“Remember whenever you speak with anyone, you have only one line to speak. You must gear yourself mentally. Whatever you have to communicate in that one line, it must be helped by your creative sense, your sixth sense. You must know where you can penetrate the person or situation and then your creative sense must let you establish your relationship.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Now is the time to use all of your creativity and resources to accomplish everything on your agenda.” – From the I Ching
Now is the time to use all of your creativity and resources to accomplish everything on your agenda. A time of recognition and acclaim will follow. Do not be swept away by the popular demands. Do not be distracted by the challenges and obstacles offered by your fans and critics. Let them serve to strengthen your resolve.
See yesterday’s reading
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 41
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “When you communicate, the only friend you have is the art of creative dialogue.” – Yogi Bhajan
“When you communicate, the only friend you have is the art of creative dialogue. That is what establishes you as a man.”
Today: “Moving consistently toward your goal ensures your success” – From the I Ching
Moving consistently toward your goal ensures your success. Remaining flexible, adapt and patiently go around obstacles. Keep devoted to your character.
See yesterday’s reading
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 40
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “Those people who are humble, affectionate, serving, and who breathe the Divine Force into themselves…” – Yogi Bhajan
“Those people who are humble, affectionate, serving, and who breathe the Divine Force into themselves, make their mind to concentrate on one breath, and pray to the Universal Spirit by tuning in—not only does their own magnetic field/electric power get charged because of the life force, their circumvent force becomes so strong that it can keep away all the negative forces, and they can change the destiny of others.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Step back from engaging your current obstacles. Allow a new way to emerge. ” – From the I Ching
Step back from engaging your current obstacles. Allow a new way to emerge. Enlist help. Then keep a low profile.
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 39
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “All the prayers, all the mantras you chant, all the good words you speak…” – Yogi Bhajan
“All the prayers, all the mantras you chant, all the good words you speak, all the good thoughts you have—they build up only one thing around you and that is your circumvent force.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Keep your joy and kindness. Do not accept assistance from dangerous elements” – From the I Ching
Keep your joy and kindness. As others approach, do not accept assistance from dangerous elements that conflict with the purity of your intentions and compromise your goals. Still, allow others to be themselves without judgement and controlling oversight. You will be liberated.
See yesterday’s reading
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 38
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “If you feel you can’t believe anybody or anything, fine. Don’t. Instead believe in yourself.” – Yogi Bhajan
“If you feel you can’t believe anybody or anything, fine. Don’t. Instead believe in yourself. Wake up and go deeply in your self. Master the mind. Get to the essence and process of your own life. Stop playing games. If you find I am wrong in my statements, then try to be right and exalt, elevate, and take care of yourself.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Approach your relations with joyful enthusiasm and kindness.” – From the I Ching
Approach your relations with joyful enthusiasm and kindness. People will take up tasks and endure hardships willingly. It is a solid formula for success.
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 37
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “In meditation you begin to realize that there is a world of you” – Yogi Bhajan
“In meditation you begin to realize that there is a world of you. There is a world of your mind, and a world of you. In the world of you, in your basic elementary situation, in your identity, your mind is your servant not your master. That is why we do Kundalini Yoga. That is why we do sadhana.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Push has come to shove and you must move. You cannot stay where you are. ” – From the I Ching
Push has come to shove and you must move. You cannot stay where you are. In a time of uncertainty and insecurity do not look to anyone to bail you out. Rely on your own resources and strength.
See yesterday’s reading
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 36
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “If you choose to live in your excellence, then you must take responsibility for your self” – Yogi Bhajan
“If you choose to live in your excellence, then you must take responsibility for your self. You must recognize the capacity of your mind, acknowledge your self, and direct that relationship. We all want to live with excellence and experience love, happiness, and the ecstasy of life. How can we get there? You need a simple mind. You need the capacity for innocence before your own soul. You need the warmth of the heart and the clarity of the head. It is something you cannot buy in the market nor get by holding on to some belief. It only comes to you when your mind has become pure and most simple.” Yogi Bhajan
see yesterday’s quote
Today: “Now is the time to act and make a necessary contribution to the cause.” – From the I Ching
Now is the time to act and make a necessary contribution to the cause. If you don’t, and miss the opportunity, you will have to wait years for another.
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 35
Previous readings
Today: I Ching
Today: “Excellence, awareness, and caliber come to you when you make your mind play the game you and your soul want.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Excellence, awareness, and caliber come to you when you make your mind play the game you and your soul want.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: “Do what you can with what you have. ” – From the I Ching
Do what you can with what you have. Enlist helpers. Organize and decide what you can do and what others can do. Make the best use of your resources.
Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 34
Previous readings
Today: I Ching