Things to eat.
Normally, a milk and black pepper boiled is not a good human taste, but it is best thing for the pituitary.
There are certain things you have to start learning to drink very often. One is ginger, black pepper boiled in a milk, you ought to, you got to, you have to; that’ll be part of human diet for the rest of the two thousand years! Yes, it won’t change, otherwise you won’t survive. Your pituitary will refuse to act if the penial does not get what it wants. You need extra nerve energy, you need extra purification, you need to get rid of the allergies and there are only two things which can save you from this.
Garlic you eat lot of time but you shall be eating garlic as a full-fledged vegetable because the capacity of the time has gone so fast that you earthlings have to prepare yourselves to match to it. So three roots-garlic, ginger, and onion you have to have.
Those who are going to India, I am telling them ‘eat as many raw onions now, otherwise you will get Delhi belly, you will be just a liability, going to bathroom all the time, there is nothing I can do, water will change, mineral will change, bacteria will change, you will be gone. All in out, out-house but if you just start taking onions now, raw onions and you will be fine. I have to do it myself, you have to do it yourself. I used to think it won’t happen to me but I have become a American now, I went to Mexico this time I came back, it was same thing; I said, “Wow, got it.”
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