty pretence. If a time of scanty resources brings out an inner truth, one must not feel ashamed of simplicity. For simplicity is then the very thing needed to provide inner strength for further undertakings. Indeed, there need be no concern if the outward beauty of the civilisation, even the elaboration of religious forms, should have to suffer because of simplicity. One must draw on the strength of the inner attitude to compensate for what is lacking in externals; then the power of the content makes up for the simplicity of form. There is no need of presenting false appearances to God. Even with slender means, the sentiment of the heart can be expressed.
If someone is marked out by fate for good fortune, it comes without fail. All oracles – as for instance those that are read from the shells of tortoises – are bound to concur in giving him favourable signs. He need fear nothing, because his luck is ordained from on high.
The situation is not unfavourable; there is a prospect of ultimate success, but there are still obstacles in the way, and we can merely take preparatory measures. Only through the small means of friendly persuasion can we exert any influence. The time has not yet come for sweeping measures. However, we may be able, to a limited extent, to act as a restraining and subduing influence. To carry out our purpose we need firm determination within and gentleness and adaptability in external relations.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Most of us have not looked at our own mind” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Most of us have not looked at our own mind. We haven’t taken it on to study and to master. The reason is simple. We are very busy using the mind.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand


Today: Cultivate and store up your inner strength – I Ching

In a time of adversity, it is easy to lose heart and collapse within oneself.  Cultivate and store up your inner strength.  Project to your end goal.  Do not let setbacks dissuade you.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Times of adversity are the reverse of times of success, but they can lead to success if they befall the right man. When a strong man meets with adversity, he remains cheerful despite all danger, and this cheerfulness is the source of later successes; it is that stability which is stronger than fate. He who lets his spirit be broken by exhaustion certainly has no success. But if adversity only bends a man, it creates in him a power to react that is bound in time to manifest itself. No inferior man is capable of this. Only the great man brings about good fortune and remains blameless. It is true that for the time being outward influence is denied him, because his words have no effect. Therefore in times of adversity it is important to be strong within and sparing of words.
When adversity befalls a man, it is important above all things for him to be strong and to overcome the trouble inwardly. If he is weak, the trouble overwhelms him. Instead of proceeding on his way, he remains sitting under a bare tree and falls ever more deeply into gloom and melancholy. This makes the situation only more and more hopeless. Such an attitude comes from an inner delusion that he must by all means overcome.
Every relationship between individuals bears within it the danger that wrong turns may be taken, leading to endless misunderstandings and disagreements. Therefore it is necessary constantly to remain mindful of the end. If we permit ourselves to drift along, we come together and are parted again as the day may determine. If on the other hand a man fixes his mind on an end that endures, he will succeed in avoiding the reefs that confront the closer relationships of people.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: proceed with devotion and humility – I Ching

With all that needs to be done in this momentous time, proceed with devotion and humility (and family support).  Not attracting too much attention, your actions will be largely unopposed.   When goals ar met in this way, receiving credit is unimportant.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Action in conformity with the situation. The person in question is not in an independent position, but is acting as an assistant. This means that he must achieve something. It is not his task to try to lead – that would only make him lose the way – but to let himself be led. If he knows how to meet fate with an attitude of acceptance, he is sure to find the right guidance. The superior man lets himself be guided; he does not go ahead blindly, but learns from the situation what is demanded of him and then follows this intimation from fate.
If a man is free of vanity he is able to conceal his abilities and keep them from attracting attention too soon; thus he can mature undisturbed. If conditions demand it, he can also enter public life, but that too he does with restraint. The wise man gladly leaves fame to others. He does not seek to have credited to himself things that stand accomplished, but hopes to release active forces; that is, he completes his works in such a manner that they may bear fruit for the future.
In a time of darkness it is essential to be cautious and reserved. One should not needlessly awaken overwhelming enmity by inconsiderate behaviour. In such times one ought not to fall in with the practices of others; neither should one drag them censoriously into the light. In social intercourse one should not try to be all-knowing. One should let many things pass, without being duped.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “Success, happiness, and constant prosperity” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Success, happiness, and constant prosperity are the result of mastering the mind. The mind exists as a servant to your soul. When the mind is aligned with the soul, each thought that is stimulated from the intellect to eventually manifest into life is perceived and acted on with clarity and reality. You will be happy and fulfilled in your life.”
Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: “Using the mind to try and convince the mind” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Using the mind to try and convince the mind to be still is like stopping a hurricane by blowing at it. There is too much going on.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: Use the stability and influence of the family – I Ching

Use the stability and influence of the family to overcome challenges and obstacles.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Influence on others must proceed form one’s own person. In order to be capable of producing such an influence, one’s words must have power, and this they can have only if they are based on something real, just as flame depends on its fuel. Words have influence only when they are pertinent and clearly related to definite circumstances. General discourses and admonitions have no effect whatsoever. Furthermore, the words must be supported by one’s entire conduct, just as the wind is made effective by its duration. Only firm and consistent conduct will make such an impression on others that they can adapt and conform to it. If words and conduct are not in accord and not consistent, they will have no effect.
In the last analysis, order within the family depends on the character of the master of the house. If he cultivates his personality so that it works impressively through the force of inner truth, all goes well with the family. In a ruling position one must of his own accord assume responsibility.
Difficulties and obstructions throw a man back upon himself. While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seeks the error within himself, and through this introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “The Creator created the creature to realize the state of the stability” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The Creator created the creature to realize the state of the stability, the finite of the infinity.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: Be steady,  strong and constant – I Ching

Be steady,  strong and constant.  Always assess the trueness of your direction and make adjustments.  You can perfect the art of living, whereupon you can delve more deeply into your personal wellspring of awareness and completely trust your intuition.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Penetration produces gradual and inconspicuous effects. It should be effected not by an act of violation but by influence that never lapses. Results of this kind are less striking to the eye than those won by surprise attack, but they are more enduring and more complete. If one would produce such effects, one must have a clearly defined goal, for only when the penetrating influence works always in the same direction can the object be attained. 
The beginning has not been good, but the moment has been reached when a new direction can be taken. Change and improvement are called for. Such steps must be undertaken with steadfastness, that is, with a firm and correct attitude of mind; then they will succeed, and remorse will disappear. But it must be remembered that such improvements require careful consideration. Before a change is made, it must be pondered over again and again. After the change is made, it is necessary to note carefully for some time after how the improvements bear the test of actuality. Such careful work is accompanied by good fortune.
True quiet means keeping still when the time has come to keep still, and going forward when the time has come to go forward. In this way rest and movement are in agreement with the demands of the time, and thus there is light in life.
The hexagram signifies the end and the beginning of all movement. The back is named because in the back are located all the nerve fibres that mediate movement. If the movement of these spinal nerves is brought to a standstill, the ego, with its restlessness, disappears as it were. When a man has thus become calm, he may turn to the outside world. He no longer sees in it the struggle and tumult of individual beings, and therefore he has that true peace of mind which is needed for understanding the great laws of the universe and for acting in harmony with them. Whoever acts from these deep levels makes no mistakes.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “The highest charity is to die for truth” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The highest charity is to die for truth. Go we must, there is nothing wrong in going; as we have come, we must go.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: You have the capacity and means for spreading the light – I Ching

You have the capacity and means for spreading the light.  Use it wisely and with just application.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

All things come to the man who is modest and kind in a high position.
The time is favorable – a time of strength within, clarity and culture without. Power is expressing itself in a graceful and controlled way. This brings supreme success and wealth.
The sun in heaven above, shedding light over everything on earth, is the image of possession on a grand scale. But a possession of this sort must be administered properly. The sun brings both evil and good into the light of day. Man must combat and curb the evil, and must favor and promote the good. Only in this way does he fulfil the benevolent will of God, who desires only good and not evil.
Great possession consists not only in the quantity of goods at one’s disposal, but first and foremost, in their mobility and utility, for then they can be used in undertakings, and we remain free of embarrassment and mistakes. The big wagon, which will carry a heavy load and in which one can journey far, means that there are at hand able helpers who give their support and are equal to their task. One can load great responsibility upon such persons, and this is necessary in important undertakings.


Previous readings
Today: I Ching

Today: “What is a fear complex” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“What is a fear complex? When you feel limited. If you feel that you are a part of the universe and the universe is a part of you, what is there to fear?” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand

